[51a - 56 lines; 51b - 51 lines]

1)[line 1]כתנאיK'TANAI- it is the subject of a disagreement between Tana'im

2)[line 1]עבדי כהנים היוAVDEI KOHANIM HAYU- [the instrument players in the Beis ha'Mikdash] were the slaves of the Kohanim

3a)[line 2]בית הפגריםBEIS HA'PEGARIM- (a) the name of a family from Emek ha'Pegarim (Yirmeyahu 31:39) (see TOSFOS Erchin 10a DH Yesh); (b) according to the Girsa BEIS PAGRIM (or PAGRIS - see MISHNAH Erchin 10a and TOSFOS ibid.) - the House of Pagrim (or Pagris)

b)[line 3]בית ציפריאBEIS TZIPORAYA- the House of Tziporaya

4)[line 3]אמאוםIMA'UM- perhaps Ammaus, a large Roman city in the area of today's Canada Park, in central Israel

5)[line 4]היו משיאין לכהונהHAYU MASI'IN LA'KEHUNAH- they could marry off their daughters [and their widowed wives could get married] to Kohanim [because of their prestigious ancestry; there was no question that all of their ancestors were Jewish]

6)[line 7]ותסברא?V'TISBERA?- is this logical?

7)[line 13]למעלין מדוכן ליוחסיןL'MA'ALIN MI'DUCHAN L'YUCHASIN- If one served on the Duchan (a platform on which the Leviyim sang the Shirah), it could serve as proof that one is of prestigious ancestry

8)[line 14]ולמעשרLE'MA'ASER- we conclude that main Mitzvah of saying Shirah in the Beis ha'Mikdash is done with the mouth; the Machlokes is over what actually happened. The second Halachic difference it makes is whether we may assume that the people on the Duchan are Leviyim with regard to giving them Ma'aser.

9)[line 20]מחלוקתMACHLOKES- that the dispute concerns only the music of the Nisuch ha'Mayim, and whether it overrides Shabbos or Yom Tov

10)[line 34]והא קתניV'HA KATANI- according to Rebbi Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah, even the music of the Nisuch ha'Mayim overrides Shabbos, but did it not refer to the flute- playing?

11)[line 42]"[ויעמדו הלוים בכלי דויד, והכהנים בחצצרות.] ויאמר חזקיהו להעלות העלה להמזבח; ובעת החל העולה החל שיר ה' והחצוצרות, ועל ידי כלי דויד מלך ישראל""[VA'YA'AMDU HA'LEVIYIM BI'CHLEI DAVID, VEHA'KOHANIM BA'CHATZOTZEROS.] VA'YOMER CHIZKIYAHU L'HA'ALOS HA'OLAH LEHA'MIZBE'ACH; UV'EIS HECHEIL HA'OLAH HEICHEL SHIR HASH-M VEHA'CHATZOTZEROS, VE'AL YEDEI KLEI DAVID MELECH YISRAEL" - "[And the Leviyim stood with the instruments of David, and the Kohanim with the trumpets.] Chizkiyahu issued the order to bring up the burnt-offering on the Mizbe'ach. And when they brought the Olah, the music To Hash-m and the trumpets began playing, and using the instruments of David, king of Yisrael" (Divrei ha'Yamim II 29:26-27) (CHIZKIYAH HA'MELECH REDEDICATES THE BEIS HA'MIKDASH)

(a)In an effort to encourage the Kohanim to sacrifice on the numerous altars that he had built in every corner of Yerushalayim, Achaz, Chizkiyahu's father, cut-up all the holy vessels and locked the doors of the Beis-ha'Mikdash. One of the first things that Chizkiyahu did upon ascending the throne was to open the doors of the Beis-ha'Mikdash, to re-dedicate it and re-instate the Kohanim and the Levi'im to their former tasks.

(b)The above Pasuk describes one phase of King Chizkiyahu's efforts.

(c)In any event, it certainly appears, at first glance, that the main Avodas ha'Shir is via the instruments.

