(a)What does the Tana permit one to do oneself If a barrel containing liquid breaks and its contents begins to spill?
(b)What dos he allow one to do with regard to inviting others?
(c)Why is one forbidden to use a sponge (even if it has a handle)?
(d)What else may one not do for the same reason?
(a)If a barrel containing liquid breaks and its contents begins to spill - the Mishnah permits one to save enough as one needs for three meals (as we learned in Perek 16).
(b)And by the same token, he allows one - to invite others to come and help themselves (as we learned there).
(c)Onemay not however, use a sponge (even if it has a handle) - because it is Uvdin de'Chol' (a weekday'ish way of doing things.
(d)For the same reason - if the barrel contains oil or honey, which are thick, one is forbidden to collect it with one's hands and wipe it onto the edge of a receptacle.
(a)What does the Tana Kama say about ...
1. ... squeezing fruit in order to extract its liquid?
2. ... juice that oozed out by itself?
(b)What is the reason for ..
1. ... the former ruling?
2. ... the latter ruling?
(a)The Tana Kama - forbids ...
1. ... squeezing fruit in order to extract its liquid.
2. ... the juice that oozed out by itself.
(b)... The reason for ...
1. ... the former ruing is - because squeezing fruit for its juiced (Sechitah) is a Toldah of Dash (threshing corn).
2. ... the latter ruling is - in case once comes to squeeze it with one's hands.
(a)How does Rebbi Yehudah qualify this ruling? On what condition does he permit it?
(b)What is the reason for the distinction?
(c)What are the exceptions ...
1. ... to Rebbi Yehudah's lenient ruling?
2. ... to the Tana Kama's stringent ruling?
(d)What is the reason for ...
1. ... Rebbi Yehudah's two exceptions?
2. ... the Tana Kama's exception?
(e)In which case do they then argue?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah qualifies this ruling - by confining it to fruit that has been designated for its liquid ...
(b)... because if it has not, then there is no reason for the decree.
(c)The exceptions to ...
1. ... Rebbi Yehudah's lenient ruling are - olives and grapes.
2. ... the Tana Kama's stringent ruling is - most other fruit.
(d)The reason for ...
1. ... Rebbi Yehudah's two exceptions is - because most people tend to squeeze their olives and grapes for their juice. Consequently, this owner too, is perfectly happy if the juice oozes from his olives and grapes.
2. ... the Tana Kama's exception is - because most people (in the times of the Mishnah) did not tend to squeeze fruit for its juice.
(e)And they argue over - strawberries and pomegranates, which some people (even then) used to squeeze fir their juice.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about washing in hot water, food that has already been cooked, on Shabbos?
(b)Why is that?
(c)What is one not however, permitted to do?
(a)The Mishnah - permits washing in hot water food that has already been cooked, on Shabbos ...
(b)... because washing is not considered cooking.
(c)One is not however, permitted to soak it.
(a)What does the Tana say in principle, about washing in hot water uncooked food on Shabbos?
(b)One of the exceptions is an 'old salted fish'. What is considered 'old'?
(c)Some include 'small salted fish' in this list. In any event, the Tana certainly includes Kulyas ha'Ispanin. What is 'Kulyas ha'Ispanin'?
(d)Why is it forbidden to wash it?
(a)In principle - the Tana permits washing in hot water, uncooked food on Shabbos.
(b)One of the exceptions is an 'old salted fish' - (that was salted twelve months previously).
(c)Some include 'small salted fish' in this list. In any event, the Tana certainly includes 'Kulyas ha'Ispanin' - (a fish with a thin skin, which becomes fully-cooked when salted.
(d)It is forbidden to wash it - because it completes the cooking process.
(a)On what condition does the Mishnah permit breaking open a barrel on Shabbos to get to the dried figs inside it?
(b)Why does the Tana permit it?
(c)On what grounds does Rebbi Yehudah forbid one to make a hole in the lid of a barrel on Shabbos?
(d)How does one then gain access to its contents?
(e)What do the Chachamim (or Rebbi Yossi) say?
