[40a - 52 lines; 40b - 39 lines]

1)[line 10]"ואכלו אותם אשר כופר בהם...""V'ACHLU OSAM ASHER KUPAR BAHEM..."- "And they shall eat those things with which the atonement was made..." (Shemos 29:33)

2a)[line 20]"לא תאפה חמץ חלקם [נתתי אתה מאשי]""LO SE'AFEH CHAMETZ, CHELKAM [NASATI OSAH ME'ISHAI]"- "It shall not be baked with leaven. [I have given it to them for] their portion [of My offerings made by fire....]" (Vayikra 6:10) - Chazal apply the word "Chelkam" to the first half of the verse also, rendering it as, "Even the portion of it [that the Kohanim may eat, the Sheyarei ha'Minchah,] shall not be baked with leaven."


(a)There is a prohibition to cause the dough of Menachos (either the Kometz or the Shirayim, the part that the Kohanim eat) to become leavened as it states, "Kol ha'Minchah... Lo Se'aseh Chametz" (Vayikra 2:11). An additional verse, "Lo Se'afeh Chametz" (Vayikra 6:10), specifically prohibits baking leavened Menachos.

(b)This extra verse is used to teach that once the dough of a Minchah offering is leavened, each and every subsequent process involved in preparing a baked Minchah offering is also prohibited (Mechametz Achar Mechametz). For example, if one person leavens the dough and another bakes it, they both transgress a Lav. (Shabbos 111a)

3)[line 26]חלוטCHALUT- boiled

4)[line 47]ר' חנינא קראREBBI CHANINA KARA- Rebbi Chanina, the Torah Scholar or Teacher (who knew all of the verses and their cantillations by heart)

5)[line 48]פוק קרי קרייך לבראPUK, KARI KARYACH L'VARA- Go teach your Halachos outside [of the Beis ha'Midrash] (i.e. your opinion about this Halachah is unacceptable)

6)[line 50]אסמייהASAMYEI?- Shall I repudiate or cancel it?

7)[line 50]את הלכה אתנייךAT, HALACHAH ASNEYACH- your Rebbi taught you, "the Halachah is like Rebbi Yehudah."

8)[line 51]ואפכתV'APACHT- you reversed it to, "the Halachah is not like Rebbi Yehudah."


9)[line 7]שניותSHENIYOS

See Background to 20:8.

10)[line 18]מיתנאMISNA- the dead brother

11)[line 35]אבראיAVRAI- (lit. is outside) is prohibited to the Yavam as his brother's wife with no Heter of Yibum; we do not say that there was a Chiyuv of Yibum from which the Chalutzah exempted her