[75a - 20 lines; 75b - 18 lines]

1)[line 7]כנערה המאורסהNA'ARAH HA'ME'URASAH

(a)If one has relations with a married woman after not heeding the warning of two witnesses, he is put to death by Chenek (choking), as it states in the Torah (Devarim 22:22). If the woman had relations willingly, she too is put to death by Chenek.

(b)However, in one instance the Torah prescribes a different punishment (Devarim 22:23-24). If the woman was a Na'arah Besulah Me'urasah (a virgin, during the first six months after reaching her physical maturity (Na'arus), who has been betrothed through Eirusin (Kidushin) but has not entered the stage of Nisu'in - i.e. she has not moved into her husband's house yet), the man who had relations with her is put to death by Sekilah (stoning). If the woman had relations with him willingly, she too is put to death by Sekilah.

2)[line 19]מיחל חלין ובטליןMEICHAL CHALIN U'VETELILN- Do the Nedarim [that the wife makes in the future] take effect, and immediately become annulled?


3)[line 1]דאתפיסD'ATPIS (HATFASAH)

A Neder can be made by "connecting" an object that is permitted to another object that is prohibited, such as a Korban. (Some Rishonim refer to this as "a Neder performed through Hatfasah." Some Rishonim maintain that this is an integral part of the expression of a Neder without which the Neder is not binding, see Insights to 2:2.) The Gemara explains that when making a Neder, one may only connect an object to a "Davar ha'Nadur," i.e. another object which has been prohibited either through a Neder or by becoming Hekdesh (consecrated). If one attempts to make a Neder by connecting an object to a "Davar ha'Asur," the Neder is not binding (Nedarim 14a). "Davar ha'Asur" in this context refers to an object which is not prohibited because of an Isur that a person placed upon it, but because of an Isur Torah that applied to it naturally (e.g. meat that was cooked with milk, or a non-kosher animal). According to some Tana'im, if a Neder is pronounced by connecting an object to an object of Hekdesh, the object of the Neder, too, becomes Hekdesh to the extent that one who benefits from it must bring a Korban Me'ilah (Nedarim 35a, see Background to Yevamos 88:6).

4)[line 16]אדםADAM (TUM'AH BELU'AH)

"Adam," in the context of our Gemara, refers to Tum'ah Belu'ah ("swallowed Tum'ah"), when an object that is Tamei is inside a living creature. While it is there, the object is neither Metamei by Maga (touching) nor by Masa (carrying). After it comes out, it will again be Metamei. This is unlike Tum'as Beis ha'Setarim. Tum'as Beis ha'Setarim refers to an object that is Tamei that comes into contact with the concealed part of a person or object. Under such circumstances, the object cannot make a person Tamei by Maga, but it can make him Tamei by Masa. For example, if a piece of a Sheretz was found in the folds of a person's skin, he is Tahor because a Sheretz is only Metamei through Maga. If, however, he had a Neveilah in the folds of his skin, he is Tamei, because a Neveilah is also Metamei through Masa.