TOSFOS DH Ochel b'Kodshim Acher Shishim
úåñôåú ã"ä ä"â àåëì á÷ãùéí àçø ùùéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Heterim come on days 60 and 120 themselves.)
ãäééðå áéåí ùùéí åàçã ãùðé úâìçéåú øàùåðåú äéå áéåí ùìùéí ãàå÷îéðï àãàåøééúà
Explanation: This is on day 61, for the first two shavings were on day 30 [of Nezirus], for we leave Torah law in effect.
åîéäå ìôéøåù æä àåëì á÷ãùéí áéåí ùùéí âåôéä [ëéåï] ãúâìçú øàùåðä áéåí ùìùéí (äâäú áøëú øàù) à"ë úâìçú ùðéä áéåí çîùéí åúùòä ãàåøééúà
Consequence: According to this Perush (unlike the comment at the end of the previous Tosfos), he eats Kodshim on day 60 itself. Since the first shaving was on day 30, if so the second shaving is on day 59 mid'Oraisa;
ëãàîøéðï ìòéì àí âéìç øàùåðä áéåí ùìùéí îâìç ùðéä áéåí ùùéí åàí âìç ùðéä áéåí ùùéí çñø àçã éöà ãäééðå áéåí çîùéí åúùòä
This is like we said above (16a), that if he shaved the first on day 30, he shaves the second time on day 60, and if he shaved on day 60 less one, he was Yotzei, i.e. on day 59.
åáå áéåí éèáåì åìîçøúå áéåí ùùéí éáéà ÷øáðåúéå åéàëì á÷ãùéí åðîöà ãàåëì á÷ãùéí áéåí ùùéí
That same day he immerses, and on the next day, on day 60, he brings his Korbanos and eats Kodshim. It turns out that he eats Kodshim on day 60.
åàò"â ãìàçø ùùéí úðï (äâäú úåñôåú éå"è)
Implied question: The Mishnah says after 60 days!
äëé ðîé àîøéðï áôø÷ ùðé [ðæéøéí] (ì÷îï ñ:) àåëì á÷ãùéí àçø ùîðä éîéí åøåöä ìåîø áéåí äùîéðé òöîå
Answer: We say similarly below (60b) "he eats Kodshim after eight days", and it means on day eight itself.
åëï äà ã÷úðé åùåúä ééï ìàçø ÷"ë äééðå áéåí ÷"ë àò"â ãúâìçåú ùðéåú (äâäú áøëú øàù) áéåí ùìùéí åàçã åãå÷ ìùåï îäøô"ù.
Support: Similarly, it teaches that he drinks wine after 120 days, i.e. on day 120, even though the second (i.e. the latter two) shavings are on day 31 [of Nezirus. They started on days 60 and 90] Check this! This is from R. Peretz.
TOSFOS DH v'Iy Salka Daitach Salku Lo Yemei Chaluto...
úåñôåú ã"ä åàé ñ"ã ñì÷å ìå éîé çìåèå...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against Rav Chisda.)
ëìåîø àçø ùâéìç ùðéú ìöøòúå ì÷õ ùúé ùðéí éâìç ùìéùéú ìñåó ùìùéí îîä ðôùê
Explanation: I.e. after he shaved the second time for his Tzara'as, at the end of two years, he shaves a third time at the end of 30 days, in any case;
àí ðæéø èîà äåà ëê ãéðå åàôé' àçø ùáòú éîéí ìúâìçú ùðéä éëåì ìâìç (äâäú áøéú éò÷á)
If he was a Nazir Tamei, this is his law. He could even shave at the end of seven days from the second shaving;
åàí ðæéø èäåø åîåçìè äåà (ìé÷åèé âøñàåú) ùäøé òìå ìå éîé öøòúå ìùðä ùì ðæéøåú [ìøá çñãà] åàéðå öøéê ìäîúéï ø÷ ùìùéí éåí ùéòåø âéãåì ùòø (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìâìç úâìçú ðæéø èäåø
And if he was a Nazir Tahor and Muchlat, [he may shave after 30 days,] for his days of Tzara'as counted for the year of Nezirus [according to Rav Chisda]. He needs to wait only 30 days, the Shi'ur of growing hair, [in order] to shave Tiglachas Nazir Tahor.
