VINES THAT BECOME PROHIBITED IN A VINEYARD (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 5 Halachah 4 Daf 26b)
[ãó ëå òîåã á] îùðä äðåèò éø÷ áëøí àå äî÷ééí äøé æä î÷ãù àøáòéí åçîù âôðéí.
(Mishnah): If one plants vegetables in a vineyard or allows them to remain, it prohibits as many as 45 vines.
[ãó ð òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àéîúé áæîï ùäï ðèåòåú òì àøáò àøáò àå òì çîù çîù.
When is this? When they are planted in a row (with a space) of four or five (Amos).
äéå ðèåòåú òì ùù ùù [ãó ð òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àå òì ùáò ùáò äøé æä î÷ãù ùù òùøä àîä ìëì øåç òâåìåú ìà îøåáòåú:
If they were planted with spaces of six or seven, it prohibits 16 Amos in every direction - rounded, not squared.
âîøà øáé éåñé áï çðéðà àîø åäåà ùæøò ëðâã äàîöòéú.
(Gemara) (R. Yosi ben Chanina): It prohibits when the prohibited seeds were planted opposite the middle vine.
ø' àáéï áùí ùîåàì åäåà ùúäà äàîöòé òâåìä éø÷.
(R. Avin citing Shmuel): The middle vine must be surrounded by vegetables (but if they are only planted on one side, it does not prohibit all 45).
äéàê òáéãà ùåáò ùåøéï îï ùåáò ùåøéï öà îäï àøáò âôðéí ìàøáò æåéåú äëøí ðùúééøå ùí àøáòéí åçîù âôðéí äãà äéà ãúðéðï äøé äåà î÷ãù àøáòéí åçîù âôðéí àéîúé áæîï ùäï ðèåòåú ã' òì ã' àå çîù òì çîù
How are there 45 vines within the 16 Amos that surround the middle vine? The middle vine is at the center of) 7 rows of 7 vines (that become prohibited) with the middle vine being the fourth vine in both directions so that there are three vines on each side of the middle vine. If he measures 16 Amos in every direction - meaning to have a circle of 16 Amos radius, it will include 45 vines (and exclude one in each corner of the grid). This applies whether the vines are spaced 4 Amos or 5 Amos apart.
äãà îñééò ìø' æòéøà ãø' æòéøà àîø ùîåðä çåõ îî÷åí ëøúéï.
This supports R. Zeira who said (earlier in Menachos 62(f)) that (when the Mishnah (in the 4th Perek) said that if there are less than 8 Amos between them) it's referring to 8 Amos aside from the area of the vine itself.
[ãó ðà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äéå ðèåòåú ùù òì ùù àå ùáò òì ùáò äãà îñééò ìø' ìòæø ãø' ìòæø àîø îã' àîåú åòã ùîåðä àñåø åî÷ãù îùîåðä åòã ùù òùøä àñåø åàéðå î÷ãù:
From the fact that the Mishnah only discussed when they were planted 7 or 8 Amos apart (but not 9 or 10 Amos apart), this supports R. Eliezer who said that if seeds were planted between rows of a vineyard - if there was only a space of 4 to 8 Amos between the rows, it is forbidden and it prohibits and if the rows were spaced between 8 and 16 Amos apart, it is forbidden but doesn't prohibit.