[58a - 39 lines; 58b - 30 lines]


1)[line 5]ëåìéä îæáç áöôåï ÷àéKULEI MIZBE'ACH B'TZAFON KAI- the entirety of the Mizbe'ach stands in the north.

2)[line 15]ëåìå ìòåìä åëåìå ìùìîéíKULO L'OLAH V'CHULO L'SHELAMIM- its (the Mizbe'ach's) entirety is fit for [slaughtering] a Korban Olah, and its entirety is fit for [slaughtering] a Korban Shelamim

3)[line 19]òåìä äåà ããçé÷ ìéä î÷åíOLAH HU D'DACHIK LEI MAKOM- [I would have thought that] it is only in the case of an Olah, where one is pressed for space [that the Torah sanctions its slaughter on the Mizbe'ach]

4)[line 24]àîä éñåã àîä ñåááAMAH YESOD AMAH SOVEV- [it refers to thickness of an] Amah of the Mizbe'ach's base (Yesod) or the [thickness of an] Amah of the Mizbe'ach's ledge (Sovev)

5)[line 26]îçéìéúMECHILOS- tunnels

6)[line 30]ëéôéïKIPIN- arches

7)[line 31]ãáöøéä áöåøéD'VATZREI BETZURI- that it diminished [the Mizbe'ach's size]

8)[line 33]ðô÷ ã÷ åàùëçNAFAK DAK V'ASHKACH- (lit. he went out, checked and found) he checked into the sources and found the following Mishnah

9)[line 34]ìñãø îòøëäL'SADER MA'ARACHAH- [they began putting wood on the Mizbe'ach] to arrange the Ma'arachah, the wood-pile on the Mizbe'ach

10)[line 38]ùðé áæéëé ìáåðä ùì ìçí äôðéíSHENEI BAZICHEI LEVONAH SHEL LECHEM HA'PANIM- two bowls of Levonah (frankincense) of the Lechem ha'Panim. A Kometz of Levonah is placed alongside each of the two stacks of loaves in a Bazach (bowl). After the loaves of Lechem ha'Panim are removed, the Levonah is salted and burned on the Mizbe'ach. The offering of the Levonah permits the loaves to be eaten (Vayikra 24:7-9).


11)[line 5]ùéøéíSHIRAYIM- the remnants [of blood of the inner Chatas offerings]

12)[line 16]åàåìíV'ULAM- and the entrance hall to the Heichal

13)[line 18]çã ñøéCHAD SAREI- eleven

14)[line 21]ãëé îñâå ì÷îéä èôéD'CHI MASGU L'KAMEI TEFEI- because if it was moved further, [it would no longer be opposite the entrance of the Heichal]

15)[line 22]îæáç îîåöò åòåîã áàîöò äòæøäMIZBE'ACH MEMUTZA V'OMED B'EMTZA HA'AZARAH- the Mizbe'ach was centered and stood in the middle of the Azarah