TEMURAH 9 (1 Adar) - dedicated in memory of Mordecai (Marcus) ben Elimelech Shmuel Kornfeld, who perished in the Holocaust along with most of his family. His Yahrzeit is observed on 1 Adar. May his death and the deaths of the other Kedoshim of the Holocaust atone for the sins of Klal Yisrael like Korbanos.


WHY A BAKER GIVES LESS THAN A BA'AL HA'BAYIS (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 14a)

[ãó ëâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úðé à"ø éåãä îôðé îä àîøå áòì äáéú àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä. åðçúåí àçã îàøáòéí åùîåðä.


(Beraisa - R. Yehudah): Why did they say that a Ba'al ha'Bayis separates one part in 24, and a baker, one part in 48?

(àìà éôä áòéñúå åáòì äáéú øòä) [ö"ì ùäðçúåí òéðå øòä áòéñúå åáòì äáéú éôä áòéñúå - äâø"à]


Answer #1 (R. Yehudah): A baker is stingy about [the need to give away part of] his dough, and a Ba'al ha'Bayis is generous with his dough.

åçëîéí àåîøéí ìà (îùí äåà æä åìà - äâø"à îåç÷å) îèòí æä. àìà [áîãáø éç ëç] åðúúí îîðå àú úøåîú ä' ìàäøï äëäï òùä ùéúðå ìëäï áëäåðúå.


Answer #2 (Chachamim): It is not due to this. Rather, "u'Nesatem Mimenu Es Terumas Hash-m l'Aharon ha'Kohen" - do so they will give to the Kohen in his Kehunah (a proper gift);

àìà ùäðçúåí òéñúå îøåáä åéù áä ëãé îúðä ìëäï åáòì äáéú òéñúå îòåèä åàéï áä ëãé îúðä ìëäï.


Rather, it is because a baker's dough is big, and there is a proper gift to a Kohen (even if it is one part in 48), and a Ba'al ha'Bayis' dough is small, and there is not a proper gift to a Kohen (if it would be one part in 48).

åäúðéðï äòåùä òéñä ìòöîå åäòåùä ìîùúä áðå àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä


Question (Mishnah): If one makes a dough for himself, or makes for his son's nuptial feast, [the Shi'ur is] one part in 24. (Surely the dough for his son's nuptial feast is big!)

ùìà úçìå÷ ìòéñú áòì äáéú.


Answer: We should not distinguish in the dough of a Ba'al ha'Bayis (it is always one part in 24, even when it is big).

åäúðéðï åëï äàùä ùäéà òåùä ìîëåø áùå÷ àçã îàøáòé' åùîåðä


Question (Mishnah): And similarly, also a woman who makes to sell in the market, [the Shi'ur is] one part in 48.

[ö"ì ùìà úçìå÷ áòéñä ìîëåø áùå÷ - øéãá"æ, îäâø"à]


Answer: We should not distinguish in the dough that will be sold in the market.

[ö"ì ðéçà ìøáðï ìø' éäåãä - äâø"à]


Question: This is fine for Chachamim [who say that the Shi'urim are in order that the Kohen will get a proper gift]. According to R. Yehudah [who says that the Shi'urim are due to people's stinginess and generosity, how can we answer]?

áùòä ùäéà òåùä ìáéúä òéðä (øòä) [ö"ì éôä - äâø"à] áòéñúä. áùòä ùäéà òåùä ìîëåø áùå÷ òéðä (éôä) [ö"ì øòä - äâø"à] áòéñúä


Answer: When she makes for her house, she is generous. When she makes to sell in the market, she is stingy. (We explained this like GRA.)

àîø øáé îúðéúà áìéîåãú ìäéåú îôøùú àçã (îàøáòéí åùîåðä) [ö"ì îòùøéí åàøáòä - ôðé îùä] àáì áìéîåãú ìäéåú îôøùú àçã (îòùøéí åàøáòä) [ö"ì îàøáòéí åùîåðä - ôðé îùä] ðéúðé ëãé ùìà éäà äçåèà ðùëø:


(Rebbi): Our Mishnah [says that if it became Tamei b'Shogeg or b'Ones, one part in 48, and b'Mezid, one part in 24; it] discusses one who normally separates one part in 24. However, if she normally separates one part in 48, would it teach 'lest a sinner profit'?! (Even b'Mezid, there is no reason for her to separate more than one part in 48!)