The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[11a - 53 lines; 11b - 51 lines]

1)[line 1]"כה אמר ה' הנני מקים עליך רעה מביתך ולקחתי את נשיך לעיניך ונתתי לרעיך ושכב עם נשיך לעיני השמש הזאת""KOH AMAR HASH-M: HINENI MEKIM ALECHA RA'AH MI'BEISECHA, V'LAKACHTI ES NASHECHA L'EINECHA V'NASATI L'REI'ECHA, V'SHACHAV IM NASHECHA L'EINEI HA'SHEMESH HA'ZOS" - "So says HaSh-m: Behold I will set up against you evil from your own house, and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your fellow-man; and he will lie with your wives before this sun" (Shmuel II 12:11) (DAVID'S SEVERE PUNISHMENT)

(a)While David ha'Melech's sin vis-a-vis Bas Sheva is subject to interpretation, Nasan ha'Navi specifically accuses David of having "killed Uriyah ha'Chiti and taking his wife as his own," adding that he killed Uriyah ha'Chiti "via the swords of Bnei Amon." The Navi already warned David that many of his descendants would die by the sword on account of what he did.

(b)Nasan ha'Navi now adds another punishment, informing David ha'Melech that if he acted in secret, HaSh-m would punish him in public.

(c)When David reacted by confessing his sin and doing Teshuvah, the Navi told him that HaSh-m accepted his Teshuvah and he would not die as he deserved. However, because he angered HaSh-m, the baby that Bas Sheva was carrying would die.

2)[line 6]"ויולדו לאבשלום שלושה בנים ובת אחת ושמה תמר היא היתה אשה יפת מראה""VA'YIVALDU L'AVSHALOM SHELOSHAH BANIM U'VAS ACHAS, U'SHMAH TAMAR, HI HAISAH ISHAH YEFAS MAR'EH"- "And Avshalom fathered three sons and one daughter, whose name was Tamar. She was a beautiful woman" (Shmuel II 14:27) - See Background to Sotah 10:34.

3)[line 20]"ויבא ה' ויתיצב ויקרא כפעם בפעם שמואל שמואל ויאמר שמואל דבר כי שמע עבדך""VA'YAVO HASH-M VA'YISYATZAV, VA'YIKRA K'FA'AM B'FA'AM, 'SHMUEL SHMUEL'; VA'YOMER SHMUEL, 'DABER, KI SHOME'A AVDECHA!'" - "And HaSh-m came and He stood there, and as He did on the previous occasions He called out, 'Shmuel, Shmuel'; and Shmuel said, 'Speak, for Your servant is listening!' (Shmuel I 3:10) (SHMUEL'S FIRST PROPHECY)

(a)Shmuel was sleeping in the Ezras Leviyim in the Mishkan in Shiloh when HaSh-m called him from the Kodesh ha'Kodashim by name. Thinking that it was the Kohen Gadol (Eli) who called him, Shmuel ran immediately and presented himself to him. Eli, who had heard nothing, told Shmuel to go and lie down. When the same scenario repeated itself, Eli realized what had happened. Once again, he told Shmuel to go and lie down, and that the next time he hears the Voice calling him, he should reply in the way that the verse describes.

(b)See Background to Rosh Hashanah 18:5.

4)[line 21]"ותתפלל חנה ותאמר, עלץ לבי בה'; רמה קרני בה' רחב פי על אויבי כי שמחתי בישועתך... אל תרבו תדברו גבהה גבהה יצא עתק מפיכם; כי ק-ל דעות ה' ולו נתכנו עללות""VA'TISPALEL CHANAH VA'TOMAR, 'ALATZ LIBI BA'SH-M RAMAH KARNI BA'SH-M; RACHAV PI AL OYEVAI KI SAMACHTI BI'YESHU'ASECHA... AL TARBU SEDABRU GEVOHAH GEVOHAH YETZEI ASAK MI'PICHEM, KI KEL DE'OS HASH-M V'LO NISKENU ALILOS" - "And Chanah prayed and she said, 'My heart exults in HaSh-m, my horn has been raised [to gore my enemies]; my mouth is open wide against my antagonists [to reply to their insults], for I rejoice in Your salvation... Do not increasingly speak with extreme arrogance, let not strong words come from your mouth, for HaSh-m is the G-d who knows all thoughts, and all deeds are accounted to Him" (Shmuel I 2:1, 3) (CHANAH'S ULTIMATE VICTORY)

(a)During the years that Chanah was barren, Peninah (her husband's other wife) taunted her mercilessly, causing her untold anguish. These two verses allude to Chanah's ultimate victory.

