(a)On what condition does the Mishnah permit borrowing jugs of wine and oil on Shabbos?
(b)Why is that?
(c)What similar case does the Tana insert?
(d)What is the lender permitted to do if he does not trust the borrower?
(a)The Mishnah permits borrowing jugs of wine and oil on Shabbos - provided one avoids using the term 'Halveini!' ...
(b)... because - since 'S'tam Halva'ah implies thirty days, we are afraid that, due to the length of time involved, one may come to enter the loan in one's ledger (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(c)Similarly, the Tana permits - a woman to borrow loaves of bread from her neighbor (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(d)If the lender does not trust the borrower - he is permitted to request the borrower's coat as a security.
(a)What does the Tana say in similar vein about purchasing a lamb for one's Korban Pesach in Yerushalayim on Erev Shabbos that falls on Shabbos?
(b)Bearing in mind the prohibition of declaring Hekdesh on Shabbos, why is it permitted to designate the lamb as a Korban Pesach?
(c)What about reckoning how much the borrower owes the lender in the former case, and how much the purchaser owes the seller in the latter case?
(a)In similar vein - the Tana permits purchasing a lamb for one's Korban Pesach in Yerushalayim on Erev Shabbos that falls on Shabbos.
(b)Despite the prohibition of declaring Hekdesh on Shabbos, it is permitted to designate the lamb as a Korban Pesach - due to the fact that it is an obligation that has a fixed time (i.e. it must be brought on that day).
(c)In the former case, they make a reckoning as to how much the borrower owes the lender - after Shabbos, and in the latter case, they make a reckoning as to how much the purchaser owes the seller - after Yom-Tov (i.e. on the first day of Chol ha'Mo'ed).
Mishnah 2
(a)If the Tana permits listing one's guests and the items on the menu verbally, what does he forbid?
(b)Which Melachah are we afraid he may transgress?
(c)Alternatively, we are afraid that he may come to read 'Sh'tarei Hedyotos' (documents). What is wrong with that?
(a)The Tana permits listing one's guests and the items on the menu verbally - provided he does not read it from a written list ...
(b)... in case he comes to erase names from the list.
(c)Alternatively, we are afraid that one might come to read 'Sh'tarei Hedyotos' (documents) - and on Shabbos one's reading material is restricted to the written and the oral Torah.
(a)Why is drawing lots on Shabbos forbidden? Which three things does one transgress, besides the prohibition of lending and paying back on Shabbos or Yom-Tov?
(b)Why did the Chachamim forbid these things?
(c)Then why does the Mishnah permit drawing lots among his family members to see which portion each one will receive?
(d)What if the portions consist of different sizes?
(a)Drawing lots on Shabbos is forbidden - because, if one is serious about the portion one receives, it involves 'measuring, weighing and counting', besides the prohibition of lending and paying back on Shabbos or Yom-Tov.
(b)The Chachamim forbade these things - in case one come to write.
(c)The Mishnah nevertheless permits drawing lots among his family members to see which portion each one will receive - since one's family members do not take the lots seriously and are not fussy as to which portion they receive ...
(d)... even if the portions consist of different sizes.
(a)After amending the Mishnah, how does the Tana qualify the initial Din? What does he forbid even during the week?
(b)The reason for this is because all gambling is 'Asmachta'. What is 'Asmachta'?
(c)How does it account for the prohibition?
(d)What does the Tana mean when it ...
1. ... permits making Chalashim on Kodshim on Yom-Tov?
2. ... adds 'Aval Lo al ha'Manos'?
(a)After amending the Mishnah, the Tana qualifies the initial Din to where the portions are equal. That is where he confines the prohibition to Shabbos. But if the sizes are different, then he forbids drawing lots even during the week.
(b)The reason for this is because all gambling is 'Asmachta' - (which means one only gambles with the intention of winning ...
(c)... in which case, the winning party is automatically guilty of theft when he subsequently takes the money from the loser.
(d)When the Tana ...
1. ... permits making Chalashim on Kodshim on Yom-Tov - he means that the Kohanim are permitted to draw lots as to which portion they will receive of the Kodshim that have been Shechted on Yom-Tov.
2. ... adds 'Aval Lo al ha'Manos' - he means that they are not permitted to do so with regard to Kodshim that were Shechted on Erev Yom-Tov.
Mishnah 3
(a)Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "mi'Metzo Cheftz'cha ve'Daber Davar", what does the Mishnah say about hiring laborers on Shabbos?
(b)What about saying to his friend 'Hire laborers for us!'?
(c)What can we extrapolate from there that is permitted?
(d)Why is that?
(a)Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "mi'Metzo Cheftz'cha ve'Daber Davar", the Mishnah - forbids hiring laborers on Shabbos ...
(b)... nor may he say to his friend 'Hire laborers for us!'
(c)We can extrapolate from there that it ie permitted - to ask someone whether he would like to come round on Motza'ei Shabbos, implying that he intends to hire him then ...
(d)... because he did not actually say that he would, and we learn from the Pasuk that - Dibur is forbidden, but not Machshavah.
(a)What does the Tana mean when he writes 'Ein Machshichin al ha'Techum Liskor Po'alim u'Lehavi Peiros'?
