
(Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 3b)

îúðé' àé æå äéà æ÷éðä ëì ùòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ñîåê ìæ÷ðúä


(Mishnah): Who is a Zekenah? It is a woman who did not see blood for three periods close to her old age (this will be explained);

øáé ìòæø àåîø ëì àùä ùòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ãééä ùòúä


R. Lazar says, any woman who did not see blood for three periods is Dayah Shaitah.

øáé éåñé àåîø îòåáøú åîéðé÷ä ùòáøå òìéäï ùìù òåðåú ãééä ùòúä:


R. Yosi says, a pregnant or nursing woman, over whom three periods passed without blood, is Dayah Shaitah.

âî' øáé îàéø àåîø îçîú äçìá äãîéï îñúì÷éï


(Gemara - R. Meir): Due to milk, the blood departs.

øáé éåñé àåîø îçîú äöòø äãîéí îñúì÷éï.


R. Yosi says, due to pain [of birth], the blood departs.

àùëçú àîø ÷åìú åçåîøú òì ãáøé øáé îàéø ÷åìú åçåîøú òì ãøáé éåñé


Consequence: There is a leniency and stringency of R. Meir's words, and a a leniency and stringency of R. Yosi's words;

÷åìä òì ãøáé îàéø ùàí äéä îåùê åéåð÷ àøáò àå çîù ùðéí ãééä ùòúä åçåîøú ùàí ðúðä áðä ìîéðé÷ä åâîìúå åîú îèîà îòú ìòú


The leniency of R. Meir's words - if [the baby] continued to nurse for four or five years, Dayah Shaitah. The stringency is, if she gave her son to a wet-nurse, or if she weaned him, or he died, she is [retroactively] Metamei 24 hours.

å÷åìú òì øáé éåñé ùàí ðúðä áðä ìîéðé÷ä åâîìúå åîú ãééä ùòúä åçåîøú ùàí äéä îåùê åéåð÷ àøáò àå çîù ùðéí àñåø òã ë"ã çãù.


The leniency of R. Yosi words - if she gave her son to a wet-nurse, or if she weaned him, or he died, she is Dayah Shaitah. They stringency is, if [the baby] continued to nurse for four or five years, it is forbidden (i.e. she is retroactively Metamei 24 hours only) until 24 months.

åäà øáé îàéø àîø îèîà îòú ìòú îä îéã àå ìëùéôñå÷ äúéðå÷ åàéðå éëåì ìçæåø


Question: R. Meir said [that if she weaned her son,] she is Metamei 24 hours. Is this immediately, or when the baby ceases and cannot return?

ðéùîòéðä îï äãà éåð÷ äåà äúéðå÷ åäåìê òã ë"ã çãù ùìéîéï îéëï åäéìê ëéåð÷ ù÷õ ãáøé øáé àìéòæø


Answer: We learn from the following. A baby may go and nurse until 24 full months. From now and onwards is like one who suckles from a Sheretz. R. Eliezer says so;

øáé éäåùò àåîø éåð÷ äåà äúéðå÷ åäåìê àôéìå àøáò àå çîù ùðéí åîåúø ôéøù àéï îçæéøéï àåúå


R. Yehoshua says, he may continue to nurse even four or five years, and it is permitted. If he separated, we may not return him.

òã àéëï


Question: How long [may he separate, and we may return him]?

øáé éò÷á áø àçà øáé çééä áùí øáé éåçðï òã îòú ìòú


Answer #1 (R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Chiyah citing R. Yochanan): It is until 24 hours.

øáé çæ÷éä øáé àáäå áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù òã ùìùä éîéí îòú ìòú


Answer #2 (R. Chizkiyah citing R. Avahu citing Reish Lakish): It is until three days, me'Es la'Es (72 hours).

áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áæîï ùôéøù îúåê áåøééå àáì àí ôéøù îúåê çåìéå îçæéøéï àåúå îéã


What is the case? It is when he separated amidst good health, but if he separated amidst illness, we return him immediately;

åáúéðå÷ ùàéðå ùì ñëðä àáì áúéðå÷ ùäåà ùì ñëðä àôéìå ìàçø ëîä îçæéøéï àåúå îéã:


And this refers to a child who is not in danger, but if he is in danger, even after many [days] we return him immediately. (GILYON EFRAYIM - if you will say that she is Dayah Shaitah until the baby ceases and cannot return, sometimes there is no limit, i.e. in a case of danger. It is unreasonable that the law vary like this. Rather, once she weans him, she is not Dayah Shaitah.)



