
BRINGING BIKURIM TO THE MIZBE'ACH (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 3 Halachah 4 Daf 12a)

îúðé' äçìéì îëä ìôðéäí òã ùäï îâéòéï ìäø äáéú. äâéòå ìäø äáéú àôéìå àâøéôñ äîìê ðåèì äñì òì ëúôå åðëðñ òã ùäåà îâéò ìòæøä


(Mishnah): The flute plays in front of them, until they reach Har ha'Bayis. When they reached Har ha'Bayis, even Agripas ha'Melech takes the basket on his shoulder and enters, until he reaches the Azarah.

[ãó ëã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åãéáøå äìåéí áùéø [úäéìéí ì á] àøåîîê ä' ëé ãìéúðé åìà ùîçú àåéáé ìé.


The Leviyim sang "Aromimcha Hash-m Ki Dilisani v'Lo Simachta Oivai Li."

äâåæìåú ùòì âáé äñìéí äéå òåìåú åîä ùáéãí ðåúðéï ìëäðé'.


The chicks on the baskets were [offered for] Olos, and what is in their hands they give to the Kohanim.

òåãðå äñì òì ëúéôå ÷åøà îäâãúé äéåí ìä' àìäéê òã ùäåà âåîø ëì äôøùä.


When the basket is still on his shoulder, he recites from "Higadti ha'Yom la'Shem Elokecha...", until he finishes the entire Parshah.

øáé éäåãä àåîø òã àøîé àåáã àáé. äâéò ìàøîé àåáã àáé îåøéã äñì îï ëúéôå åàçæå áùôúåúéå åëäï îðéç àú éãå úçúéå åîðéôå îàøîé àåáã àáé òã ùäåà ÷åøà àú ëì äôøùä


R. Yehudah says, [it is on his shoulder] until "Arami Oved Avi." He takes the basket down, and holds it by the brim, and the Kohen puts his hand underneath and waves it. [He then recites] from "Arami Oved Avi" until he recites the entire Parshah.

åîðéçå áöã äîæáç åäùúçåä åéöà.


He places it down to the side of the Mizbe'ach, bows, and leaves.

áøàùåðä ëì îé ùäåà éåãò ì÷øåú ÷åøà åëì îé ùàéðå éåãò ì÷øåú î÷øéï ìôðéå.


Initially, everyone who knew how to recite, recited. Everyone who did not know how to recite, they were Makre (someone said the words, and he repeated them) in front of him.

ðîðòå îìäáéà äú÷éðå ùéäå î÷øéï àú îé ùäåà éåãò åàú îé ùàéðå éåãò.


[Those who did not know] refrained from bringing. They enacted to be Makre for one who knows and for one who does not know.

äòùéøéí îáéàéï àú áéëåøéäí á÷ìúåú ùì ëñó åùì æäá åäòðééí îáéàéï àåúï áñìé ðöøéí ùì òøáä ÷ìåôéí åäñìéí åäáéëåøéí ðéúðéï ìëäðéí:


The rich bring Bikurim in baskets of gold and silver (and take back the baskets afterwards). The poor bring in wicker baskets of peeled willow branches, and the baskets and Bikurim are given to the Kohanim.

âî' øá äåðà àîø ëéðé îúðé' [ãáøéí ëå ã] åì÷ç äëäï äèðà îéãê.


(Gemara - Rav Huna): Our Mishnah should say "v'Lakach ha'Kohen ha'Tene mi'Yadecha" [and afterwards the Leviyim sang - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO].

àéú úðéé úðé îçìó ëãé ìñîåê îúðä ìîúðä.


Some switch the order, in order that one Matanah (gift) will be next to another Matanah.


Note: Some Meforshim say that the other gift is offering the birds on the Mizbe'ach, and some say that it is additional birds given to the Kohen. The Mishnah did not explicitly discuss either (it said only that the birds are Olos)! Perhaps the other 'Matanah' is Hanachah of Bikurim on the ground; it is unreasonable that the Kohen must hold the Bikurim for a while. Rather, right after the owner gives to him, he puts them on the ground. We find that placing is called 'Nesinah' even without any Kinyan - "v'Nasan El ha'Mayim", "v'Nasan Alav Mayim Chayim El Keli" (Bamidbar 5:17, 19:17) - PF.

úðé øáé éåñé ìà äéå ðåúðéï àú äâåæìåú òì âáé äñìéï ùìà éðáìå äáëåøéí àìà úåìä àåúï çåõ ìñìéí.


(Beraisa - R. Yosi): They did not put the chicks on the baskets, lest they sully the Bikurim. Rather, he hangs them outside the baskets.

(úðé çã ñá ÷åîé øáé æòéøà çåæø ìäâãúé äéåí. åëé éù àãí îâéã åçåæø åîâéã ÷ééîåðä ëáø äâãúé - ñôø ðéø îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñå ìîèä) [ãó ëä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' äåðà áòé äðçä îäå ùúúéø ìîçåñøé æîï.


