SHITIN AND MESUYAFOS (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1b)
úðé ðëðñ ìòéø ùøåáä [ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] òëå"í ñô÷ øåá îùîøéï ñô÷ àéï äøåá îùîøéï ã"ä çééáéï áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé
Baraisa: If a person entered a mostly gentile inhabited city, if it doubtful if the fruits there are mostly Hefker, all agree that they are obligated, whether they are Demai or definite.
ðëðñ ìòéø ùøåáä éùøàì ñô÷ øåá îùîøéï ñô÷ àéï äøåá îùîøéï ã"ä ôèåøéï áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé
If he entered a mostly Jew inhabited city, if it is doubtful if the fruits are mostly Hefker, all agree that they are exempt, whether they are Demai or definite.
ñô÷ øåá òëå"í ñô÷ øåá éùøàì ñô÷ øåá îùîøéï ñô÷ àéï äøåá îùîøéï îçìå÷ú ø"é åø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù
If it is doubtful if it is mostly inhabited by gentiles and doubtful if the fruits there are mostly Hefker, there is a dispute between R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish.
àéìå äï äùéúéï ø"ù áøéä ãøáé àáà àîø àéìå ùäï éåöàåú îúçú äòìéï
Question: What are Shitin (listed in the Mishnah)? R. Shimon son of R. Aba said - figs that (are larger than and therefore) grow out from underneath their leaves.
äáëåøåú åäîñééôåú äøé àìå ôèåøåú
The first fruits and the Mesuyafos are exempt.
åàéìå äï äáëåøåú òã ùìà äåùéá ùåîø òìéäï
First fruits refer to those that sprouted before a guard had even been appointed.
åáùåîø äãáø úìåé
Question: Should it depend on the guard?
àîø øáé éåñé ëùàéï áäï ëãé èéôåì ùåîø
Answer (R. Yosi): It means that they are few in number and insignificant, so it is not worthwhile appointing for them a guard (and they are Hefker and exempt).
åàéìå äï äîñåééôåú îùé÷ôìå äî÷öåòåú
Mesuyafos refers to figs that ripened so late that the fig cutting blades have already been removed.
ø' ìòéé àîø îùåí øáé àìéòæø äáëåøåú äøé àìå çééáåú îôðé ùäï áçæ÷ú îùúîøåú
(R. La'eyi citing R. Eliezer): First fruits are obligated because they are assumed to be guarded.
ø' éåñé áï çìôúà àîø äùéúéï ùáöéôåøéï äøé àìå çééáåú îôðé ùäï áçæ÷ú îùúîøåú
(R. Yosi ben Chalafta): The Shitin in Tziporin are obligated, because they are assumed to be guarded.
[ãó â òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ðñúééôå äúàéðé' åäåà îùîø ùãäå îôðé òðáéí òðáéí åäåà îùîø ùãäå îôðé äéø÷
Question: If the figs reached the stage of Mesuyafos but he guarded his field because of his grapes there; or if his grapes ripened late, but he guarded his field because of his vegetables, are they Hefker?
àí ðëðñ äåà äôåòì åáòä"á î÷ôéã òìéå àñåøåú îùåí âæì
Answer: If the worker enters to take from the Mesuyafos and the owner objects, taking them is the prohibition of theft.
òåìà á"ø éùîòàì áùí øáé éåçðï øáé åøáé éåñé á"ø éäåãà ðëðñå ìåëì áîñåééôåú åöååç áäï äùåîø åîùê ø"é áø"é àú éãéå îäï àîø ìå øáé àëåì ùëáø ðúééàùå äáòìéí îäï
(Ulla b'R. Yishmael citing R. Yochanan): Rebbi and R. Yosi b'R. Yehuda entered to eat from the Mesuyafos and the guard shouted at them. R. Yosi b'R. Yehuda withdrew his hands from them. Rebbi said, "Eat - the owner has already given up on them."
øáé éåçðï áòé öååç åàú àîø äëéï
Question (R. Yochanan): The guard shouted and you say this?!
àîø øáé éåðä éàåú äåà î÷ùé åäà îúðéúà [ãó á òîåã à] ôìéâà äñéàä åäàéæåá åä÷åøðéú ùáçöø àí äéå ðùîøéï çééáé' àí áâéðä àôé' ðùîøéï ôèåøé'
(R. Yona): Is this a good question? Doesn't the Mishnah (in Maseches Maaseros 3:9) contradict this? - Si'ah (savory), Ezov (hyssop) and Koranis (thyme) in a yard - if they are guarded, they are obligated; if in a vegetable garden, even if they are guarded, they are exempt.
úîï éëåì äåà ìåîø ìå äøé ëì äòåìí ëåìå ìôðéê áøí äëà ëìëìä àçú äéà åàðé îùîøä ìáòì îìàëúé
Answer (R. Yochanan): There, in the garden, he could tell the guard that whatever is growing there grows by itself and is not yours; but here (when the guard shouted about eating the Mesuyafos), he could say, "it is one basket and I am guarding it for the owner" - showing that the owner did not give up on it as he was relying on the guard.