úåñ' ã"ä ùìù ùãåú ùì ùúé îòðåú
(Summary: Tosfos cites Rashi's explanation of the Sugya, part of which he disagrees.)
ôéøù"é àåúä ùãä ùäéä áä ÷áø åùãä ìëàï åùãä ìëàï, àí ãøê äá÷òä ìçøåù ùãåúéäí îîæøç ìîòøá ...
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the field in which the grave was found, and which has a field on either side, if it is the way of that particular valley to plow their fields from east to west ...
òåùä áéú äôøñ àåúä ùãä ùáîæøç åàåúä ùãä ùáîòøá ...
Explanation #1 (cont.): then one declares the field on its east and the field on its west a Beis ha'Peras ...
åàí öôåï åãøåí çåøùéï òåùéï áéú äôøñ àåúä ùãä ùì öôåï åãøåí. ì' øù"é - åæä äèòí ðéçà ìøáðï
Explanation #1 (cont.): Whereas if they tend to plow it from north to south one declares the Beis ha'Peras the field to its north and the field to its south.
àáì îä ùôéøù"é ìøáé àìéòæø ìà ðäéøà - ãôéøù ëì àøáò ùãåú ùñáéá áéú äôøñ ùìå äï áéú äôøñ, åäòôø îèîà ...
Introduction to Refutation: But what Rashi explains according to Rebbi Eliezer - that all four fields that surround the Beis ha'Peras a Beis ha'Peras, and that its earth is Metamei - is not correct ...
åîàé èòîà äåà æä - ùàí çøùå îîæøç ìîòøá, ìîä éèîàå öôåï åãøåí. åàí çøùå îöôåï ìãøåí, ìîä éèîàå îæøç åîòøá?
Refutation: Why is that? If they plow from east to west, why should they declare Tamei the fields on the east and on the west?
ìëï ðøàä ìôøù 'øáé àìéòæø àåîø áéú äôøñ òåùä áéú äôøñ' - ãìòåìí îä ùðçøù îáéú äôøñ ìùãä àçø ùàöìå òùàäå áéú äôøñ ...
Explanation #2 (Rebbi Eliezer): It therefore seems that when Rebbi Eliezer says 'A Beis ha'Peras makes a Beis ha'Peras', he means whatever one plows up from a Beis ha'Peras into an adjoining field makes it a Beis ha'Peras ...
åëï àí ðçøù îàåúä ùãä ùðéä ìùìéùéú, åëï îùìéùéú ìøáéòéú, åëï ìòåìí - ëåìï òåùéï æä àú æä áéú äôøñ.
Explanation #2 (Rebbi Eliezer [cont.]): And that extends to where one plowed from the second field into a third one, and from the third into a fourth one - they all render the other field a Beis ha'Peras.
åøáðï ñáøé ãàéï éëåì ìòùåú àìà á' ùãåú äñîåëåú ìå ùçåøùéï îîðå ìúåëí åäí ìà éòùå àçøéí...
Explanation #2 (Chachamim): Whereas according to the Rabbanan, a Beis ha'Peras can only make the two adjoining fields a Beis ha'Peras
åàôé' äï òöîï ìà éòùå àìà îàä àîä ìëì àçã.
Explanation #2 (Chachamim [cont.]): And even then, each of them only become a Beis ha'Peras up to a hundred Amos.
åô''ä ãîééøé áùãä ùðàáã áä ÷áø åðçøù îîðå ìúåëå, åìëê òåùä áéú äôøñ îàä àîä çåöä ìå, ìôé ùëì äùãä ñô÷ ...
Clarification: Rashi also explains that it is speaking about a field in which a grave got lost and from which one plowed into the adjoining field - which is why it makes a Beis ha'Peras of a hunmdrefd Amos beyond its borders, since the entire field is a Safek ...
àáì ðçøù áå ÷áø éãåò àéðå òåùä áéú äôøñ.
Clarification (cont.): But a field in which a known grave has been plowed does not make a Beis ha'Peras.
úåñ' ã"ä îúðé' ø"ò äéà ãúðéà äùåúôéï ùúøîå æä àçø æä ø' àìéòæø àåîø úøåîú ùðéäí úøåîä
(Summary: Tosfos explains why this is and elaborates.)
ãëéåï ãùðéäí éù ìäí çì÷ áå.
Reason: Seeing as both of them own part of it.
åäà ãîîòèéðï î"àúí" åìà ùåúôéï ...
Implied Question: And when we preclude Shutfin from "Atem" ...
äééðå ìòðéï ãëì úøåîúï àéðå úøåîä, àáì î÷öú úøåîúå ùì æä åî÷öúå ùì æä äåé úøåîä.
Answer: That speaks with regard to the entire T'rumah not being valid, but part of the T'rumah of one of them and part of the T'rumah of the other, is T'rumah.
úåñ' ã"ä øáé ò÷éáà àåîø àéï úøåîú ùðéäí úøåîä
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation and elaborates.)
ôéøù"é åàôéìå ùì øàùåï ...
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that this refers even to the first one ...
ãëéåï ãçæø äùðé åúøí, âìé ãòúéä ãìà ðéçà ìéä áúøåîä ùì øàùåï, åäåä ìéä 'úåøí ùìà îãòú', åëï ùðé.
Reason: Because, since the second one subsequently declared T'rumah, he indicates that he does not agree with the first one's T'rumah, rendering it a case of 'Giving T'rumah without the owner's consent'; and the same applies to the T'rumah of the second one.
