[10a - 52 lines; 10b - 41 lines]
1a)[line 2]להוציא מלא מחט בבת אחתL'HOTZI MELO MACHAT B'VAS ACHAS- to pull a needle fully loaded [with cloth that has been folded over repeatedly] through [the material] in one go [resulting in many even stitches]
b)[line 4]לכוין אימרא בחפת חלוקוL'CHAVEN IMRA B'CHEFES CHALUKO- to evenly cut the (a) hem (RASHI); (b) cuff (ARUCH, cited by the YA'AVETZ) of a cloak
2a)[line 6]מפסיעMAFSI'A- he should skip [spaces between stitches, similar to dogs' teeth that are spread widely apart]
b)[line 6]שיני כלבתאSHINEI KALBESA- [he should stitch in an uneven line similar to] dogs' teeth [some of which grow from higher up upon the gum than others]
3a)[line 10]שתיSHESI- the foundation ropes; those that run lengthwise, and are attached to the bedframe first
b)[line 10]וערבEREV- the ropes that are mixed in; those that run widthwise, are attached to the bedframe after the Shesi, and are tied to the Shesi ropes where they cross them
4)[line 12]רפויRAFUY- loose
5)[line 14]מפשילין חבליםMAFSHILIN CHAVALIM- twine ropes [with which to string a bedframe]
6)[line 24]המטה משיסרוג בה שלשה בתיםHA'MITAH MISHE'YISROG BAH SHELOSHAH BATIM (TUM'AS KELIM)
(a)All objects belong to one of three categories:
1.Sources of Tum'ah
2.Objects that can become Tamei
3.Objects that cannot become Tamei
(b)A source of Tum'ah is called an Av ha'Tum'ah. The exception to this is a corpse, which is referred to as the "Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah," due to the fact that it can generate more Tum'ah than any other object. When an object becomes Tamei from coming into contact with an object which is Tamei, that object does not receive the same Tum'ah as that of the first object, but rather a level of Tum'ah one degree weaker than the first. If an object came into contact with an Av ha'Tum'ah, it is called a Rishon l'Tum'ah, or Vlad ha'Tum'ah. Tum'ah received from a Rishon creates a Sheni l'Tum'ah, and that from a Sheni creates a Shelishi (in certain cases), etc.
(c)A metal utensil can become an Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah, an Av ha'Tum'ah, or a Rishon l'Tum'ah (see Insights to Pesachim 14b); a person and all utensils other than earthenware can become an Av ha'Tum'ah or Rishon l'Tum'ah (although Chazal decreed that one's hands sometimes have the status of a Sheni l'Tum'ah); Earthenware utensils can only become a Rishon l'Tum'ah; food and liquids which are Chulin can become a Rishon l'Tum'ah or a Sheni l'Tum'ah; Terumah can become a Shelishi l'Tum'ah as well; and Hekdesh can receive the status of a Revi'i l'Tum'ah.
(d)Utensils can only become Tamei once they reach a stage after which they are Halachically considered complete. The Mishnah quoted by our Gemara (Kelim 19:1) explains that a bedframe can become Tamei once it has three "Batim" (lit. houses). A Bayis refers to the square created when an Erev rope is tied to a Shesi rope (see above, entry #3). From that which the Mishnah uses the term "Yisrog" to describe the process of tying Erev ropes to Shesi ropes, it is clear that this word refers to the tying of both Shesi and Erev ropes to a bedframe.
7)[line 25]כי אתא רביןKI ASA RAVIN- when Ravin came [from Eretz Yisrael]
8)[line 31]כל עיקרKOL IKAR- whatsoever
9)[line 35]דאפשר לממלייה במאניEFSHAR LEM'MALYEI B'MANEI- it is possible to [temporarily] fill [the area beneath the bedframe] with utensils [and then place a mattress on top of them, in which case it is not necessary to perform the Melachah of tying ropes on Chol ha'Mo'ed]
10)[line 36]מעמידיןMA'AMIDIN- one may (a) construct (RASHI); (b) attach to the ground (TOSFOS DH Rebbi)
11a)[line 36]תנורTANUR- an oven that is open on top, upon which one can place a pot
b)[line 36]וכיריםKIRAYIM- a stove with places for two pots
12)[line 37]וריחיםREICHAYIM- millstones
13)[line 37]מכבשיןMECHABSHIN- The Gemara discusses the meaning of this term.
