


Answer #2: Rather, also Rava discusses a woman who was carried to the Mikveh on her bed;


Version #1: The Beraisa discusses a woman who did not sit up. Rava discusses a woman who sat up.


Version #2: The Beraisa discusses a woman who was still during Bi'ah. (All the semen is absorbed together, so it is all discharged together.) Rava discusses a woman who turned over during Bi'ah. (end of Version #2)


Rava explains the verse (which implies that she has only Tum'as Erev);


The verse discusses a woman who lied still. If she sat up (or turned over during Bi'ah), she may not eat Terumah for three days, for surely semen will be discharged.


Question (Rav Shmuel bar Bisna): If semen exudes from a woman, is she Teme'ah k'Ro'eh (like one who saw blood), or only k'Noga'as (like one who touched Tum'ah)?


If she is k'Ro'eh, (then if she was counting seven clean days after Zivah,) it is Soser (all the days she counted). Any amount of semen is Metamei her, and she becomes Teme'ah before it leaves her;


If she is k'Noga'as, it is not Soser, she is Teme'ah only if a Shi'ur (k'Adashah (the size of a lentil) or the opening of the Ever) exuded, and she is not Teme'ah until it leaves her.


Question: Why did Rav Shmuel ask?


If he heard the Beraisa (Chachamim are Metamei before it leaves her, and R. Shimon is not Metamei until it leaves her), he would know that Chachamim consider her k'Ro'eh, and R. Shimon considers her k'Noga'as!


If he did not hear the Beraisa, surely he should assume that she is k'Noga'as! (The Tum'ah came to her from the outside.)


Answer #1: Really, he heard the Beraisa. He knew that Chachamim considered her k'Ro'eh;


He was unsure according to R. Shimon. Perhaps R. Shimon says that her law is not more stringent than her husband regarding Tum'as Beis ha'Starim (she is Tehorah until it comes out), but it is Soser, and any amount is Metamei her;


Or, perhaps she is k'Noga'as in all respects.


Answer #2: He did not hear the Beraisa. He was unsure whether or not we learn from the giving of the Torah. (Yisrael had to refrain from Bi'ah three days in advance, lest a woman emit semen. There was no Isur to touch Tum'ah. This suggests that emitting semen is unlike Noge'a);


Or, perhaps we do not learn from the giving of the Torah, for Hash-m did not command about Zavim and Metzora'im, even though their Tum'ah is more stringent than one who emits semen.


Answer (Abaye, Rava, and Rav Yosef): She is k'Ro'eh.


Rav Shmuel was unhappy with the answer.


Defense (Abaye, for himself): R. Shimon says that her law is not more stringent than her husband only regarding Tum'as Beis ha'Starim. However, it is Soser, and any amount is Metamei her. (R. Shimon himself requires a Shi'ur of semen to leave a man to be Metamei him. Rav Shmuel and Abaye hold like the opinion that any amount is Metamei him.)




(Beraisa): All of the following become Tamei internally, just like externally -- a Nidah, Zavah, Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom and Yoledes.


Question: What is the Chidush of Yoledes? If she sees blood during the days of Nidah, she is like a Nidah; if she sees blood during Yemei Zivah, she is like a Zavah!


Answer #1: The case is, she saw after the seven (or 14) days of Tum'ah, before immersing, like R. Zeira's law.


(R. Zeira): If a Yoledes went to immerse (after Yemei Tum'ah), and blood left the Makor (and entered Beis ha'Chitzon) before she immersed, even after immersing she is Teme'ah (regarding Taharos. Since the blood left while she was still Teme'ah, it has Tum'as Masa and she carries it inside her. She is permitted to her husband);


If blood left the Makor after she immersed, she is Tehorah. (Tahor Dam (Tohar) is inside her).


Question (R. Yirmeyah): Why is she Teme'ah in the first case? The Tum'ah is Belu'ah (engulfed inside her)!


Answer #1 (R. Avin): Chachamim decreed that she is Teme'ah. (We are concerned lest she think that she will be Tehorah even after the blood comes out, for the immersion was Metaher it);


We find a precedent for such a decree. One who eats Nevelah of a Tahor bird is Metamei (himself and his) Begadim, even though the Nevelah is Belu'ah!



