TOSFOS DH Ha Yachol Latzeis Tamei (cont.)
úåñôåú ã"ä äà éëåì ìöàú èîà (äîùê)
ãä''ô ìøéù ì÷éù ùëì äáìåò ùàéðå éëåì ìöàú àôéìå òì éãé äãç÷ áöôåï èäåøä åàí ìàå ãéëåì ìöàú àôéìå ò''é äãç÷ èîàä áèåîàä (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ãàåøééúà
Explanation: According to Reish Lakish, it means as follows. Anything swallowed that cannot leave even with difficulty through Tzafon, is Tahor. If not, i.e. it can leave, even with difficulty, it is Tamei regarding a Tum'ah mid'Oraisa;
åàí ëï áãí úáåñä ãøáðï àôéìå éåöà òì éãé äãç÷ èäåø
If so, for Dam Tevusah, which is mid'Rabanan, even if it leaves with difficulty, it is Tahor.
åäùúà îôøù áñéôà åéäéá èòîà ìøéùà áèåîàä ãàåøééúà ãëé àéðå éëåì ìöàú èäåøä àáì éëåì ìöàú òì éãé äãç÷ èîàä
Now, the Seifa explains and gives the reason for the Reisha. For Tum'ah mid'Oraisa, when it cannot leave, it is Tahor. However, if it can leave with difficulty, it is Tamei;
åìø' éåçðï ãîôøù ëãîùðé øá ôôà ôéøåù ãøéùà àí îúëáñú åéåöà îîðå áúëáåñú ñúí èîà ùëï ãøê ìä÷ôéã òìéå äåàéì åéåöà á÷ì
According to R. Yochanan, who explains like Rav Papa, the Reisha means "if it is laundered and [the Kesem] comes out in Stam laundering, it is Tamei, for it is normal to be adamant about it, since it comes out easily;
åàí ìàå èäåøä åàôéìå éåöà ò''é öôåï ãàéï ãøê ìä÷ôéã òìéå ëéåï ùàéðå éåöà áúëáåñú ñúí
If not, it is Tahor, even if it leaves via Tzafon, for it is not normal to be adamant about it, since it does not come out through Stam laundering.
åîééúé ëì äáìåò ìéúï èòí ìøéùà ãëéåï ãàéðå éëåì ìöàú ëìì àôéìå ä÷ôéã áôéøåù àéï ÷ôéãúå ÷ôéãà ãáèìä ãòúå àöì ëì àãí ùàéï ãøëï ìä÷ôéã
[The Seifa] brings "everything swallowed" to give the reason for the Reisha. Since it cannot leave at all, even if he is explicitly adamant, his adamancy has no effect, for Batla Daito to that of normal people, who are not normally adamant;
áøéùà ðîé éëåì ìöàú òì éãé äãç÷ åòì éãé ëáåñ ñúí àéðå éëåì ìöàú èäåø äåàéì åàéï ãøê ìä÷ôéã áñúí åäééðå ëãîùðé øá ôôà ëì äéëà ãàéðå éëåì ìöàú ëå'
Also in the Reisha, it can leave with difficulty, but it does not come out through Stam laundering. It is Tahor, for people are not normally adamant. This is like Rav Papa answered, whenever it cannot leave...
åäùúà øá ôôà àéðå ñåúø îä ùàîø ìîòìä àìà áà ìúøõ ãä''ô äà éëåì ìöàú òì éãé äãç÷ åä÷ôéã òìéå ìäåöéàå èîà åëé ÷àîø ìòéì èäåø áùìà ä÷ôéã òìéå ìäåöéàå
Support: Now, Rav Papa does not contradict what was said above. Rather, he comes to answer that it means as follows. If it can leave with difficulty, and he was adamant to remove it, it is Tamei. Above we said that it is Tahor. This is when he is not adamant to remove it.
åìà äéä öøéê øá ôôà ìåîø àìà äúí áã÷ôéã
Implied question: Rav Papa needed to say only "there, he was adamant"!
àìà áà ìäùîéòðå ôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åø''ì ãôìéâé áãìà ÷ôéã åéëåì ìöàú òì éãé äãç÷ ãø''ì îèîà åø''é îèäø
Answer: He comes to teach the argument of R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish. They argue about when he was not adamant and it can leave with difficulty. Reish Lakish is Metamei, and R. Yochanan is Metaher.