14a)[line 39]מנקר ריחיאMENAKER REICHAYA- roughening the [smoothened surface of a] millstone [with a hammer and chisel, so that it can effectively grind wheat kernels]
b)[line 40]בת עינאBAS EINA- [boring] a hole in a millstone [into which the grain kernels are poured]
15)[line 48]לארווחי טפי פורתאL'ARVUCHEI TFEI PORTA- to widen it a bit
16)[line 50]איתחיל גופיהISCHIL GUFEI- may his body be desecrated
17)[line 51]סוס שרוכב עליוSUS SHE'ROCHEV ALAV- a horse that he [needs] to ride upon [in order to accomplish that which is necessary on Chol ha'Mo'ed (TOSFOS DH Sus)]
18)[last line]ליטול צפרניםLI'TOL TZIPORNAYIM- to trim its hooves
19)[line 1]חמרא דריחיאCHAMRA D'REICHAYA- the donkey that turns the millstone
20)[line 2]שרי למישקל טופריהSHAREI L'MISHKAL TUFREI- it is permitted to trim its hooves
21a)[line 2]ולאוקומי ריחיאL'UKUMEI REICHAYA- to set the upper millstone atop the bottom one
b)[line 3]ולמיבני ריחיאL'MIVNEI REICHAYA- to manufacture a millstone
c)[line 3]ולמיבני אמת ריחיאL'MIVNEI AMAS REICHAYA- to construct the wooden platform upon which the millstone stands
22)[line 4]אוריאUREYA- a stable
23)[line 4]לסרוקי סוסיאLISRUKEI SUSYA- to comb a horse [with a thin-toothed metal curry-comb (a component of horse grooming)
24)[line 5]אקרפיטאAKARFITA- (a) (O.F. mangedure) a trough (RASHI); (b) a type of bench (TOSFOS DH Itzteva)
25)[line 5]איצטבאITZTEVA- (a) a stone platform (RASHI); (b) a type of bench (TOSFOS DH Itzteva)
26)[line 6]למישקל דמאL'MISHKAL DAMA- to let blood [for medicinal purposes]
27)[line 7]מקיזין דםMEKIZIN DAM- one may let blood [for medicinal purposes]
28)[line 8]מונעיןMON'IN- withhold
29)[line 9]לכסכוסי קירמיL'CHASKUSEI KIRMEI- to (a) wash articles of clothing in a basin (O.F. cuveler - a washtub) (RASHI); (b) to vigorously rub embroidered clothing in order to clean them (RASHI TO Bava Metzia 60b and elsewhere); (c) to beat fine curtains [so as to remove dust] (RASHI KSAV YAD, ARUCH)
30)[line 11]קיטורי ביריKITUREI BIREI- (O.F. froncier) tying [straw into folds] in sleeves [or leggings when they are wet so as to later iron them into pleats]. (The Girsa in Beitzah 23a is KETURA B'YADI [alt. BEI YADEI - Beis Yosef to OC Siman 541:3]).