åìà ðäéøà, ãàéï æä ëîå 'åìà úîåøä àçø úîåøä' - ãäúí äøàùåï úîåøä åäùðé àéðå úîåøä?
Refutation: This is not correct however, since it is thrn not comparable to 've'Lo Temurah achar Temurah' - where the firs one is Temurah, but not the second one'.
ìëê ðøàä ìôøù ëîå ëï äëà - ãäøàùåï úøåîä åìà äùðé.
Explanation #2: Consequently, the same explanation applies here - that the first one is Terumah and not the second one.
å÷ùä, ãáôø÷ â' [î"â] ãîñëú úøåîåú úðï 'ùåúôéï ùúøîå: ø"ò àåîø úøåîú ùðéäí úøåîä, åçë"à àí úøí äøàùåï ëùéòåø ... ' ...
Introduction to Question: In the third Perek of Maseches T'rumos we learned 'Shutfin who took T'rumah; Rebbi Akiva says that the T'rumah of both of them is valid; whereas according to the Chachamim, if the first one took the correct amount ... ' ...
åà"ë ÷ùéà ãø"ò à'ãøáé ò÷éáà?
Question: Creating a contradiction in Rebbi Akiva's rulings?
åðøàä ìø"é ãáùîòúéï îééøé ëùðúðå øùåú æä ìæä ìúøåí, åîùåí äëé úøåîú äøàùåï úøåîä ìø"ò, ùäøé îãòú çáéøå úøí ...
Answer: It therefore seems that Rebbi Akiva here is speaking where they gave each other permission to take T'rumah, which is why the first one's T'rumah is effective - seeing as he took T'rumah with the consent of his friend ...
åäùðé àéðå ëìåí, ãðúï ìçáéøå øùåú ìúøåí, åëáø úøí.
Answer (cont.): And that of the second one is not - since having given his consent, the first one's has already taken effect.
åøáé àìéòæø ñáø ãúøåîú ùðéäí úøåîä -ãâìé à'ãòúééäå ãëì çã (ìà) ðéçà ìéä áúøåîú çáéøå ...
Answer (cont.): Whilst Rebbi Eliezer holds that the T'rumah of both of them takes effect - seeing as each one indicated that he gives his consent to the T'rumah of his friend ...
àáì äúí áùìà ðúðå øùåú æä ìæä ìúøåí, äìëê ëì çã à'ãòúéä ãðôùéä úøí çì÷å; ìôéëê úøåîú ùðéäï úøåîä î÷öú.
Answer (concl.): Whereas there it speaks where they did not give each other permission to take T'rumah. Consequently, each one took T'rumah off his own bat from his portion, and the T'rumah of each one takes effect partially.
úåñ' ã"ä øáé àåîø ìîä éöà îòùø
(Summary: Tosfos eliminates a series of possible answers.)
ãñáéøà ìéä ìøáé ãì÷øáï éçéã åìîòåèé öáåø åùåúôéï ìà àéöèøéê ...
Implied Question #1: Because Rebbi holds that for a Korban Yachid or to preclude a Tzibut and Shutfin it is not needed ...
ùäøé ëì äôøùä ãúîåøä áìùåï éçéã ðàîøä.
Answer: Seeing as the entire Parshah of Temurah is written in the singular.
åìîòåèé ðîé ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ìà àéöèøéê ...
Implied Question #2: Nor do we need to preclude Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis ...
ãìà àé÷øå ÷øáï.
Answer: Since they are not called a Korban ...
åìîòåèé ðîé òåìú îåúøåú ìà àéöèøéê ...
Implied Question #3: Or an Olah brought from left-overs ...
ã÷ñáø òåìú îåúøåú ìðãáú öáåø àæìé, åôùéèà ãìà òáãé úîåøä. ëê ôøù"é.
Answer #1: Since he holds that one brings Olas Mosros as a Nidvas Tzibur, and it is obvious that they cannot make a Temurah (Rashi).
òåã é"ì ãñáéøà ìéä ãòåìú îåúøåú ìðãáú éçéã àæìé, åñáø ëøáé àìéòæø ãòåùä úîåøä.
Answer #2: One can also answer that Olas Mosros are brought as a Nidvas Yachid, and he holds like Rebbi Eliezer - that they do make a Temurah (See Rashak).
úåñ' ã"ä ìãåï áúîåøú âåôå
(Summary: Tosfos, citing Rashi, clarifies the statement and gives two reasons for it.)
ãñ"ã ãàéï òåùéï ëìì úîåøä ...
Clarification: The Gemara thinks that they do not make a Temurah at all ...
îùåí ãéöà ìãåï áãáø äçãù, ëãîôøù äù"ñ.
Reason #1: Because it went out to teach us something new, as the Gemara explains.
àé ðîé, ìãåï áúîåøú âåôå ìåîø ãçìä òì ãáø ùàéðå øàåé. åùðéäï ôéøù øù"é.
Reason #2: Or to teach us regarding Temuras Gufo - that it takes effect on something that is not eligible (Both explanations are given by Rashi).
úåñ' ã"ä úîåøú ùîå
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)
äééðå àí ÷øà ìòùéøé úùéòé åìúùéòé òùéøé åìàçã òùø òùéøé ...
Clarification: This means that if he called the tenth, the ninth, the ninth, the tenth and the eleventh, the tenth ...
ã÷ééîà ìï (áëåøåú ãó ñ.) ãùìùúï î÷åãùéï.
Clarification (cont.): Since we Pasken in Bechoros (Daf 60a) that all three are sanctified.