[27a - 42 lines; 27b - 44 lines]

1)[line 24]עיקר שירה בפהIKAR SHIRAH B'FEH - the essential aspect of the songs in the Beis ha'Mikdash is the singing (SHIR SHEL KORBAN: IKAR SHIRAH BI'CHELI / IKAR SHIRAH B'FEH)

(a)Shir, or Shirah, refers to the Song of the Day. The Leviyim sang chapters of Tehilim as the Nesachim (wine libations; see Background to Yoma 61:26) of a Korban Tzibur were poured). These correspond to those chapters that we currently recite as the Shir Shel Yom (Tamid 6:7). Musical instruments were played by the Leviyim to accompany their singing.

(b)There is a Machlokes as to whether the musical instruments are an essential aspect of the songs in the Beis ha'Mikdash. Those who maintain that Ikar Shirah b'Feh (the main aspect is the singing) rule that the musical instruments are not necessary, and that instruments may be played by those who are not Leviyim as well as by Leviyim.

2)[line 37]"בית אב אחד אחוז לאלעזר ואחוז אחוז לאיתמר""BEIS AV ECHAD ACHUZ L'ELAZAR V'ACHUZ ACHUZ L'ISAMAR"- "... one [extra] unit for [each family of] Elazar, but one unit for [one family of] Isamar" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 24:6) - The number of the divisions of the families of Elazar was doubled while the number of the divisions of the families of Isamar remained the same.

3)[last line]פשחורPASHCHUR- the name of one of the families of Kohanim that came back to Eretz Yisrael with Ezra and the Olei Bavel. RASHI notes that his name is not mentioned in the original list of the 24 Mishmaros of Kohanim (Divrei ha'Yamim I 24:7-18). The KEREN ORAH asserts that Pashchur is the new title for the Mishmar of Malkiyah (#5), since the verses (Nechemyah 11:12, Divrei ha'Yamim I 9:12) mention Pashchur ben Malkiyah. (Modern sources, based upon archeological findings, identify Pashchur with the Mishmar of Yakim (#12) -Y. Landy.) For a list of the names of the 24 Mishmaros, see Background to Ta'anis 26:3.


4)[line 2]בקלפיKALFI- a lottery-box

5)[line 11]"ויאמר; ה' א-לקים במה אדע כי אירשנה. ויאמר אליו קחה לי עגלה משלשת ועז משלשת ואיל משלש ותר וגוזל""VA'YOMAR, 'HASH-M E-LOKIM, BA'MAH EIDA KI IRASHENAH?' VA'YOMER ELAV, 'KECHAH LI EGLAH MESHULESHES V'EZ MESHULESHES V'AYIL MESHULASH, V'SOR V'GOZAL'" - "And he (Avraham) said, 'HaSh-m... How will I know that I will inherit it?' And He said, 'Take for Me three calves, three goats, three rams, a pigeon, and a dove" (Bereishis 15:8-9) (THE MERIT OF KORBANOS)

(a)In response to Avraham's question, HaSh-m answered that remaining in Eretz Yisrael depended on the merit of the Korbanos.

(b)The MAHARSHA (Chidushei Agados) points out that in His reply, HaSh-m referred to all the animals that are eligible to be brought as Korbanos: cattle, sheep, goats, pigeons, and doves.

(c)The TORAH TEMIMAH notes that the Gemara here disagrees with the Gemara in Nedarim, which attributes Yisrael's 210-year sojourn in Egypt to Avraham's slight lack of trust in asking for a sign after HaSh-m had promised him that his children would inherit the land.

6)[line 16]עגלה משולשתEGLAH MESHULESHES- three calves

7)[line 25]אסכראASKERA- choking; (O.F. bon malant) quinsy, a severe development of heat, pain, redness and swelling in the throat (RASHI Berachos 40a)

8)[line 28]הנוצריםNOTZRIM- Jews who were misled and followed the teachings of the Nazarene

9)[line 30]נשמה יתירהNESHAMAH YESEIRAH- (a) breadth of spirit which relaxes a person and makes him happy and gives him an appetite to eat (RASHI Beitzah 16a); (b) an extra soul upon which rests divine inspiration which gives a person the ability to delve into the Torah (RITVA, SHITAH MEKUBETZES Beitzah ibid.)

10)[line 31]וי אבדה נפשVAI AVDAH NEFESH- woe, the Neshamah Yeseirah has gone

11)[line 31]"ביני ובין בני ישראל אות הוא לעולם; כי ששת ימים עשה ה' את השמים ואת הארץ וביום השביעי שבת וינפש""BENI U'VEN BNEI YISRAEL OS HI L'OLAM; KI SHESHES YAMIM ASAH HASH-M ES HA'SHAMAYIM V'ES HA'ARETZ UVA'YOM HA'SHEVI'I SHAVAS VA'YINAFASH"- "Between Me and the Children of Yisrael it is a sign forever; that in six days HaSh-m created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was spiritually refreshed (va'Yinafash)" (Shemos 31:17) - The Gemara, based on the acronym of the word "va'Yinafash," explains that HaSh-m grants us a special Neshamah for Shabbos, which entitles us to a foretaste of Olam ha'Ba. He takes it away again every Motza'i Shabbos.

12a)[line 35]דולגDOLEG- he goes back; the second reader goes back and rereads the third verse

b)[line 35]פוסקPOSEK- he splits the third verse into two; the first person reads until the middle of the third verse and stops, and the second reader continues from there

13)[line 37]רבי חנינא קראREBBI CHANINA KARA- Rebbi Chanina the Bible Teacher (who knew all of the verses and their cantillations by heart)