
TOSFOS DH Kodshei Kodoshim she'Shachtan b'Rosh ha'Mizbe'ach

úåñôåú ã"ä îúðé' ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áøàù äîæáç

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it says she'Shachtan, which connotes b'Di'eved.)

îãàåøééúà ùåçè ìëúçìä ëããøùéðï îåæáçú òìéå


Implied question: Mid'Oraisa, one may slaughter l'Chatchilah [on top of the Mizbe'ach], like we expound from "v'Zavachta Alav"!

åùîà äà ãð÷è ãéòáã îãøáðï ùìà úøáéõ âììéí


Answer: Perhaps it uses an expression b'Di'eved mid'Rabanan, lest [the Korban] excrete [on the Mizbe'ach].


TOSFOS DH Kulo li'Shelamim

úåñôåú ã"ä ëåìå ìùìîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot infer from here to be Machshir Shelamim in the north.)

åàò''â ã÷ñáø ìéä ëåìå îæáç áöôåï ÷àé åëùøä ìùìîéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) àôéìå äëé àéöèøéê ìï ìòéì ÷øà ìäëùéø öôåï ìùìîéí


Implied question: He holds that the entire Mizbe'ach is in the north, and it is Kosher for [Shechitas] Shelamim. Above (55a), why did we need a verse to be Machshir the north for Shelamim?

ãîäëà ìà ðô÷à ãòì äîæáç âæéøú äëúåá äåà ëé äéëé ãîëùø øáé éåñé áøáé éäåãä îçöéå åìöôåï ìòåìä àò''â ãëðâãï á÷ø÷ò ôñåìåú ããøåí äåà


Answer: We could not learn from here. It is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv [to be Machshir] on the Mizbe'ach, just like R. Yosi b'Ribi Yehudah is Machshir the north half for Olah, even though the corresponding place on the ground is Pasul, for it is in the south!

àìà ãòì äîæáç âæéøú äëúåá


Rather, it is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv [to be Machshir] on the Mizbe'ach.


TOSFOS DH Mashuch Min ha'Keren Klapei Tzafon Arba Amos

úåñôåú ã"ä îùåê îï ä÷øï ëìôé öôåï àøáò àîåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what we learn from Lifnei Hash-m.)

áëåìä ùîòúà îùîò ãâçìéí ãéåí äëôåøéí öøéê ìé÷ç ëðâã äôúç


Inference: Our entire Sugya connotes that the coals for [burning the Ketores inside] on must be taken opposite the opening.

åöøéê ìåîø ãäééðå ìëúçéìä àáì ãéòáã ëùø àôéìå ãäàé âéñà åãäàé âéñà ëãàîø áôø÷ èøó á÷ìôé (éåîà îä: îå. ò''ù ã''ä àáì.) åàéöèøéê îòì äîæáç åàéöèøéê îìôðé ä'


Assertion: We must say that this is l'Chatchilah, but b'Di'eved it is Kosher from this side [of the opening, i.e. north] or from this side (south), like it says in Yoma (45b-46a) that we need "me'Al ha'Mizbe'ach", and we need "mi'Lifnei Hash-m."

åà''ú îäéëà úéúé òéëåáà ãàéöèøéê ÷øà äúí ìàëùåøé áãéòáã àéï æä îãáøéí äðòùéí ááâãé ìáï áôðéí åìéëà òéëåáà ìøáé éäåãä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


Question: What source would there be for Ikuv, that we need a verse there to be Machshir b'Di'eved? This is not something done in the white garments inside, so there is no Ikuv according to R. Yehudah!

åé''ì ãàéöèøéê îùåí ãöåøê ôðéí ëôðéí ãîé


Answer: We need a verse because a need of [Avodah] inside is like inside;

ë÷èåøú ùçôðä ÷åãí ùçéèú äôø ùìà òùä åìà ëìåí àò"â ãìà ëúéá áä çå÷ä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãöåøê ôðéí ëôðéí ãîé


Source: This is like Ketores that one took a double handful of it before Shechitas ha'Par. It is not valid at all, even though Chukah is not written about it, for a need of inside is like inside.

