úåñ' ã"ä åùìùéí åùù ùîìê ãåã
(Summary: Tosfos cites and discusses three different texts in the Sugya.)
ä"â ...
Substantiating Text #1: This is the correct text.
åäééðå àøáòéí ùðä îùùàìå ìäí îìê - åùðú òùéøéú ìùîåàì ùùàìå ìäï îìê äéä îï äîðéï ùì àøáòéí ùðä.
Clarifying Current Text: And that makes up the forty years from the btime that they asked for a king - and the tenth year of Shmuel when they asked or a king is included in the forty years.
åîðìï ãùîåàì ùôè éùøàì é"â ùðä?
The Duration of Shmuel's Leadership (Question): From where do we know that Shmuel led the people for thirteen years?
ùäøé ëùîú òìé àæ ðùáä äàøåï, ëãëúéá "åéäé ëäæëéøå àú àøåï äàìäéí ... ", åàæ ðúîðä ùîåàì îéã àçø îéúú òìé ...
The Duration of Shmuel's Leadership (Answer): Because when Eli died, the Aron was captured - as the Pasuk writes "And it was when he (the messenger) mentioned the Aron of G-d ... ", and Shmuel was then appointed following the death of Eli ...
åëúéá "åéäé àøåï ä' áùãä ôìùúéí ùáòä çãùéí, åäáéàåäå á÷øéú éòøéí", åãåã ëùîìê òì éùøàì ì÷çå îùí åäáéàå áéøåùìéí, ëãëúéá "åéåñó òåã ãåã ... " ...
Answer (cont.): And the Pasuk writes "And it was when the Aron of Hash-m had been in the field of the P'lishtim for seven months, they brought it to Kiryas Ye'arim, and when David reigned over Yisrael he took it from there and brought it to Yerushalayim, as the Pasuk writes "And David continued further ... " ...
åëúéá "åéäé îéåí ùáú äàøåï á÷øéú éòøéí åéøáå äéîéí, åéäéå (òã) òùøéí ùðä" ...
Answer (cont.): And "From the day that the Aron came to rest in Kirya Ye'arim, much time passed, till it turned into twenty years" ...
öà îäï ùáò ùðéí ùîìê ãåã áçáøåï, ðùúééøå é"â ùðä ìùîåàì åùàåì, îùîú òìé åðùáä äàøåï òã ùîú ùàåì åîìê ãåã áçáøåï ...
Answer (cont.): Deduct seven years during which David reigned in Chevron, leaving thirteen years of Shmuel and Shaul, from the time that Eli died and the Aron was captured up until Shaul died and David was crowned in Chevron.
åîäï îìê ùîåàì áòöîå òùø ùðéí, åùðä àçú ùîìê ùîåàì åùàåì ...
Answer (cont.): Of these Shmuel 'reigned' on his own for ten years, and one of which Shmuel and Shaul reigned e
ôé' áàåúä ùðä ùîùçå ùîåàì àåúä ùðä ìà äéúä ùìéîä ìùàåì ùî÷öúä äéä ùîåàì ðâéã òì éùøàì - åùúé ùðéí ùîìê ùàåì áòöîå, åâí ùîåàì äéä çé ...
Answer (cont.): Because the year that Shmuel crowned him did not belong entirely to Shaul, since some of it belonged to Shmuel who was a prince in Yisrael - plus two years during which Shaul reigned alone, during which Shmuel was still alive ...
ùäøé ùîåàì ìà îú àìà àøáòä çãùéí ÷åãí ùàåì ...
Proof: Since SHmuel died only four months before Shaul ...
ùëï îöéðå îôåøù áñôø ùîåàì "åùîåàì îú ... ", åëúéá "åéàîø ãåã 'àñôä éåí àçã áéã ùàåì ... '; åáøç ìå àì àëéù òã ùîú ùàåì" ...
Proof (cont.): Because so it specifically states in Seifer Shmuel - "And Shmuel died ... and it writes "And David said 'In one day I will be caught by Shaul ... '; So he fled to Achish until Shmuel died" ...
åëúéá "åéäé îñôø äéîéí àùø éùá ãåã áùãä ôìùúéí éîéí åàøáòä çãùéí" ...
Proof (cont.): And then it writes "And the time-period that David remained in the field of the P'lishtim was for months" ...
îöéðå é"â ùðéí ìùîåàì åùàåì îùîú òìé (åîìê ãåã), åùìùéí åùù ìãåã ëùîøã àáùìåí, äøé î"è ...
The Duration of Shmuel's Leadership (cont.): We now have thirteen years of Shmuel and Shaul - from the death of Eli, and thirty-six years when Avshalom rebelled, totaling forty-nine ...