TOSFOS DH Nim v'Lo Nim Tir v'Lo Tir
úåñôåú ã"ä ðéí åìà ðéí úéø åìà úéø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains this to discuss the beginning and end of sleep.)
ôé' ðéí åìà ðéí áúçìú ùéðä úéø åìà úéø áñåó ùéðä ëùäåà ðéòåø îùðúå
Explanation: "Nim v'Lo Nim" is at the beginning of sleep. Tir v'Lo Tir is at the end of sleep, when he awakens;
ðéí åìà ðéí ùòúä áçöåú äìéìä îúçéì ìäúðîðí úéø åìà úéø ùéùï áçöé äøàùåï åòúä ëùîâéò áçöåú äìéìä äéä îúçéì ìéòåø åäåà úéø åìà úéø (äâäú äøù"ù)
Nim v'Lo Nim - now at midnight, he begins to sleep. Tir v'Lo Tir - he slept in the first half [of the night], and now when midnight comes, he began to awaken. He is awake, but not fully awake.
åáòøáé ôñçéí (ôñçéí ÷ë:) ðîé âáé ðúðîðîå éàëìå åð÷éè ëé äàé ìéùðà ðéí åìà ðéí úéø åìà úéø àéëà ìôøåùé áëé äàé âååðà (äâäú äøù"ù)
Observation: Also in Pesachim (120b) regarding "if they dozed [while eating Korban Pesach], they resume eating", the Gemara used this expression Nim v'Lo Nim Tir v'Lo Tir. We can explain it similarly.
TOSFOS DH Tana Kamah Chimutzan Sheloshah Yamim
úåñôåú ã"ä úðà ëîä çéîåöï ùìùä éîéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Shabbos.)
÷ùä ãáôø÷ øáé ò÷éáà (ùáú ãó ö.) ÷àîø âáé îé øâìéí ùäçîéöå áðé î' éåí îùîò åìà ÷åãí ìëï
Question: In Shabbos (90a) it says regarding urine that soured, it is [after] 40 days. This implies that it does not sour beforehand!
åàéëà ñôøéí ãâøñé òã àøáòéí éåí åìôé æä ðéçà ãàéëà ìîéîø îùìùä åòã àøáòéí îòìå
Answer #1: Some texts say "until 40 days." According to this, it is fine. We can say that from three days until 40, it helps [to launder a Kesem].
åàéëà ñôøéí ãâøñé áï àøáòéí å÷àé àúéðå÷ ùäåà áï î' éåí
Answer #2: Some texts say "Ben Arba'im." It refers to a baby 40 days old.
å÷ùä ãäà ì÷îï àéáòéà ìäå ãéìã àå ãæ÷ï
Question: Below, [R. Yochanan] asked whether it is of a child or old person!
åé''ì ãä''ô ãéìã ãåå÷à àå àôéìå ãæ÷ï ðîé åìà ëô''ä ãôéøù ãæ÷ï îòìå èôé
Answer: It means, is it only of a child, or even of an old person? This is unlike Rashi, who says that [urine of] an old person is better.
åëï îùîò îã÷àîø ãàéù àå ãàùä åìéëà ìîéîø àå ãàùä ãå÷à ãäà ãéìã àå ãæ÷ï ð÷è ìùåï æëø åëï áùáú áï î' ìùåï àéù
Support: He said also "of a man, or of a woman?" We cannot say that [he was unsure] if only a woman's helps, for he said "child or old person" in the masculine! Also in Shabbos, "Ben Arba'im" is masculine].
îéäå úéîä àîàé ìà îééúé äëà äê áøééúà ãùáú ãáï î' éåí åòåã îéìé èåáà ùîàøéê áàåúä áøééúà éåúø îäëà åäëà îàøéê áãéï îé øâìéí éåúø îäúí
Question: Why didn't we bring here the Beraisa in Shabbos of a baby 40 days old and other matters that the Beraisa there elaborates more than here, and here it elaborates about the law of urine more than there! (Maharsha points out that in our texts, the Beraisa there does not elaborate.)
