A PATCH AND A STRIP (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 4 Halachah 1 Daf 18b)
îùðä ÷øçú äëøí áéú ùîàé àåîøéí òùøé' åàøáò àîåú. åáéú äìì àåîøéí ùù òùøä àîä.
(Mishnah): A Karachas HaKerem (empty patch) within a vineyard - Beis Shammai say that it should be 24 Amos (in order to allow planting other seeds there). Beis Hillel say 16 Amos.
îçåì äëøí áéú ùîàé àåîøé' ùù òùøä àîä åáéú äìì àåîøé' ùúéí òùøä àîä.
A Mechol (strip of land on the edge, that surrounds) a vineyard - Beis Shammai say it should be 16 Amos; Beis Hillel say 12 Amos.
åàé æå äéà ÷øçú äëøí ëøí ùçøá îàîöòå [ãó ìä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àí àéï ùí ùù òùøä àîä ìà éáéà æøò ìùí.
What is a 'patch of a vineyard'? A vineyard that has had its vines removed in the middle. If there aren't 16 Amos there, he shouldn't bring in another seed there.
äéå ùí ùù òùø' àîä ðåúðéï ìä òáåãúä åæåøò àú äîåúø.
If there are 16 Amos there, they give it work access and they may sow the rest of it.
åàé æäå îçåì äëøí áéï ëøí ìâãø. àí àéï ùí ùúéí òùøä àîä ìà éáéà æøò ìùí. äéå ùí ùúéí òùøä àîä ðåúðéï ìä òáåãú' åæåøò àú äîåúø.
What is a Mechol of a vineyard? It's the area between the vineyard and its fence. If there aren't 12 Amos there, he shouldn't bring in another seed there. If there are 12 Amos, they give the vineyard its work access and he may sow the rest of it (aside from the 4 Amos closest to the fence where people don't plant).
øáé éäåãä àåî' àéï æä àìà âãø äëøí åàé æäå îçåì äëøí áéï ùðé ëøîéí.
(R. Yehuda): That's merely called 'the vineyard fence'. So what is a Mechol (that requires a 12 Amah space)? The space between two vineyards.
åàé æäå âãø ùäåà âáåä òùøä èôçéí. åçøéõ ùäåà òîå÷ òùøä åøçá àøáòä:
It's considered a fence when it's 10 Tefachim tall. It's considered a trench when it's 10 Tefachim deep and 4 Tefachim wide.
âîøà àîø øáé éåçðï ÷øçú äëøí äåà ëøí ùçøá.
(Gemara) (R. Yochanan): A Karachas HaKerem seems to be the same as a Kerem She'charav (in Perek 5 Halachah 1 - Menachos 63). (What's the difference between them?)
÷øçú äëøí î÷øéçé' àåúå îàîöòå. ëøí ùçøá î÷øéçéï àåúå îëì öããéå.
In a Karachas HaKerem the middle is removed; in a Kerem She'Charav, even the sides of the vineyard are removed.
àî' øáé éåñé åäåà ùáà îîèò ëøí âãåì. àáì àí áà îîèò ëøí ÷èåï àéï æä ÷øçú [ãó éè òîåã à] äëøí.
(R. Yosi): When we say that a vineyard that's removed in the middle is like a Karachas HaKerem, it's specifically when the vineyard is large enough that on each side of it remains 2,2 and 1 vines (which is the minimum arrangement to be considered a vineyard), but if not, it is not considered a Karachas HaKerem.
åúðéðï àé æäå ÷øçú äëøí ëøí ùçøá îàîöòå åðùúééø áå ëãé ëøí. áéï îàøáò øåçåú áéï îùìù áéï îùúéí æå ëðâã æå.
Support (Baraisa): What is a Karachas HaKerem? A vineyard that is removed in the middle and there still remains a vineyard's amount on each side, whether on all four sides, three sides or one on each side.