
TOSFOS DH b'Nazir Mutar

úåñôåú ã"ä áðæéø îåúø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rav Nachman is lenient for a Nazir.)

ìäòáéø áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä


Explanation: [A Nazir] may remove the hair of his underarms and genital area;

ã÷ñáø àçøé ùðæéø îòáéø ëì ùòø øàùå ìà çùéá ðåé åúé÷åï ìâáé àåúå äàéù ìäòáéø áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä


Rav Nachman holds that since he removes all the hair of his head, this is not considered adornment for this man to remove hair of the underarms and genital area;

åìéú äéìëúà ëåúéä ãàñåø àó ìðæéø.


Pesak: The Halachah does not follow him. It is forbidden even for a Nazir.


TOSFOS DH Chazina l'R. Yochanan d'Leis Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä çæéðà ìøáé éåçðï ãìéú ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a question.)

ôéøåù ùòø áéú äùçé [åäåà] âåôéä îçééá áäòáøúå


Explanation: [R. Yochanan] does not have hair of the underarms. He himself says that one is liable for removing it!

åîãìà îùðé áîñôøéí ù÷ìéðéä îùîò (äâäú áøéú éò÷á) ãìëì äôçåú îãáøé ñåôøéí àñåø ìøáé éåçðï àó áîñôøéí.


Inference: Since we did not answer that he removed it with a scissors, this connotes that R. Yochanan forbids mid'Rabanan even with a scissors.


TOSFOS DH ha'Hu Gavra d'Ischayiv Negida Kamei d'R. Ami

úåñôåú ã"ä ääåà âáøà ãàéúçééá ðâéãà ÷îéä ãø' àîé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the law of other limbs.)

ðúçééá îì÷åú àéâìàé áéú äùçé åçæééä ãìà îâìç àîø ìäåï øáé àîé ùá÷åä ãéï îï çáøéà äåà,


Explanation: He was liable to be lashed. His underarm became exposed, and [R. Ami] saw that he did not shave [there]. R. Ami told them "leave him! He is a Chaver (Chacham)."

îùîò ðîé äëà ãîãøáðï ðîé àñåø àó áîñôøéí ááéú äùçé åááéú äòøåä àáì ìùàø äàéáøéí ìà îöéðå àéñåø (æä äìùåï) ìæå äâéøñà


Inference: Also here connotes that mid'Rabanan it is forbidden even with a scissors in the underarm and genital area. However, regarding other limbs we do not find an Isur according to this text.

åáäìëåú âãåìåú áäìëåú ðæéø àîø øá îé÷ì àãí ëì âåôå áúòø îéúéáé äîòáéø áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä äøé æä ìå÷ä


Citation: Bahag, in Hilchos Nazir, says that Rav permits shaving his entire torso with a razor. We challenge him from a Beraisa. A man who shaves his underarms or the genital area is lashed!

ëé ÷àîø øá áùàø àéáøéí åîé ùøé åäúðéà äòáøú ùòø àéðå îãáøé úåøä àìà îãáøé ñåôøéí


Citation (cont.): We answer that Rav permits other limbs. We challenge this, for a Beraisa says that removing hair is not mid'Oraisa, rather, mid'Rabanan.

åàåîø ø"é ãôøéê îùåí ãáøééúà ÷úðé ñúîà áäòáøú ùòø ãîùîò áëì î÷åí áéï áùàø àéáøéí áéï ááéú äùçé åááéú äòøåä àìîà ùàø àéáøéí ðîé àñåø


Explanation (Ri): We challenge [Rav] because the Beraisa taught Stam "removing hair", which connotes anywhere - other limbs, and also the underarms and genital area. This shows that also other limbs are forbidden!

åîùðé àìà ëé ÷àîø øá áîñôøéí åîã÷àîø àìà îùîò ãäëé ôéøåùå ìòåìí îééøé àó áùòø áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä åáúòø ((äâää áâìéåï îàåøç îéùåø) ã÷àîø øá äééðå áîñôøéí ëòéï úòø.


We answer "rather, Rav said [that it is permitted] with a scissors." Since it says "Ela (rather)," this connotes that really, we discuss even the underarms and genital area. Rav said "with a razor"; this means with a scissors, [cutting the hairs very short] like a razor.


TOSFOS DH Amar R. Chiya bar Aba...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáé çééà áø àáà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the law of other limbs.)

îùîò ìï ãîééøé àó áùòø áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä îã÷àîø ñúîà


Inference: (We ask from a Beraisa that says that removing hair is forbidden mid'Rabanan.) This connotes that it discusses even the underarms and genital area, since it taught Stam;

åîùðé îàé ìå÷ä ã÷àîø ø' éåçðï îãøáðï åëï ìå÷ä ãáøééúà äééðå îãøáðï


We answer that R. Yochanan said that he is lashed, i.e. mid'Rabanan. Also the Beraisa that says that he is lashed, means mid'Rabanan.

