
WHEN TWO SE'AH WAS FORGOTTEN (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 5 Daf 30a)

îùðä äòåîø ùéù áå ñàúéí åùëçå àéðå ùëçä ùðé òåîøé' åáäï ñàúéí øáï âîìéàì àåîø ìáòä"á åçëîéí àåîøéí ìòðééí


(Mishnah): If a sheaf of two Se'ah was forgotten, it is not Shichechah; if two sheaves, that together are two Se'ah, were forgotten - Rabban Gamliel says that they belong to the owner; Chachamim say that they belong to the poor.

àîø ø"â åëé îøåá äòåîøéí éåôé ëåçå ùì áò"ä àå äåøò ëçå ùì áò"ä


(Rabban Gamliel): Is the right of the owner strengthened or weakened with a greater number of sheaves?

à"ì éåôé ëçå


(Chachamim): It is strengthened.

àîø ìäí îä àí áæîï ùäåà òåîø à' åáå ñàúééí àéðå ùëçä ùðé òåîøéí åáäï ñàúééí àéðå ãéï ùìà éäà ùëçä


(Rabban Gamliel): If when there is one sheaf of two Se'ah, it is not Shichechah; then two sheaves that are together two Se'ah should certainly not be Shichechah.

àîøå ìå àí àîøå áòåîø à' ùäåà ëâãéù úàîø áùðé òåîøéí ùäï ëëøéëåú.


(Chachamim): Just because you disagree about one sheaf that is (large enough to be considered) a stack; would you disagree about two sheaves that are like small bundles?

÷îä ùéù áä ñàúéí åùëçä àéðä ùëçä àéï áä ñàúéí àáì äéà øàåéä ìòùåú ñàúéí àôé' äéà ùì èåôç øåàéï àåúä ëàìå äéà òðáä ùì ùòåøéï:


If standing corn that was two Se'ah was forgotten, it is not Shichechah. If it was not two Se'ah but it could yield two Se'ah (if left longer to grow), even if its stalks are thin, we view it as if it is a yield of barley.

âîøà à"ø àìòæø ëúéá (ãáøéí ëã) ëé ú÷öåø ÷öéøê áùãê åùëçú òåîø áùãä òåîø ùàúä éëåì ìôùåè éãê åìéèìå


(Gemara) (R. Elazar): The pasuk states (Devarim 24:19), "When you shall reap your harvest in the field and you shall forget a sheaf in the field" - a sheaf that you are able to reach out and take with your hand. (This excludes a sheaf of two Se'ah, since it cannot be taken in this way.)

àéú úðéé úðé åùëçú òåîø åìà âãéù


Some say - 'and you shall forget a sheaf' - but not a stack (which is an appropriate description of a two Se'ah sheaf).

äéàê òáéãà ùëç òåîø à' áöéãå [ãó ðä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéï úòáãéðà òåîø ã"ä ùëçä åàéï úòáãéðà âãéù îçìå÷ú á"ù åá"ä


Where is there a difference between these two understandings? If he forgot a sheaf next to a two Se'ah sheaf - for R. Elazar's reason, it is certainly Shichechah; for the second reason (that a large sheaf is actually a stack), it is a dispute between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel (earlier in Mishnah 2 - Zevachim 57(a)).

ùëç ùðé òåîøéí áöéãå àéï úòáãéðà òåîø îçìå÷ú á"ù åá"ä àéï úòáãéðà âãéù àéðå ðéãåï ëùåøä:


Difference #2: If he forgot two one Se'ah-sized sheaves next to the two Se'ah sheaf - if it is viewed as a sheaf, it is a dispute between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel (as above). If it is a stack, it does not create a row, so they are all Shichechah.

à"ø éåðä (ãáøéí ëá) ëé ú÷öåø ÷öéøê áùãä åùëçú òåîø áùãä òåîø ùéù áå ñàúéí åùëçå àéðå ùëçä ÷îä ùéù áä ñàúéí åùëçä àéðä ùëçä


(R. Yona): The pasuk states (Devarim 24:19), "When you shall reap your harvest in the field and you shall forget a sheaf in the field" - if a sheaf or standing crops are two Se'ah, they cannot become Shichechah.

à"ø éåñé åáìáã ùéáìéï äéå ã÷åú øåàéï àåúï ëàìå äï àøåëåú ùãåôåú øåàéï àåúï ëàìå äï îìéàåú:


(R. Yosi): (When the Mishnah said that if it could yield two Se'ah, it is not Shichechah) - this applies when the stalks are thin but healthy, but if they are thin and scrawny, they are viewed as fully grown.