Objection (R. Yirmeyah): That is different. Nivlas Ohf Tahor is Metamei only when it is swallowed, but blood is Tamei outside!


Answer #2: The blood is Metamei only when it leaves her.


Question: If the blood left, what is the Chidush?


Answer: One might have thought that just like the immersion is Metaher blood inside (the Makor, blood that leaves afterwards is Dam Tohar), it is Metaher also blood outside (in Beis ha'Chitzon). R. Zeira teaches that this is not so.


Objection: This answers for R. Zeira, but the Beraisa is still difficult! The Beraisa does not say that she is Tehorah until the blood leaves. It says that a Yoledes is Teme'ah internally like externally!


Answer #3: The case is, she gave birth without blood.


Question: If so, what internal and external Tum'ah is there?


Answer: Tum'as Yoledes begins once the baby's head leaves the Prozdor. This is (considered birth,) as R. Oshaya taught:


(R. Oshaya): (If a midwife touched a dead fetus inside the womb, even though it is Belu'ah, she is Teme'ah.) This is a decree, lest the fetus' head came out of the Prozdor (and she did not know this).


The following episode teaches the same principle.


A man: Is circumcision permitted on Shabbos?


Rava: Yes. (Rava later suspected that the question was not so simple.) What is the case?


The man: My son was born on Shabbos, but I heard him cry (earlier in the delivery) on Erev Shabbos. What is considered the day of birth?


Rava: If you heard him cry, his head already left the Prozdor, so he was born on Erev Shabbos. You may not circumcise him on Shabbos.




Question: Is (Tum'ah in) the Beis ha'Chitzon considered Belu'ah, or just Tum'as Beis ha'Starim?


Question: What difference does it make?


Answer: If Rachel stuck a piece of Nevelah in the Beis ha'Chitzon of Leah:


If it is Belu'ah, it is not Metamei at all. (In any case, Rachel is Teme'ah for moving it before inserting it);


If it is Beis ha'Starim, it is Metamei Leah through Masa. (She moves it.)


Answer #1 (Abaye): It is Belu'ah;


Answer #2 (Rava): It is Beis ha'Starim.


Support (Rava, for himself - Beraisa): If not for the verse (that is Metamei a woman who has Bi'ah), the semen would not be Metamei her, for it is Tum'as Beis ha'Starim. The Torah decreed that she is Teme'ah anyway.


Rejection (Abaye): It means that if not for the verse, the semen would not be Metamei her, for it is Belu'ah;


Even if you would say that it is not Belu'ah, but rather Beis ha'Starim, it would not be Metamei her (if not for the verse).


Question: Is the Beis ha'Bli'ah (the place where one swallows) considered Belu'ah, or just Beis ha'Starim?


Question: What difference does it make?


Answer: If Reuven stuck a piece of Nevelah down Shimon's throat:


If it is Belu'ah, it is not Metamei;


If it is Beis ha'Starim, it is Metamei (Shimon) through Masa.


Answer #1 (Abaye): It is Belu'ah;


Answer #2 (Rava): It is Beis ha'Starim.


Support (Abaye, for himself - Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps one who eats Nevelah of a Behemah is Metamei Begadim!


Rejection: "Nevelah u'Terefah Lo Yochal l'Tam'ah Vah" teaches that the Tum'ah (of eating) applies only to something that is not Metamei someone until they eat it, but not to Nivlas Behemah, which is Metamei a person (through Maga or Masa) without eating it.


Suggestion: A Kal va'Chomer should teach that it is Metamei Begadim! Nivlas Ohf Tahor has no external Tum'ah, only internal Tum'ah (one who eats it is Metamei Begadim). Nivlas Behemah has external Tum'ah (Maga and Masa), all the more so it should have internal Tum'ah!


Rejection: "Vah" teaches that Tum'ah of eating applies (only) to Nivlas Ohf Tahor.


Question: Regarding Nivlas Behemah, it says "veha'Ochel"! (One who eats it is Metamei Begadim.)


Answer: That teaches that the Shi'ur for Tum'as Maga and Masa is the same as the Shi'ur to be liable for eating it, i.e. a k'Zayis.