TWO MURDERED CORPSES (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 3 Daf 30a)
øá ëã ðçéú ìúîï àîø àðà äåà áï òæàé ãäëà àúà çã ñá ùàì ìéä [ãó ðã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ùðé äøåâéí æä òì âá æä ñáø øá ùäï òåøôéï à"ì àéï òåøôéï à"ì ìîä àîø ìéä äúçúåï îùåí èîåï åäòìéåï îùåí öó
When Rav came to Bavel, he said, "I am like Ben Azzai in Eretz Yisrael (and I can answer any questions posed to me)". One elder came and asked him - what if there are two murdered corpses one on top of another? Rav said that they are both given the laws of Eglah Arufah (where a calf is brought by the elders of the closest city and it has its next broken). The elder contended that neither are given these laws. He explained to Rav that the lower corpse is not given these laws because it is hidden; the upper corpse is because it is 'floating'. (Both of these cases are exempted from these laws in Maseches Sotah, Perek Eglah Arufah.)
ëã ñì÷ ìäëà àúà ìâáé ø' à"ì éàåú à"ì ëé éîöà åìà éîöàå
When Rav came to Eretz Yisrael, he came to Rebbi, who told him that the elder had spoken correctly, but for another reason, as the pasuk states, (Devarim 21:1), "If (a slain person) will be found" but not 'they will be found' - the laws apply only if one corpse was found.
ø' éäåãä áøáé àîø äéä ùí àîú äîéí òì ëì ôðé äùãä àí òå÷ø àú äîçøéùä îöã æä åðåúðä áöã æä àéðå ðéãåï ëùåøä åàí ìàå ðéãåï ëùåøä
(R. Yehuda b'Rebbi): If there were rows of sheaves on either side of a stream, do they combine? If in order to plow on either side of the stream, the plow must be lifted over it, it is not viewed as one row.
÷öø çöé ùåøä åáà ìîçø [àéðå] ðéãåï ëùåøä éùá ìàëåì éùá ìéùï ÷øà ìå çáéøå
If he harvested half a row and came the next day, it is not viewed as one row. If he sat down to eat or to sleep or his friend called him (is it viewed as the same row)? (This question remains unanswered.)
òåîø ùðåèìå ìäåìéëå ìòéø åðúðå òì âáé çáéøå åùëç àú ùðéäï äúçúåï ùëçä åäòìéåï àéðå ùëçä
If he picked up a sheaf to take it to the city and he put it on top of another sheaf and forgot both of them, the lower one is Shichechah and the upper one is not Shichechah.
øù"à ùðéäí àéðå ùëçä äúçúåï îôðé ùäéà îëåñä åòìéåï îôðé ùæëä áå
(R. Shimon): Neither are Shichechah - the lower because it is covered and the upper because he already acquired it.
ø"æ àåîø áæåëø àú äòìéåï
(R. Zeira explains): Since he remembered the top one, the bottom one is not Shichechah.
[ãó ðã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àúéà ãø"æ ëø' éåðä ãø' éåðä àîø áæåëø àú ä÷ùéï ëï ø"æ àåî' áæåëø àú äòìéåï
R. Zeira is like R. Yona (earlier in Perek 5 Halacha 6 - zevachim 54-1(k)) - the Mishnah there taught that if the poor covered the sheaves with straw, they are not Shichechah.) R. Yona said that it refers to when he remembered the straw and forgot the sheaf.
ùãä ùòåîøé' îòåøááé' åùëç àçã îäï àéðå ùëçä òã ùéèåì ëì ñáéáåúéå:
If the sheaves are not laid out in rows and he forgot one of them, it is not Shichechah until he took all of the sheaves around it and left that one.
îùðä ùðé òåîøéí ùëçä ùìùä àéðå ùëçä
(Mishnah): Two sheaves are Shichechah; three sheaves are not Shichechah.
ùðé öéáåøé æéúéí åçøåáéí ùëçä åùìùä àéðå ùëçä
Two bundles of olives or carobs are Shichechah; three are not Shichechah.
