[65a - 35 lines; 65b - 38 lines]

1)[line 6]בסםBASAM- one who deals in spices and perfumes

2)[line 6]בורסיBURSI- a tanner (who uses animal excrement in the tanning process)

3)[line 13]החולבHA'CHOLEV- one who milks [an animal]

4)[line 14]והמחבץHA'MECHABETZ- a) (O.F. matons; masses/curds) one who curdles milk (RASHI); b) (O.F. jonchieres; a reed utensil used in preparing cheese) one who separates curds from whey (the watery part of the milk left after curds have formed and separated; RASHI Shabbos 95a)

5)[line 14]והמגבןHA'MEGABEN- one who compresses curds of milk in order to make cheese

6)[line 14]המכבדHA'MECHABED- one who sweeps

7)[line 14]והמרבץHA'MERABETZ- one who sprinkles the floor with water in order to settle the dust

8)[line 15]והרודה חלות דבשHA'RODEH CHALOS DEVASH- one who removes honeycombs from a beehive

9)[line 30]דם התמציתDAM HA'TAMTZIS- that blood which drains out following the Dam ha'Nefesh (the lifeblood of the animal, which spurts out upon its slaughter)


10)[line 3]אין דם מבטל דםEIN DAM MEVATEL DAM (MIN B'MINO EINO BATEL)

(a)The status of a mixture containing that which may not be eaten and that which may depends on the ratio of the two elements:

1.If most of the mixture is Isur, the entire mixture is prohibited mid'Oraisa.

2.If most of the mixture is Heter, but the Isur constitutes more than one sixtieth of the mixture, then the Isur has the status of a "Nosen Ta'am" (giving taste) to the Heter, and it is prohibited mid'Rabanan. This follows the understanding of those who maintain that "Ta'am k'Ikar" (the taste of a food item must Halachically be dealt with as its essence) is a Rabbinic law. There are those, however, who are of the opinion that "Ta'am k'Ikar" is mid'Oraisa. According to this view if the two elements of the mixture do not have the same taste then the entire mixture would be prohibited mid'Oraisa.

3.If the amount of Isur is less than one sixtieth of the Heter, then it is not Nosen Ta'am to the Heter and the mixture is permitted.

(b)The above guidelines apply to cases in which the two substances are of different tastes, and it is therefore possible to discuss one changing the taste of the other. When a liquid of Isur is mixed with an identical liquid of Heter, the Tana'im disagree as to the status of the mixture. According to the Rabanan, since identical elements are not Nosen Ta'am to each other whatsoever, the Isur is nullified by a simple majority of Heter; a ratio of sixty parts of Heter to one of Isur is not required. According to Rebbi Yehudah, the opposite is true. Even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the entire mixture, since mid'Oraisa Isur cannot be nullified by Heter with the identical taste as the Isur. (When the two substances mixed together are dry, all opinions agree that the simple majority of the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status).

(c)Therefore, if the blood of Kodshim which must be dashed upon the Mizbe'ach mingles with blood that is unfit to be dashed on the Mizbe'ach (such as Dam ha'Tamtzis), the Rabanan of Rebbi Yehudah rule that we may follow the Rov (majority). If most of the mixture is Dam ha'Nefesh, it is fit for Zerikah. If most of the mixture is Dam ha'Tamtzis, it is not fit for Zerikah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, however, we may not follow the Rov. If there is even a miniscule amount of blood that is fit for Zerikah, Zerikah must be performed.

11)[line 6]ארכובותיהםARKUVOSEIHEM- their ankles

12)[line 7]והדיוDEYO- ink

13)[line 7]והחלבCHELEV- fat

14)[line 9]קמתווסי מאנייהוKAMITVESEI MANAIHU- their clothes become stained (with blood)

15)[line 10]מטושטשיןMETUSHTASHIN- smudged (with mud)

16)[line 11]דמדלו להוD'MADLU LEHU- that they lift

17)[line 18]דמסגי אאיצטביD'MASGEI A'ITZTEVEI- that they walk on raised [stone] platforms

18)[line 23]ומפשיל לאחוריוU'MAFSHIL LA'ACHORAV- and slings it over his shoulder

19)[line 24]טייעותTAYA'US- [this is] the way of Arab merchants


20)[line 27]ומיחוי קרביוMICHUY KERAVAV- the removal of excrement from its intestines [so that the intestines not rot]. (The Gemara on 68a discusses how this is accomplished).

21)[line 28]והדחת קרביוHADACHAS KERAVAV- washing of its intestines [with water in order to remove the remaining excrement]

22)[line 29]הרכבתוHARKAVASO- the carrying of the Korban Pesach upon one's shoulder [in Reshus ha'Rabim when it is still alive]

23)[line 30]יבלתוYABALTO- (O.F. verrue) its wart