
TOSFOS DH Itmar Ro'osah Tes Vav b'Chodesh Zeh v'Tes Zayin b'Chodesh Zeh

úåñôåú ã"ä àéúîø øàúä è''å áçãù æä åè''æ áçãù æä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes like Rashi's Perush.)

ôé' ãåå÷à áëé äàé âååðà àáì øàúä áâ' çãùéí àå áá' ìçãù àå áàçã ìë''ò àéï öøéê éåúø ëãàîø ìòéì áñåó áðåú ëåúéí (ãó ìè:) ãçæàé øéù éøçà åøéù éøçà ëå'


Explanation #1: Only in such a case [she does not fix a Veses in three months], but if she saw in three months [on the same day every month, e.g.] on the second of the month or the first, all agree that she does not need more, like it says above (39b) if she saw on Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Chodesh... (if she sees the next month on Rosh Chodesh, all would agree that she fixed a Veses).

åàôéìå ùàçã îìà åàçã çñø åàéï äéîéí ùáéï øàééä ìøàééä ùåéï î''î ÷áéòåú äçãù âåøí


Even if one month was full (30 days) and one was Chaser (29 days), so the number of days between [the first and second] sightings is not the same [as between the second and third sightings], in any case fixing [the day of] the month causes [the Veses].

åäéëà ãáøàùåðä àéï ìä ùéòåø áçãù ùúäà äùðéä ðøàú ãéìåâ îï äøàùåðä ãë''ò ãàéï äøàùåðä îï äîðéï


When initially there is no Shi'ur in the month so the second is seen after a skipped interval from the first, all agree that the first does not count towards the number [required to make a Veses];


Note: This means that the Veses is not based on which day[s] of the month she saw. It is based only on the intervals between sightings. Therefore, even Rav requires four sightings to establish a Veses, for we need three intervals.

åáòéðï ùúùìù áãéìåâ ëâåï øàúä òëùéå åùðéä áòùøéí ìä åùìéùéú áë''à ìùðéä åîùåí äëé ð÷è è''å áçãù æä


We require that [she sees] three times after the same interval, e.g. if she saw now and the second time 20 days later, and the third time 21 days from the second. This is why it mentioned here the 15th of this month.


Note: Rashash says that the same applies if the third time she saw 20 days from the second sighting, like it says in Tosfos Bava Kama (37b), and so says

åìôéøåù æä ÷ùä ãáôø÷ ùåø ùðâç ã' åä' (á''÷ ìæ:) îãîä ðâç éåí çîùä òùø áçãù æä åùùä òùø áçãù æä åùáòä òùø áçãù æä ìôìåâúà ãäëà


Question (against Explanation #1): In Bava Kama (37b), it compares an ox that gored on the 15th of this month, the 16th of the [next] month and the 17th of the [next] month to the argument here;

åàí ëï äéëé ÷àîø äúí ìòéì âáé øàä ùåø åðâç ùåø åìà ðâç ãäåéà øàùåðä îï äîðéï äà áëé äàé âåðà àôé' øá îåãä ãìà äåé øàùåðä îï äîðéï ùäøé ìà äéúä ìùåí æîï ìà ìçãù åìà ìùáú


If so, how does it say there regarding "it saw an ox, and gored [it]. It saw an ox, and did not gore", that the first is part of the count? In such a case, even Rav agrees that the first is not part of the count, since it was not at a [fixed] time of the month or week! (An ox can become Mu'ad to gore on the same day every week.)

åéù ìçì÷ áéï ñéøåâéï ãéîéí ìñéøåâéï ãùååøéí


Answer: We can distinguish between alternation of days and alternation of oxen (goring).

åø''ç ôé' ÷áòä ìä åñú ìãéìåâ ëùòùúä ùìù ôòîéí ëñãø äæä


Explanation #2 (R. Chananel): She fixed a Veses of skipping when she did three times like this order;

ëâåï ùøàúä è''å áðéñï åé''å áàééø åé''æ áñéåï åëï øàúä è''å áúîåæ åé''å áàá åé''æ áàìåì åòåã øàúä è''å áúùøé åé''å áîøçùåï åé''æ áëñìéå çåùùú îëàï åàéìê è''å ìçãù æä åé''å ìùðé åé''æ ìùìéùé


E.g. she saw the 15th of Nisan, the 16th of Iyar and the 17th of Sivan, and similarly she saw the 15th of Tamuz, the 16th of Av and the 17th of Elul, and she saw also on the 15th of Tishrei, the 16th of Cheshvan and the 17th of Kislev. From now and onwards, she is concerned for the 15th of this month, the 16th of the second month and the 17th of the third month.