(b)The Midrash, commenting on the verse, "Until the barren one bore seven and the one with many children mourned" (Shmuel I 2:5), explains that Chanah actually gave birth to another six children (four in reality, as we will now explain), besides Shmuel. She gave birth to another two boys and two girls, and each time she bore a child, one of Peninah's children died. When she bore her fifth child, Peninah fell at her feet and pleaded with her to have mercy on her. Peninah's remaining two children lived, but they were considered Chanah's, hence the count of six children. This is the opinion of Rebbi Nechemyah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, Shmuel remained Chanah's only child, and "seven" refers to her grandchildren. Others (Rebbi Nasan) point out that "seven" ("Shiv'ah") refers to Shmuel, whose numerical value it shares.

5)[line 23]"ויקם מלך חדש [על מצרים אשר לא ידע את יוסף]""VA'YAKAM MELECH CHADASH [AL MITZRAYIM ASHER LO YADA ES YOSEF]"- "And there arose a new king [over Egypt who did not know Yosef]" (Shemos 1:8).

6)[line 27]לקהLAKAH- he was punished

7)[line 28]"ובכה ובעמך ובכל עבדיך [יעלו הצפרדעים]""U'VECHAH UV'AMECHA UV'CHOL AVADECHA; [YA'ALU HA'TZEFARDE'IM]"- "And upon you and upon your people and upon all of your servants [shall the frogs ascend]" (Shemos 7:29).

8)[line 32]"כי מי נח זאת לי""KI MEI NOACH ZOS LI..."- "For this is like the waters of Noach to Me; [for just as I have sworn that the waters of Noach should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be angry with you nor rebuke you]" (Yeshayah 54:9).

9)[line 34]"ומצרים נסים לקראתו""U'MITZRAYIM NASIM LIKRASO"- "and the Egyptians were fleeing towards it (the waters of Yam Suf)" (Shemos 14:27).

10)[line 35]"כי בדבר אשר זדו עליהם""KI VA'DAVAR ASHER ZADU ALEIHEM"- "for in the very thing wherein they conspired [did punishment come] against them" (Shemos 18:11).

11)[line 39]בלשכת הגזיתLISHKAS HA'GAZIS- the Beis Din of the Lishkas ha'Gazis (the Jewish Supreme Court), known as the Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges. The Lishkas ha'Gazis (The Chamber of Hewn Stone, TY #27) was partially built in the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The Great Sanhedrin was the highest Halachic authority before which the most difficult cases were brought (Devarim 17:8).

12)[line 39]"ומשפחות סופרים יושבי יעבץ תרעתים שמעתים שׂוּכתים; המה הקנים הבאים מחמת אבי בית רכב""U'MISHPECHOS SOFERIM YOSHEVEI YA'BETZ, TIR'ASIM SHIM'ASIM SUCHASIM; HEMAH HA'KINIM HA'BA'IM ME'CHAMAS AVI VEIS RECHAV"- "And the families of scribes who lived in Ya'betz: Tir'asim, Shim'asim, and Suchasim. These were the descendants of Keini who descended from Chamas, the father of the house of Rechav " (Divrei ha'Yamim I 2:55).

13)[line 42]"וישימו עליו שרי מסים למען ענתו בסבלתם; ויבן ערי מסכנות לפרעה את פתם ואת רעמסס""VA'YASIMU ALAV SAREI MISIM L'MA'AN ANOSO B'SIVLOSAM; VA'YIVEN AREI MISKENOS L'FAR'O, ES PISOM V'ES RA'AMSES"- "They set over them (lit. him) taskmasters, in order to afflict them (lit. him) with their burdens; and they built store-cities for Pharaoh, Pisom and Ra'amses" (Shemos 1:11) - The Gemara interprets the first part of this verse as follows: "They placed around his (Pharaoh's) neck a brick, which became a [reason for a] subjugation through placement [of hard labor upon Benei Yisrael. That brick was place there] in order to make him (Pharaoh) suffer [so that Benei Yisrael would be tricked into bearing] their burdens [of bondage]."