öà îäï è' ùðéí ÷åãí ùùàìå ìäï îìê - ùäøé áùðä òùéøéú ùàìå ìäï îìê - åäòùéøéú îîðéï äàøáòéí, äøé î' ùðéí îùùàìå îìê òã îøãå ùì àáùìåí, åòã áëìì ...
The Duration of Shmuel's Leadership (cont.): Deduct the nine years before they asked for a king, seeing as they only asked in the tenth year - an add the tenth of the forty years, making a total of forty years from the time that they asked for a king up to Avshalom's rebellion - 'up to' and including ....
åäéà ùðéí òùø ùðé' ùîìê ùîåàì áòöîå åùðä àçú ùîìê ùàåì åùîåàì, åá' ùðéí ùîìê ùàåì áòöîå åùìùéí åùù ùîìê ãåã.
The Duration of Shmuel's Leadership (concl.): The twelve years that Shmuel reigned on is own plus the one year that Shaul and Shmuel reigned together, the two years that Shaul reigned on his own and the thirty-six years that David reigned.
åúéîä ìô"æ, äà ãúðéà áñãø òåìí ùîìê ãåã çîù ùðéí àçø äîøã - ùìùä ùðéí ùì øòá. ùðàîø (ùîåàì á ëà) "åéäé øòá ùìù ùðéí ùðä àçø ùðä" ...
Question: According to that, the Beraisa in Seider Olam which states that David ha'Melech reigned five years after the rebellion - three years of famine, as the Pasuk writes on Shmuel (2:21) "And there was a famine for three consecutive years" ...
åùðä ùì ùéèä, ãëúéá (ùí ëã) "åéùåèå [áëì äàøõ] åéáåàå î÷õ úùòä çãùéí ... " ...
Question (cont.): Plus the year of 'scattering', as it writes there (Ibid. 24) "And they scattered throughout the land and they came at the end of nine months ... " ...
åòåã ùðä ùúé÷ï îùîøåú, ãëúéá (ã"ä à ëå) "áùðú àøáòéí ìãåã ðãøùå ... "?
Question (concl.): and another year when he initiated the Mishmaros (the groups of Kohanim in the Beis-Hamikdash), as the Pasuk writes in Divrei Hayamim (1, 26) "In the fortieth year of David, they searched ... " poses a Kashya.
åöøéê ìåîø ùùðú äîøã äéúä ùðä øàùåðä ùì øòá.
Answer: We must therefore say that the year of the rebellion was also the first year of the famine (See Hagahos ha'G'ra).
åéù ñôøéí ãâøñéðï 'ùìùéí åùáò ùîìê ãåã' ...
Alternatively: Other Sefarim have the text 'The thirty-seven years that David ruled ...
åìô"æ ö"ì ùäúçéì äøòá ùðä àçú ÷åãí äîøã.
Alternatively (cont.): In which case the famine must have begun a year prior to the rebellion.
åâí ö"ì ùùðú òùø ìùîåàì ùùàìå îìê, àéðå îï äîðéï ùì î' ùðä, åàéðå öøéê ìîðåú ø÷ ùìù ùðéí îùàåì åùìùéí åùáòä îãåã - äøé àøáòéí.
Answer (cont.): We must also say that the tenth year of Shmuel, when they asked for a king, is not included in the forty years, and we only need to count the three years of Shaul plus the thirty-seven of David - which make forty.
åáñãø òåìí úðéà 'øáé ðäåøàé àîø "ùðú ì"ä ìîìëåú ãåã äéä äîøã".
Text #3: Whereas the Beraisa in Seider Olam, quoting Rebbi Nehora'I, states that the rebellion took place in the thirty-fifth year of David's reign.
åìôé ãáøéå, ìà îöéðå î' ùðä îùùàìå îìê òã ùîøã àáùìåí.
Implied Question: And according to that, we will not find forty years from the time that asked for a king until Avshalom rebelled (See footnote).
åé"î, ìîðåú é"â ùì ùîåàì ...
Alternative Explanation: Regarding the thirteen years of Shmuel's leadership others explain that ...
ëì ùðåúéå ùì ùîåàì äøîúé äéå ð"á ùðä ...
Alternative Explanation (cont.): All the years of Shmuel's life were firty-two ...
ùäøé ëùäâîì ùîåàì äáéàúå çðä ìéøåùìéí, åàæ äéä ìå îñúîà á' ùðéí ëãøê äð÷ú úéðå÷ ...
Proof: Because when he was weaned, Chanah brought him to Yerushalayim, at which point presumably he was two, as is the way of feeding mothers ...