åìùîåàì öøéëä ùúùìù áãéìåâ ùúøàä áçãù øáéòé éåí é''ç åáâ' çãùéí ùàçøéäí éåí é''å åé''æ åé''ç åëï áùìéùé òåã ùàçøé ëï ãøàééä ùì è''å éåí áçãù äøàùåï ìà äéä îîðéðà


According to Shmuel, she must have three skips, i.e. in the fourth month she sees on the 18th, and the next three months she sees on the 16th, 17th and 18th, and similarly in the third [set of sightings] afterwards. The sighting of the 15th in the first month is not part of the count.

åúéîä ìîä ôé' ëï ãà''ë ëùùàì äù''ñ ìéîà áãøáé åøùá''â ÷îéôìâé ìà ôìéâé áøàééä øàùåðä ìçåã àìà áùìù øàéåú ùì ãéìåâ àçøåï (äâäú äøù"ù) åáîñ÷ðà éäéä äôéøåù áò''à


Question: Why did he explain like this? If so, when the Gemara asked "let us say that they argue like Rebbi and R. Shimon ben Gamliel", they do not argue only about the first sighting, rather, about the three sightings of the last skipping, and in the conclusion it means differently! (Rashash - i.e. Rav would not require sightings in the third month. Tosfos could have added that also in the second series, Rav would require only two sightings.)

åàîàé ìà ñâé áâ' çãùéí ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ


Why don't three months suffice, like Rashi explained?


TOSFOS DH v'Einah Asurah Ela mi'Yud Ches v'Eilach

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéðä àñåøä àìà îé''ç åàéìê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why only now we are concerned for the 18th.)

åà''ú åéàñø ðîé éåí é''ç ëé ùéðúä ìé''æ ùäøé ãéìâä åéäéä áëìì åñú ãéìåâ ëîå è''å åé''å ãçééùéðï áçãà æéîðà


Question: Also the 18th should be forbidden when she changed to the 17th, for she skipped (the previous month she saw on the 16th), and this is in a Veses of skipping, like seeing on the 15th of the month and the 16th, for we are concerned for one time (seeing according to this skip)!

åàåîø äø''é ãàéï ìçåù áãéìåâ îùåí çãà æéîðà


Answer (Ri): We are not concerned for a Veses of skipping due to one occurrence (one sighting after this skip. This is considered only one occurrence, for since she used to see on the 15th, it does not count towards a Veses of skipping - Aruch l'Ner, unlike Maharsha and Rashash.)


TOSFOS DH Meichash b'Chada Zimna Chaishinan

úåñôåú ã"ä îéçù áçãà æéîðà çééùéðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is to forbid Bi'ah.)

ôéøù''é ãçééùéðï ìúùîéù


Explanation (Rashi): We are concerned [to forbid] Bi'ah.

åëï öøéê ìôøù îãìà ôøé' äù''ñ áäãéà ìèäøåú


Support: We must explain so, since the Gemara did not explicitly explain that it is for Taharos.

åàéï ìäæëéø áùåí ÷áéòåú åñú â' ôòîéí ìâáé úùîéù ãäà áçãà æéîðà çééùéðï àìà ìâáé ùàí ð÷áò (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ùìù ôòîéí çåùùéï ìå òã ùéò÷ø ùìù ôòîéí:


Observation: There is no reason to mention fixing a Veses through three times to [forbid] Bi'ah, for through one time she is forbidden, just if it was fixed three times, we are concerned for it until it is uprooted three times.



TOSFOS DH Tinokes Dalet Leilos

úåñôåú ã"ä úéðå÷ú ã' ìéìåú.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they need not be consecutive.)

á''ä ìà áòå øöåôéï ëãàîø áâîøà îòùä åðúï ìä øáé ã' ìéìåú îúåê ùðéí òùø çãù


Explanation: Beis Hillel do not require consecutive [nights], like it says in the Gemara that a case occurred, and Rebbi gave to her four nights amidst 12 months.

åëï ðøàä ãã' ìéìåú ìá''ù àôéìå îôåæøåú ëîå ìá''ä


Assertion: It seems that the four nights according to Beis Shamai are even scattered, like according to Beis Hillel.