åëôé âéøñú äìëåú âãåìåú îùîò ãàôé' ãùàø àéáøéí àñåø ìäòáéø ùéòø


Observation: According to the text of Bahag, it connotes that also other limbs, it is forbidden to remove hair.

åáäìëä ôñå÷ä ãøá éäåãàé áäìëåú ðãä îëúá ä"ø éåñó èåá òìí éù ëîå áäìëåú âãåìåú (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) àê ãâåøñ áîñ÷ðà ëé ÷àîø øá áîñôøéí åìà âøñéðï àìà


Citation: In Halachah Pesukah of Rav Yehudai [Gaon], in Hilchos Nidah written by R. Yosef Tuv Elem, it says like in Bahag, but in the conclusion the text says "Rav said with a scissors", and it does not say "Ela";


Note: Rashi (Sukah 38b), Tosafists and others say that Rav Yehudai authored Hilchos Gedolos. Others, including Talmidei ha'Rif, attribute it to Rav Shimon Kaira. Our Tosfos connotes like the Rashba (Teshuvah 1:504) that both of them compiled Halachos; also he cites "Halachos Pesukos" of Rav Yehudai. R. Tam says that Rav Yehudai was blind, and his Talmidim wrote in his name, sometimes mistakenly.

åîùîò ãä"ô øá àîø îé÷ì àãí ëì âåôå áúòø äééðå ãùàø àéáøéí ëãàå÷îéðï ìä åáúòø ã÷àîø ãëòéï úòø


Inference: This means that Rav said that one may remove hair from his entire torso with a razor, i.e. other limbs, like we establish it. "With a razor" that he said means like with a razor;

àáì áúòø îîù åãàé òåáø îãáøé ñåôøéí ëã÷úðé ááøééúà


However, truly with a razor, surely he transgresses mid'Rabanan, like the Beraisa teaches.

åäàé ãáòé øá îøáé çééà îäå ìâìç


Implied question: What was Rav's question from R. Chiya, whether or not one may shave?

áîñôøéí ÷îáòéà ìéä åäùéá ìå ãàó áîñôøéí àñåø îã÷àîø ìéä åäà ÷à âãéì ëìåîø åîöòøå åàé ùøé áîñôøéí éèìðå áîñôøéí


Answer: [He asked about shaving] with scissors. R. Chiya answered him that even with scissors is forbidden, since Rav said back "but it will grow!", i.e. and it will pain him. If it were permitted with scissors, he could cut it with scissors!

åøá ðîé ãùøé ëì âåôå áîñôøéí ëòéï úòø äééðå áùàø àéáøéí àáì ááéú äùçé åááéú äòøåä àñåø áîñôøéí


Also Rav, who permits the entire body with scissors like a razor, this refers to other limbs. However, the underarms and genital area are forbidden with scissors.

[åùîà] àó òì âá ãìà ëúåá [áñôøéí] àìà î"î äåé ôéøåùå ëàéìå âøñéðï àìà


Suggestion: Perhaps even though it is not written in Seforim "Ela", in any case it means as if it says Ela.

åäøáä éù áäù"ñ ëæä åçæø ìäòîéã ãáøé øá ááéú äùçé ëå'.


There are many cases in the Gemara like this. He returns to establish Rav's words to discuss the underarms...


TOSFOS DH Ba'i Minei Rav mi'R. Chiya Mahu Legale'ach

úåñôåú ã"ä áòé îéðéä øá îøáé çééà îäå ìâìç

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two versions of the question.)

ôé' áéú äùçé åáéú äòøåä àîø ìéä àñåø


Explanation: [Rav asked R. Chiya whether or not one may shave] the underarms and genital area. He answered that it is forbidden.

ìôé âéøñú äñôøéí ùìðå äáòéà áúòø îîù åàñø ìå úòø åîñôøéí ùøé


Version #1: According to the text of our Seforim, he asked about truly with a razor. R. Chiya forbade to him with a razor, but it is permitted with scissors.

åìôéøåù [äìëåú âãåìåú] äáòéà áîñôøéí åàñø ìå àó áîñôøéí


Version #2: According to the Perush of Bahag, he asked about with scissors, and he forbade to him even with scissors.

åëï ðøàä îã÷àîø åäà ÷à âãéì åîàé ÷åùéà éèìðå áîñôøéí.


Support: Rav said "but it will grow!" [If it were permitted with scissors], what was the question? He can cut it with scissors!