(a)The Mishnah permits breaking open a barrel on Shabbos to get to the dried figs inside it - provided one does not have the specific intention of manufacturing a K'li.
(b)The Tana permits it - because it falls under the category of 'Mekalkel' (spoiling), which is permitted (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)Rebbi Yehudah forbids one to make a hole in the lid of a barrel on Shabbos - because it is creating an opening.
(d)One gains access to its contents - by removing the entire lid
(e)The Chachamim (or Rebbi Yossi) - permit making a hole ... .
(a)What do the Chachamim/Rebbi Yossi say about making a hole in the side of the barrel?
(b)Why the difference?
(c)Why is it preferable to make a hole in the side than on top?
(a)The Chachamim/Rebbi Yossi - concede that making a hole in the side of the barrel is forbidden ...
(b)... because it is customary to make a hole there (whereas making a hole in the lid is not [seeing as it is possible to remove the lid]).
(c)And the reason that it is preferable to make a hole in the side than on top is - because it ensures that the barrel remains covered, and that no stones or earth fall into it.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about stopping up a hole in the barrel with wax?
(b)Rebbi Yehudah related an incident that was told to Raban Yochanan ben Zakai in Arav, where somebody did that. What did to Raban Yochanan ben Zakai comment?
(a)The Mishnah - forbids stopping up a hole in the barrel with wax, because it can lead to 'Memare'ach' (which is a Toldah of Memachek making a skin smooth]).
(b)Rebbi Yehudah related an incident that was told to Raban Yochanan ben Zakai in Arav, where somebody did that, at which Raban Yochanan ben Zakai commented 'Choshesheini lo me'Chatas' (in case in the process of applying the wax, he actually smoothened it [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(a)The Mishnah now permits placing on Shabbos, a cooked dish into an empty pit, drinking water into a pool of undrinkable water and cold water into hot water. Why would one place ...
1. ... a cooked dish into a pit?
2. ... drinking water into water that is undrinkable?
(b)What is the Chidush in the first case? Why might we have thought that Chazal would forbid placing a cooked dish into a pit?
(c)The second case is obvious, and the Tana only inserts it because of its similarity to the third case. What is the Chidush there? Why might we have thought that it is forbidden to place cold water into hot water?
(a)The Mishnah now permits placing on Shabbos, a cooked dish into an empty pit, drinking water into water that is undrinkable and cold water into hot water. One would place ...
1. ... a cooked dish into a pit - to prevent the heat from causing it to go bad.
2. ... (warm) drinking water into into a pool of undrinkable water - in order to cool it down.
(b)The Chidush in the first case is - that we might otherwise have thought that that Chazal would forbid placing a cooked dish into a pit - n case one comes to fill in grooves in the ground to accomodate the dish.
(c)The second case is obvious, and the Tana only inserts it because of its similarity to the third case, where we might otherwise have thought that it is forbidden to place cold water into hot water - in case one comes to place it inside hot ashes.
(a)What does the Tana say about someone who falls into a pool of water with his clothes whilst travelling on Shabbos?
(b)Why might we have thought that it is forbidden?
(c)At which stage is the owner obligated to remove them and hang them up to dry?
(d)What may he not do when he does that?
(e)Why is this Mishnah not Halachah?
(a)The Tana - permits someone who falls into a pool of water with his clothes whilst travelling on Shabbos to continue walking with them.
(b)We might have thought that it is forbidden - due to 'Mar'is ha'Ayin' (in case people accuse one of having washed them on Shabbos [See also Tos. Yom-Tov & Tiferes Yisrael]).
(c)The owner is obligated to remove them and hang them up to dry - the moment he reaches the first Chatzer in town ...
(d)... though not facing the street, because of Mar'is ha'Ayin.
(e)This Mishnah is`not Halachah - since we Pasken' that whatever is forbidden because of 'Mar'is ha'Ayin' is forbidden even in a room within a room'.
(a)On what grounds does the Mishnah forbid someone who bathes in a way that is permitted, to carry his towel home, presuming there is an Eiruv?