åðøàä ìåîø ãáøééúà ãäúí ÷àé àîéìúà ãú''÷ ãàîø ëãé ìëáñ áå áâã ÷èï åäúí ìà îòìå àìà áðé î' éåí
Answer: The Beraisa there discusses the first Tana's words. He said [that the Shi'ur to be liable for Hotza'ah on Shabbos] is enough to launder a small garment. There, it helps only if it is [at least] 40 days;
åäëà ìâáé ëúí àééøé åîòìå áðé ùìùä éîéí
Here, we discuss a Kesem. It helps if it is [at least] three days.
åìà ùééëé ëåìäå îéìé ãäúí äëà åîùåí äëé ìà îééúé ääéà áøééúà äëà
All the matters there do not apply here. Therefore, we do not bring that Beraisa here.
TOSFOS DH Mefahekes
úåñôåú ã"ä îôä÷ú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is yawning.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ àùèðãìéð''ø (ëï äåâä áñôø úøâåí äìò"æ) áìò''æ
Explanation #1 (Rashi): This is to stretch.
åàéï ðøàä àìà ëîå ùôéøù áùáú (ãó ÷ìå.) âáé ôéä÷ åîú áàìéé''ø
Rebuttal and Explanation #2: It seems that it is like Rashi explained in Shabbos (136a) regarding [a baby that] Pihak and died - it yawned;
ëãàîø ááøëåú (ãó ëã:) âáé øáé ùäéä îôä÷ åîðéç éãå úçú ñðèøå
This is like it says in Brachos (24b), that Rebbi yawned and put his hand under his chin.
TOSFOS DH Me'ateshes
úåñôåú ã"ä îòèùú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos defines this and Gosah.)
Explanation: This is sneezing.
åâåñä ôéøù øù''é áâîøà áàìéé''ø
Explanation #1: In the Gemara (63b), Rashi explained that "Gosah" is yawning.
åàéï ðøàä àìà ôéøåù øåèé''ø åëï âéä÷ áúôìä øåèé''ø
Rebuttal and Explanation #2: Rather, it is belching. Also Gihak in Tefilah is belching.
åáòøåê ôéøù ÷åì äéåöà îï äâøåï îúåê îàëì ëáã åæä øåèé''ø åàéï ðøàä ìôøù ùðâìåèé''ø
Support: The Aruch says that it is a noise that comes from the throat due to a heavy food. This is belching. It does not seem that it is hiccoughs.
åëåìäå äðé åñúåú àééøé ùîôä÷ú àå îòèùú ùòä àå ùúéí áòú ùøâéìä ìøàåú àáì îùåí ôéäå÷ àå òéèåù çãà æéîðà ìà ÷áòä
Explanation: In all of these Vestos, she yawns or sneezes for an hour or two at the time she normally sees. However, due to yawning or sneezing once, she does not fix a Veses.
îãîôìéâ áéï úçìú åñú ìñåó åñú åáçã ôéäå÷ åçã òéèåù ìà ùééê úçìä åñåó:
Source: He distinguishes between the beginning of the Veses and the end. In one yawn or sneeze, "beginning and end' do not apply.
TOSFOS DH l'Yamim Shenayim
úåñôåú ã"ä ìéîéí ùðéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is like Rebbi.)
äééðå ëøáé ãàîø áúøé æéîðé äåéà çæ÷ä
Explanation: This is like Rebbi, who says that a Chazakah is through two occurrences;
åùìà îðå çëîéí â' äåàéì åàéðå åñú âîåø îåãä øáé ãáòé â' æéîðé åäëé ÷éí ìéä
"For those that Chachamim did not list [in our Mishnah] three" [is also like Rebbi]. Since it is not an absolute Veses, Rebbi agrees that we require three times. We hold like this.
TOSFOS DH Achlah Shum v'Ro'osah
úåñôåú ã"ä àëìä ùåí åøàúä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike seeing after jumping.)
äåàéì åòì éãé îòùä äí àéðå åñú âîåø åìà äåä áëìì ãîúðé'
Explanation: Since they are through an action, it is not an absolute Veses, and it is not included in our Mishnah.
åà''ú åàîàé ìà ÷àîø ðîé ÷ôöä åøàúä ãäåå ðîé òì éãé îòùä
Question: Why didn't we say also if she jumped and saw? Also this is through an action!
åéù ìåîø ãàéðä ÷åáòú åñú ì÷ôéöåú ìçåãéäå ëãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà (ìòéì éà.) ãëì ùú÷áòðä îçîú àåðñ àôé' ëîä ôòîéí ìà ÷áòä
Answer: She does not fixed a Veses through jumping alone, like it says above (11a), that any [Veses] she fixes due to Ones, even several times, she did not fix a Veses.