TOSFOS DH v'Ha Ka Gadil

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ÷à âãéì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a reason to permit.)

åäåàéì åñåôå ìéâãì åìöòø àåúå àó ëùéâìçðå àéï æä ÷øåé úé÷åï åðåé ùàéðå îâìç àìà ìéðöì îöòøà.


Explanation: Since in the end it will grow and pain him, even when he shaves it, this is not called adornment and beauty, since he shaves it only to be spared from pain.


TOSFOS DH Gevul Yesh Lo

úåñôåú ã"ä âáåì éù ìå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that what is to avoid pain is permitted.)

ùàéðå âãì åäåìê ëùéòø äøàù åìéëà öòøà


Explanation: It does not keep growing, [un]like hair of the head, and there is no pain.

äâä"ä (äâäú áøëú øàù) îùîò ëùàéï àãí îúëåéï ìðåé àìà ìéðöì ãìéú áéä îùåí ëìé âáø


Comment: When one does not intend for beauty, rather, to be spared [from pain, the Isur of] "Kli Gever" does not apply. (Surely, Tosfos refers to the continuation of the verse "v'Lo Yilbash Gever Simlas Ishah", which also forbids men to adorn like women.)

åàí ëï äîñúëì áîøàä ëãé ùìà éçáåì áòöîå ùøé


Consequence: If so, one who looks in a mirror so he will not wound himself [when cutting his hair], this is permitted.

åëï àåîø äø"ó ùøáå äø"ø ùîåàì îàåéø"à äéä îñúôø áîøàä.


Support: R. Peretz says that his Rebbi, R. Shmuel of Avira, used a mirror when cutting his hair.



TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá ðçîï áø éöç÷...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he is concerned for delaying Haktarah of the Chelev.)

ìà àéúôøù


Remark: This was not explained.

äâä"ä (äâäú áàø îùä) îàé ìéòáã øáé éäåùò ìã÷éä ãìà ìéñøå


Comment: [Rav Nachman asks] what does R. Yehoshua [say to] do to the intestines, so they will not Lisru?

ôéøåù ìáðé îòéí ùìà éñøéçå ãëéåï ùéá÷ù àçã ùéãåø ëðâãå áðæéø à"ë ìñåó ùìùéí éåí ëùîâìçéï ùðéäï ùðéäí öøéëéí ìäðéó äçìá åúâìçú ùðéäí äéà ìôðé úðåôä


Explanation #1: What will he do to the innards, so they will not spoil? Since he requests someone to vow corresponding to him to be a Nazir, if so, at the end of 30 days, when both of them shave, both need to wave the Chelev, and both of them shave before Tenufah;

à"ë éñøéç äçìá áîä ùéàçøå ìä÷èéø àåúå òã ùúé úâìçéåú


If so, the Chelev will rot through the delay of burning it only after the two shavings!


Note: Why does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak assume so? We find that Chelev not offered during the day may be offered at night! Be'er Moshe explains that he means that it is not honorable to delay Haktarah.

ãðäé ãìà îú àçã îäí ëê äéà ìëåìé òìîà ùîáéàéï ÷øáï èåîàä åèäøä


Implied question: When neither of them died, all agree that we do so. We bring Korban Tum'ah and Korban Taharah!

äà åãàé [àé] àôùø ìú÷ðå áò"à àáì áñéôà ãîú àçã åàôùø ìú÷ðå áú÷ðú [áï æåîà] áìà ðæéøåú àçøú åìà äåä ìéä ìîéîø ìø' éäåùò ùéãåø àçø ëðâãå


Answer: Then, no other solution is possible. However, in the Seifa, when one of them died, and it is possible to fix it through Ben Zoma's counsel without another Nezirus, R. Yehoshua should not say that another vows corresponding to him.

åáôéøåù [àçø] ëúåá ìã÷éä ìàéáøéí ãòåìä ãàéðï ð÷èøåú òã àçø úâìçú ùðéäí


Explanation #2: "L'Dakeha" refers to the limbs of the Olah. They are not burned until both of them shave.

å÷ùä ãòì äòåìä àéðå òé÷ø îöåú ãîéí ëé àí òì (äâäú áøëú øàù) äùìîéí


Objection #1: The primary Mitzvah of [shaving on] blood is not on the Olah, rather, on the Shelamim!

åúå ìîä éîúéï äëäï îìä÷èéøí òã àçø äúâìçú åæä ìà îöéðå


Objection #2: Why should the Kohen delay burning [the limbs] until after shaving? We do not find [that he must].

åéåúø ðøàä ëãôøéùéú.


Conclusion: Explanation #1 is better.