TOSFOS DH Kol Zman sheha'Rok Matzuy b'Soch ha'Peh

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì æîï ùäøå÷ îöåé áúåê äôä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means seeing due to Bi'ah.)

ùøåàä îçîú úùîéù úìéðï ëì äéåí äîçøú åëì äìéìä ùàçøéå àôéìå ìà ùîùä áäí áãí áúåìéí åàôé' àéðä ðåçøú àáì úå ìà úìéðï äåàéì åìà ùîùä


Explanation: This means that she sees due to Bi'ah. We attribute [all sightings] on the entire following day and the night after it, even if she did not have Bi'ah, to Dam Besulim, even if she is not Nocheres (sees blood only when she stands, or only when she sits on the ground). After this, we do not attribute, since she did not have Bi'ah;

ëãàîø ìòéì áñô''÷ (ãó éà:) òáø òìéä ìéìä àçú áìà úùîéù èîàä


This is like it says above (11b), that if one night passed without Bi'ah [and she saw afterwards], she is Temei'ah;

åøá îçîéø èôé ããå÷à ëùðåçøú áéåí ùìàçø úùîéù úìéðï áå åáìéìä ùìàçøéå àáì áìà ðçéøä ìà


Rav is more stringent. Only when she is Nocheres on the day after Bi'ah, we attribute blood to the Besulim] on that day and the night afterwards, but not without Nechirah.


TOSFOS DH Al Gabei Kulam v'Ro'eh Al Gabei Kulam v'Einah Ro'eh b'Yadu'a...

úåñôåú ã"ä òì âáé ëåìí åøåàä òì âáé ëåìí åàéðä øåàä áéãåò...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos shows that according to this text, "b'Yadu'a" means that we attribute.)

ìñôøéí ãâøñé äëé òì âáé ëåìí (äâäú äá"ç) åøåàä ìéëà ìôøåùé áéãåò ãàéëà äåëçä ãäà ìà îåëç åìà îéãé äåàéì åøåàä


Observation: According to texts that say "Al Gabei Kulam v'Ro'eh", we cannot explain "when it is known" to mean that there is a proof. It is not proven at all [that it healed], for she sees!

àìà ä''ô áéãåò ùéù ìúìåú ùçéúä äîëä


Explanation: Rather, it means that it is known that we can attribute that the wound healed.

åëï öøéê ìåîø áô' ãí äðãä ìòéì (ãó ðå:) áéãåò ùìôðé äëáåñ ëìåîø ùéù ìúìåúå ìôðé äëáåñ


Support: We must say so above (56b) "[if a Kesem was found on a garment... R. Acha says, she should launder it again. If it is not washed away,] it is known that it was from before [the previous] laundering. I.e. we may attribute it to before [the previous] laundering.


TOSFOS DH Rav Amar Lo Hifsidah Leilos Ad mozs Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä øá àîø ìà äôñéãä ìéìåú òã îåöàé ùáú úðï.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not give this answer in Kesuvos.)

åà''ú áô''÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó å:) ãôøéê ìîàï ãàñø ìáòåì áùáú îã÷àîø äëà òã îåöàé ùáú å÷àîø îàé ìàå ãàé ìà áòéì îöé áòéì åîùðé ìà ëùáòì


Question: In Kesuvos (6b), we ask according to the opinion that forbids Bi'ah [with a Besulah] on Shabbos, since it says here "until Motza'ei Shabbos." It says "doesn't this mean that if he did not [yet] have Bi'ah, he may have Bi'ah?", and answers "no, he [already] had Bi'ah";

åôøéê àé ëùáòì îàé ìîéîøà åîùðé äà ÷î''ì ëãùîåàì ãàîø ôøöä ãçå÷ä ëå'


The Gemara asks "if he [already] had Bi'ah, what is the Chidush?", and answers that it teaches like Shmuel, who said that a tight opening [one may go through it on Shabbos, even though he will scrape on the sides and widen it].

åäùúà îàé ôøéê îàé ìîéîøà äà àùîòéðï èåáà ãìà äôñéãä ìéìåú ëã÷àîø äëà


What was the question "what is the Chidush?" It teaches much, that she did not lose nights, like it says here!