åëúéá "åéùá ùí òã òåìí" - åäééðå ð' ùðéí ãäåà òåìîå ùì éåáì ...
Proof (cont.): And the Pasuk writes "And he shall reside there forever" - meaning fifty years, which is the 'Olam' of Yovel ...
åúôìú çðä äéúä éåí ùðúîðä òìé - å÷éé"ì ãàøáòéí ùðä ùôè òìé àú éùøàì ...
Alternative Explanation (cont.): Chanah's Tefilah took place on the day that Eli was appointed - and we take on that he led Yisrael for forty years ...
öà îäï ùðä îòéáåøå ãùîåàì, ðùúééøå ì"è ùðä ãòìé, ðùúééøå é"â ùðéí ìùîåàì ...
Alternative Explanation (concl.): Deduct from them the year of the pregnancy of Shmuel, leaving us with thirty-nine years of Eli's leadership - and thirteen of Shmuel's ...
ãîéã ëùîú òìé ðúîðä ùîåàì ...
Reason: Because Shmuel was appointment immediately following Eli's death
ãàîø îø (÷ãåùéï ãó òá:) "åæøç äùîù åáà äùîù"- 'òã ùìà ëáúä ùîùå ùì òìé æøçä ùîùå ùì ùîåàì'.
Source: Since Mar said (in Kidushin, Daf 72b) "The sun will shine and the sun will set" - 'Before the sun of Eli set, the sun of Shmuel rose'.
ðîöà ãùøøúå ùì ùîåàì äúçéìä ëùäéä áï ì' åúùò åðîùëä é"â ùðä.
Conclusion: It now transpires that the leadership of Shmuel began when he was thirty-nine and lasted thirteen years.
úåñ' ã"ä ëéåöà áå àîø ø' éåñé
(Summary: Tosfos resolves Rashi's Quandary.)
ôøù"é ìà àéúôøù äéëà ÷àé ...
Quandary: Rashi does not know to what 'ke'Yotzei bo' refers.
äëé úðéà áú"ë òì ääéà ããøéù äàé ÷øà ãëúéá âáé ìåééí (åé÷øà ä) "åôø äùðé ú÷ç ìçèàú" - 'ùðé ìòåìä; îä òåìä àéðä ðàëìú, àó çèàú æå àéðä ðàëìú...
Answer to Quandary: However, this is what the Tana writes in the Toras Kohanim in connection with the Pasuk (in Vayikra 5), written with reference to the Levi'im "And a second bull you shall take as a Chatas" - 'second to the Olah; just as the Olah is not eaten, so too, is this Chatas not eaten ...
åòìä îéúðéà äéà.
Answer to Quandary (cont.): And this Beraisa refers to that one.
úåñ' ã"ä òì òáåãä æøä ùòùå áéîé öã÷éäå
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies like which opinion this goes.)
åàúéà ëî"ã ãàéú ìéä 'öéáåø áòáåãä æøä ëì ùáè åùáè îééúå ôø åùòéø' ...
Clarification: This conforms to the opinion that holds 'With regard to the Avodah Zarah of a Tzibur, each tribe must bring a Par and a Sa'ir'.
åàîèå ìäëé äáéàå ùòéøé çèàú ùðéí òùø ìùðéí òùø ùáèéí.
Clarification (cont.): That explains why they bring twelve goats as Chata'os - for the twelve tribes
úåñ' ã"ä åäà äëà ãîúå áòìéä å÷øáä
(Summary: Tosfos explains the connection between this case and that of 'Meisu Ba'alehah'.)
åä÷ùä äøùá"à, îä òðéï æä ì'îúå áòìéä' ...
Question: The Rashba queries the connection between this and 'Meisu Ba'alehah' ...
ãëåìé äù"ñ ãîééøé ùäôøéù äçèàú åîúå áòìéä àçø ëê, àáì äëà äøé ìà äôøéùå ùåí ãáø ...
Question (cont.): Which throughout Shas, speaks where the owner designated a Chatas and then died, whereas here they did not designate anything ...
åàéîà ãáäðäå ìà ðùðéú ääìëä?
Question (cont.): So we could say that the Halachah was not said in such a case?
åàåîø øáéðå ðúðàì ãàé áìà äôøéù îöé ìä÷øéá, àìîà éù ëôøä ìîúéí ...
Answer: Rabeinu Nesanel says that since, even though one did not designate he can bring it, we see that there is a Kaparah for Meisim ...
åà"ë, ëì ùëï ãäéëà ùäôøéù åàç"ë îúå áòìéä, ãøàåé ìä÷øéá.