12)[line 45]"ויהי כאחד למחצצרים [לַמְחַצְּרִים ק'] ולמשוררים להשמיע קול אחד [להלל ולהדות לה', וכהרים קול בחצצרות ובמצלתים ובכלי השיר ובהלל לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו; והבית מלא ענן בית ה']""VA'YEHI K'ECHAD LA'MECHATZERIM VELA'MESHORERIM L'HASHMI'A KOL ECHAD L'HALEL UL'HODOS LA'SH-M, UCH'HARIM KOL BA'CHATZOTZEROS UV'METZILTAYIM UV'CHLEI HA'SHIR UV'HALEL LA'SH-M KI TOV KI L'OLAM CHASDO; VEHA'BAYIS MALEI ANAN BEIS HASH-M" - "And the trumpeters and the singers performed in unison, to let be heard one sound to praise and thank HaSh-m. And when they raised the tone of the trumpets, the cymbals and the other instruments, and when they praised HaSh-m because He was good, for His kindness endures forever, the House was full of cloud, the House of HaSh-m" (Divrei ha'Yamim II 5:13) (SHLOMO INAUGURATES THE BEIS HA'MIKDASH)

(a)This verse refers to Shlomo ha'Melech's dedication of the Beis ha'Mikdash. It describes the final phase of the dedication, and concludes with, "And the Kohanim were unable to stand to serve because of the cloud, for the Glory of HaSh-m filled the House of G-d" (verse 14).

(b)Bearing in mind that the trumpets were not considered Klei Shir, it would seem that the main Avodas ha'Shir was that of singing.

13)[line 48]לבסומי קלאL'BESUMEI KALA- to sweeten the sound (of the singing(

14)[line 52]עזרת נשיםEZRAS NASHIM

The Ezras Nashim (the "Women's Court") was 135 Amos by 135 Amos and was located to the east of the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. A gallery was erected there every year for the women who came to see the Simchas Beis haSho'evah. Separating the Ezras Nashim from the Azarah were the 15 steps that led up to the eastern gate of the Azarah, Sha'ar Nikanor. Musicians stood on these steps while playing for the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah. (One of the reasons why the 15 Shir ha'Ma'alos in Tehilim were so called is that they were sung on these steps.) On either side of the steps were entrances to rooms under the Ezras Yisrael in which the musical instruments were stored and where the musicians and the choir practiced.

15)[line 53]ספליםSEFALIM- bowls

16)[line 53]בראשיהםB'RASHEIHEM- at the top of [the Menorahs]

17)[line 54]מפירחי כהונהPIRCHEI KEHUNAH- young Kohanim

18)[line 54]כדיםKADIM- jars

19)[line 54]מאה ועשרים לוגME'AH V'ESRIM LOG - 120 Log (MEASUREMENTS OF LIQUID VOLUME)

(a)1 Log = 6 Beitzim

(b)1 Beitzah = approximately .0576 liters or .1 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

(c)120 log = approximately 41.4 liters or 72 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

20)[line 54]מטיליןMATILIN- poured into the bowls

21)[line 55]בלאי מכנסי כהניםBELA'EI MICHNESEI KOHANIM- the worn out pants of the Kohanim

22)[line 55]המייניהןHEMENEIHEN- their belts

23)[line 55]מפקיעיןMAFKI'IN- they tore up


24)[line 1]אבוקותAVUKOS- torches

25a)[line 2]כנורותKINOROS- harps or lutes

b)[line 3]נבליםNEVALIM- lyres

c)[line 3]מצלתיםMITZALTAYIM- cymbals

d)[line 3]ובחצוצרותCHATZOTZEROS- trumpets

26)[line 4]מעלותMA'ALOS- steps

27)[line 8]בשער העליוןSHA'AR HA'ELYON- the gate at the top of the steps, i.e. Sha'ar Nikanor, the eastern gate of the Azarah

28)[line 9]קרא הגברKARA HA'GEVER- the rooster crowed

29a)[line 9]תקעוTAK'U- they blew a Teki'ah (a long blast) [on a Shofar]

b)[line 10]הריעוHARI'U- they blew a Teru'ah (a series of short blasts) [on a Shofar]

30)[line 13]היו תוקעין והולכיןHAYU TOK'IN V'HOLCHIN- they continued sounding the trumpets

31)[line 13]שער היוצא ממזרחSHA'AR HA'YOTZEI MI'MIZRACH- the gate that leads out to the east

32)[line 16]אחוריהם אל ההיכלACHOREIHEM EL HA'HEICHAL- they stood with their backs to the Beis ha'Mikdash

33)[line 17]קדמהKEDMAH- facing eastward [away from the Beis ha'Mikdash]

34)[line 18]שוניןSHONIN- they teach

35)[line 21]בתפארתהB'TIF'ARTA- in its splendor

36)[line 21]כרך נחמדKRACH NECHMAD- a beautiful city

37)[line 22]מאי היאMAI HI- which Mikdash are we speaking of?