Question (Rav Huna): Does Hanachah permit Mechusar Zman (if he brought them before Shavu'os, and did not do Hanachah after Shavu'os)?

à"ø îúðééà äãà ãúéîø áùçæø åðèìï àáì àí äéå áî÷åîï ëäðéçï äï.


Answer (R. Masniya): This [question] is when he returned and took them, but if they were in their place, it is as if he placed them [now].

[ö"ì úðé çã ñá ÷åîé øáé æòéøà çåæø ìäâãúé äéåí - ñôø ðéø]


One elder taught in front of R. Ze'ira that [after Shavu'os] he returns to [recite from] "Higadti ha'Yom."

[ö"ì åëé éù àãí îâéã åçåæø åîâéã - ñôø ðéø]


Question: Does one declare and return and declare?! (We expounded above (1:7) that one declares only once!)

[ö"ì ÷ééîåðä ëáø äâãúé - ñôø ðéø]


Answer: He means 'I already declared' [about these same Bikurim - HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA. We explained this like SEFER NIR.]

ø' éåðä áòé äðéçï áìéìä


Question (R. Yonah): If he did Hanachah at night [what is the law]?

úðéà îðéçï á÷øï ãøåîéú îòøáéú


(Beraisa): One places them at the southwest corner.

[ö"ì úðéà - ùðåú àìéäå] ìôðé ä' éëåì áîòøá


Source (Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps "Lifnei Hash-m" [teaches that Hanachah] is in the west!

ú"ì ([åé÷øà å æ] àì ôðé äîæáç) [ö"ì [ãáøéí ëå:ã] ìôðé îæáç - ùðåú àìéäå]


Rejection: "Lifnei Mizbach" (this is the south, where the ramp is).

àé ìôðé (äîæáç) [ö"ì îæáç - ùðåú àìéäå] éëåì áãøåí


Suggestion: Perhaps "Lifnei Mizbach" is in the south!

ú"ì ìôðé ä'


Rejection: It says "Lifnei Hash-m" (in the west).

äà ëéöã (îâéùï òì ÷øï ãøåîéú îòøáéú åîðéçä áãøåîä ùì ÷øï) [ö"ì îðéçå á÷øï ãøåîéú îòøáéú - ùðåú àìéäå].


How [do we resolve these]? He puts it by the southwest corner. (We explained this like SHENOS ELIYAHU.)

úðé àéï òðééä àìà îôé (àçã) [ö"ì àçø - ôðé îùä]


Question (Beraisa): "Aniyah" is only [answering] to another's words. (This implies that the Torah obligates this. Our Mishnah implies that they enacted to be Makri only because people who did not know refrained from bringing!)

åìà òåã àìà ùñîëå ìî÷øà åòðéú åàîøú.


Answer: (It was enacted not only due to people who did not know.) Rather, they also found a support to be Makri - "v'Anisa v'Amarta."

ø' éåðä áòé îäå ìäáéàï áúîçåééï ùì ëñó.


Question (R. Yonah): May one bring [Bikurim] in silver plates?

ø' éåðä åø' éøîéä çã àîø îçæø [ãó éá òîåã á] îðà


R. Yonah and R. Yirmeyah - one of them made [a translator who said] 'Mana' [for the Targum of "ha'Tene"] return [and translate correctly, for 'Mana' connotes any Kli, and not only a basket].

åçøðä àîø îçæø ôèéøéí òí éø÷åðéí ãàú àîø ôèéøéí òí îøåøéí. åìà éãòéðï îàï àîø ãà åîàï àîø ãà.


And the other [of R. Yonah and R. Yirmeyah] made one return for saying "Patirim Im Yarkonan" [for the Targum of u'Matzos Al Merorim, for it connotes any bitter vegetable, even if it is not called Maror Stam], and made him say "Patirim Im Merorim." We do not know who said this, and who said this.

îï îä ãàîø øáé éåðä îäå ìäáéàï áúîçåééï ùì ëñó [ãó ëä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äåé äåà ãàîø ãîçæø îðà ãé àîø ñìä.


Inference: Since R. Yonah asked "may one bring in a silver plate?", this shows that he said to return the one who said "Mana", and told him to say "Sala." (a basket. If he held that Tene is any Kli, he would have no Safek about a plate!)

(ãøáé) [ö"ì øáé - äâø"à] ôðçñ àîø îçæø ôèéîé áðé úåøéí ãé àîø (úåøéï åáðé úåøéï) [ö"ì úåø áø úåøé - äâø"à]


R. Pinchas told one to return for saying "Petimei Bnei Torim" [for the Targum of Par Ben Bakar. Even though Par is big, this is not its translation - HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA], and to say Tor Bar Torei (GRA).