[95a - 55 lines; 95b - 56 lines]

1)[line 1]עתידASID- in the future

2)[line 3]מי דמיMI DAMI- is it comparable

3)[line 4]אריARI- lion

4)[line 4]לאישLAYISH- a female lion

5)[line 6]בצרו להוBATZRU LEHU- they are lacking (i.e., there are less than ten journeys)

6)[line 8]נשתיירNISHTAYER- there remained

7)[line 9]כלדאיKALDA'EI- stargazers; astrologers

8)[line 9]אי אזלתIY AZLAS- if you go

9)[line 11]אורחאURECHA- journey, the way

10)[line 11]לסגוייL'SAGUYEI- to walk, travel

11)[line 12]שדי ליהSHADEI LEI- he piled up

12)[line 13]ביסתרקיBISTARKEI- rugs

13)[line 13]מעילוי שורהME'ILAVEI SHURAH- higher than the walls

14)[line 14]איזוטר בעיניהIZUTAR B'EINEI- it was small in his eyes

15)[line 15]קרתאKARTA- city

16)[line 16]ארגישיתARGISHIS- I mobilized

17)[line 16]משיריתיMESHIRYASAI- my forces

18)[line 16]כבשיתKEVASHIS- I conquered

19)[line 17]מדינתאMEDINTA- countries

20)[line 17]וחלשאV'CHALSHA- and weaker

21)[line 18]כרכי עממיאKERACHEI AMEMAYA- cities of the nations

22)[line 18]בתקוף ידיBI'SEKOF YADAI- with the might of my hands

23)[line 19]ומניד ברישיהU'MENID B'RESHEI- and he shook his head

24)[line 19]מובילMOVIL- he waved

25)[line 20]טורTUR- mountain

26)[line 20]עזרתאAZARTA- the courtyard of the Beis ha'Mikdash

27)[line 21]נשדי ביה האידנאNISHDEI BEI HA'IDNA- let us begin the battle

28)[line 22]תמהיתוTEMAHISU- (a) you are tired (RASHI, first explanation); (b) you amaze me (i.e., "I am amazed by your zeal to attack Yerushalayim right away even though you are tired") (RASHI, second explanation)

29)[line 23]גולמוGOLMO- a piece of the wall

30)[line 23]"ויהי בלילה ההוא, ויצא מלאך ה' ויך במחנה אשור מאה ושמונים וחמשה אלף; וישכימו בבקר והנה כלם פגרים מתים""VA'YEHI BA'LAILAH HA'HU, VA'YETZEI MAL'ACH HASH-M VA'YACH B'MACHANEH ASHUR ME'AH U'SHEMONIM VA'CHAMISHAH ALEF; VA'YASHKIMU BA'BOKER V'HINEI KULAM PEGARIM MESIM"- "And it came to pass on that night that an angel of HaSh-m went and struck dead in the camp of Assyria one hundred and eighty five thousand; and they (the few survivors) arose in the morning, and behold all of them were corpses" (Melachim II 19:35) - This verse describes the downfall of Sancheriv's army. (See Background to Sanhedrin 94:57.)

31)[line 27]בת דינא בטל דינאBAS DINA BATAL DINA- (lit. if judgment sleeps, judgment will be annulled) if judgment is left for tomorrow, it will not happen

32)[line 32]עסקי נובISKEI NOV- about the matter of the massacre of Nov

33)[line 33]טמוןTAMUN- hidden

34)[line 34]נטרדNITRAD- you have been liable

35)[line 36]זרעיךZAR'ECHA- your descendants

36)[line 36]תמסרTIMASER- be captured, handed over

37)[line 36]אויבOYEV- enemy

38)[line 36]מוטבMUTAV- it is better

39)[line 37]נפקNAFAK- He went

40)[line 37]לשכור בזאיLISKOR BAZAI- (a) to go hunting; (b) the name of a certain village (RASHI)

