
A VALID FENCE FOR SEPARATION (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 4 Halachah 2 Daf 20b)

îùðä îçéöú ä÷ðé' àí àéï ùí áéï ÷ðä ìçáéøå ùìùä èôçé' ëãé ùéëðñ äâãé äøé æå ëîçéöä åâãø ùðôøõ òã òùø àîåú äøé äåà ëôúç. éåúø îéëï ëðâã äôéøöä àñåø.


(Mishnah): A reed fence - if there isn't a space between one reed and the next of 3 Tefachim, which is enough room for a kid to enter, it's considered a partition. If a fence was breached, up until 10 Amos wide, it's considered like a doorway; more than 10 Amos is considered a breach.

ðôøöå áå ôøöåú äøáä àí äòåîã îøåáä òì äôøåõ îåúø åàí äôøåõ îøåáä òì äòåîã ëðâã äôéøöä àñåø:


If it had many breaches, if the solid is more than the airspace, it is permitted; if the airspace is more than the solid, what is adjacent to that breach is prohibited.

âîøà òùä ôñéï ëðâã äáðééï åéù áòåîã àøáòä åäòåîã øáä òì äôøåõ ëðâã äòåîã îåúø ëðâã äôøöä àñåø.


(Gemara): If he made posts opposite the breaches (that are between the rows of vines) and the posts are four Tefachim wide, so that the solid is now more than the breach, that which is opposite the solid is permitted; opposite the breach is prohibited.

[ãó ìç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] òùä ôñéï ëðâã äâôðéí åàéï áòåîã àøáòä åäôøåõ øáä òì äòåîã ôùéèà ëðâã äòåîã îåúø ëðâã äôéøöä àñåø. .


If he made posts opposite the vines that weren't four Tefachim wide, so that the breach was more than the solid, it is obvious that opposite the solid is permitted and opposite the breach is prohibited.

øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù áùí ø' éåãä áï çðéðä ðòõ àøáòä ÷ðéí áàøáòä æåéåú ùáëøí å÷ùø âîé îìîòìä îöéì îùåí ôéàä.


(R. Shimon ben Lakish citing R. Yehuda ben Chanina): If one inserted four canes into the four corners of a vineyard and tied reeds between them on the top, we view the area inside as a separate field for the laws of Kilayim. (The canes with the reeds above them serve as a doorway and this is effective even if the canes are more than ten Amos apart - this arrangement is referred to as Pe'ah. See earlier Menachos 48(a))

àîø øáé (éåðä)[éåçðï] ëîçéöú ùáú ëï îçéöú ëìàéí.


(R. Yochanan): Partitions for Kilayim follow the laws of partitions on Shabbos (that the poles must not be more than ten Amos apart).

àîø øáé éåçðï îòùä ùäìê ø' éäåùò áï ÷øçä àöì øáé éåçðï áï ðåøé ìðâðéðø äøàå ùãä àçú åáéú çáéøúä äéúä ð÷øàú åäéå ùí ôøöåú éåúø îòùø åäéä ðåèì àòéï åñåúí ãå÷øðéï åñåúí òã ùîéòèï ôçåú îòùø. àîø ëæä ëï îçéöú ùáú.


(R. Yochanan): There was a story of R. Yehoshua ben Karchah who went to visit R. Yochanan ben Nuri in Negninar and R. Yochanan showed him a field called Beis Chavertah. There were breaches in the fence wider than ten Amos and he had taken wood and poles and put them in between in order to narrow the breaches to less than ten, (thereby allowing him to plant other seeds behind it). R. Yochanan ben Nuri said that this would be a valid partition for Shabbos. (This story disagrees with the ruling of R. Shimon ben Lakish.)

à"ø æòéøà îåãä øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ìòðéï ùáú (ùä)[ùàéï ä]ôéàä îöìú éåúø îòùø.