åé''ì ãäúí àéëà ìéùðà ãùîåàì àåñø ìîáòì ìëúçìä åëï ìøá åàéöèøéê ìéä ìùðåéé äëé ìùîåàì ãàôéìå àé ëìåé ñáéøà ìéä ãäôñéãä ìéìåú


Answer: There, there is a version that Shmuel forbids Bi'ah [on Shabbos] for the first time, and similarly for Rav (the other version says that Rav forbids). We need to answer for Shmuel (that the Chidush is that one may go through a tight opening) if [Shmuel] holds like Levi, that she lost nights.


TOSFOS DH d'Shari Lemiba'el l'Chatchilah kid'Shmuel v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãùøé ìîáòì ìëúçìä ëãùîåàì ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that in Kesuvos, we use this for a smaller Chidush.)

àó òì âá ãáô''÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó å:) îééúé äê ãùîåàì àáòéìä ùðéä


Implied question: In Kesuvos (6b), we bring this teaching of Shmuel regarding a second Bi'ah!

î''î ìôé äàîú ãùøé ìîáòì áúçìä ð÷è äëà ãäåé øáåúà èôé


Answer: Here we say according to the truth, that he permits even the first Bi'ah, which is a bigger Chidush.


TOSFOS DH Rav Asi Amar Tehorah

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé àñé àîø èäåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere, Rav Asi holds that blood can delay coming.)

åàó òì âá ãìéú ìéä äê ñáøà ãàí àéúà ãäåä ãí îòé÷øà äåä àúé


Implied question: He does not hold that if there was blood there, it would have come before!

îéäå ñ''ì ùôéø äà ãøá âéãì ãìòéì ñô''÷ (ãó éà:) ãàí ôñ÷ä îçîú úùîéù åøàúä àôéìå îçîú úùîéù èîàä ãàí àéúà ããí áúåìéï äåà îòé÷øà ëùùîùä äåä àúé


Answer: Even so, he properly holds like Rav Gidal above (11b) that if she ceased to sees due to Bi'ah, and she saw, even due to Bi'ah, she is Temei'ah, for if it were Dam Besulim, it would have come initially, when she had Bi'ah;

åìà äåä ìä ìîôñ÷ îçîú úùîéù ëéåï ãáúçìä áòì åîöà ãí àí àéúà ùðùàø òåã ãí áúåìéï ìà äéä ìä ìôñå÷ ëùùîùä


She should not have she ceased [to see] due to Bi'ah, since initially he had Bi'ah and found blood, if it is true that more Dam Besulim remained, she should not have ceased [to see] when she had Bi'ah;

àáì äëà àééøé ãáòì åìà îöà ãí åìäëé àéëà ìîéîø ãáòì ëãùîåàì


However, here we discuss when he had Bi'ah and did not find blood. Therefore, we can say that he had Bi'ah [through Hatiyah] like Shmuel.


TOSFOS DH She'ani Shmuel d'Rav Guvrei

úåñôåú ã"ä ùàðé ùîåàì ãøá âåáøéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that what was so unusual about Shmuel.)

îùîò äëà ãùîåàì ìà ùëéçà


Inference: People like Shmuel [who can have Bi'ah through Hatiyah] are not common.

åëï áôø÷ ÷îà ãçâéâä (ãó éã:) âáé áúåìä ùòéáøä ôéøåù ùäåùéáåä òì ôé äçáéú åàéï øéçä ðåãó åáæä ðåãò ùäéà áúåìä


Support: In Chagigah (14b), regarding a Besulah who became pregnant, i.e. they sat her on a barrel [of wine] and the smell does not come [out of her mouth], and through this it is known that she is a Besulah...

åîñé÷ (äâää áâìéåï) ãëùøä ìëäï âãåì ãàéëà ìîéîø áàîáèé òéáøä ãùëéç èôé îãùîåàì


We conclude that she is Kosher to a Kohen Gadol, for we can say that she became pregnant through [sitting on semen] in a bathhouse (it is common for men to have emissions there, due to the heat), for this is more common than [men] like Shmuel!

å÷ùä ãáôø÷ ÷îà ãëúåáåú (ãó å:) ÷àîø øåá á÷éàéï áäèéä


Question: In Kesuvos (6b), it says that most [men] are experts to do Hatiyah!

åéù ìåîø ãäèéä ãëúåáåú àéðä áòéìä âîåøä ùúúòáø áä ëáùàø áéàåú:


Answer: Hatiyah in Kesuvos is not a full Bi'ah through which she could become pregnant, like other Bi'os. (Very few men are experts to do a full Bi'ah through Hatiyah.)