LENIENT SPECIES FOR DEMAI (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)
[ãó à òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ä÷ìéï ùáãîàé äùéúéï åäøéîéï åäòåæøãéï åáðåú ùåç åáðåú ù÷îä åðåáìåú äúîøä åäâåôðéï åäðöô' åáéäåãà äàåâ åçåîõ åäëåñá'
(Mishnah): There were fruits about which the Chachamim were lenient and did not require separating Maaseros - Shitin (wild figs), Rimin (jujube fruit), sorb apples, wild white figs, young Sycamore figs, unripe dates, Gufnan (late grapes) and caper berries. In the region of Yehuda, they were also lenient about sumac (a type of cashew), vinegar and Kusbara (coriander).
ø' éäåã' àåî' ëì äùéúéï ôèåøå' çåõ îùì ãéåôøà åëì äøéîéï ôèåøéï çåõ îøéîé ùé÷îä åëì áðåú ùé÷îä ôèåøåú çåõ îï äîåñèôåú:
(R. Yehuda): All wild figs are exempt, except for Diufra (that grows twice a year); all Rimin are exempt, except for Rimin of Shikmonah; all young Sycamore figs are exempt, except for Mustafos.
[ãó à òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] âîøà àîø øáé éåçðï ìôé ùøåá îéðéï äììå àéï áàéï àìà îï ääô÷ø ìôéëê îðå àåúï çëîéí
(Gemara) (R. Yochanan): The Chachamim gave this list since most of these species come from Hefker.
ø"ù áï ì÷éù àåîø ìà ùðå àìà ãîàé àáì åãàé çééáéï
(R. Shimon ben Lakish): The Chachamim only taught Demai, but definite (untithed produce) is obligated.
øáé éåçðï àîø ìà ùðééà áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé ôèåøéï
(R. Yochanan): Whether Demai or definite, they are exempt.
å÷ùéà òì øáé éåçðï ìà ùðå àìà ãîàé àáì åãàé çééáéï
Question (against R. Yochanan): But the Mishnah itself implies only Demai and not definite (when it is said 'the fruits for which the Chachamim were lenient', because they are Demai and not definite)...?
àîø øáé ìà ìôé ùáëì î÷åí åî÷åí ìà çùéá àìà ãîàé åäëà ìà àúéðï àìà åãàé
Answer (R. Ila): The 'lenient' cases of the Mishnah also include definite cases. Demai is mentioned because it is the subject of the entire Masechta.
îúðéúà îñééò ìø"é îëæéá åìäìï ôèåø îï äãîàé åùðééà äéà îëæéá ìäìï áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé àåó äëà ìà ùðééà áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé
A later Mishnah (Halacha 3 - Zevachim 81-2) supports R. Yochanan - 'From Kaziv (at the northern edge of Eretz Yisrael) and beyond is exempt from Demai'. Since Kaziv and beyond is not part of Eretz Yisrael, even definite (non-tithed produce) is also exempt from tithing; and the same is true of our Mishnah (that it also applies to definite).
îúðéúà ôìéâà òì øéù ì÷éù àí äéå ðùîøéí çééáéï òé÷øï ìà îï ääô÷ø äï áàéï
Question (Tosefta Demai): (Against Reish Lakish) If these species (listed in our Mishnah, that are usually ownerless) were guarded (by the Am HaAretz owner) they are obligated (in Maaseros. This is assumed to mean that as long as the Am HaAretz owner guarded them, even if the rest of the world discards them, they are obligated). But since most of these fruits come from Hefker, the Am HaAretz will not refrain from tithing them, so why are they now obligated?
[ãó á òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ôúø ìä àçø øåá ðùîøéí àúà çîé àí äøåá îùîøéï ã"ä çééáéï áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé àí àéï äøåá îùîøéí ã"ä ôèåøéï áéï ãîàé áéï åãàé
Answer: The Tosefta means that if most people of that area guard it, the Am HaAretz will refrain from tithing and the buyer is therefore obligated, whether it is Demai or definite. If most people do not guard it, all agree that it is exempt, whether it is Demai or definite.
îçöä òì îçöä ìéú éëéì ãúðéðï îçöä òì îçöä ãîàé
Question: And if you say that perhaps the dispute (between R. Yochanan and Raish Lakish) is when exactly half the people guard it; it was already taught (in a Mishnah in Maseches Machshirin) that half and half is Demai...?
àîø øáé æéøà ìà ñåó ãáø ä÷ìéï ùáãîàé àìà (àôéìå) ãîàé òöîå
Answer (R. Zeira): The phrase 'half and half' is not speaking about the 'lenient' ones; it refers to regular 'important' produce (that is obligated in Terumos and Maaseros - therefore 'half and half' is obligated. Our Mishnah is discussing inferior fruit that can be assumed to be from Hefker, where it could be that R. Yochanan exempted even definite Tevel. Reish Lakish is lenient if they are Demai.)