Answer (cont.): In which case, how much more so where one designates an animal and dies afterwards, that it is fit to be sacrificed.
åëï îùîò áô"÷ ãäåøéåú (ãó å.) ãàîø 'åäà àéï ëôøä ìîúéí' - ãîééúà ìäà ùîòúà ãäëà ...
Proof: And this is also implied in the first Perek of Horiyos (Daf 6a), where after saying that there is no Kaparah for Meisim, it cites our Sugya ...
îùîò ãàé éù ëôøä ìîúéí, òì äáðéí ìä÷øéá áùáéìí - åë"ù àí äôøéù åàç"ë îúå ãòì äáðéí ìä÷øéáï!
Proof (cont.): Implying that if there would be a Kaparah for Meisim, the children would be obligated to bring the Korban on their behalf - how much more so there where the owner designated the Korban and then died!
úåñ' ã"ä å÷à ÷øáä
(Summary: Tosfos proves that, if the Chatas does not die, it is fit to go on the Mizbe'ach)
åà"ú, úé÷ùä ðîé ìî"ã 'úøòä' - ãìä÷øéá ìéëà ìî"ã?
Question: The Gemara can also ask according to the opinion that holds 'Tir'eh' - since nobody holds that it can be brought on the Mizbe'ach?
åé"ì, ãåãàé ëéåï ãìà àæéì ìîéúä, àôé' ìà÷øåáé ðîé øàåé.
Answer: Since it is not sent to die, it is certainly fit to go on the Mizbe'ach.
åëï îöéðå ôø÷ äåöéàå ìå (éåîà ãó ð.) âáé äà ãàîø áôø 'åàôéìå áãîå', åôøéê òìä 'åäà çèàú ùîúå áòìéä äéà? ...
Proof: And so we find in Perek Ho'tzi'u Lo (Yoma, Daf 50a) in connection with what it says about a Par 'Even its blood', on which the Gemara asks 'But it is a Chatas whose owner died? ...
åîùðé 'ëéåï ãòì ëôøú öéáåø ðîé àúé, ìàå îúå áòìéä äéà' - åîàé îùðé, î"î øòéä áòé? ...
Proof (cont.): And it answers 'Since it also comes to atone for the Tzibur, it is not - Meisu Ba'alehah' - What is the Gemara's answer, seeing as in any event, it requires Re'iyah? ...
àìîà äéëà ãìà àæéì ìîéúä, àôé' ìä÷øáä ðîé äåà øàåé.
Proof (concl.): So we see that if it is not sent to die, it is fit even to go on the Mizbe'ach.
åà"ú, ëéåï ã÷ñ"ã ãîàï ãàéú ìéä çèàú ùëéôøå áòìéä îúä, àéú ìéä ðîé çèàú ùîúå áòìéä îúä ...
Introduction to Question: Since the Gemara thinks that whoever holds that a Chatas whose owner already attained a Kaparah must die, also holds that a Chatas whose owner died must also die ...
úé÷ùé ìîúðé', ãáäà ìéëà îàï ãôìéâ - ã'çèàú ùîúå áòìéä' áéçéã ãáøéí àîåøéí åìà áöéáåø, åàôé' äëé áëôøå áòìéä ôìéâé?
Question (cont.): We can ask on our Mishnah, since nobody argues with the fact that 'A Chatas whose owner dies' speaks specifically about a Yachid and not a Tzibur, yet they still argue over where the owner has been atoned for?
åé"ì, ãìà ãîé, ãîúðé' ôùéèà ìéä ã'çèàú ùîúå áòìéä ìéúà áöéáåø' äééðå ëùîúå ëì äáòìéí åìà ðùàø áäï àçã ...
Answer: They are not comparable, because our Mishnah takes for granted that 'A Chatas she'Meisu Ba'alehah does not apply to a Tzibur' only speaks where all the owners died, and not one remains alive ...
àáì äëà ñ"ã ãòãééï î÷öú äáòìéí ÷ééîéï, åîù"ä ÷àîø ã÷øáä.
Answer (cont.): Whereas here the Gemara thinks that some of the owners are still alive, which is why it says that it must be sacrificed.
úåñ' ã"ä ìéáà ãàéîòéè
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.):
ùìà äéä ìäí ìá ìäçæéø ùëçúí, åáäà ðçì÷å.
Clarification: Since they did not have a heart to retrieve what they forgot, and that is what they argued about.
úåñ' ã"ä îéâîø äåå âîéøé
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.):
îä ùðùúééø ìäí ùìà ùëçå äåå âîéøé áãå÷éà ëîùä.
Clarification: What remained and they did not forget they studied diligently like Moshe.