(Mishnah): A Zekenah [is Dayah Shaitah].

àé æå äéà æ÷éðä


Question: Who is a Zekenah?

øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø ëì ù÷åøéï àåúä àîä åàéðä î÷ôãú.


Answer #1 (Reish Lakish): It is anyone whom they call her "Imah", and she is not upset.

åáãòúä äãáø úìåé


Objection: Does it depend on her mindset?!

à"ø àáéï ëì ùäåà øàåéä ìäé÷øåú àéîà.


Answer #2 (R. Avin): It is anyone proper to be called "Ima".

úðé äòáãéí åäùôçåú àéï ÷åøéï àåúï àáà ôìåðé åàéîà ôìåðéú


(Beraisa): Male and female slaves - we do not call them Aba Ploni or Ima Plonis;

ùì áéú ø"â äéå ÷åøéï ìòáãéäï åìùôçåúéäï àáà èáé åàîä èáéúä.


In R. Gamliel's house, they used to call the male and female slaves Aba Tavi and or Imah Tavisah.

úðé øáé äåùòéä éìãä åàçø ëê ðúâééøä àéï ìä ãí èåäø


(R. Hoshayah): If a [Nochris] gave birth and afterwards converted, she does not have Dam Tahor.

à"ø éåñé [ãó ã òîåã à] åéàåú


R. Yosi: He said properly.

(àéìåìé) [ö"ì åììåé - ðåòí éøåùìîé] ãúðéúä øáé äåùòéä äååú öøéëä ìå îàçø ùàéï ìä ãîéí èîàéï àéï ìä ãîéí èäåøéï


Question: According to Levi (who says that there are two Mayanos), R. Hoshayah's teaching needs investigation. Since she has no Dam Tamei, should she not have Dam Tohar?! (Surely, a convert is biologically the same as anyone else, and the blood comes from the other Mayan during Yemei Tohar! We explained this like NO'AM YERUSHALMI.)

úðé äâéåøú åäùáåéä åäùôçä ùðôãå åùðúâééøå åùðùúçøøå öøéëåú ìäîúéï ùìùä çãùéí ãáøé øáé éåãä


(Tosefta): A convert, captive, and Shifchah who converted, was redeemed or freed, must wait three months [before marrying, to avoid doubts about the father]. R. Yehudah says so;

øáé éåñé àåîø àéðï öøéëåú ìäîúéï ùìùä çãùéí


R. Yosi says, they need not wait. (A woman who is Mezanah, she flips over so the semen will spill out, to avoid pregnancy.)

åáãîéí øáé éåãä àåîø ãééä ùòúä øáé éåñé àåîø îèîà îòú ìòú


And regarding blood, R. Yehudah says Dayah Shaitah. R. Yosi says, she is Metamei 24 hours.

àîø øáé ðøàéï ãáøé øáé éåñé áãîéí åãáøé øáé éåãä áååìã


Rebbi says, Nir'in (I hold like) R. Yosi's words about blood, and Nir'in R. Yehudah's words about a child.

åøáé çééä áùí øáé éåçðï äìëä ëøáé éåñé.


(R. Chiyah citing R. Yochanan): The Halachah follows R. Yosi [in both matters].

øáé áà áø ëäï áòà ÷åîé øáé éåñé ãìà ëï îä àðï àîøéï øáé éåãä åøáé éåñé àéï äìëä ëøáé éåñé


Question (R. Ba bar Kohen, to R. Yosi): Had [R. Chiyah] not taught so, what would we think? When R. Yehudah and R. Yosi argue, does the Halachah not follow R. Yosi?!

àìà áâéï ãîø øáé ðøàéï


Answer: [It is needed] because Rebbi said Nir'in [R. Yehudah's words about a child. One might have thought that his words were Nir'in to R. Yosi, and he retracted to agree with R. Yehudah.]

åìà ëï àîø øáé áà áùí øáé æòéøä ëì î÷åí ùùðä øáé ðøàéï àãééï äîçìå÷ú áî÷åîä çåõ îï äòéâåì ùì ãáéìä ãàäï îåãä ìàäï åàäï îåãä ìàäï


Question: Didn't R. Ba teach in the name of R. Ze'irah, that wherever Rebbi said Nir'in, it is still an argument, except for a ring of pressed figs (in Tosefta Terumos 4:11? Only) there, this one agrees to this (if it is known in which part of the barrel the Terumah was put, all agree that only those figs count towards the Shi'ur for Bitul), and this one agrees to this (if it is not known where the Terumah was put, all agree that all the figs help to be Mevatel)!