41)[line 37]שטןSATAN- the angel of death; the evil inclination

42)[line 37]ואדמי ליהV'IDMI LEI- and he appeared to him

43)[line 37]כטביאK'TAVYA- like a deer

44)[line 37]פתקPASAK- he shot

45)[line 37]גיראGIRA- an arrow

46)[line 37]ולא מטייהV'LO MATYEI- it did not reach him

47)[line 37]משכיהMASHCHEI- he pursued him

48)[line 38]ישבי בנובYISHBI VENOV- one of the sons of Orpah, as stated in the verse, "v'Yishbi Venov Asher b'Yelidei ha'Rafah..." - "And Yishbi Venov, who was from the sons of Harafah (Orpah) (lit. the giant)..." (Shmuel II 21:16)

49)[line 38]דקטליהD'KATLEI- that killed

50)[line 38]כפתיהKAFTEI- he tied him up

51)[line 38]קמטיהKAMTEI- he doubled him over

52)[line 39]תותי ביTUSEI BEI- [he placed him] underneath him

53)[line 39]בדייאBADAYA- olive press

54)[line 39]אתעבד ליהIS'AVID LEI- it happened to him

55)[line 39]מכא ליה ארעהMACHA LEI AR'A- (a) the ground under him became soft; (b) the ground formed a crater to protect him (RASHI)

56)[line 40]אפניא דמעלי שבתאA'PANYA D'MA'ALEI SHABATA- towards evening on Erev Shabbos

57)[line 40]חייף רישיהCHAYEF REISHEI- he was shampooing his hair

58)[line 40]גרביGARVEI- (a) a measure; (b) kegs (RASHI)

59)[line 41]כתמי דמאKISMEI DAMA- drops of blood

60)[line 41]איטריףITRIF- shaking itself. The bird made sounds of distress and beat itself with its wings until some of its own feathers fell out (RASHI)

61)[line 40]אימתילאIM'SILA- compared to

62)[line 41]בצעראB'TZA'ARA- in trouble

63)[line 42]רוכביןROCH'VIN- ride

64)[line 42]שרביטוSHARVITO- his staff, scepter

65)[line 43]שאילSHA'IL- he asked

66)[line 43]לפרדיהL'PARDEI- to his mule

67)[line 43]קפצה ליהKAFTZAH LEI- he traveled miraculously quickly

68)[line 44]לערפה אמיהL'ARPAH IMEI- to Orpah, his mother (the mother of Yishbi)

69)[line 44]דהוות נוולאD'HAVAS NAVLAH- she was weaving

70)[line 44]פסקתהPASAKTA- slipped off

71)[line 44]לפילכהL'PIL'KAH- spindle

72)[line 45]עלםALAM- young lad

73)[line 45]פתקיהPATKEI- he threw it

74)[line 46]בריש מוחאB'REISH MOCHA- at the top of her head

75)[line 47]ודץ ליהV'DATZ LEI- and inserted it

76)[line 47]לרומחיהL'RUMCHEI- his spear

77)[line 48]בין שמיאBEIN SHEMAYA- suspended in mid-air

78)[line 48]אין חבוש מוציא עצמו מבית האסוריןEIN CHAVUSH MOTZI ATZMO MI'VEIS HA'ASURIN- a prisoner cannot take himself out of jail. (David was in danger and thus lacked the composure to say HaSh-m's Name.)

79)[line 49]אפיך צלותיךAPECH TZELOSECH- reverse your prayer

80)[line 49]בר ברך קירא ליזבוןBAR BERACH KIRA LIZBON- let your grandchildren sell wax (i.e., let them be poor, and you should not suffer)

81)[line 50]סייע בהדןSAYEI'A B'HADAN- help me (by praying on my behalf that my original prayer should be reversed, and that I not be handed over to my enemies) (RASHI, YAD RAMAH)

82)[line 51]שםSHEM- the Name of HaSh-m

83)[line 51]ואחתיהV'ACHTEI- and he came down

84)[line 51]רדיףRADIF- he chased

85)[line 51]קוביKUBEI- a town between Eretz Yisrael and the land of the Pelishtim (RASHI)