àáì àëìä ùåí ìà çùéá àåðñ ëîå èåøç ùì ÷ôéöä ùàéï äøàééä áàä òì éãé èåøç àìà îîéìà
Distinction: However, if she ate garlic and saw, this is not considered Ones, like the exertion of jumping, for the sighting does not come through exertion, rather, by itself.
TOSFOS DH Zo Divrei R. Shimon ben Gamliel Aval Chachamim Omerim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä æå ãáøé øùá''â àáì çëîéí àåîøéí ëå'.
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether we may infer that Shmuel rules like Rebbi.)
ìëàåøä îùîò æå åìà ñáéøà ìéä îãìà ÷àîø àáì øáé àåîø
Inference: This connotes that [Shmuel] said "this [is R. Shimon ben Gamliel's opinion], but [Shmuel] disagrees, since he did not say "but Rebbi says..." (Rather, he called the opposing opinion "Chachamim", for the Halachah follows it.)
åàôéìå àú''ì äëé ìà ú÷ùé ì÷îï âáé ãéìåâ ãîå÷îéðï ùîåàì ëøùá''â
Implied question: If so, it is difficult, for below, regarding skipping [there is the same interval of days between sightings], we establish Shmuel like R. Shimon ben Gamliel!
ãàìéáà ãîúðéúéï ôìéâé øá åùîåàì
Answer: Rav and Shmuel argue about our Mishnah. (Shmuel establishes our Mishnah like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, but he does not rule like him.)
åìîàé ãàîø îòé÷øà äù''ñ ãôìéâé áôìåâúà ãøáé åøùá''â öøéê ìåîø æå åñáéøà ìéä ëãîùðé áôø÷ ùåø ùðâç (á''÷ ãó ìæ:):
Observation: According to what the Gemara initially said, that [Rav and Shmuel argue] like Rebbi and R. Shimon ben Gamliel, we must say that [Shmuel said] "this [is R. Shimon ben Gamliel's opinion]", and [Shmuel] holds like him, like we answer in Bava Kama (37b).
TOSFOS DH Asurah Kol Shesh Sha'os Divrei R. Yehudah
úåñôåú ã"ä àñåøä ìùîù ëì ùù ùòåú ãáøé øáé éäåãä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that R. Yehudah forbids the entire day.)
ìø' éäåãä äåä ùééê ìîúðé ëì äéåí ëåìå ëãîåëç áñéôà ùäåà àåñø ëì äéåí
Implied question: According to R. Yehudah, it would be feasible to teach the entire day, like is proven in the Seifa, that he forbids the entire day!
àìà îùåí øáé éåñé úðé ìä áúøúé ááé:
Answer: It was taught in two clauses due to R. Yosi (who permits after the Veses).
TOSFOS DH v'Chosheshes b'Shishah Sha'os
úåñôåú ã"ä åçåùùú áùùä ùòåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is the entire sixth hour.)
äééðå ëì ùòä ùùéú
Explanation: This means the entire sixth hour.
TOSFOS DH Min ha'Minchah ul'Ma'alah
úåñôåú ã"ä îï äîðçä åìîòìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is after six and a half hours.)
ôéøù''é ñåó ùù ùîàæ ðåèé' öììé òøá
Explanation (Rashi): This is the end of six hours, that from then shadows lean to the west.
åôé' øùá''í ãàó òì âá ãàîø áúîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ðç.) ãæîï äîðçä ìëì äîå÷ãí äåé îùùä ùòåú åîçöä åàéìê
Implied question (Rashbam): It says in Pesachim (58a) that the earliest time for Minchah is six and a half hours and onwards!
äééðå îùåí ãìà ÷éí ìï ùôéø áùéòåø ùòåú äéåí àáì îï äãéï äåà îúçéìú æ'
Answer (Rashbam): That is because we do not know well the Shi'ur of six hours (when it is), but according to letter of the law, it is from the beginning of the seventh hour (after six hours finished).
åîéäå ìâáé åñú ðîé àñåøä òã çöé ùòä ùáéòéú ãäééðå îï äîðçä åìîòìä:
Pesak: However, also regarding a Veses, she is forbidden until half of the seventh hour, i.e. from Minchah and onwards.