ONE WHO DID NOT ANNUL DUE TO A MISTAKE (Yerushalmi Perek 11 Halachah 5 Daf 38b)
מתני' נדרה אשתו וסבור שנדרה בתו נדרה בתו וסבור שנדרה אשתו
(Mishnah): [If a man did not annul due to a mistake, e.g.] his wife vowed, and he thought that his daughter vowed, or his daughter vowed, and he thought that his wife vowed....
נדרה בנזיר וסבור שנדרה בקרבן בקרבן וסבור שנדרה בנזיר
[Or] she vowed to be a Nezirah, and he thought that she vowed to bring a Korban, or she vowed to bring a Korban, and he thought that she vowed to be a Nezirah;
נדרה מן התאנים וסבור שנדרה מן הענבים מן הענבים וסבור שנדרה מן התאנים הרי זה יחזור ויפר:
[Or] she vowed from figs, and he thought that she vowed from grapes, or she vowed from grapes, and he thought that she vowed from figs. [In all these cases,] he can return to annul.
גמ' אפילו שמע ושתק אפילו שמע וקיים:
(Gemara): This is even if he heard and was silent [that day], and even if he heard and affirmed it.