
FURROWS AND MOUNDS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 5 Halachah 3 Daf 25b)

îùðä çøéõ ùäåà òåáø áëøí òîå÷ òùøä åøåçá àøáòä øáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á àåîø àí äéä îôìù îøàù äëøí åòã ñåôå äøé æä ðøàä ëáéï ùðé ëøîé' æåøòéï áúåëå åàí ìàå äøé äåà ëâú.


(Mishnah): If a furrow that passes through a vineyard is 10 Tefachim deep and 4 Tefachim, R. Eliezer ben Yaakov says that if it passes end to end, it looks like two separate vineyards and one may plant in it.

äâú ùáëøí òîå÷ä òùøä åøåçáä àøáòä æåøòéï áúåëä ãáøé øáé ìéòæø åçëîéí àåñøéï.


If there's a wine press in a vineyard that is 10 Tefachim deep and 4 Tefachim wide, R. Eliezer permits planting in it and the Chachamim prohibit it.

ùåîøä ùáëøí âáåä òùøä åøçáä àøáòä æåøòéï áúåëä. [ãó ëå òîåã à] åàí äéä ñòø ëåúù àñåø.


If there's a guard's mound 10 Tefachim tall and 4 Tefachim wide, one may plant in it; but if the vine branches became entwined and grew there, it is prohibited.

âôï ùäéà ðèåòä áâú àå áð÷ò ðåúðéï ìä òáåãúä åæåøò àú äîåúø.


If a vine is planted in a winepress or in a pit, it's given work access (6 Tefachim) and he may plant in the rest of it.

øáé éåñé àåîø àí àéï ùí àøáò àîåú ìà éáéà æøò ìùí


(R. Yosi): If there aren't four Amos there, he shouldn't bring another seed there.

åäáéú ùáëøí æåøòéï àåúå:


It is permitted to plant (a different species) within a house in a vineyard.

âîøà òã ùéäà îáøé÷ ëãé äåà åòáåãúå


(Gemara) Question: (The Mishnah taught that R. Eliezer ben Yaakov says that if it passes end to end, it looks like two separate vineyards.) Must it run along the entire length of the vineyard with an additional 4 Amos work access space on each side?

[ãó îè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îï îä ãúðé îåãéï çëîéí ìø' àìéòæø áï éò÷á áçøéõ îáøé÷ ëãé äåà åòáåãúå äåé ëï øáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á ñáø îéîø àôé' àéðå îáøé÷ ëãé äåà åòáåãúå.


Answer (Baraisa): 'The Chachamim agree to R. Eliezer ben Yaakov that even though it is forbidden to plant in a furrow that passes from end to end, if it runs along the entire length of the vineyard with its work access space, it is permitted.' This shows that R. Eliezer ben Yaakov reasons that even without that, it is permitted.

îä ôìéâéï áùäéå ùúé ùåøåú îéëï åùúé ùåøåú îëàï. àáì àí äéúä ùåøä àçú îéëï åùåøä àçú îéëï îëéåï ùäåà îâéò ðâã ùìù âôðéí áèì äëøí.


When do they disagree? When there were two rows (meaning a vineyard) on each side, but if there were only one on each side (so that both rows are needed to create a vineyard), it is considered that there is no vineyard and he may plant even outside the area of the furrow.

úðé ôçåú îéëï àñåø.


Baraisa: (If there's a wine press in a vineyard that is 10 Tefachim deep and 4 Tefachim wide, R. Eliezer permits planting in it and the Chachamim prohibit it.) If it is less than this it is prohibited.

ãì ëï îä àðï àîøéï òùøä àñåø úùòä ìà ëì ùëï.


Question: Why does the Baraisa need to teach that phrase? Certainly, according to the Chachamim, if it is smaller than ten Tefachim it would be prohibited!

àìà îäå ôçåú îéëï ìøåçá


Answer: Rather, what's the meaning of 'less than this'? Less than 4 Tefachim wide.