31)[line 13]דמתקיל ארעאD'MASKIL (AR'A) [TIKLA]- who digs in a field
32a)[line 13]אדעתא דבי דריA'DA'ATA D'VEI DAREI- if his intention is [to prepare the area] for (a) threshing (RASHI, TOSFOS DH Mulya); (b) building a barn (TOSFOS DH Mulya citing Yesh Mefarshim)
b)[line 14]אדעתא דארעאA'DA'ATA D'AR'A- if his intention is to [prepare] the earth [for planting]
33a)[line 14]מוליא במוליאMULYA B'MULYA- [if he places a clod of earth dug from] a mound [back] upon the mound
b)[line 15]ונצא בנצאNATZA B'NATZA- [if he places a clod of earth dug from] a ditch [back] into the ditch
c)[line 15]אדעתא דבי דריA'DA'ATA (D'VEI DAREI) [D'AR'A]- his intention is [clearly] to [prepare] the earth [for planting]
34a)[line 15]שקל מוליא ושדא בנצאSHAKAL MULYA V'SHADA B'NATZA- [if he places a clod of earth dug from] a mound into a ditch
b)[line 16]אדעתא (דארעא) [דבי דרי]A'DA'ATA (D'AR'A) [D'VEI DAREI]- his intention is [clearly to level the area in preparation] for (a) threshing (RASHI, TOSFOS DH Mulya); (b) building a barn (TOSFOS DH Mulya citing Yesh Mefarshim)
35)[line 17]דזכי זיכיD'ZACHI ZICHEI- who clears [an area of land] of small twigs
36a)[line 17]אדעתא דציביA'DA'ATA D'TZIVEI- if his intention is to collect twigs [to use as kindling]
b)[line 18]אדעתא דארעאA'DA'ATA D'AR'A- if his intention is to [clear] the land [in preparation for planting]
37a)[line 19]שקיל רברביSHAKIL RAVREVEI- if he [only] collects the [relatively] large [twigs]
b)[line 19]ושביק זוטריSHAVIK ZUTREI- and leaves the small[er twigs]
38)[line 21]דפתח מיא לארעיהD'FASACH MAYA L'AR'EI- who opens a waterway into [a pond located upon] his property
39a)[line 21]אדעתא דכווריA'DA'ATA D'KAVREI- if his intention is to [allow] fish [onto his property so that he can fish for them there]
b)[line 22]אדעתא דארעאA'DA'ATA D'AR'A- if his intention is to [irrigate] his field
40)[line 23]בביBAVEI- gates; i.e., openings for the water
41a)[line 23]מעילאיME'ILA'EI- at the top [of his property]
b)[line 23]מתתאיME'TATA'EI- at the bottom [of his property]
42)[line 25]דפשח דיקלאD'FASHACH DIKLA- who prunes branches from a date-palm
43a)[line 26]אדעתא דחיותאA'DA'ATA D'CHEIVASA- if his intention is to [feed them to his] animals
b)[line 26]אדעתא דדיקלאA'DA'ATA D'DIKLA- if his intention is to [prune] the date-palm [causing it to grow better]
44a)[line 27]מחד גיסאME'CHAD GISA- from one side [of the tree, including both dry and fresh branches]
b)[line 28]מהאי גיסא ומהאי גיסאME'HAI GISA UME'HAI GISA- [only the dry branches] from each side [of the tree]
45)[line 29]תמרי תוחלניTAMREI TOCHALNEI- unripe dates
46a)[line 30]מיגזרינהוMIGZERINHU- to cut them in half [in order to eat them on Chol ha'Mo'ed]
b)[line 30]מייצינהוMAITZINHU- to press them [in order to prepare them for drying, in which case they will not be ready to eat until after Chol ha'Mo'ed]
47)[line 31]דמתלעיMISLE'EI- they become infested with worms [before they are finished drying if they are not pressed]
48)[line 31]כפרקמטיא האבדPERAKMATYA HE'AVED- business in which one will suffer a loss of capital if not dealt with immediately
49)[line 34]עיסקאISKA- merchandise
50)[line 34]מזדבן בשיתא אלפיMIZDAVEN B'SHISA ALFEI- selling for six thousand [Zuz]
51)[line 35]שהייה לזבוניהSHEHIYEI LI'ZVONEI- he waited to sell it
52)[line 36]בתריסר אלפיTREISAR ALFEI- twelve thousand
53a)[line 36]הוה מסיק זוזיHAVAH MASIK ZUZEI- was owed money [in return for wine that he had sold them (TOSFOS DH Perakmatya)]
b)[line 37]בבני אקרא דשנואתאBI'VNEI AKRA D'SHAN'USA- by the residents of (a) a port city located on the Sanvasa River (RASHI to Bava Metzia 73b); (b) a city in Bavel known as Syna Judaeorum (ARUCH HA'SHALEM)
54)[line 38]למיזל האידנא עלייהוL'MEIZAL HA'IDNA ALAIHU- to go and collect the debt now [on Chol ha'Mo'ed]
55)[line 39]דמשכחת להוD'MISHKACHAS L'HU- that they are found [easily at home]
56)[last line]כי האי גוונאKI HAI GAVNA- similarly [in that that which would otherwise be forbidden is permitted since one knows where to find specific people at specific times]