(b)What if one used ten towels (which do not become sufficiently wet to warrant squeezing?
(a)The Mishnah now forbids someone who bathes in a way that is permitted, to carry his towel home, presuming there is an Eiruv - in case he comes to squeeze it out.
(b)The Isur applies even if one used ten towels (which do not become sufficiently wet to warrant squeezing) - because of 'Lo P'lug' (the Chachamim didn ot want to differentiate between one case and the other).
(a)And what does the Tana say about ten people who have used ten towels to dry their faces, hands and feet, carrying them home?
(b)What if they used ...
1. ... them to dry their whole bodies?
2. ... only one towel between them?
(c)Why the difference between one person and ten people?
(d)Which point in this Mishnah is not Halachah?
(a)The Tana - permits however, ten people who have used ten towels to dry their faces, hands and feet, to carry home carrying their towels.
(b)The same will apply if they used ...
1. ... them to dry their whole bodies, and even if they used ...
2. ... only one towel between them.
(c)The reason for the difference between one person and ten people is - because when there many people, one will remind the other not to squeeze his towel.
(d)This Mishnah is not Halachah however - in that one is in fact permitted to carry home the towel that one used to dry oneself (See also Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What distinction does the Tana make between anointing one's body on Shabbos using oil or rubbing oneself, on the one hand, and massaging oneself (See Tos. Yom-Tov), on the other?
(b)On what grounds does he forbid scratching oneself with a back-scratcher on Shabbos (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)The Tana - permits anointing one's body on Shabbos using oil or rubbing oneself, on the one hand, but forbids massaging oneself, on the other (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)He forbid scratching oneself with a back-scratcher on Shabbos - because of 'Uvdin de'Chol' (See Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What does the Tana say about going down to the River Kurdima (or Pulima [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) on Shabbos?
(b)According to some commentaries, this is a valley (or river with a muddy embankment) which is slippery. Why did the Chachamim therefore issue this prohibition?
(c)What other reason do they give for the prohibition (which seems to apply no less during the week as on Shabbos)?
(a)The Tana - prohibits going down to the River Kurdima (or Pulima [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) on Shabbos.
(b)According to some commentaries, this is a valley (or river with a muddy embankment) which is slippery. And the reason that the Chachamim therefore issued this prohibition was - in case, whilst washing, one slips and falls into the water, which in turn, will lead to squeezing out one's clothes.
(c)Alternatively, they forbade it - due to the danger of getting stuck in the thick mud of that particular river, from which one cannot extricate oneself without the assistance of a number of people and with great effort (though this prohibition seems to apply no less during the week as on it does on Shabbos).
(a)The Tana forbids performing Apiktozen on Shabbos. What is Apiktozen the acronym of?
(b)On what condition is it ...
1. ... permitted?
2. ... permitted even drinking something that induces the vomiting?
(c)The Mishnah states 've'Ein Me'atzvin es ha'Katan'. What does this mean?
(d)When is this speaking? When is it permitted?
(a)The Tana forbids performing Apiktozen - (which is the acronym of 'Apik T'vei Zayan' [vomitting cooked food] on Shabbos (by drinking liquids that induce vomitting).
(b)It is ...
1. ... permitted however - if one induces it by placing one's finger deep inside one's mouth.
2. ... permitted even by drinking liquids that induce the vomiting - if one is in pain which the vomitting will alleviate.
(c)The Mishnah states 've'Ein Me'atzvin es ha'Katan', which means that one may not move a baby's vertebrae into place (See Tiferes Yisrael) ...
(d)... immediately after he is born.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about putting a fractured limb back in place?
(b)What is the Halachah?
(c)What does the Tana forbid one to do with a dislocated limb on Shabbos?
(d)Why is that?
(e)And what does he permit?
(a)The Mishnah also - forbids putting a fractured limb back in place.
(b)The Halachah however is - that it is permitted.
(c)The Tana forbids one to - bang on the location of a dislocated limb on Shabbos with cold water ...
(d)... because it looks as if he is doing so as a cure.
(e)He permits - washing the location however, and if it moves back into place, that's fine.