ãì ëï îä àðï àîøéï éòùä ëñúåí åúäà îåúø


(But isn't that also obviously prohibited?) Since it's narrow and one could step over it, one might have thought that it's considered closed up and therefore permitted.

åéòùä ëñúåí åúäà îåúø ìà ëï úðé ùøùé ôéàä ðëðñéï ìúåê àøáò àîåú ùáëøí ìîèä îùìùä èôçéí äøé àéìå îåúøéï


Question: But why not say that it is permitted in that case? Didn't a Tosefta teach that when the roots of a Piah plant enter into a field (under the ground) within 4 Amos of a vineyard, if they are more than 3 Tefachim below the ground, they are permitted...?

ùðééà äéà ùàåéø äëøí î÷éó.


Answer: (A furrow is different since it is not covered on top and) the air of the vineyard surrounds them.

àîø ìäï ø' ìéòæø (áï éò÷á) àéï àúí îåãéï ìé ùòîå÷ ëâáåä [ãó îè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àìà ùàåéø äëøí î÷éó.


(R. Eliezer to Chachamim): Don't you agree that depth is like height (that it creates a separate domain)? (Since you permit planting on a guard's mound, you should also permit planting inside a wine press?!)

îñúáøà øáé ìéòæø îåãä ìøáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á øáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á ìà éåãé ìø' ìéòæø.


It's logical to say that R. Eliezer (who permits planting inside a wine press) agrees with R. Eliezer ben Yaakov (who permits planting in a furrow), but R. Eliezer ben Yaakov would not agree that one may plant in a wine press.

øáé ìéòæø îåãé ìøáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á ùòîå÷ ëâáåä ø' ìéòæø áï éò÷á ìà éåãé ìøáé ìéòæø ùàåéø äëøí î÷éó


Explanation: R. Eliezer agrees with R. Eliezer ben Yaakov that depth is like height; but R. Eliezer ben Yaakov doesn't agree with R. Eliezer than the air of the vineyard surrounds.

øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï öøéê ùéäà ùí çìì àøáò.


(R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): (The Mishnah permitted planting on a guard's mound) only if there is a space of 4 by 4 Tefachim there (for the guard).

àîø øá ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ äãà ãúéîø áòâåìä. àáì áîøåáòú àéðå öøéê ùéäà ùí çìì àøáòä.


(Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): That's in the case of a round mound, since otherwise it will look like it was naturally there. But if it's a square mound, it's permitted even without 4 by 4 for the guard.

øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì àîø öøéê ùéäà ùí ùìùä èôçéí òôø îìîòìï.


(R. Chalafta ben Shaul): There must be 3 Tefachim of earth on top (to contain the roots and prevent them from entering into the mound itself).

àîø ø' éåñé äãà ãúéîà áòâåìä àáì áîøåáòú àéðå öøéê ùéäà ùí ùìùä èôçéí òôø îìîòìä.


(R. Yosi): This is the case when the mound is round, but if it's square, it does not require 3 Tefachim of topsoil.

îùìùä åòã àøáòä äéà îúðé' ôçåú îùìùä ëñúåí îùìùä åòã àøáòä îùìéí àøáòä åæåøò îéã.


(The Mishnah taught that it's permitted to plant (a different species) within a house in a vineyard (as it's considered to be a separate domain).) The Mishnah is referring to when its airspace is between 3 and 4 Tefachim. If it's less than three, it is considered to be closed up (and one may not plant a different species). But if it is between three and four, the walls complete the required four Tefachim separation and one may plant in the house without any other separation.

øáé àáéï áùí ùîåàì (éùòéäå îá) åááúé ëìàéí äåçáàå áéú ùîçáéàé' áå àú äëìàéí:


(R. Avin citing Shmuel): This is alluded to in the pasuk that states (Yishayahu 42:22), "(lit.) they are hidden in (Batei Kilayim) dungeons" - it is expounded to refer to seeds of other species that are shielded from the prohibition (of Kilayim) because they are planted in houses.