úåñ' ã"ä åëì ä÷øá áìéìä
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôøù"é ùéìäé ùúé äìçí (îðçåú ãó ÷.) ëâåï ùîï ìîðåøä.
Refuted Explanation: Rashi explains, in Perek Sh'tei ha'Lechem (Menachos, Daf 100a) that it is referring to the oil for the Menorah.
åìà ðøàä - ãîä ÷ãåùä ùééëé áéä, äà ìéú áéä ÷ãåùú ëìé?
Refutation: This is not correct however, because what Kedushah is applicable there, seeing as it does not have Kedushas K'li (See Tzon Kodshim & Olas Sh'lomoh).
ìëê ðøàä ìåîø ãìà îöéðå ÷øá áìéìä àìà îðçú ðñëéí ...
Authentic Explanation: It therefore seems that the only thing that can be brought by night is the Minchas Nesachim ...
åîùå"ä ðéçà ãìà îùðé äëà 'ãéìîà àéðå ÷ãåù ìé÷øá àáì ÷ãåù ìéôñì' ...
Implied Question: And that explains why the Gemara does not answer here 'Perhaps it is not Kadosh to bring on the Mizbe'ach but it is Kadosh to become Pasul' ...
ãäëé îñé÷ äúí ùéìäé ô' ùúé äìçí (âæ"ù) ...
Source: As the Gemara concludes there in Perek Sh'tei ha'Lechem (ibid.) ...
ãñîéê à'äà ãúðé 'åëì ä÷øá áìéìä' - ãìà îöéðå ÷øá áìéìä àìà îðçú ðñëéí áìáã.
Answer: Because it relies on the statement 'Kol ha'Kareiv ba'Laylah' and the only Korban that can be brought in the night is a Minchas Nesachim.
åä"ä ãîöé ìîéôøê îéðä äëà áäãéà, îã÷úðé 'åëì ä÷øá áìéìä' - åìà îöéðå ãáø æä àìà îðçú ðñëéí áìáã ...
Implied Question: In fact, it could have asked from it here directly, since it states 've'Chol ha'Kareiv ba'Laylah' - and this can only apply to Minchas Nesachim (as Tosfos just explained) ...
àìà ãîäãø ìôøåëé àó ìôé îä ãñ"ã îòé÷øà äúí áô' ùúé äìçí.
Answer: Only the Gemara is trying to ask even according to what it initially thought there in Perek Sh'tei ha'Lechem.
úåñ' ã"ä ãáøéí ùáëúá àé àúä øùàé ìàåîøí áòì ôä
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
åà"ú, äéëé ÷àîøéðï îæîåøéí òì ôä?
Question: How come that we recite chapters of Tehilim by heart?
åé"ì, ãàéï ìä÷ôéã ø÷ îä ùëúåá áçåîù.
Answer: One need only take this ruling to heart with regard to what is written in the Chumash.
àîðí ÷ùä, äéëé ÷øéðï 'åéåùò' å'÷øéàú ùîò'?
Question: But how can we then recite 'va'Yosha' (the Shirah) and Keri'as Sh'ma (by heart)?
åé"ì, ãàéï ìä÷ôéã àìà áãáø ùîåöéà àçøéí éãé çåáúï.
Answer: One only needs to take it to heart there where one is rendering others Yotzei their obligation (See Hagahos ha'G'ra).
úåñ' ã"ä åúðï äîðçåú åäðæéøåú ááîú éçéã ãáøé ø' îàéø
(Summary: Tosfos presents a possible answer to the Kashya.)
äåä îöé ìùðåéé 'úðàé äéà' ...
Implied Question: It could have answered that it is a Machlokes Tana'im ...
ùäøé áô' áúøà ãæáçéí (ãó ÷éæ.) ôìéâé øáðï òìéä ãøáé îàéø, åîñé÷ äúí ã'îðçåú åðæéøåú' àéëà áéðééäå.
Source: As in the last Perek of Zevachim (Daf 117a) the Rabbanan argue with Rebbi Meir, and the Gemara concludes there that the difference between them is regarding Menachos and Neziros.
åéù ñôøéí ãâøñé øá ãéîé àîø äà ø' îàéø äà øáðï.
Answer: Some Sefarim have the text 'The author of one is Rebbi Meir, the author of the other, the Rabbanan'.
úåñ' ã"ä ñîé îëàï ðæéøåú
(Summary: Tosfos applies this statement to the Sugya in Zevachim.)
åä"ä ãöøéê ëîå ëï ìîéñîééä îääéà ãô' áúøà ãæáçéí (ãó ÷éæ: ò"ù) ãàîø 'îðçåú åðæéøåú àéëà áéðééäå'.
Applying Statement: By the same token, one needs to eras it from the above-mentioned Gemara in the last Perek of Zevachim (117b - See Sugya there) when it says 'The difference between them is regarding Menachos and Neziros.
úåñ' ã"ä àìà ëéåï ãäåúøå äáîåú ëì äéëà ãáòé î÷øéá
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the answer according to the Rabbanan who argue with Rebbi Meir and elaborates.)
åìøáðï ãôìéâé òìéä ãøáé îàéø ãàîø 'ðæéø ìàå ðéãø åðéãá äåà' ...
