[94a - 46 lines; 94b - 47 lines]

1)[line 5]îèìéúMATLIS- a small piece of cloth

2)[line 5]ôçåúä îùìùPECHUSAH MI'SHALOSH - less than three by three Etzba'os (SHALOSH AL SHALOSH)

(a)A cloth must be at least three Etzba'os square in order to become Tamei Mes (see Background to Nidah 52:32:d) or Tamei Sheretz (see Background to Nidah 54:4), since it is still fit for use by the poor. One Etzba = approximately 1.9, 2.0 or 2.4 cm, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions. A cloth that is smaller than this is Tahor, and not fit to become Tamei, due to its insignificance.

(b)With regard to Tum'as Midras (see Background to Nidah 54:19), the minimum size of a cloth must be three Tefachim square in order to become Tamei Midras. A cloth is the only material that has this distinction; the minimum sizes for all other materials are only measured in Tefachim, whether for Tum'as Mes, Midras, etc. (The word "Etzba'os" is feminine; therefore the Gemara uses Shalosh for Etzba'os. "Tefachim" is masculine, therefore the Gemara uses Sheloshah for Tefachim.)

3)[line 7]çùéá òìéäCHASHIV ALEI- he can intend for it to be used [as a patch for his garment, and once it has been designated for that purpose, it will be able to become Tamei]

4)[line 9](ìöåøä) [ìöéøå](L'TZURAH)[L'TZAYARO]- to embroider a design on it (to make it a decorative cloth)

5)[line 10]îáèéì ìéäMAVTIL LEI- [if he wants,] he can annul it [from its purpose as being embroidered as a decorative cloth, and once it is designated as a normal cloth, it is fit to become Tamei]

6)[line 13]òåöáàUTZVA- a rug [on which to sit or recline]

7)[line 13]ì÷öòäL'KATZ'AH- (O.F. redognier) to trim it (and make it round at the edges)

8)[line 23]ãáø âøéãä äåàD'VAR GEREIRAH HU- it is an item [that is cleaned with] scraping (as opposed to washing with water)

9)[line 25]ìùìùúLISHLESHES- an offensive or putrid substance, e.g. saliva or excrement (see also ARUCH as quoted by TOSFOS here)

10)[line 26]î÷ðçä áñîøèåèMEKANCHAH BI'SEMARTUT- he may wipe it with a rag

11)[line 27]òã ùúëìäAD SHE'TICHLEH- until it is finished

12)[line 29]îëáñåMECHABSO- he should clean it with water

13)[line 29]îâøøåMEGARERO- he should scrape it clean

14)[line 32]æéîðéï ñâéàéïZIMNIN SAGI'IN- many times

15)[line 32]åùëùéëéV'SHACHSHICHI- and I scrubbed

16)[line 33]îñàðéäMESANEI- his shoes

17a)[line 37]áøëéïB'RAKIN- it is discussing soft leather (which is water-washable)

b)[line 37]á÷ùéïB'KASHIN- it is discussing hard leather

18)[line 40]ðé÷åNEIKU- are we to establish [and say that the verse is discussing only soft leather]

19)[line 42]àëñìâéàACHSALGAYA- (a) hardened leather (RASHI); (b) a type of utensil [made of leather] that comes from a place called Achsalgaya (or Achsalgus, or Achsalgim) (TOSFOS to Menachos 97a, DH Kli)

20)[line 44]ãîâåôéä ÷à ôøçäDEMI'GUFEI KA PARCHAH- because it (Tzora'as) sprouts from his body

21)[line 45]îçìçìàMECHALCHELA- it penetrates and makes holes [in the skin]


22a)[line 1]ëøéíKARIM- bolsters, mattresses

b)[line 1]ëñúåúKESASOS- pillows, pillow-cases

23)[line 3]ëéñëåñKISKUS- rubbing two parts of the item together in order to clean it, or any act of rubbing the item rigorously in order to clean it

24)[line 8]ùøééúå æäå ëéáåñåSHERIYASO ZEHU KIBUSO- its soaking is its cleaning

25)[line 10]æø÷ [æøò] ôùúïZARAK [ZERA] PISHTAN- [one who] threw flax [seed]

26)[line 12]ãî÷ãçDE'MEKADE'ACH- because it sprouts

27)[line 12]çéèé åùòøéCHITEI V'SA'AREI- wheat and barley

28)[line 13]àéú ìäå øéøéIS LEHU RIREI- they (flax seeds) produce strands of a sticky substance

29)[line 13]ùìçéíSHELACHIM- (a) non-processed hides (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa SHECHALAYIM - a type of cress (TOSFOS, SHITAH MEKUBETZES)

30)[line 14]÷òáéã ìéùäKA'AVID LISHAH- he is doing an act of Lishah, kneading (or combining particles with liquid to form a dough or paste), one of the thirty-nine prohibited Melachos of Shabbos (see Background to Shabbos 73:6)

31)[line 14]îðòìMIN'AL- a shoe

32)[line 18]äãø àå÷é øáà àîåøà òìéä åãøùHADAR UKI RAVA AMORA ALEI V'DARASH- Rava immediately appointed a Meturgeman to teach in his name, and he taught. A Meturgeman is (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI to Berachos 56a); (b) the person who translates into Aramaic the words of the Rav, who delivers the Shi'ur in a low voice in Hebrew (RASHI to Yoma 20b)

33)[line 19]èòåúTA'US- [the things that I told you were] a mistake

34)[line 20]áøíBERAM- in truth

35)[line 27]ìôðéíLIFNIM- inside the Heichal

36)[line 31]çèàú ãùîéòú ä÷åìCHATAS DI'SHEMI'AS HA'KOL - the Korban Chatas brought to atone for the transgression of Shemi'as Kol, which is not punishable with Kares (SHEMI'AS KOL / SHEVU'AS HA'EDUS)

(a)One of the litigants in a court case has the right to force a person to take an oath when he feels that the person is concealing testimony about the case. The oath that the alleged witness takes to claim that he is not harboring any testimony is called a Shevu'as ha'Edus (Vayikra 5:1).

(b)For example, a person asks two witnesses to testify on his behalf, in order to oblige the opposing litigant to pay him. The witnesses deny all knowledge of the case and even swear in court to that effect. If they admit afterwards that they did know testimony, they must bring a Korban Oleh v'Yored. If they are wealthy they each bring a female sheep or female goat. If they cannot afford the animal, they may each bring two turtledoves or two common doves, one as a Chatas and one as an Olah. If they cannot even afford birds, they may each bring an offering of 1/10 of an Eifah of flour as a Minchas Chotei (ibid. 5:5-13).

37)[line 35]çã îúøé úìúàCHAD MI'TREI TELASA- [the Mishnah is listing only] one out of another two or three [stringencies that the Korban Chatas has over other Kodshei Kodashim]

38)[line 37]÷åøòåKOR'O- he should tear it (in order to take away its status of a usable garment, thus causing it to become Tahor and be permitted to be brought into the Azarah)

39)[line 40]ðå÷áåNOKVO- he should pierce it

40)[line 43]ôåçúåPOCHASO- he should diminish its form

41)[line 45]ãîùééø áéäDI'MESHAYEIR BEI- he leaves in it

42)[line 45]ëãé îòôåøúKEDEI MA'AFORES- enough to be used as an apron (or scarf) (RASHI explains that he tears the garment with one long tear, stopping before he tears the garment in half, leaving intact enough of the garment to be used as an apron)

43)[last line]çáåøCHIBUR- it is a connecting element (that serves to make the entire garment whole, and thus it remains Tamei)