àçø úâìçú ùìéùéú (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä ò"ô øàùåðéí) éîúéï ùðä ìúâìçú øáéòéú ãùîà îåçìè äéä åèîà èîà îú åùúé úâìçåú øàùåðåú ìöøòúå åùìéùéú ìðæéø èîà
Explanation (cont.): After the third shaving, he waits a year for the fourth shaving, for perhaps he was Muchlat and Tamei Mes, and the first two shavings were for his Tzara'as, and the third was for Nazir Tamei;
åòã ùéâìç ìúâìçú ðæéø èîà àé àôùø ìå ìçæåø åìîðåú ðæéøåú èäøä
Until he shaves Tiglachas Nazir Tamei, he cannot return to count Nezirus Taharah.
åäééðå ãôøéê áùìù ùðéí åùìùéí éåí ñâé ãëê òåìä äçùáåï àìà ù"î éîé öøòúå àéï òåìéï ìå ëì òé÷ø
This is the challenge. Three years and 30 days should suffice, for this is the calculation! Rather, [since the Mishnah says four years,] this shows that Yemei Tzara'as do not count for him at all;
åìëê ìà éâìç ùìéùéú òã ñåó ùìù ùðéí ãùîà ðæéø èäåø äåà åîåçìè äéä åéîé öøòúå ìà òìå ìå åðîöà ùàéðå éëåì ìâìç òã ñåó äùðä.
This is why he cannot shave the third time until three years, for perhaps he was a Nazir Tahor and Muchlat, and the days of Tzara'as did not count for him. It turns out that he cannot shave until the end of the year.
TOSFOS DH Yemei Sifro
úåñôåú ã"ä éîé ñôøå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why we cannot learn this from the same Kal va'Chomer.)
ìàçø ùðúøôà ùäåà îâìç ëì ùòøå åîåðä (ëì) ùáòä éîéí åçåæø åîâìç åàæ äåà ðèäø ìâîøé
Explanation: After he healed [from Tzara'as], he shaves all his hair and count seven days, and shaves again. Then he is totally Tahor. (These seven days are Yemei Sifro.)
îðéï ùàåúï ùáòä àéï òåìéï ìå îï äîðéï
The count of these seven days does not count towards his count.
å÷öú ÷ùä ãúéúé á÷"å îðæéø á÷áø ùùòøå øàåé ìúâìçú èäøä
Question: We should learn from a Kal va'Chomer from one who vowed in a cemetery to be a Nazir! His hair is proper to be shaved Tiglachas Taharah.
TOSFOS DH Yemei (part 2) (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä (çì÷ á) (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Yemei Chaluto are like days of Tum'as Mes.)
ùëï çìåèå (äâäú áøëú øàù) èòåï úâìçú
Citation of Gemara: For the days of Muchlat obligate Tiglachas.
åäåå ëòéï éîé èåîàúå.
Explanation: [Therefore] they are like days of his Tum'ah.
TOSFOS DH Aval Yemei ha'Zav veha'Zavah vi'Yemei Hesgero Shel Metzora (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì éîé äæá åäæáä åéîé äñâøå ùì îöåøò (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why these count.)
àçøé ùàéï èòåðéï úâìçú äøé àìå òåìéï,
Explanation: Since these do not obligate shaving, they count.
TOSFOS DH Aval (part 2) (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì (çì÷ á) (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that "small Nezirus" means that less than 30 days remain.)
àéìéîà áðæéøåú îåòèú
Citation of Gemara: If you will say that we discuss a small Nezirus.
ëìåîø ùàéï ìå ìîðåú ø÷ ùìùéí éåí îùäúçéì öøòúå òã ñåó éîé ðæéøåú
Explanation: He needs to count only 30 days from when his Tzara'as began until the end of Nezirus.
TOSFOS DH Aval (part 3) (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì (çì÷ â) (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question against Rav Chisda.)
åäà áòé âéãåì ùéòø
Citation of Gemara: He needs growth of hair!
åäéëé áòé ìîéîø ãéîé çìåèå éòìå ìå îï äîðéï ìðæéøåúå ã÷úðé úàîø áéîé çìåèå àéï îáèì áäå ä÷åãîéï åìëê éòìå
Explanation: How can you say that Yemei Chaluto count towards his count of Nezirus, that you said "will you say about Yemei Chaluto, which do not cancel previous days", and therefore they should count?
åäà áéåí ãáúçéìú öøòúå ìà äéä ìå ìîðåú àìà ùìùéí éåí åðúøôà åâìç áúø âéìåçå öøéê ìçæåø åìîðåú ùìùéí éåí ãááöéø îùìùéí éåí ìà äåé âéãåì ùéòø,
On the day that his Tzara'as began, he needed to count only 30 days. He was healed, and shaved. After his shaving, he must return to count 30 days, for in less than 30 days there is not growth of hair!
