
What are the implications of "Y'chi Reuven ve'Al Yamus"?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: 'May Reuven live in this world and not die in the world to come' 1 - that the episode with Bilhah will not be mentioned.


Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): 'The tribe of Reuven will live and never die out'.


Ramban #2: 'May the tribe of Reuven live in Yisrael and never be cut-off, always to be counted in the numbers of Yisrael.


Ramban #3 (citing 'Yesh Meforshim'): In connection with the conquest of Eretz Yisrael 2 when Reuven crossed the Yarden at the head of the troops. 3 - 'May Reuven be victorious 4 and not fall in battle'. 5


Seforno: 'May Reuven merit the world to come - even though they chose to live in Eiver ha'Yarden - and may they not die in this world and become few in number - in spite of the Pasuk 6 "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem ... al ha'Adamah".


Targum Onkelos: May Reuven live in the world to come and not die a second time (following reincarnation). 7


Yerushalmi (in Samnhedrin, 10a): It teaches us that Moshe Davened on behalf of the congregation of Korach (Dasan and Aviram).


Meaning that he will come to life at Techiyas ha'Meisim - See Torah Temimah, note 21.


The Ramban himself prefers the other explanations, which are closer to the B'rachos of Ya'akov Avinu in Parshas Vay'chi.


Together with Gad and half of Menasheh. Indeed, 'Yesh Meforshim' explain the B'rachah of Gad in the same manner.


Ramban: As in Bereishis, 27:40 "ve'Al Charb'cha Tichyeh."


Refer to 33:6:4:5.


See Peirush Yonasan. This is also how the Ramban explains the Pasuk in his fourth explanation according to Kabalah.


Why did Moshe offer all these Tefilos on behalf of Reuven?


Ramban: So that his sin and the tremendous anger of his father Ya'akov 1 when he desecrated his father's bed should not cause his name to be cut-off from Yisrael. 2


Ramban: Similar to what the Torah wrote in Vayishlach - Refer to 33:6:4:1**. In fact, Moshe's Tefilah succeeded in atoning for Reuven's sin, and prevented him from being cut-off from his brothers.


Why did Moshe begin the B'rachos with Reuven and not with Yehudah?


Ramban: Because he blessed them according to the order in which they would inherit Eretz Yisrael, and Reuven was the first to receive their portion, 1 followed by Yehudah, who were the first to receive their portion west of the Yarden.


In Eiver ha'Yarden.


What is the meaning of "Viy'hi M'sav Mispar"?


Rashi: It means that his children 1 will be counted together with those of his brothers. 2


Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra), Da'as Zekenim #1 and Riva (citing Avi ha'Ezri): Joined to the word "Al" 3 (that precedes "Yamos"), the Pasuk means that they will not become few 4 in number. 5


Ramban #2: It means that all his men will be counted in the number 6 and that not even a small section of the tribe will be cut-off.


Ramban #3: It means that his men will be the number of Yisrael - that they will be counted first 7 like the law of a B'chor.


Ramban (citing 'Yesh Meforshim'), Da'as Zekenim #2, Hadar Zekenim: 'They should return to their homes in full numbers (without losing a man in the war).


Seforno: 'Even though Reuven chose to live in a Tamei location - in Eiver ha'Yarden which is not as conducive to long life, 8 they will nevertheless live long and not become few 9 in number' 10 (due to wars).


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'And his children will receive an inheritance among the numbers of the tribes'. 11


Oznayim la'Torah (citing the G'ra): Moshe's Tefilah for Reuven consisted of three parts: 1 ... that when they went to war at the head of the troops they should not die - "Y'chi Reuven!"; 2 ... that they should not die during the seven years that they disteibuted the land - "ve'Al Yamos"!"; 3 ... 'that their wives and children who whom they left in Eiver ha'Yarden should not die. 12


The word "M'sav" actually means 'his men' (or 'few' - Refer to 33:6:4:2*).


Rashi: Similar to what the Torah wrote in Bereishis, 35:22 - 'Vayishkav es Bilhah


Why did Moshe not bless the tribe of Shimon?


Rashi: Due to the sin of Ba'al Pe'or, of which the tribe of Shimon were the major perpetrators. 1


Ramban #2: The Torah always lists twelve tribes 2 - sometimes Efrayim and Menasheh are counted as two tribes, in which case Levi is not counted, and sometimes Levi is counted and Efrayim and Menasheh are counted as one tribe 3 - Yosef. When all three are listed, then the Torah will omit one of the other tribes. In the current case, Moshe found it necessary to list Efrayim and Menasheh- despite the fact that Ya'akov blessed Yosef as one tribe, 4 and Levi, from whom B'rachah spreads to the whole of Yisrael. And he chose to omit Shimon, a. because it was a small tribe and b. because they were not blessed by Ya'akov, who scattered them among the other tribes, whose blessings they are destined to share. 5


Riva (in Pasuk 8, citing R"M of Kutzi): Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Ya'akov did not bless Shimon and Levi due to the sale of Yosef. 6 Shimon compounded his sin by the episode of Ba'al Pe'or, whereas Levi atoned for that sin 7 after the Chet ha'Eigel, when the entire tribe gathered following Moshe's call. 8


The commeentaries explain that although Moshe did not bless Shimon directly, he did hint at a B'rachah on his behalf. Refer to 33:7:3:3,


Rashi (in Bamidbar, 36:18): As is evident from their drop in numbers from the counting in Parshas Bamidbar. See Ramban who points out that although the main perpetrator, Zimri, was from the tribe of Shimon, he was merely a minor prince - of one of the five clans of Shimon, and there is no proof that the rest of the tribe were any more guilty than the other tribes. See Ramban's many objections to the above proof DH 'Y'chi Reuven' and 've'Al Tashiv'.


Ramban: As the Torah stresses in Bereishis, 49:28 - and this corresponds to the twelve Mazalos, the twelve months and the twelve 'Gevulei Aleksunin' - See R. Chavel's footnotes.


See the many examples cited by the Ramban.


See Ramban.


Refer to 33:7:3:2*.


As the Torah writes in Bereishis 49:6:151:1 "u'vi'Retzonam Ikru Shor; Arur Apam". Refer to Bereishis 49:6:151:1 and note.


Moshe also blessed Reuven, even though Ya'akov did not bless him. Refer to Sh'mos 32:29:151:1**.


As the Torah writes in Ki Sissa Sh'mos, 32:29 "Velaseis aleichem B'rachah". Riva and Moshav Zekenim (both in Pasuk 8 citing the Sifri and Hadar Zekenim in Pasuk 24): This can be compared to two people who borrowed from the king (the episode in Shechem). One returned the loan (Levi answered Moshe's call), and later lent to the king (Pinchas' act)! The other borrowed from the king a second time (the episode with Zimri).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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