[20a - 40 lines; 20b - 45 lines]

1)[line 10]אחת גדולה ואחת קטנה מיבעי ליהACHAS GEDOLAH V'ACHAS KETANAH MIBA'I LEI- he should have [used the terminology of] "both a large and a small" [reed mat, implying that he was comparing the small one to the large one]

2a)[line 21]שיפהSHIFAH- (O.F. paveil) a species of rush, a slender-stemmed marsh plant. (RASHI to 16a translates Shifa as O.F. lesche. On this Daf, Rashi provides this word as the translation of Cheilas. Whereas Rashi translates Shifah here as O.F. paveil, on 20b he offers this as the translation of Sha'am. As these species of reeds are related to each other, it appears that they were confused due to a printer's error.)

b)[line 21]גמיGEMI- (O.F. jonc) bulrush

c)[line 22]קניםKANIM- reeds [with a tougher stem than Shifah and Gemi]

d)[line 22]חילתCHEILAS- (O.F. lesche) a species of reed

3a)[line 22]גדולהGEDULAH- plaited [in such a way that the individual reeds rise in a bumpy fashion] (see Insights)

b)[line 23]ארוגהARUGAH- woven [in such a way that the individual reeds lie flat]

4)[line 26]חוצלותCHOTZALOS- The Gemara below records a disagreement regarding the meaning of this word.

5)[line 27]טמא מתTEMEI MES

(a)A k'Zayis of the flesh of a Mes (corpse) is an "Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah" and causes other people or objects to become Tamei through Maga (contact), Masa (carrying), or Ohel (being in the same covered area as the person or object; see Background to 18:12).

(b)If a person (or utensil) becomes Tamei through touching or being in the same room as a Mes (or a part of a Mes which is Metamei b'Ohel), he (or it) must wait seven days before he (or it) is able to go to the Mikvah in order to become Tahor. On the third and seventh days, Mei Chatas (ashes of the Parah Adumah mixed in spring water — see Background to Pesachim 17:20) is sprinkled on the person or utensil. A person who is Tahor dips three Ezov (hyssop) branches which have been bound together into the mixture, and sprinkles them on the person or utensil which is Tamei. After this process is complete, the person or utensil is immersed in a Mikvah to complete the purification process (Bamidbar 19:17-19).

6)[line 28]מדרסMIDRAS- see Background to 17:16

7)[line 32]מזבליMAZBELEI- (O.F. bolzole) a shepherd's food sack that doubles as his sleeping mat

8)[line 33]מחצלות ממשMACHTZALOS MAMASH- reed mats

9)[line 34]הריני כפרת רבי חייא ובניוHAREINI KAPARAS REBBI CHIYA U'BANAV- May any suffering that I undergo serve as an atonement for the souls of Rebbi Chiya and his sons. This expression of honor is uttered when mentioning one's father or Rebbi within a year of their passing (see Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah 240:9, 242:28, as well as Insights)

10)[line 35]כשנשתכחה תורה מישראלKESHE'NISHTACHECHAH TORAH MI'YISRAEL- when certain Halachos were forgotten from Klal Yisrael (see Pesachim 66a)

11)[line 36]עזראEZRA- Ezra ha'Sofer, who led those members of Klal Yisrael who returned from the seventy-year-long exile in Bavel following the destruction of the first Beis ha'Mikdash

12)[line 37]הלל הבבליHILLEL HA'BAVLI- Hillel the Elder, who was a student of Shemaya and Avtalyon and served as Nasi in Bavel

13)[last line]אושאUSHA- a city in the Galilee


14)[line 1]טמאותTEME'OS- receive [all types of] Tum'ah [including Midras]

15)[line 3]ליכא דיתיב עלייהוLEIKA D'YASIV ALEIHU- people do not generally sit upon them

16)[line 4]מקרי ויתבי עלייהוMIKRI V'YASVEI ALEIHU- it sometimes happens that people [designate them as sitting mats in order to] sit upon them

17)[line 8]גדנפאGEDANFA- a rim

18a)[line 9]שעםSHA'AM- (O.F. paveil) a species of rush, a slender-stemmed marsh plant (See above, entry 2a).

b)[line 9]גמיGEMI- (O.F. jonc) bulrush

c)[line 9]שקSAK- material woven from goats' hair

d)[line 9]ספיראSEFIRA- material woven from horsehair (culled from the mane and tail)

19)[line 12]כינתא דפיריKINTA D'FEIREI- a container for large fruits

20)[line 13]גולקי וצניGULKEI V'TZANEI- types of haversacks, elongated pouches used to store small fruits and legumes

21a)[line 15]פרסיPERASEI- curtains

b)[line 15]נפוותאNIFVASA- sieves

22)[line 16]לנזיאתאL'NIZYASA- [as a cover] for brewing vats

23)[line 23]בודיאBUDYA- a reed mat

24)[line 26]קירKIR- a rim



(a)Mitzvos that must be performed at a specific time, such as of the day (e.g. daytime only, such as Tzitzis) or year (e.g. Sukah, Lulav, and Shofar) are called Mitzvos Aseh sheha'Zman Geramah. Women are exempt from these Mitzvos, with the exception of Kidush on Friday night, Matzah on Pesach night, the Korban Pesach, Hakhel, and Simchah on Pesach, Shavu'os and Sukos.

(b)Nochri slaves owned by a Jew are obligated to fulfill Mitzvos as a woman is (with a few exceptions, such as Bris Milah). The reason why they are exempt from Mitzvos Aseh sheha'Zman Geramah is that their time is not their own; rather, it belongs to their master.

26)[line 38]לפי דרכינוLEFI DARKEINU- along the way (i.e., even though the intention of his statement was not to teach these rulings)

27)[line 39]והא ליכא עשרה!V'HA LEIKA ASARAH!- but [the bed] is not ten Tefachim [above the ground, in which case the area underneath it is therefore not an Ohel]! (see Daf 4b)

28a)[line 41]חור שחררוהו מיםCHOR SHE'CHARERUHU MAYIM- a cavity hollowed out by [flowing] water [that form a covered space with the dimension of at least one cubic Amah]

b)[line 41]שרציםSHERATZIM- rodents [such as weasels or moles]

c)[line 42]שאכלתו מלחתSHE'ACHALATU MALACHAS- that it was formed through saline corrosion

d)[line 42]מדבך אבניםMIDVACH AVANIM- building stones piled in rows [that form a space with the dimension of at least one cubic Amah]

e)[line 43]סואר של קורותSAVAR SHEL KOROS- a stack of beams [that form a covered space with the dimension of at least one cubic Amah]

29)[line 43]מאהיל על הטומאהMA'AHIL AL HA'TUM'AH- see Background to 18:12

30)[line 44]עשוי בידי אדםASUY BI'YEDEI ADAM- built [and intended as such] by man