MECHOL HAKEREM (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 4 Halachah 1 Daf 19b)
[ãó éè òîåã á] ìà ñåó ãáø âãø àìà àôéìå òùä ôñéï àí àéï áéï ôñ ìçáéøå ùìùä èôçéí ðéãåðéï ëâãø.
The Mishnah's law of Mechol HaKerem not only applies to a fence, but even if he made a line of posts that are positioned within three Tefachim of each other, they are viewed as a fence.
àôéìå ÷îä åàôé' ÷ùéï åàúéà ëéé ãàîø øáé çðéðà àéï äàñåø ðòùä îçéöä ìäöéì. .
Question: Is this also true for standing crops and stalks; (or not,) as R. Chanina said, that if one makes a partition from a prohibited item (grain stalks) near his vineyard, it does not save...?
ñáøéï îéîø äàéñåø òùä îçéöä ìéàñø.
Suggestion: But R. Chanina therefore says that it does make a partition to prohibit planting between the vineyard and the fence, unless there is a gap of 12 Amos.
òì ãòúéä ãøáé éäåãä (òùä)[åéòùä] ëáúåê äëøí. åéåñø áùù òùøä.
Question: (The Mishnah taught (Menachos 55 (f)) that R. Yehuda said - a Mechol HaKerem requires a separation of 12 Amos in the space between two vineyards.) It should be like a Karachas HaKerem and should require a separation of 16 Amos?
àîø øáé éåðä äãà ãúéîø ëùàéï äëøúéí îëååðéí. àáì àí äéå äëøúé' îëååðéï àåñø áùù òùøä
Answer (R. Yona): He requires 12 when there aren't two vines of two vineyards opposite each other (but rather they are staggered) so it doesn't look like a Karachas HaKerem of one vineyard. But if they would be opposite each other, he would require 16.
òã ùéäà îå÷ó âãø [ãó ë òîåã à] îàøáò øåçåúéå.
Question: According to the first Tanna, that a Mechol Hakerem is between a fence and a vineyard, does it only apply when it is fenced in from all four sides, or even if only on one side?
[ãó ìæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îï îä ãúðéðï áéï ùðé ëøîéí äãà àîøä àôéìå îøåç àçú
Answer: From the Mishnah that said that according to R. Yehuda, a Mechol is between two vineyards (even though the second vineyard doesn't surround the first), this shows that (also according to the first Tana) one fence is enough.
òã ùéäà îå÷ó âãø ëì àåúå äøåç.
Question: Does the prohibition of Mechol apply (even if the fence only surrounds a part of that side of the vineyard or) only if it is along an entire side?
ðéùîòéðä îï äãà ãàîø øáé æòéøà ø' éñà áùí øá îúðä àéï æðá ìëøí âãåì åìà îçåì ìëøí ÷èï. àéï æðá ìëøí âãåì ùàé àúä æ÷å÷ ìå. åìà îçåì ìëøí ÷èï ìåñø çåöä ìå éåúø îúåëå. úåëå ùîåðä åçåöä ìå ùúéí òùøä. åàé æäå ëøí ÷èï ùìù ëðâã ùìù. äà ùìù ëðâã ùìù [ëðâã ùìù] éù ìå îçåì:
Answer (R. Zeira/ R. Yasa citing Rav Masnah): A large vineyard doesn't have a tail (if there is an extra vine protruding, it doesn't join the vineyard) and a small vineyard doesn't have a Mechol (space that is prohibited). A large vineyard doesn't have a tail, as a tail only has significance when it is needed to join two rows of two to total 5 vines. A small vineyard doesn't have a Mechol, otherwise the outside of it would be more stringent than the inside - inside it (between its rows), only 8 Amos would be prohibited and outside, 12 Amos would be prohibited. What is a small vineyard? 2 rows of 3. But if there were 3 rows of 3, (which is a 'large' vineyard) it requires a Mechol. (This implies that it requires a Mechol even if the fence is along the entire side.)
àîø øáé æòéøà äãà àîøä òùä ôñéï ëðâã ùìù âôðéí éù ìå îçåì.
(R. Zeira): This shows that one may make posts opposite (only) 3 vines (and the rest can be without a partition).
[ãó ìç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåãï áòé òùä âãø ìôðéí [ãó ë òîåã á] îâãø (åàîø)[ðàîø] àí éù ùìùä èôçéí îåúø ìäáéà æøò ìùí åàí ìàå àñåø ìäáéà æøò ìùí.
(R. Yudan): If there are two fences (but there aren't 12 Amos between the vineyard and the first fence), if there are 3 Tefachim between the two fences, he may plant seeds there; if not, he may not plant.
øáé éò÷á áø àéãé áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù äéä ùí î÷åí ùúéí òùøä àîä ðéèì äîçåì.
(R. Yaakov bar Idi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): If between a fence and a vineyard there was 12 Amos, the prohibition of Mechol has been removed.
àîø øáé çæ÷éä åáìáã ùúéí òùøä òì ùúéí òùøä.
(R. Chizkiyah): As long as it's 12 Amos along the entire length.
àîø øáé îðà àôéìå îéöø åäåìê:
(R. Mana): It can even narrow off.