Answer (R. Zeira): R. Shimon ben Lakish agrees that in the laws of Shabbos, it does not help if the poles are more than ten Amos apart.

à"ø çâé îúðéúà àîøä ëï î÷éôéï ùìùä çáìéí æä ìîòìä îæä åæä ìîòìä îæä.


Support (R. Chagai)(Mishnah): (For Shabbos) one may enclose an area with three ropes one above the other (if they are within three Tefachim of each other).

àí àîø àú ùäôéàä îöìú éåúø îòùø ãéå çáì àçã.


If you would say that it helps even if the poles are more than ten Amos apart, using just one rope (on top) would suffice as it would create a doorway?!

ø' [ãó ëà òîåã à] éåðä à"ø éàùéä áòé äãà ôéàä îä àú àîøú îìîòìï îï äöã.


Question (R. Yona quoting R. Yashiyah): Where does one string up the reeds - above the poles or between the poles (near the top)?

àéï úéîø îìîòìï äà ëì ùëï îï äöã. àéï úéîø îï äöã äà îìîòìï ìà.


If you say that it is above the poles then certainly it would be effective if put between them; if you say that it is between the poles, above them would not work.

[ãó ìè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àéï úéîø îìîòìï ìà àîø øáé çâé ëìåí.


If you say that it is above the poles, R. Chagai has no proof from the Mishnah about Shabbos.

îä ðôùê àí îìîòìï äøé îìîòìï àé îï äöã äøé îï äöã:


Rebuttal: Either way, R. Chagai is correct. R. Chagai's Mishnah discusses three ropes, one above, one below and one in the middle. If you say positioning the reed between the poles is valid, why would the Mishnah require the top and bottom ropes? If you say it must be on top, why would the Mishnah require the middle and bottom ropes?

øáðéï ã÷éñøéï áùí øáé éøîéä úéôúø áòùåééï ëîéï ãå÷øï.


) Answer (Rabbanan of Kisarin quoting R. Yirmiyah): Pe'ah is effective for Kilayim when the poles are filed to come to a point at the top. Therefore, the reed can only be tied on the side but not on top, so three ropes are required in order to create a partition using the law of Lavud. (Note: This entry and the one that follows are according to the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievski.)

ø' æòéøà øáé àáåãîà ãçéôä áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ìâåáä àôéìå òã îàä àîä.


(R. Zeira/ R. Avudama of Haifa quoting R. Shimon ben Lakish): Pe'ah is valid even if the poles and reed are one hundred Amos tall.

àîø øáé éåãï äãà ãàú àîø ìòðéï ëìàéí àáì ìòðéï ùáú ìà úäà ôéàä âãåìä îï ä÷åøä.


(R. Yudan): This is only true for a partition for Kilayim, but for a partition for Shabbos, the Pe'ah (poles+reed) should not be higher than the maximum permitted height of a beam across the entrance to a Mavoi (i.e. 20 Amos).

àîø øáé éåñé äéà ëìàéí äéà ùáú.


(R. Yosi): In this law, Kilayim and Shabbos are the same (as even for Shabbos, Pe'ah will be effective as high as one hundred Amos).

òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåñé îä áéï ÷åøä îä áéï ôéàä.


Question: According to R. Yosi, on Shabbos, why is Pe'ah different to a beam across a Mavoi (that can only be as high as 20 Amos)?

ôéàä àéðä îöìú îøåç àçú òã ùúäà îâåôôú îàøáò øåçåúéä. ÷åøä îöìú îøåç àçú.


Answer: Pe'ah is only effective when it surrounds on all four sides. A beam is effective on just one side.

åàúéà ëääéà ãîø øáé æòéøà áùí øá äîðåðà äôéàä àéðä îöìú òã ùúäà îâåôôú îàøáò øåçåúéä.


This follows the opinion of Rav Zeira quoting Rav Hamnuna who said that Pe'ah is only effective when it is surrounds on all four sides.