14)[line 43]מלבןMALBEN- a brick

15)[line 44]איסטניסISTENIS- an extremely fastidious, sensitive individual

16)[line 45]דבר שמשיםDAVAR SHE'MESIM- a matter [for a subjugation] of placement [of hard labor upon Benei Yisrael]

17)[line 46]למען ענותו לפרעה בסבלותם דישראלL'MA'AN ANOSO L'FAR'O B'SIVLOSAM D'YISRAEL- in order to make Pharaoh suffer for [the purpose of causing Benei Yisrael to bear] the burdens [of bondage] of Benei Yisrael

18)[line 48]שממסכנות את בעליהןSHE'MEMASKENOS ES BA'ALEIHEN- they make their owners become poor

19)[line 50]שראשון ראשון מתרוססSHE'RISHON RISHON MISROSES- each building would fall to pieces after being built


20)[line 2]בפריכהPERICHAH- back-breaking labor

21)[line 2]"וימררו את חייהם בעבדה קשה בחמר ובלבנים [ובכל עבדה בשדה את כל עבדתם אשר עבדו בהם בפרך]""VA'YEMARERU ES CHAYEIHEM BA'AVODAH KASHAH B'CHOMER UVI'LVENIM [UV'CHOL AVODAH BA'SADEH; ES KOL AVODASAM ASHER AVDU VAHEM B'FARECH]"- "And they made their lives bitter with hard service, with mortar and bricks [and with every manner of service in the field; all their service wherein they made them serve with rigor]" (Shemos 1:14).

22)[line 10]ושופתות שתי קדירותV'SHOFSOS SHETEI KEDEIROS- and they placed two pots over the fire

23)[line 12]בין שפתיםBEIN SHEFATAYIM- [in the secluded areas] between the boundaries [of the fields]

24)[line 12]"אם תשכבון בין שפתים [כנפי יונה נחפה בכסף ואברותיה בירקרק חרוץ]""IM TISHKEVUN BEIN SHEFATAYIM [KANFEI YONAH NECHPAH VA'KESEF, V'EVROSEHA BI'YRAKRAK CHARUTZ]"- "Were you to lie down between the boundaries, [the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her pinions (limbs of the wing) with yellow gold]" (Tehilim 68:14) - This chapter of Tehilim deals with the lofty spiritual level of Benei Yisrael after they left Egypt, crossed the Yam Suf, and accepted the Torah at Har Sinai.

25)[line 16]"... תחת התפוח עוררתיך שמה חבלתך אמך שמה חבלה ילדתך""... TACHAS HA'TAPU'ACH ORARTICHA, SHAMAH CHIBELASCHA IMECHA, [SHAMAH CHIBELAH YELADASCHA]"- "[Who is this who comes up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?] I awakened you under the apple tree; there your mother was in labor with you; [there she who bore you was in labor]" (Shir ha'Shirim 8:5).

26a)[line 16]שמנקירSHE'MANKIR- who cleans

b)[line 17]ומשפירU'MASHPIR- and straightens or smoothes out the limbs of a newborn baby, including relocating dislocated joints (RASHI)

27)[line 17]"ומלודתיך ביום הולדת אותך לא כָרַּת שָׁרֵּךְ, ובמים לא רחצת למשעי; [והמלח לא המלחת והחתל לא חתלת]""U'MOLDOSAYICH B'YOM HULEDES OSACH LO CHARAS SHARECH, UV'MAYIM LO RUCHATZT L'MISH'I; [V'HAMLE'ACH LO HUMLACHAT, V'HOCHTEL LO CHUTALT]"- "And as for your birth, on the day you were born your navel (i.e. umbilical cord) was not cut, neither were you washed in water to smooth your skin; [you were not salted at all, nor were you wrapped up at all]" (Yechezkel 16:4).