86)[line 52]גורייןGURYAN- lion cubs

87)[line 52]בקבראB'KIVRA- in the grave

88)[line 52]כי אדכרוKI ADKERU- when they mentioned

89)[line 52]"ויעזור לו אבישי בן צרויה ויך את הפלשתי וימיתהו; אז נשבעו אנשי דוד לו לאמר, לא תצא עוד איתנו למלחמה ולא תכבה את נר ישראל""VA'YA'AZOR LO AVISHAI BEN TZERUYAH VA'YACH ES HA'PELISHTI V'YEMISEHU. AZ NISHBE'U ANSHEI DAVID LO LEIMOR: LO SETZEI OD ITANU LA'MILCHAMAH, V'LO SECHABEH ES NER YISRAEL" - "And Avishai ben Tzeruyah came to his aid, and he struck the Pelishti and killed him. It was then that David's men swore to him, saying: You will no longer go out with us (to war), and you will not extinguish the light of Yisrael" (Shmuel II 21:17) (AVISHAI BEN TZERUYAH COMES TO DAVID'S AID)

(a)The Gemara explains that Avishai "came to his aid" by praying on behalf of David ha'Melech, that his punishment be changed.

(b)According to some commentaries, the battle described in this verse was the inaugural battle of Yishbi Venov (the brother of Golyas, and it was customary for the new soldier to demonstrate his might by performing some special feat of strength. Yishbi Venov chose to demonstrate his strength by vanquishing David ha'Melech. Some explain that he saw that David appeared weak and vulnerable.

(c)The Gemara relates that HaSh-m told David ha'Melech that the time had arrived to atone for his part in the episode with Nov, the city of Kohanim. Shaul destroyed the city because Achimelech the Kohen Gadol provided David with food and a weapon when he was fleeing from Shaul. Since David played a role (albeit unwittingly) in the slaughter of the entire city, he required atonement.

(d)HaSh-m gave David a choice of punishments: he could choose to fall into the hands of his enemies, or he could choose that his children would all die. David chose the former, and was subsequently taken captive by Yishbi Venov on a Friday afternoon. Yishbi's various attempts to kill David were unsuccessful, due to HaSh-m's intervention. Finally, Avishai ben Tzeruyah (the brother of Yo'av) arrived to save David, by using the Name of HaSh-m from Yishbi's final attempt at killing him. He first killed Orpah, the mother of Golyas and Yishbi, and then he succeeded in killing Yishbi as well.

(e)Following that incident, David's men decided not to allow him to go to war again, to prevent the "light of Yisrael" from becoming extinguished.

90)[line 53]כחש חיליהKACHASH CHILEI- his strength weakened

91)[line 55]הא דאמרןHA D'AMARAN- this that we said (i.e., the episode we have just related that describes how the earth contracted for Avishai ben Tzeruyah)


92)[line 3]עברתיAVARTI- I passed by

93)[line 5]למהדרL'MEIHADAR- to return

94)[line 5]דהרהר בדעתיהD'HIRHER B'DA'ATEI- he regretted

95)[line 7]"ויפגע במקום""VA'YIFGA BA'MAKOM"- "And he encountered the place" (Bereishis 28:11)

96)[line 11]בתר דצליBASAR D'TZALEI- after he prayed

97)[line 12]לבית מלוניL'VEIS MELONI- to My place of lodging. This place refers to Beis El, the place at which Yakov prayed, which in fact was Har ha'Moriyah, the future site of the Beis ha'Mikdash. (RASHI)

98)[line 12]יפטרYIPATER- shall he depart

99)[line 12]לינהLINAH- sleep

100)[line 13]בא השמשBA HA'SHEMESH- the sun set

101)[line 14]זרחהZARCHAH- [the sun] rose (lit. shined)

102)[line 15]בעבורוBA'AVURO- for his sake

103)[line 16]דכלהD'CHALAH- were killed off

104)[line 17]"ועתליה אם אחזיהו ראתה כי מת בנה; ותקם ותאבד את כל זרע הממלכה""VA'ASALYAH EM ACHAZYAHU RA'ASAH KI MES BENAH; VA'TAKAM VA'TE'ABED ES KOL ZERA HA'MAMLACHAH" - "When Asalyah, the mother of Achazyahu saw that her son had died, she arose and eradicated all the offspring of the royal family" (Melachim II 11:1) (ASALYA USURPS THE THRONE)

(a)Asalyah was the mother of Achazyahu, who succeeded his father Yehu to the throne. His reign lasted twenty-eight years.