ùðé äåöðé ôùúï ùëçä åùìùä àéðå ùëçä
Two flax stalks are Shichechah; three are not Shichechah.
ùðé âøâøåú ôøè åùìùä àéðï ôøè
Two berries are Peret (gleanings of grapes for the poor); three are not Peret.
ùðé ùáìéï ì÷è åùìùä àéðï ì÷è ëãáøé á"ä
Two ears of corn are Leket; three are not Leket. These rulings follow Beis Hillel.
åòì ëåìï á"ù àåîøéí ùìùä ìòðééí åàøáò ìáò"ä:
But concerning all of them, Beis Shammai say that three belong to the poor; four belong to the owner.
âîøà øáé áåï á"ø çééà áùí øáé éåçðï òùàï ëîéï âí
(Gemara) Question (R. Bun b'R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): When the Mishnah taught that three sheaves are not Shichechah, is that only when they are in a straight line or even if they are in an 'L' shape? (This question remains unanswered.)
ìà àîø àìà öéáåøéï äà æéúéí ìà îä áéï äöéáåøéï åîä áéï äæéúéí öéáåøéï
Question: (The Mishnah taught that three bundles of olives are not Shichechah.) What is the difference whether or not they are bundles?
âîø îìàëä åæéúéí àéðï âîø îìàëä
Answer: For Shichechah to apply, the work must have been completed on the produce; and unless olives are bundled, their work is not complete.
à"ø äåùòéà øåîñ äééúé æéúéí òí øáé çééà äâãåì åàîø ìé ëì æéú ùàú éëåì ìôùåè éãê åìéèìå àéðå ùëçä
(R. Hoshiya): I was once harvesting olives with R. Chiya the Great and he told me that any olive that you can reach out and take is not Shichechah (even if he has already passed it by).
à"ø éåçðï îëéåï ùòáø òìéå åùëçå äøé äåà ùëçä
(R. Yochanan): No - once he has passed it by and forgotten it, it is Shichechah.
ø"à áùí øáé çééà øáä çöé àùëåì ôøè
(R. Eliezer citing R. Chiya the Great): Even half a cluster is Peret.
úðé øáé çééà çöé àùëåì àå àùëåì ùìí ôøè
Baraisa (R. Chiya): A full cluster or half a cluster is Peret.
åäúðé ùðé âøâøéí ôøè
Question: But the Mishnah taught two berries?
ø' àîé á÷åöø åîðéç úçú äâôï äéå òùåééï ëîéï ñéðôéï
Answer (R. Ami): The Mishnah refers to picking berries and placing small amounts under the vine; the Baraisa refers picking clusters (or parts of clusters). (Note: There are several explanations of this answer given in the Meforshim. This entry follows Rav Chaim Kanievski's understanding.)
îðçí áùí ø' éåðúï åäåà ùéäà çåúëï áùåä
(Menachem citing R. Yonasan): (When the Mishnah taught that three are not Peret/Leket, that applies) when he cut all three at the same time.
[ãó ðä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø àáåï èòîééäå ãá"ù (ãáøéí ëã) ìâø ìéúåí åìàìîðä éäéä
(R. Avun): Beis Shammai's source that three are Shichechah and four are not Shichechah is the pasuk (Devarim 24:19), "...they shall be for the stranger, the orphan and the widow" - alluding to leaving three for these three needy people.
èòîééäå ãá"ä (åé÷øà éè) ìòðé åìâø úòæåá àåúí
Beis Hillel's source that only two are Shichechah but three are not, is the pasuk (Vayikra 19:10), "you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger" (- only two are mentioned here).
à"ø îðà ùðéäí î÷øà àçã ãøùå ìâø ìéúåí åìàìîðä éäéä á"ù àåîøéí ìòðééí åá"ä àåîøéí ìáò"ä:
(R. Mana disagrees): They both expounded the same pasuk - (Devarim 24:19), "...they shall be for the stranger, the orphan and the widow" - Beis Shammai say that it is alluding to leaving three for these three needy people. Beis Hillel say that 'they shall be' means that this quantity (three) shall remain the property of the landowner.