28)[line 18](ומלקט) [ומנקט] להן שני עגולין(U'MELAKET) [U'MENAKET] LAHEN SHNEI IGULIN- and molds for them two round clods [of earth that are as hard as stone] (Midrash Rabah ha'Mevu'ar Shemos 1:12)

29)[line 19]"וינקהו דבש מסלע ושמן מחלמיש צור""... VA'YENIKEHU DEVASH MI'SELA, V'SHEMEN ME'CHALMISH TZUR"- "[He made him ride on the high places of the earth, and he ate the produce of the fields;] and He made him suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock" (Devarim 32:13).

30)[line 21]"על גבי חרשו חרשים [האריכו למעניתם]""AL GABI CHARSHU CHORSHIM; [HE'ERICHU L'MA'ANISAM]"- "The plowers plowed upon my back; [they made long their furrows]" (Tehilim 129:3).

31)[line 22]מבצבצין ויוצאיןMEVATZBETZIN V'YOTZ'IN- would break through and come out of the ground

32)[line 22]"רבבה כצמח השדה נתתיך ותרבי ותגדלי ותבאי בעדי עדיים""REVAVAH K'TZEMACH HA'SADEH NESATICH, VA'TIRBI VA'TIGDELI, VA'TAVO'I B'ADI ADAYIM..."- "I have caused you to increase like a plant of the field, and you grew up and became tall, and you came to possess great ornaments" (Yechezkel 16:7).

33)[line 25]"ואנוהו""V'ANVEHU"- "and I will glorify Him" (Shemos 15:2)

34)[line 25]"ויאמר מלך מצרים למילדת העבריות אשר שם האחת שפרה ושם השנית פועה""VA'YOMER MELECH MITZRAYIM LA'MEYALDOS HA'IVRIYOS; ASHER SHEM HA'ACHAS SHIFRAH V'SHEM HA'SHENIS PU'AH"- "And the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, of whom the name of one was Shifrah and the name of the second Pu'ah" (Shemos 1:15).

35)[line 26]כלה וחמותהKALAH V'CHAMOSAH- a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law

36)[line 27]ואלישבעV'ELISHEVA- and the sister of Nachshon Ben Aminadav who married Aharon ha'Kohen

37)[line 28]שמשפרת את הולדSHE'MESHAPERES ES HA'VELAD- she straightened or smoothed out the limbs of a newborn baby, including relocating dislocated joints (RASHI)

38)[line 30]שהיתה פועהSHE'HAYESAH PO'AH- (a) [that she played with the newborn babies and] cooed or called aloud [to them] (RASHI); (b) she would whisper [to the mother to facilitate the birth] (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by the TOSFOS)

39)[line 31]"ויאמר בילדכן את העבריות [וראיתן על האבנים אם בן הוא והמתן אתו ואם בת היא וחיה]""VA'YOMER, 'B'YALEDCHEN ES HA'IVRIYOS [UR'ISEN AL HA'AVNAYIM, IM BEN HU VA'HAMITEN OSO, V'IM BAS HI VA'CHAYAH]'"- "And he said: 'When you deliver the Hebrew women [and you see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall kill him, and if it is a daughter, then she shall live]'" (Shemos 1:16).

40)[line 34]יוצרYOTZER- potter

41)[line 35]וסדןV'SADAN- and a thick block of wood on which the potter sits and rolls the balls of clay to form them into utensils

42)[line 40]"ותאמרן המילדת אל פרעה כי לא כנשים [המצרית העבריות; כי חיות הנה בטרם תבוא אלהן המילדת וילדו]""VA'TOMARNA HA'MEYALDOS EL PAR'OH, 'KI LO CHA'NASHIM [HA'MITZRIYOS HA'IVRIYOS; KI CHAYOS HENAH, B'TEREM TAVO ALEIHEN HA'MEYALEDES V'YALADU]'"- "And the midwives said to Pharaoh: 'The Hebrew women are unlike the Egyptian women, because they are experts (lit. midwives). Before the midwife comes to them, they give birth]'" (Shemos 1:19).