(b)On what condition does he permit 'Machshichin al ha'Techum'?
(c)What does he say about then bringing back fruit upon his return?
(d)Why is that?
(a)When the Tana then writes 'Ein Machshichin al ha'Techum Liskor Po'alim u'Lehavi Peiros', he means that - one is not allowed to wait b y the border (of T'chum Shabbos) in order to hire workers from across the border ...
(b)He permits 'Machshichin al ha'Techum' however - if it is merely to guard his property ...
(c)... in which case, he is even permitted to bring back fruit upon his return ...
(d)... seeing as that was not his original intention.
(a)What K'lal does Aba Shaul state?
(b)In which point does he argue with the Tana Kama?
(c)What is an example of this?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Aba Shaul says - that 'whatever one is permitted to say one is allowed to be Machshich al ha'Techum for'.
(b)He argues with the Tana Kama - regarding ' Machshichin al ha'Techum' for a D'var Mitzvah, which he permits, but which they forbid.
(c)An example of this is - if he intends to fetch a coffin and shrouds for a Meis.
(d)The Halachah is like Aba Shaul.
Mishnah 4
(a)For which two Mitzvos does the Mishnah permit waiting by the border before the termination of Shabbos?
(b)What is one specifically waiting for in the case of the Meis?
(c)Who is the author of this Mishnah?
(a)The Mishnah permits waiting by the border before the termination of Shabbos - to see to the needs of the Kalah and a Meis.
(b)In the case of the Meis, one is specifically waiting - to bring a coffin and shrouds.
(c)The author of this Mishnah is - Aba Shaul (See previous Mishnah).
(a)The Mishnah discusses using flutes that a Nochri has brought on Shabbos for playing at a Levayah. Why specifically flutes?
(b)On what condition does the Tana permit it?
(c)Why is it otherwise forbidden?
(d)Until when may one not use them (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(a)(d) The Mishnah discusses using flutes that a Nochri has brought on Shabbos for playing at a Levayah
(b)The Tana permits is - provided we know for sure that he came from close by (within T'chum Shabbos [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)It is otherwise forbidden - because of a K'nas (since it is clear that he brought them specifically on behalf of a Yisrael).
(d)One may not use them until Motza'ei Shabbos, for as long as it would take to and fetch them oneself.
(a)What distinction does the Tana draw between a coffin that Nochrim dug or a grave that they dug on Shabbos on behalf of a Nochri or to sell, and one that they prepared on behalf of a Yisrael?
(b)From when is the former case permitted (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(c)Until when is the latter case forbidden?
(a)The Tana - permits burying a Yisrael in a coffin that Nochrim dug or a grave that they dug on Shabbos on behalf of a Nochri, but forbids burying him in a grave that they prepared on behalf of a Yisrael.
(b)The former case is permitted - immediately on Motza'ei Shabbos (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The latter case is forbidden - forever.
Mishnah 5
(a)The Mishnah permits doing all the needs of a Meis on Shabbos, such as 'Sachin u'Medichin Oso'. What is the difference between 'Sachin' and 'Madichin'?
(b)On what condition is this permitted?
(c)Does this prohibition incorporate his eye-lashes?
(d)Then why is one permitted to even touch him?
(e)In that case, why did Chazal forbid even touching an egg that has been laid on Shabbos?
(a)The Mishnah permits doing all the needs of a Meis on Shabbos, such as 'Sachin - (anointing with oil) u'Medichin - (washing with water) Oso' ...
(b)... provided that one does not move any of his limbs
(c)... even his eye-lashes.
(d)One is nevertheless permitted to touch him - because the prohibition of Muktzah only extends as far as moving, but not to touching.
(e)Chazal forbade even touching an egg that has been laid on Shabbos - because, due to its round shape touching it is synonymous with moving it.
(a)By the same token, the Mishnah permits pulling the sheet or the cushion from underneath him so that he lies completely on the ground. Why is this necessary?
(b)What does the Tana then mean when he adds that one 'ties his jaw'?
(c)What similar ruling does he insert regarding a beam that is beginning to sag on Shabbos?
(d)What would one transgress if one were to actually raise it?
(a)By the same token, the Mishnah permits pulling the sheet or the cushion from underneath him so that he lies completely on the ground - so that the heat that it generates should not caused the body to become putrid earlier than necessary.
(b)When the Tana adds that one 'ties his jaw', he means - that one does so in a way that prevents his mouth from opening more than it already has, but not than one closes it shut.
(c)Similarly - he permits supporting a beam that is beginning to sag on Shabbos using a bench or bed-posts (which are considered Keilim and are not therefore Muktzah).
(d)If one were to actually raise it - one would transgress the Melachah of 'Boneh' (building).
(a)What does the Mishnah say about closing the eyes of ...
1. ... a Meis on Shabbos?
2. ... a Goseis (someone who is dying) even on a weekday?
(b)What is the reason for ...
1. ... the former ruling?
2. ... the latter ruling?
(a)The Mishnah - forbids closing the eyes of ...
1. ... a Meis on Shabbos.
2. ... a Goseis (someone who is dying) even on a weekday.
(b)The ...
1. ... former - because of Muktzah, as we have already discussed.
2. ... latter - because it is likely to hasten his death, and is therefore an act of murder.