Implied Question: And according to the Rabbanan, who argue with Rebbi Meir who holds that 'a Korban Nazir is not considered a voluntary offering ...
öøéê ìåîø ãìà äìê àáùìåí àìà ìäáéà ëáùéí îçáøåï åìä÷øéáï áâáòåï.
Answer: We will have to say that Avshalom only went to Chevron to bring lambs - but to sacrifice them in Giv'on.
îéäå ìôé îä ãôøù"é ôø÷ áúøà ãæáçéí (â"æ ùí) ãøáðï ãøáé îàéø ëøáðï áúøàé ñáéøà ìäå ãàîøé 'ëàï åëàï ìà ÷øáå ìéçéã àìà òåìä åùìîéí áìáã' ...
Introduction to Question: But according to Rashi's explanation in the last Perek of Zevachim (Ibid.) - that the Rabbanan of Rebbi Meir and the latter Rabbanan (there), who say that 'in both places they only brought for a Yachid Olos and Shelamim exclusively' ...
÷ùä, ãà"ë äéëé ÷àîø àáùìåí "àìëä ðà åàùìîä àú ðãøé àùø ðãøúé ... ", äà ìàå ðéãø åðéãá äåà ðæéøåú ìøáðï, åà"ë ëàï åëàï ìà ÷øáé?
Question: The Kashya remains how Avshalom could state "I will go and pay the Neder that I made ... ", when Nezirus according to the Rabbanan is not voluntary, and in can therefore not brought in either place?
åöøéê ìçì÷ äúðàéí - ãøáðï ãøáé îàéø ìà ñ"ì ëøáðï áúøàé ...
Explanation #2: We must therefore split up the Tana'im - in that the Rabbanan of Rebbi Meir do hold like the latter Rabbanan ...
àìà ëøáé éäåãä ñáéøà ìäå, ãàîø ãááîä âãåìä àôé' çåáåú ðîé ÷øáå ...
Explanation #2 (cont.): But like Rebbi Yehudah, who holds that on the large Bamah, one could bring even obligatory Korbanos ...
åøáé îàéø ãàéú ìéä ðæéøåú ãáø äðéãø åäðéãá äåà, îöéðå ìîéîø ãàéú ìéä ëøáðï áúøàé ãæáçéí, ãàîøé ëàï åëàï ìà ÷øáå ìéçéã àìà òåìä åùìîéí áìáã.
Explanation #2 (cont.): Whereas Rebbi Meir, who says that Nezirus is voluntary, can hold like the latter Rabbanan in Zevachim, who prohibit bringing on behalf of a Yachid anything other than Olos and Shelamim.
îéäå øéäèà ãùîòúà äúí îùîò ëôøù"é.
Support for Explanation #1: The run of the Suya however, implies like Rashi.
îéäå úéîä, ìø' ùîòåï ãàîø äúí áô' áúøà ãæáçéí (âæ"ù) 'àó öéáåø ìà ä÷øéáå àìà ôñçéí åçåáåú ä÷áåò ìäí æîï' ...
Introduction to Question: According t Rebbi Shimon, who says there (in the last Perek of Zevachim - Ibid.) that 'Also the Tzibur only brought there Pesachim and obligatory Korbanos that had a fixed time period' ...
åàîø áô' ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ìç:) 'æàú àåîøú ùçìåú úåãä åø÷é÷é ðæéø ðàëìéï áðåá åâáòåï' - åôøù"é ùí ãäééðå ãìà ëø"ù ...
Introduction to Question: And Rashi explains that, when the Gemara says in Perek Kol Sha'ah (Pesachim, Daf 38b) 'This means to say that Chalos Todah and Rekikei (wafers) Nazir could be eaten in Nov and Giv'on' - it does not go like Rebbi Shimon ...
åà"ë, äéëé ÷àîø àáùìåí "àìëä ðà åàùìîä àú ðãøé", äøé ìà äéä éëåì ìä÷øéáå?
Question: In that case, how could Avshalom declare "I will go and fulfill my Neder"?
åúéøõ îåøé äøî"ø, ãøáé ùîòåï ìèòîéä ãàîø áîñëú ðæéø (ãó îå:) ã'àí âéìç òì ùìîé ðãáä, éöà'. å'àí àîø "äøéðé îâìç òì îàä òåìåú", éáéà îàä òåìåú' ...
Answer: Tosfos Rebbe ha'Rav M. (?) answers that Rebbi Shimon follows his own reasoning in Maseches Nazir (Daf 46b), where he says 'If he shaved on Shalmei Nedavah , he is Yotzei', and 'If he said that he will shave on a hundred Olos, then he must bring a hundred Olos' ...
åà"ë, àôùø ãàáùìåí ðãø ìäáéà òåìåú ðãáä, åãáø äðéãø åäðéãá ÷øá ááîä ìë"ò, åòìéä äéä àáùìå' øöä ìâìç.
Answer (cont.): If so, it is possible that Avshalom vowed to bring Olos Nedavah, and something that is volunteered can be brought on the Bamah according to all opinions, and it was on that that Avshalom wanted to shave.