[15a - 45 lines; 15b - 9 lines]
1)[line 1]מעזיבהMA'AZIVAH- plaster
2a)[line 2]מפקפקMEFAKPEK- he should a) lift the boards and then replace them (RASHI); b) remove the nails from the boards (ROSH, TUR)
b)[line 2]נוטל אחת מבינתיםNOTEL ACHAS MI'BEINASAYIM- he should remove every other board [and replace it with valid Sechach]
3)[line 20]רישאREISHA- the previous Mishnah
4)[line 21]משופיןMESHUPIN- sanded to a smooth finish
5)[line 21]גזרת כליםGEZEIRAS KELIM- a Rabbinic decree prohibiting one from using finished boards Sechach. Although they have no receptacle and are therefore not Mekabel Tum'ah (see Background to 12:21), one may fail to differentiate between such boards and vessels with a utensil and use that which can become Tamei as Sechach.
6a)[line 22]חיצין זכריםCHITZIN ZECHARIM- (O.F. fleches - arrow shafts) male arrow shafts; i.e., those with a peg at the end meant to fit into the corresponding hole in an arrowhead
b)[line 23]נקבותNEKEIVOS- female arrow shafts; i.e., those with a hole at the end into which the corresponding peg of an arrowhead is meant to fit into
7)[line 5]פסולהPESULAH- see Background to 12:21
8)[line 36]סיפא במאי פליגי?SEIFA B'MAI PELIGI?- What is the disagreement between Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yehudah in our Mishnah? It cannot be that they are discussing boards with a width between three and four Tefachim, since the majority of roofs are built with four-Tefach-wide boards.
9)[line 36]ביטולי תקרהBITULEI TIKRAH- when one actively removes the roof boards [and replaces them as Sechach, thereby demonstrating his awareness of the rule of "Ta'aseh v'Lo Min he'Asuy"] (RASHI; see Insights for other explanations of this Gemara)
10)[line 37]בטלה בהכיBATLAH B'HACHI- [Gezeiras Tikrah] does not apply in such a situation
11)[line 38]המקרה סוכתוHA'MEKAREH SUKASO- one who places crossbeams on his Sukah [with which to support the Sechach]
12a)[line 39]שפודיןSHEFUDIN- [metal] spits
b)[line 39]ארוכו' המטהARUCHOS HA'MITAH- (O.F. espondes) the long beams of a bedframe [that are currently Peshutei Kli Etz (see Background to 12:21), but were Mekabel Tum'ah when part of the complete bedframe]
13)[line 39]אם יש ריוח ביניהן כמותן כשרהIM YESH REIVACH BEINEIHEN K'MOSAN- if the space between them is equal to their width [and is filled with valid Sechach]
14)[line 40]החוטט בגדישHA'CHOTET B'GADISH- one who removes sheaves of grain from [the bottom of] a stack of such sheaves [in order to hollow out a space]
15)[line 42]פרוץ כעומדPARUTZ K'OMED (HOTZA'AH)
(a)Hotza'ah is the last of the thirty-nine Avos Melachos of Shabbos. It involves either:
1.transferring objects from a Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain) to a Reshus ha'Rabim (public domain);
2.Hachnasah, which refers to transferring objects from a Reshus ha'Rabim to a Reshus ha'Yachid;
3.Ma'avir Arba Amos bi'Reshus ha'Rabim, or carrying an object from one place in Reshus ha'Rabim to another over a distance of at least four Amos;
4.Moshit, which involves passing an object from one Reshus ha'Yachid to another through Reshus ha'Rabim (as described in the Mishnah on Shabbos Daf 96a; see Background to Daf 4a). All of these are biblical prohibitions.
(b)In order to transgress the biblical prohibition of Hotza'ah, certain conditions must be met. An Akirah (initiation of movement) and a Hanachah (putting the object to rest) must be performed on the object by the same person. If one person performs an Akirah and another the Hanachah, only a Rabbinical prohibition is involved (Shabbos 3a).
(c)Rav Papa allows one to carry within a Reshus ha'Yachid even if the amount of solid wall enclosing that Reshus is exactly equal to the open parts of the partition. Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua disagrees; he maintains that such a partition is not a Halachically valid Mechitzah. Our Gemara suggests that our Mishnah seems to disprove the theory of Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua. Although the amount of valid and invalid Sechach are equal, we leniently consider the Sukah to have kosher Sechach.
16)[last line]בנכנס ויוצאB'NICHNAS V'YOTZEI- [the term "k'Mosan" must mean that the space in between the invalid crossbeams is wide enough that a crossbeam equal in width could easily] slip in and out; i.e., the space is slightly larger than that taken up by the crossbeams
17)[line 1]והא אפשר לצמצם!V'HA EFSHAR L'TZAMTZEM!- [why do you say that this is what the Mishnah must mean?] it is possible to [measure the width of the crossbeams and] leave that exact amount of space [-- and no more -- in between them]!
18)[line 1]במעדיףB'MA'ADIF- [our Mishnah is referring to] one who purposely left a slightly larger space [between the crossbeams than that of the crossbeams themselves]
19a)[line 3]אם היו נתונים שתיIM HAYU NESUNIM SHESI- if [the crossbeams] were placed lengthwise
b)[line 3]נותנן ערבNOSNAN EREV- he placed [valid Sechach] widthwise [on top of them, which results in more kosher Sechach than invalid Sechach] (see Insights)
20)[line 6]בלאי כליםBIL'EI BEGADIM- rags [made of natural fibers (that are therefore valid as Sechach) that are not currently Mekabel Tum'ah, although they were when part a garment]
21a)[line 7]ארוכה ושתי כרעיםARUCHAH U'SHTEI KERA'IM- the long beam of a bedframe with two legs attached
b)[line 7]קצרה ושתי כרעיםKETZARAH U'SHTEI KERA'IM- the short beam of a bedframe with two legs attached