åà''ú äëà îùîò ãìà î÷øé ìôðé ä' àìà áîòøá åëï âáé ðø îòøáé áô' ùúé äìçí (îðçåú ãó öç:)


Question: Here it connotes that only the west is called Lifnei Hash-m, and similarly regarding the western Ner, in Menachos (98b);

åàéìå áñåó ëì äîðçåú [áàåú îöä] (ùí ñà.) àîøéðï ìôðé ä' áîæøç âáé úðåôú ìåâ ùîï ùì îöåøò åàùîå


In Menachos (61a), we say that Lifnei Hash-m is in the east regarding Tenufah of the Log of oil of a Metzora and his Asham!

åëï âáé ùçéèä ëúéá ìôðé ä' åùøéà áëì î÷åí áòæøä


Also, Lifnei Hash-m is written about Shechitah, and it is permitted in the entire Azarah!

åé''ì ãùçéèä åúðåôú ìåâ åàùí (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) ëúéá ìôðé ä' ìîòåèé áçåõ ãúðåôú àùí îçééí


Answer: Shechitah and Tenufah of the Log and Asham, Lifnei Hash-m is written to exclude outside, for Tenufas Asham is in its lifetime;

àáì âáé âçìéí ëúéá (åé÷øà èæ) îòì äîæáç åðøåú äéå áäéëì àí ëï ìôðé ä' ìîä ìé àé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìàå îùåí ãáòéðï áîòøá


However, regarding the coals it is written "me'Al ha'Mizbe'ach", and the Neros were in the Heichal. If so, why does it say "Lifnei Hash-m", if not because the west is required?

åîéäå ÷ùä ãáääåà ùîòúà ãëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (âí æä ùí) ôøéê òìä åäàîøú ìôðé ä' áîòøá (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ôé' âáé äâùú îðçä áôéø÷éï åáøéù ä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó éè:)


Question: In that Sugya in Menachos (61a), it challenges 'you said "Lifnei Hash-m" - in the west', i.e. regarding Hagashah of a Minchah below (63b) and in Menachos (19b);

åîùðé äðé îéìé îðçåú ãàé÷øé çèàú åçèàú èòåðä éñåã å÷øï ãøåîéú îæøçéú ìà äéä ìä éñåã àáì äëà ìôðé ä' ÷øéðà áéä


It answers "this is only for Menachos, which are called Chatas, and Chatas requires Yesod, and the southeast corner did not have a Yesod. However, here [the east] is called Lifnei Hash-m;

îùîò ãàé ìà áòéà éñåã äåä îëùøðà ÷øï ãøåîéú îæøçéú ìäâùä åàò''â ãëúéá ìôðé ä' à"ë ìôðé ä' ìîä ìé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


Inference: If the Yesod were not required, we would be Machshir the southeast corner for Hagashah, even though it is written Lifnei Hash-m! If so, why does it say Lifnei Hash-m?

åðøàä ìé áøå''ê ãàé ìà ëúéá ìôðé ä' áäâùú îðçä àò''â ãëúéá áä àì ôðé äîæáç ãäééðå ãøåí åâí àéú÷ù ìçèàú äòåó ìéñåã


Answer (R. Baruch): Had it not written Lifnei Hash-m regarding Hagashas Minchah, even though it says about it "El Pnei ha'Mizbe'ach", which is the south, and it is equated to Chatas ha'Of for (requiring) the Yesod...

àëúé äåä àîéðà (äâää áâìéåï) ìöã ãøåí áàîä ùì éñåã øçå÷ î÷øï îòøáé


Still, I would have thought that on the south side, [anywhere] on the Amah of the Yesod, [even] far from the [south]west corner [is Kosher. Lifnei Hash-m obligates specifically on the edge of the corner].

àáì ÷ùä áìà äé÷ùà ìçèàú ìéñåã


Question: Without the Hekesh to Chatas for the Yesod (I would know that Hagashah is over a Yesod, for it must be at the southwest corner)!

îòøá éãòðà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëéåï ãëúéá ìôðé ä' ìâìåú îòøá ëîå âáé âçìé éåí äëéôåøéí åâí ëúéá ôðé äîæáç ãîùîò ãøåí åëï àéúà ì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó ñâ:). áøå''ê:


I know that it is in the west, for it says Lifnei Hash-m to reveal the west, like regarding coals of Yom Kipur, and also it is written "Pnei ha'Mizbe'ach", which connotes the south, and so it is below (63b)! This is from R. Baruch.




úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éåñé äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that it is not totally like R. Yosi.)

åà''ú îé îöéú îå÷îú ìä ìñãø úîéã ëø''é äà úðï áñåó îñëú úîéã (ãó ìâ.) òéøï ìúåê ùì æäá åðúôæø îîðä ÷á âçìéí


Question: We cannot establish Seder Tamid like R. Yosi, for a Mishnah in Tamid (33a) says that he poured [the coals taken from the Mizbe'ach in a silver pan] into a gold pan, and a Kav of coals scattered;

åìøáé éåñé äéä îúôæø éåúø ëãúðï ôø÷ èøó á÷ìôé (éåîà ãó îâ:) øáé éåñé àåîø áëì éåí äéä çåúä áùì ñàä åîòøä ìùì ùìùú ÷áéï


According to R. Yosi, more (i.e. three Kavim) scattered, like the Mishnah in Yoma (43b) teaches "R. Yosi says, every day (except for Yom Kipur) he takes [coals] in [a pan that holds] a Se'ah (six Kavim) and spills them into a [gold pan of] three Kavim."

åé''ì ðäé ãäà ãìà ëøáé éåñé äê ëøáé éåñé àúéà ùôéø


Answer: Granted, this (the amount that scattered) is unlike R. Yosi. This (the location of the Mizbe'ach) is properly like R. Yosi.

åìà ãîé ìäà ããéé÷éðï áô''÷ ãéåîà (ãó èæ:) åàé ñ''ã îãåú øáé éäåãä äéà ëå'


Distinction: This is unlike what we infer in Yoma (16b) "if you think that R. Yehudah taught Midos..." (Tzon Kodoshim - there it says that Stam Midos is R. Yehudah, i.e. he taught every Stam Mishnah. Therefore, we properly ask that one is unlike him. Here it says that one Mishnah is like R. Yosi, even though the other Mishnah is unlike him.)


TOSFOS DH Kedushas Heichal v'Ulam Chada Hi

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ãåùú äéëì åàåìí çãà äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that everywhere this is a Safek.)

åù''ñ îñåô÷ áëì î÷åí ìòéì ñô''÷ (ãó éã.) åáéåîà ô' èøó á÷ìôé (ãó îã:) åáøéù òéøåáéï (ãó á.)


Observation: The Gemara was unsure about this everywhere - above (14a), in Yoma (44b) and in Eruvin (2a).


TOSFOS DH Ha Mani R. Yosi ha'Gelili Hi

úåñôåú ã"ä äà îðé ø' éåñé äâìéìé äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that Rav Sharbiya had another way to reject R. Zeira.)

äåä îöé ìîéîø øáé àìòæø äéà ãàîø ì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó ñâ:) ã÷ñáø ëåìéä îæáç áöôåï ÷àé


Observation: He could have said that it is R. Eliezer, who says below (63b) that the entire Mizbe'ach was in the north.

åà''ú ãîùîò äëà ãîàï ãìéú ìéä ëåìéä îæáç áöôåï ÷àé äåé ëéåø áéï àäì îåòã åáéï äîæáç


Question: Here it implies that the one who does not hold that the entire Mizbe'ach was in the north, the Kiyor was between the Ohel Mo'ed and the Mizbe'ach;

åáúåñôúà ôø÷ ÷îà ãëìéí ðëðñéí áéï äàåìí åìîæáç ùìà øçåõ éãéí åøâìéí åçëîéí àåîøéí àéï ðëðñéï


In the Tosefta in Kelim (1:6), it says that [Kohanim] enter between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach without washing the hands and feet, and Chachamim forbid! (According to Chachamim, in order to wash, he must enter there before he washed!)

åùîà ñáø ìä ëøáé îàéø ãàîø ðëðñéï:


Answer: Perhaps [the one who does not hold that the entire Mizbe'ach was in the north] holds like R. Meir (the first Tana in the Tosefta), who permits entering.