ONE SAVING ANOTHER (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 6 Daf 30b)
îùðä ÷îä îöìú àú äòåîø åàú ä÷îä åäòåîø àéðå îöéì ìà àú äòåîø åìà àú ä÷îä
(Mishnah): Standing corn can save a sheaf and other standing corn; a sheaf cannot save another sheaf nor standing corn.
àéæä äéà ÷îä ùäéà îöìú àú äòåîø ëì ùàéðä ùëçä àôé' ÷ìç àçã
When does standing corn save a sheaf? If it was not forgotten, even if it is one stalk.
[ãó ðå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ñàä úáåàä ò÷åøä åñàä ùàéðä ò÷åøä åëï áàéìï äùåí åäáöìéí àéðï îöèøôéï
A Se'ah of plucked corn and a Se'ah of unplucked corn; and the same applies to fruit trees, garlic and onions - cannot combine (to count them as two Se'ah).
øáé éåñé àåîø àí áàú øùåú äòðé áàîöò àéï îöèøôéï åàí ìàå äøé àìå îöèøôéï:
(R. Yosi): If anything of the poor man intervenes, they do not combine; otherwise, they do combine.
âîøà àîø øáé ëúéá ëé ú÷öåø ÷öéøê áùãä åùëçú òåîø áùãä òåîø ùñáéáåúéå ÷öéø ìà òåîø ùñáéáåúéå ÷îä åìîä òåîø ùñáéáåúéå òåîøéï åìà òåîø ùñáéáåúéå ÷îä òåîø ùñáéáåúéå òåîøé' îä ùúçúéå ùãä òåîø ùñáéáåúéå ÷îä îä ùúçúéå ÷ùéï:
(Gemara) (Rebbi): (Why does standing corn save sheaves?) The pasuk states (Devarim 24:19), "When you shall reap your harvest in the field and you shall forget a sheaf in the field" - it is only a sheaf that has cut stalks around it but not standing grain around it that can become Shichechah. Why is this? Only when it's all cut is it called a field, but if some grain is still standing, what is underneath it is just called straw, so it is all considered like standing crop and it can save.
úðà ÷îú çáéøå îöìú òì ùìå ùì âåé îöìú àú ùì éùøàì ùì çèéï îöìú àú ùì ùòåøéï ãáøé øáé
(Baraisa) (Rebbi): Another person's standing crops can save his crops; a gentile's crops can save a Jew's crops; wheat can save barley.
åçë"à àéðä îöìú àìà ùìå åàéðä îöìú àìà îîéðä
(Chachamim): Only a person's own crops save and it can only save its own type.
úðé øùá"â ëùí ùä÷îä îöìú àú äòåîø ëê äòåîø îöéì àú ä÷îä åãéï äåà åîä àí ä÷îä ùéôä áä ëç äòðé åùëçä äøé îöìú òåîø ùäåøò áå ëç äòðé àéðå ãéï ùéöéì
(Baraisa) (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): Just as standing crops save sheaves, so sheaves save standing crops. It is a Kal Vechomer deduction - if standing crops, that the poor have significant claim on (as the three gifts of Leket, Shichechah and Peah are taken from them), and if he forgot them, other standing crops that he did not forget save them; then sheaves, that the poor do not have such a claim on (as only Shichechah is given from it), should certainly save the standing crops!
[ãó ðå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ìå øáé îä (àí) [ì]÷îä (ùéôä ëç äòðé áä åùëçä äøé) îöìú [àú ä]òåîø ùäåøò ëç äòðé (áå)[áä] (åùëçå àéðå ãéï ùéöéì)[éöéì òåîø àú ä÷îä ùéôä ëç äòðé áä]
(Rebbi to Rabban Shimon): (Rejecting this Kal Vechomer) Just because standing crops save the sheaves because the poor do not have significant claim on them, should sheaves be able to save standing crops that the poor do have significant claim on?
îãáøé ùðéäí ðìîã îöéìéï òåîø îòåîø åàéï îöéìéï ÷îä î÷îä:
From both opinions we learn that sheaves can save sheaves but standing crops cannot save standing crops.
äàí àí ùëç ùëçä
Question: (The Mishnah taught - 'When does standing corn save a sheaf? If it was not forgotten, even if it is one stalk.') This means that if it was forgotten, even if the sheaf was saved, it can return to being Shichechah. (This same question was raised earlier (Perek 5 Halacha 2 - Zevachim 49(a)) and answered from a Baraisa. Surely our Mishnah also answers the question?)
úéôúø áùùëç àúä ÷îä úçéìä:
Answer: This wording of our Mishnah excludes when he first forgot the standing crops and then the sheaf - in that case, the sheaf is not saved.
äàí àí äéå ùúéäï ò÷åøåú ìáòì äáéú îúðé' ëø"â
(The Mishnah taught that a Se'ah of plucked corn and a Se'ah of unplucked corn...cannot save). This implies that if they were each a Se'ah and both were plucked, they would (combine and) belong to the owner. The Mishnah follows Rabban Gamliel (above Zevachim 60(d)) that two sheaves that combine to be two Se'ah are not Shichechah. (Rabbanan there say that the two Se'ah must be in one sheaf for it not to be Shichechah.)
[ãó ìà òîåã à] åúöéì ò÷åøä ùàéðä ò÷åøä äãà àîøä ãáø ùäåà øàåé ìäöéì åùëçä ùëçä
Proof: Even if they do not combine, the unplucked corn is a standing crop, so why can't it save the sheaves? This shows that if something that could have saved was forgotten, it is Shichechah.
[ãó ðæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø éåðä úéôúø á÷åöø ùåøä åîòîø åëáø ùëç àú ä÷îä òã ùìà ùëç àú äòåîø
Rebuttal (R. Yona): (The Mishnah is discussing when) he harvested a row and forgot some standing crops and then gathered and forgot some sheaves - so he had already forgotten some standing crops before he had begun forgetting the sheaves.
îä òã ùúáà îîù àå àôé' ðøàéú ìäáéà
Question: (R. Yosi said in the Mishnah that if anything of the poor man intervenes, they do not combine.) Does it mean that there is actually something that intervenes (such as Leket of the poor man) or even if something could potentially intervene because the sheaves are not touching each other...?
ðùîòéðà îï äãà ëâåï úáåàä åëøí åëøí ìà òì àúø äåà äãà àîøä àôé' ðøàéú ìäáéà:
Answer (Baraisa): (An example of R' Yosi's law is) if there is grain planted next to a vineyard (and when he harvests the vineyard, Peret falls next to the grain.) Grains and grapes are not harvested at the same time (of year), but it is still the Baraisa's example of R. Yosi's law - this shows that it applies even if it could only potentially intervene.