àîø ø' éåñé ÷ùéúä ÷åîé øáé çðéðä áøéä ãøáé àáäå åàôé' ãáø áøé ùðáòìå


Question (R. Yosi, to R. Chaninah brei d'R. Avahu): [Does R. Yosi exempt from waiting] even if it is clear that she had Bi'ah?

à"ì åñúí ðëøéåú ìà ëáòåìåú äï:


Answer (R. Chaninah brei d'R. Avahu): (Yes!) Are not Stam Nochriyos like Be'ulos?! (Even so, a convert need not wait. This answer assumes that a Stam convert does not guard herself for three months before converting; rather, it is likely that she had Bi'ah within this time - PF.)

øáé ìòæø àåîø ëì àùä ùòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ãééä ùòúä.


(Mishnah - R. Lazar): Any woman who had three Onos without seeing, is Dayah Shaitah.

åúðé òìä àîøå ìå ìà àîøå çëîéí àìà æ÷éðä


(Tosefta): They said [to R. Lazar], Chachamim said only a Zekenah.

åäúðé àîø ø' ìòæø îòùä áøéáä àçú áòééúìå ùäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú åìà øàú åàçø ëê øàú åáà îòùä ìôðé çëîéí åàîøå ãééä ùòúä


Support (Beraisa - R. Lazar): A case occurred with a girl in Aitalu who ceased to see for three Onos. Afterwards, she saw. The case came in front of Chachamim, and they said that Dayah Shaitah;

àîøå ìå ÷èï äééú åàéï òãåú ì÷èï.


Chachamim told [R. Lazar] you were a minor at the time, and there is no testimony about [what one saw when he was] a minor.

ôòí àçú äåøä øáé ëøáé ìòæø åäéä îöèòø


Once, Rebbi ruled like R. Lazar, and he was pained;

àîø øáé îðà ÷åîé øáé éåñé àéúà çîé áùòä ùäåøä ë÷åìé øáé îàéø åë÷åìé øáé éåñé ìà äéä îöèòø åëàï äéä îöèòø


Question (R. Mana, to R. Yosi): How is this? When he ruled like the leniencies of R. Meir and the leniencies of R. Yosi, he was not pained, and here he was pained?!

à"ì úîï éçéãéï àéðåï àéú îéîø ðöøôä ãòúå òí øáé îàéø åøáå òì øáé éåñé ðöøôä ãòúå òí øáé éåñé åøáå òì ø' îàéø àéú ìê îéîø äëà ðöøôä ãòúå òí øáé ìòæø åøáå òì çëîéí


Answer (R. Yosi): There, they are individuals. We can say that we join Rebbi's opinion to R. Meir, and they are a majority against R. Yosi. We join Rebbi's opinion to R. Yosi, and they are a majority against R. Meir. Here, can we join Rebbi's opinion with R. Lazar and be a majority over Chachamim?!

åìà òåã àìà ãúðé òìä àîøå ìå äåøééú ùòä äéúä:


Further, it was taught about this "[Chachamim] said to [R. Eliezer], it was a Hora'as Sha'ah [to be lenient about Taharos that she had touched in pressed circumstances, for it was a time of famine]."

øáé éåñé àåîø îòåáøú åîéðé÷ä ùòáøå òìéäï ùìù òåðåú ãééï ùòúï.


(Mishnah - R. Yosi): If a pregnant or nursing woman had three periods without blood, she is Dayah Shaitah.

åúðé òìä éîé òáåøä åéîé îéðé÷åúä îöèøôéï ìùìù òåðåú


It was taught about this (Tosefta 1:10) that the days of her pregnancy and her nursing join to three periods. (According to Levi, it is irrelevant whether or not she ceased at the beginning of nursing, which is during the days of Dam Tahor, for any blood then is not from the source of Dam Nidah!

ãå ñáø îòééï àçã äåà:


Inference: [The Tana] holds that there is one Mayan.