àìà ìàå áðæéøåú îøåáä ùäéä ìå ìîðåú éåúø îùìùéí éåí ëùðöèøò åëé âéìç ìöøòúå éù ìå òãééï ìîðåú ùìùéí éåí
Explanation (cont.): Rather, you must say that it is a long Nezirus. He needed to count more than 30 days when he became a Metzora. After he shaves for Tzara'as, he still needs to count 30 days;
åàé ñ"ã ãàîøéðï éîé öøòúå éòìå ìå îï äîðéï äøé éù ìå òãééï âéãåì ùéòø ùìùéí éåí ëòéï îéìúà ãøá çñãà îîù å÷àîø úðà ãáøééúà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãìà ñì÷é ìéä å÷ùä ìøá çñãà.
If you think that Yemei Tzaraso count towards his count of Nezirus, he still has 30 days growth of hair. This is just like Rav Chisda's teaching, and the Tana of the Beraisa says that they do not count! This is difficult for Rav Chisda.
TOSFOS DH she'Kibel Min ha'Zugos
úåñôåú ã"ä ù÷éáì îï äæåâåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos corrects the text based on the Mishnah in Pe'ah.)
äìì åùîàé åäí ÷éáìå îùîòéä åàáèìéåï åîéäåãä áï èáàé åùîòåï áï ùèç ù÷éáìå îï äðáéàéí çâé æëøéä åîìàëé ù÷áìå äìëä ìîùä îñéðé
Explanation: [He received from the pairs, i.e.] Hillel and Shamai, and they received from Shem'ayah and Avtalyon, and from R. Yehudah ben Tabai and Shimon ben Shetach, and they (the pairs) received from the [last] Nevi'im Chagai, Zecharyah and Mal'achi, who received a tradition from Moshe from Sinai;
áæåøò ùáú åçøãì (åëå') áùðéí åâ' î÷åîåú ùçééá áôàä îëì àçã åàçã ëê âéøñú äñôøéí
If one plants dill and mustard in two or three places, he must leave Pe'ah from each one. This is the text in Seforim.
åìà âøñéðï ìéä ãäê îùðä ùðåéä áîñëú ôàä (ô"â î"á) âáé îçìå÷ú ãø' ò÷éáà [áîðîø] ùãäå åùééø ÷ìçéí ìçéí
Rejection: This text is wrong. This Mishnah is taught in Pe'ah (3:2) regarding one who is Menamer (reaps parts, and leaves attached patches in) his field, and left moist stalks;
ø"ò àåîø ôàä îëì à' åàçã åçëîéí àåîøéí îàçã òì äëì åîåãéí çëîéí áæåøò ùáú ëå'
R. Akiva says, he leaves Pe'ah from each one. Chachamim say, [he leaves] from one for all of them. Chachamim agree about one who plants dill...
åäëé âøñéðï áô"á ãôàä (î"ä) äæåøò ùãäå á' îéðé çèéï ôé' ùçîúéú åìáðä [òùàï] âåøï àçã ðåúï ôàä àçú á' âøðåú á' ôàåú
This is the text in Pe'ah (2:5). One who plants two kinds of wheat in his field, i.e. red and white, if he made one granary (gathering for threshing), he gives one Pe'ah. If he made two granaries, he gives two Pe'os;
îòùä ùæøò ø"ù àéù äîöôä åáà ìôðé ø"â åòìå ììùëú äâæéú åùàìå ìðçåí äìëä
A case occurred in which R. Shimon Ish Mitzpah planted. He came in front of R. Gamliel, and they went to Lishkas ha'Gazis, and asked Nachum the Halachah;
åàîø ëê î÷åáìðé îø' îéàùà ëå' ùðé îéðé çèéï òùàï âåøï àçã ðåúï ôàä àçú ùúé âøðåú ðåúï ùúé ôàåú
He said "I received from R. Yosha... two kinds of wheat, if he made one granary, he gives one Pe'ah. If he made two granaries, he gives two Pe'os."
TOSFOS DH she'Kibel (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä ù÷éáì (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Yehoshua and Kalev were in the middle of the chain.)
åàéìå éäåùò åëìá
Citation of Gemara: Whereas Yehoshua and Kalev...
äàîöòéí ìà ÷çùéá
Explanation: They, the intermediate ones in the chain, were not mentioned.