43)[line 42]"גור אריה [יהודה]""GUR ARYEH [YEHUDAH]"- "[Yehudah is] a lion's cub" (Bereishis 49:9).

44)[line 42]"נפתלי אילה שלוחה""NAFTALI AYALAH SHELUCHAH"- "Naftali is a doe let loose" (Bereishis 49:21).

45)[line 43]"יששכר חמור גרם""YISACHAR CHAMOR GAREM"- "Yisachar is a large-boned donkey" (Bereishis 49:14).

46)[line 44]"[ואמרת] מה אמך לביה בין אריות רבצה [בתוך כפרים רבתה גוריה]""[V'AMARTA,] 'MAH IMECHA LEVIYA, BEIN ARAYOS RAVATZAH, [B'SOCH KEFIRIM RIBESAH GUREHA]'"- "[And say,] 'Oh, how your mother was a lioness, crouching among lions. [She nourished her cubs among young lions]'" (Yechezkel 19:2) - The mother is Yoshiyahu's wife, mother of Yeho'achaz, Yehoyakim, and Tzidkiyahu. The two cubs mentioned in the verses at the beginning of this Kinah (lamentation) are Yeho'achaz and Yehoyakim.

47)[line 47]"ותמת עזובה ויקח לו כלב את אפרת ותלד לו את חור""VA'TAMAS AZUVAH, VA'YIKACH LO CHALEV ES EFRAS, VA'TELED LO ES CHUR"- "And Azuvah (Kalev's wife) died. Then Kalev took Efras as his wife, and she bore him Chur" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 2:19) - Azuvah and Efras are both names of Miriam, as the Gemara explains below. When the verse states that she died, it actually means that she was afflicted with Tzara'as (RASHI), since a Metzora is likened to a dead person (Nedarim 64b).

48)[line 49]"וכלב בן חצרון הוליד את עזובה אשה ואת יריעות ואלה בניה ישר ושובב וארדון""V'CHALEV BEN CHETZRON HOLID ES AZUVAH ISHAH V'ES YERI'OS; V'ELEH VANEHA YESHER V'SHOVAV V'ARDON"- "And Kalev ben Chetzron fathered children through his wife Azuvah (lit. gave birth to his wife Azuvah) and [through his wife] Yeri'os. And these are her sons: Yesher and Shovav and Ardon" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 2:18) - Azuvah and Yeri'os are both names of Miriam, as the Gemara explains below. Her "sons" refer to her "builder" (do not read "Baneha," but rather "Boneha" - Gemara below, Daf 12a), i.e. Kalev himself, and the Gemara ibid. explains why Kalev is called by these names.

49)[line 50]בן חצרון בן יפנה הואBEN CHETZRON? BEN YEFUNEH HU!- the son of Chetzron? But Kalev was the son of Yefuneh! (Bamidbar 13:6)

50)[line 50]בן שפנה מעצת מרגליםBEN SHE'PANAH ME'ATZAS MERAGLIM- the son who turned away from the evil counsel of the spies

51)[last line]"וילכדה עתניאל בן קנז אחי כלב הקטן ממנו ויתן לו את עכסה בתו לאשה""VA'YILKEDAH OSNIEL BEN KENAZ ACHI KALEV HA'KATON MIMENU, VA'YITEN LO ES ACHSAH BITO L'ISHAH" - "And Osniel ben Kenaz, the younger brother of Kalev, captured it, and he gave him Achsah his daughter as a wife" (Shoftim 1:13) (OSNIEL BEN KENAZ'S PRIZE)

Describing the battles of the tribe of Yehudah, the Navi relates how they captured Yerushalayim and razed it to the ground. The verse then goes back in time to the conquest of Kena'an while Yehoshua was still alive and reports the capture of Chevron and the death of Achiman, Sheishai, and Talmai (the giants mentioned in the Chumash in connection with the Spies), and recalls the capture of Devir, previously known as Kiryas Sefer, under the command of Kalev ben Yefuneh. He seems to have had some problem with defeating it, so he offered his beautiful daughter Achsah in marriage to whoever would succeed in capturing it. It was his own half-brother, Osniel ben Kenaz, who won the prize.

52)[last line]חורגוCHORGO- his step-son