WOMEN WHO START OR RESUME SEEING BLOOD (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 4a)

îúðé' áîä àîøå ãééä ùòúä áøàééä äøàùåðä àáì áùðééä îèîà îòú ìòú


(Mishnah): She is Dayah Shaitah the first time she sees. The 24 hours apply to the second sighting;

åàí øàú àú äøàùåðä îàåðñ àó áùðééä ãééä ùòúä:


If her first sighting was due to Ones, she is Dayah Shaitah for her second sighting.

âî' ùîåàì àîø ìà ùðå àìà áúåìä åæ÷éðä [ãó ã òîåã á] àáì îòåáøú åîéðé÷ä ðåúðéï ìä ëì éîé òéáåøä åëì éîé îéðé÷åúä


(Gemara - Shmuel): We learned only about a Besulah and a Zekenah, but a pregnant or nursing woman, we give to her [the law of Dayah Shaitah] all the days of pregnancy and nursing.

øá åøáé éåçðï úøéäåï àîøéï äéà áúåìä äéà æ÷éðä äéà îòåáøú äéà îéðé÷ä


(Rav and R. Yochanan): The same applies to a Besulah, Zekenah, pregnant or nursing woman (our Mishnah applies to all of them).

àîø øáé æòéøà àúééà ãøá åãøáé éåçðï ëøáé çðéðä åëåìäåï ôìéâéï òì ùéèúéä ãùîåàì


(R. Ze'ira): Rav and R. Yochanan hold like R. Chaninah, and all of them argue with Shmuel;

ãîø øáé ìòæø áùí øáé çðéðä ôòí àçú äåøä øáé ë÷åìé øáé îàéø åë÷åìé øáé éåñé


(R. Lazar citing R. Chaninah): Once, Rebbi ruled like the leniencies of R. Meir and like the leniencies of R. Yosi;

äéê òáéãà äåëø òåáøä åàçø ëê øàú øáé îàéø àåîø ãééä ùòúä øáé éåñé àåîø îèîà îòú ìòú


What was the case? The fetus was recognized, and afterwards she saw. R. Meir says Dayah Shaitah, and R. Yosi says that she is Metamei me'Es la'Es.

øàú øàéåú äøáä åäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú åàçø ëê øàú øáé îàéø àåîø îèîà îòú ìòú øáé éåñé àåîø ãééä ùòúä.


If she saw many sightings, and ceased three periods, and afterwards she saw, R. Meir is Metamei me'Es la'Es, and R. Yosi says Dayah Shaitah.

åàí àåîø àú ðåúðéï ìä ëì éîé òéáåøä åëì éîé îéðé÷åúä ìîä ìé ë÷åìé øáé éåñé äãà ãøáé îàéø ÷ìéìà îãøáé éåñé.


If you say [like Shmuel, that in our Mishnah,] we give to [a pregnant or nursing woman the law of Dayah Shaitah] all the days of pregnancy and nursing, why do we need the leniencies of R. Yosi? R. Meir (the author of our Stam Mishnah) is more lenient than R. Yosi [who is Metamei me'Es la'Es for her first sighting]!

àîø øáé îðà ÷åîé øáé éåñé àå ðéîø øáé îàéø åøáé éåñé ãçìá


Rebuttal (R. Mana, to R. Yosi): (R. Chaninah did not say that Rebbi ruled like their leniencies of a pregnant woman.) Perhaps [he discusses the leniencies of] R. Meir and R. Yosi regarding milk! (R. Meir says that she is Dayah Shaitah only as long as she nurses (above, 2b). We say below that R. Yosi says that she is Dayah Shaitah for 24 months, no matter how long she was nursing.)

à"ì áôéøåù äëéï àúàîøú.


R. Yosi: (Correct!) It was explicitly said [that Rebbi ruled like their leniencies about milk].

òã ëãåï áúéðå÷ú ùäâéò æîðä ìøàåú


Limitation: Until now we discussed a girl who reached the age to see [blood];

úéðå÷ú ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú åøàú øàéåú øàééä øàùåðä ãééä ùòúä ùðééä ãééä ùòúä ùìéùéú ãééä ùòúä îéëï åäéìê îèîà îòú ìòú


If a girl did not reach the age to see, and she saw, for the first sighting she is Dayah Shaitah. For the second sighting she is Dayah Shaitah. For the third sighting she is Dayah Shaitah. From now and onwards, she is Metamei for 24 hours;

øáé éøîéä áùí øá ùìéùéú òöîä îèîà îòú ìòú.


(R. Yirmeyah citing Rav): [Already] for the third sighting itself, she is Metamei for 24 hours.