(b)While Asalyah was murdering her own flesh and blood (in order to secure the throne for herself), Achazyahu's sister Yehosheva, daughter of King Yoram, snatched her baby nephew, Achazyahu's son Yo'ash, from among those who were being murdered. She took him, together with the baby's nurse, and hid him in the "room of beds" (the attic above the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, so named on account of the verse in Shir ha'Shirim (1:13), "Bein Shadai Yalin"). There he remained in hiding for six years while Asalyah reigned.

(c)After six years, Yehoyada the Kohen Gadol brought Yo'ash down to the Courtyard of the Beis ha'Mikdash, where he introduced him to the people. He then arranged the people into armed groups. Some would guard the king, others would prepare for the arrival of Asalyah from the palace to the Beis ha'Mikdash, forcing her to follow the route that he had prepared for her.

(d)He then led the young Yo'ash from his hiding-place, placed the crown on his head, and tied the Sefer Torah to his arm. The people anointed the young king with the anointing oil, joyfully clapped their hands and announced, "Long live the king!"

(e)Meanwhile, Asalyah heard the tumult coming from the Beis ha'Mikdash and left her palace to investigate. She entered the women's courtyard, and, to her horror, she saw the new king standing on the king's platform as was the custom, and the people rejoicing with their new king, blowing trumpets to announce their happiness. She rent her garments and screamed, "A plot, a plot!"

(f)Yehoyada then ordered the captains of hundreds, the officers of the force, to remove her but to keep her within the ranks of the guards (so that she should be able to escape via the exit leading from the women's Courtyard to the city). He also commanded the guards to kill anyone who followed her, since she was being led away from the Azarah in order that she not be killed inside the House of HaSh-m. They complied and left her a pathway by which to leave the Azarah. In this way, she arrived (by way of the horses' entrance) to the king's palace, and that is where they killed her.

(g)The death of Asalyah was met with great rejoicing in the land. Yehoyada made a covenant between HaSh-m, the king, and the people that they would serve HaSh-m exclusively. The people came and destroyed the house of the god Ba'al, his altars and his images. They killed Matan, the priest of Ba'al, in front of the altars, and they reinstated the twenty-four Mishmarim (shifts of Kohanim). Yehoyada then led the new seven-year-old king from the Beis ha'Mikdash to the royal palace and placed him on the throne. A period of tranquility followed, during which time Yo'ash did what was right in the eyes of HaSh-m (except that he did not remove the forbidden Bamos on which the people sacrificed offerings to HaSh-m. These Bamos became forbidden when Shlomo built the Beis ha'Mikdash.) The period of tranquility lasted as long as Yo'ash's Rebbi, Yehoyada ha'Kohen, was alive.

105)[line 19]אשתיירISHTAYER- remained

106)[line 20]"וימלט בן אחד לאחימלך בן אחיטוב ושמו אביתר""VA'YIMALET BEN ECHAD LA'ACHIMELECH BEN ACHITUV, U'SHEMO EVYASAR, [VA'YIVRACH ACHAREI DAVID]"- "And one son of Achimelech ben Achituv escaped, and his name was Evyasar, [and he fled to David]" (Shmuel I 22:20) - The only one who escaped the massacre of the Kohanim of the city of Nov (see Background to Sanhedrin 93:100) was Evyasar, the son of Achimelech, the Kohen Gadol.

107)[line 24]שריד ופליטSERID U'FALIT- any remnant

108)[line 26]בקרונות של זהבB'KERONOS SHEL ZAHAV- in chariots of gold

109)[line 27]שגלונותSHIGLONOS- queens

110)[line 27]זונותZONOS- harlots

111)[line 28]לבושי שריון קליפהLEVUSHEI SIRYON KELIPAH- those (soldiers) donned in armor