38)[line 23]בנין הורדוסBINYAN HURDOS- the Beis ha'Mikdash built by King Herod who ruled between 37 and 4 BCE

39a)[line 23]שישאSHISHA- grayish-brown marble (O.F. bis - grayish brown); alt. yellow marble or alabaster

b)[line 24]מרמראMARMARA- white marble

40)[line 24]שישא כוחלאSHISHA KOCHALA- (a) bluish marble (RASHI); (b) black marble (RABEINU GERSHOM to Bava Basra 4a)

41a)[line 24]אפיק שפהAPIK SAFAH- each successive row of stones was slightly recessed from the row below it

b)[line 24]ועייל שפהV'AYIL SAFAH- one [row of stones] was protruding and the next [row] was sunken

c)[line 25]כי היכי דלקבל סידאKI HEICHI DEL'KABEL SIDA- in order that the plaster stay in place

42)[line 25]למשעיין בדהבאL'MISH'AYAN B'DAHAVA- to cover them with gold

43)[line 25]שבקיהSHAVKEI- leave it alone

44)[line 26]כאדותא דימאIDVASA D'YAMA- the moving, surging sea [since the eye swims when attempting to follow the swirling colors in the marble]

45)[line 27]דיופלוסטוןDEYOPELUSTON- the Great Synagogue

46)[line 28]בסילקיBASILKI- a basilica, a building with colonnades used as a meeting place for merchants and exchange, and as a forum

47)[line 28]סטיו לפנים מסטיוSTAV LI'FNIM MI'STAV- a raised stone platform that was used as a bench upon which to sit. Two rows of such benches surrounded the inside wall.

48)[line 29]כפלים כיוצאי מצריםKIFLAYIM K'YOTZEI MITZRAYIM- twice the number of those who went forth from Egypt

49)[line 29]שבעים ואחד קתדראותSHIV'IM V'ECHAD KATADRA'OS- 71 chairs with backs

50)[line 31]רבואRIBO- ten thousand

51)[line 31]ככרי זהבKIKAREI ZAHAV- talents of gold

52)[line 31]וחזן הכנסתCHAZAN HA'KENESES- the sexton of the synagogue

53)[line 31]סודריןSUDRIN- scarves

54)[line 32]הלהHALAH- that one

55)[line 32]מניףMENIF- would wave

56a)[line 33]זהביןZAHAVIN- goldsmiths

b)[line 33]כספיןKASAFIN- silversmiths

c)[line 33]נפחיןNAPACHIN- iron smiths

d)[line 34]וטרסייםTARSIYIM- coppersmiths

e)[line 34]וגרדייםGARDIYIM- weavers

57)[line 34]בעלי אומנתוBA'ALEI UMANUSO- members of his craft

58)[line 35]נפנהNIFNEH- he turns to them (and they hire him)

59)[line 36]אלכסנדרוס מוקדןALEKSANDRUS MOKDON- (a) Alexander the Great; (b) according to the Vilna Ga'on, the correct Girsa is TARKIYANUS - Trajan, Roman emperor (98-117 CE)

60)[line 36]"הכל בכתב מיד ה' עלי השכיל; כל מַלְאֲכוֹת התבנית""HA'KOL BI'KESAV MI'YAD HASH-M, ALAI HISKIL; KOL MALACHOS HA'TAVNIS" - "Everything in writing from the Hand of HaSh-m to me, I attained it with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh; all the workmanship of the structure" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 28:19) (DAVID PREPARES HIS SON SHLOMO TO BUILD THE BEIS HA'MIKDASH)

(a)David transmits to his son, Shlomo (who is destined to build the Beis ha'Mikdash), the details of architecture of the Beis ha'Mikdash. He stresses that every detail was handed to him through Ru'ach ha'Kodesh (via the prophets Shmuel, Gad and Nasan), and that nothing could be changed.

(b)He goes on to allay any fears that Shlomo (who was not yet Bar Mitzvah at the time) might harbor of not succeeding in the monumental task of building the Beis ha'Mikdash, because he, too, would enjoy Divine assistance.

61)[line 37]הדור אתוHADUR ASU- returned

62)[line 37]כי אתאKI ASA- when he came

63)[line 38]"ישא ה' עליך גוי מרחוק...""YISA HASH-M ALECHA GOY ME'RACHOK..."- "The L-rd will bring a nation against you from afar..." (Devarim 28:49).

64)[line 38]ההוא גבראHA'HU GAVRA- "that person" (this is referring to himself, Alexander the Great or Trajan)

65)[line 38]למיתי ספינתאL'MEISI SEFINASA- he should have brought the ships

66)[line 39]דליה זיקאDALYEI ZIKA- a wind [arose and] carried it

67)[line 41]חלקה היתהCHALAKAH HAYESAH- [the walls of the Ezras Nashim] were smooth

68)[line 41]גזוזטראGEZUZTERA- a board [used to build a balcony] (O.F. planches - boards)

69)[line 43]קלות ראשKALUS ROSH- lightheadedness, flippancy