
(a)We just concluded that Chazal included Pesach in the Yom Tov d'Rabanan, in order to prohibit fasting even on the day after Pesach. Who would then have to be the author of the Beraisa? Which Tana forbids fasting both on the day before and on the day after the days in Megilas Ta'anis?

(b)What problem does that present us with regard to the Reisha of the Beraisa, which included Rosh Chodesh Nisan in the Yamim Tovim d'Rabanan, in order to forbid fasting on the day before (the twenty-ninth of Adar [as we explained])?

(c)Which three Roman decrees were nullified on the twenty-eighth of Nisan?

(d)Acting on the advice of a Roman matron, how did Yehudah ben Shamu'a and his colleagues proceed to have them nullified?


(a)Abaye explains that it was nevertheless necessary to include Rosh Chodesh Nisan in the Yamim Tovim d'Rabanan, because of a leap-year. What does he mean, according to ...

1. ... the first explanation?

2. ... the second explanation?

(b)Rav Ashi maintains that it was necessary anyway, even not in a leap-year. Why is that? What does Rebbi Yosi normally mean when he says 'l'Acharav Asur'?


(a)Why did Chazal find it necessary to include the eighth of Nisan in the second group of days (from the eighth until after Pesach), seeing as it was already included in the first group (from the first until the eighth)?

(b)Why did we need to include the eighth in the second group to achieve that? Why could we not institute the Yom Tov from the ninth, and then rely on the fact that the eighth is anyway the day before the ninth, and therefore forbidden to fast?

(c)How do we use this answer to answer the Kashya that we asked earlier (in 1b.) with regard to Rosh Chodesh Nisan and the twenty ninth of Adar?


(a)Rav rules like Rebbi Yosi (who forbids fasting both the day before and the day after the Yamim Tovim mentioned in Megilas Ta'anis). What does Shmuel say?

(b)What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel in a Beraisa learn from the fact that Chazal use the expression 'Behon' twice (' ... d'Lo l'His'ana Behon ... ude'Lo l'Misped Behon')?

(c)How do we now reconcile Shmuel, who ruled like Rebbi Meir, but who appears to contradict himself by ruling like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel?

(d)Ba'ali quoting Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan rules like Rebbi Yosi (like Rav). How does Rebbi Chiya bar Aba restrict Rebbi Yochanan's ruling?



(a)Why can the Mishnah in Megilah which permits those people who read the Megilah early to eulogize and to fast on that day, not be referring to ...

1. ... someone from a walled city (who normally reads the Megilah on the fifteenth of Adar), who spends the day in an open town (and who therefore reads it on the fourteenth)?

2. ... someone from an open town who is in a village on the thirteenth (and who therefore reads it then)?

3. ... someone from an open town who is in a village on the twelfth?

(b)Assuming therefore, that the Tana must be referring to someone from an open town who spends the day in a village on the eleventh of Adar (and who therefore reads the Megilah then), why does this present us with a Kashya on Rebbi Yochanan (who, we just saw, rules like Rebbi Yosi)?

(c)How do we know that that Mishnah is Halachah anyway?


(a)So we establish the Mishnah by people from an open town who spent the day in a village on the twelfth. Why is there no problem with the fact that it is ...

1. ... Yom Torianus?

2. ... the day before Yom Nikanor?

(b)Yom Torianus was dissolved because Shemayah and Achyo were killed on that day. Who were Shemayah and Achyo? Were they the ones who were eaten by a lion?

(c)Who was Nikanor?

(d)What is the significance of 'Yom Nikanor'? What happened to Nikanor in the end?


(a)What did Torianus tell the two brothers Lulinus and Papus prior to killing them?

(b)What did they answer him?

(c)He killed them anyway. What happened to him (resulting in Chazal fixing that day as a Yom Tov)?

(d)Lulinus and Papus are referred elsewhere as 'Harugei Lud'. What might they possibly have done for the Gemara to write about them that no-one can stand in their place?


(a)We learned in our Mishnah that, once one has begun fasting, one continues fasting even on Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Purim. According to Rav Acha, by 'begun', the Tana means three times. What does Rebbi Yosi (an Amora) say?

(b)We also learned in our Mishnah that, in the opinion of Rebbi Meir, although Raban Gamliel holds that, once one has begun to fast, one continues fasting even on the three Yamim Tovim, nevertheless one does not complete the fast. What do the Chachamim say?

(c)Like whom does Mar Zutra in the name of Rav Huna rule?




(a)The Seder of fasts that we learned until now (first the Yechidim, and then the Tzibur, who first fast three fasts, then three and then seven etc.) is confined to where no rain fell. What will be the Din if the plants failed to grow as they were planted (e.g. if thorns grew instead of wheat)?

(b)The same applies if the rain began falling and then stopped for a significant period before the next fall (since this signifies a drought). What is the length of the significant period?

(c)When does one begin fasting if rain did fall ...

1. ... but only sufficient for the plants but not for the trees or in a way that the trees were watered but not the plants?

2. ... if sufficient rain fell to water the plants and the trees, but not to fill the pits?

(d)If sufficient water fell for the needs of one town but not for its neighbor, what must the inhabitants of the ...

1. ... town for which sufficient rain fell, do? Why is that?

2. ... surrounding districts do (according to the Tana Kama)?