112)[line 28]אחוזי חרבACHUZEI CHEREV- those (soldiers) bearing swords

113)[line 28]רציםRATZIM- running

114)[line 29]פרשיםPARASHIM- horsemen

115)[line 29]מחנהוMACHANEHU- his camp

116)[line 30]צוארTZAVAR- neck

117)[line 30]סךSACH- the total number

118)[line 30]חסרCHASER- less

119)[line 31]תיקוTEIKU- (a) [this question shall remain] sealed in its container (ARUCH, Erech Tik); (b) let [the question] stand ("Tehei Ka'i";MUSAF HA'ARUCH); (c) Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos v'Ibayos- Eliyahu ha'Navi will answer difficulties and questions (TOSFOS YOM TOV, end of Eduyos) (all explanations cited by Pri Megadim, Igeres preceding his introduction to Orach Chaim, #9)

120)[line 31]בשחיB'SECHI- through swimming. When the first units crossed the Jordan, the river was too deep to wade across, so the horses actually swam across the river (RASHI).

121)[line 35]ראשי גייסותROSHEI GAYASOS- heads of legions

122)[line 37]במה הכםBA'MEH HIKAM?- with what did he (the angel) smite them?

123)[line 38]באצבעB'ETZBA- with a finger

124)[line 40]מגלך נטושהMAGALCHA NETUSHAH- is your scythe sharpened?

125)[line 41]אותו הפרקOSO HA'PEREK- that season

126)[line 42]בישולBISHUL- ripening

127)[line 42]הזקק להםHIZAKEK LAHEM- deal with them [to destroy them]

128)[line 44]אגב אורחך לבעל דבבך אישתמעAGAV ORCHACH L'VA'AL D'VAVACH ISHTAMA- on the way, make your enemy hear you (to frighten him). This means that when you go about your daily business, pass before your enemy so that he will see you and become disoriented (RASHI).

129)[line 44]בחוטמןB'CHOTMAN- in their nostrils

130)[line 44]נשףNASHAF- he breathed

131)[line 45]כפיים ספק להםKAPAYIM SAFAK LAHEM- he (the angel, Gavriel) clapped his hands on them (and killed them)

132)[line 46]אזנים גלה להםOZNAYIM GILAH LAHEM- he uncovered their ears

133)[line 46]חיותCHAYOS- a class of angels

134)[line 51]"[ענה ואמר, הא אנא חזה גוברין ארבעה שְׁרַיִין מהלכין בגוא נורא, וחבל לא איתי בהון;] וְרֵוֵהּ די רביעאה דָּמֵה לבר אלהין""[ANEH V'AMAR, HA ANA CHAZEH GUVRIN ARBE'AH SHERAYIN MAH'LECHIN B'GO NURA, VA'CHAVAL LO ISAI BEHON;] V'REVEH DI REVI'A'AH DAMEH L'VAR ELAHIN"- "[He answered and he said, 'Behold, I see four unbound men walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no wound upon them;] and the appearance of the fourth is like an angel" (Daniel 3:25) - These are the words of Nevuchadnetzar (see Background to Sanhedrin 92:89). The Gemara proves from this verse that Nevuchadnetzar must have seen an angel before, and that is how he knew what an angel looked like. When did he see an angel? When he was a soldier in Sancheriv's army, he saw the angel that struck the camp of Sancheriv.

135)[line 52]"ויהי הוא משתחוה בית נסרך אלהיו, ואדרמלך ושראצר בניו הכהו בחרב [והמה נמלטו ארץ אררט; וימלך אסר חדון בנו תחתיו]""VA'YEHI HU MISHTACHAVEH BEIS NISROCH ELOHAV, V'ADRAMELECH V'SAR'ETZER BANAV HIKUHU VA'CHEREV, [VE'HEMAH NIMLETU ERETZ ARARAT; VA'YIMLOCH ASAR CHADON BENO TACHTAV]"- "And he was prostrating himself in the temple of Nisroch his god, when Adramelech and Sar'etzer his sons smote him from behind with the sword. [They escaped to the land of Ararat; and his son Asar Chadon ruled in his place]" (Melachim II 19:37) - See Background to Sanhedrin 94:57.

136)[line 55]כגברא סבאK'GAVRA SABA- like an elderly man

137)[line 55]דאייתיתינהוD'AISI'SINHU- that you brought them

138)[line 56]בההוא פחדאB'HAHU PACHADA- with that same fear