PERMITTED GRAFTING (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 2a)
îùðä åáàéìï äàâñéï åä÷øåñèîìéï åäôøéùéí åäòæøãé' àéðï ëìàé' æä áæä
(Mishnah): (Concerning the prohibition of grafting two species of trees) Agasim (pear) with Krustamalin (a type of small pear) and Prishim (quince) with Ozradin (sorb apple) are not Kilayim with each other.
äúôåç åäçæøø åäôøñ÷éï åäù÷ãéï äùéæôéï åäøéîéï àó òì ôé ùãåîéï æä ìæä ëìàé' æä áæä:
Tapuach (apple) with Chizrar (wild apple), Afarsekim (peach) with Shekedim (almond) and Shezafin with Rimin are Kilayim even though they are similar to each other.
âîøà ôøéùéï àîø øáé éåðä àñôøìâéï. åìîä ð÷øà ùîï ôøéùéï ùàéï ìê îéï àéìï ôøéù ì÷ãøä àìà îéï æä áìáã.
(Gemara): Prishim - R. Yona said that they are Asparalgin. Why are they called Prishim? As there is no other fruit that is 'Perish' - set aside only for cooking as this. (It cannot be eaten raw.)
ùìîï áø ìåé àçåé ãæáãé áø ìåé áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé ëåìäåï æåâåú æåâåú. øá àîø ëåìäåï îéï àçã.
Shalman bar Levi, the brother of Zavdi bar Levi said from R. Yehoshua ben Levi - all of the Mishnah's examples are taught in pairs. Rav said that all of them are one type.
îúðé' ôìéâà òì øá ãúðé àó [ãó á òîåã á] äáëééí.
Question #1: There is a Baraisa unlike Rav, as it taught 'even Bechayim' (may be planted with all of these species. This shows that they are all considered one type).
äúéá ø' éåñé áé ø' áåï åäúðé àó äøåâééðé'
Question #2 (R. Yosi bei. R. Bun): Similarly, a Baraisa taught that even Rogyanim may be planted with them...?
áùå÷é ùì öéôåøéï äéå îøëéáéï ÷øåñèîìéï òì âáé àâñ. øàí úìîéã àçã àî' ìäï àñåøéí àúí äìëå å÷ööåí åáàå åùàìå áéáðä àîø ìäï îé ùôâò áëí îúìîéãé áéú ùîàé äåé
Answer (Tosefta): In the marketplaces of Tziporin, they would graft Krustamalin (a type of apple) with Agas (pear). One student saw them and told them that it is forbidden for them to graft them. They went and chopped them down. They later came and asked in Yavneh (whether this student was correct) and they were told that this student was a student of Beis Shammai (but that is not the Halacha).
ìà àî' àìà ÷øåñîéì òì âáé àâñ äà àâñ òì âáé çéæøø ìà.
He only taught that Krusmil with Agas is permitted, but Agas with Chizrar is prohibited.
áúçåí àøéç äéå îøëéáéï úôåç òì âáé çéæøø åáà úìîéã àçã àîø ìäï àñåøéï àúí äìëå å÷ööåí åáàå åùàìå áéáðä àîø ìäï éôä àîø äúìîéã.
Within the boundaries of Ariach, they would graft Tapuach with Chizrar. A student came and told them that it's forbidden. They went and chopped them down. They later came and asked in Yavneh and they were told that the student had instructed them well.
ìà àîø àìà äúôåç òì âáé çéæøø äà çéæøø òì âáé àâñ ìà
He only taught that Tapuach with Chizrar is prohibited, but Chizrar with Agas is permitted...? (This contradicts the previous statement.)
îä ãäåä òåáãà äåä òåáãà.
Rebuttal: The story happened to occur with Tapuach and Chizrar, but Agas with Chizrar is also prohibited.
úðé âåé ùäøëéá àâåæ òì âáé ôøñ÷ àò"ô ùàéï éùøàì øùàé ìòùåú ëï ðåèì îîðå ééçåø åäåìê åðåèò áî÷åí àçø
Tosefta: If a gentile grafted walnut onto peach, even though a Jew may not do this, he may then take a branch of it and replant it elsewhere.
îä ðô÷ îéðäåï (÷ãøéñ)[÷øãéä] ôøñ÷éä.
What type of fruit comes from such a grafting? Kardia Parsekia (a type of peach that calms the heart. This fruit, however, is now Kilayim with both peach and walnut.)
[ãó ã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äøëéá úøéã òì âáé ãøëåï àò"ô ùàéï éùø' øùàé ìòùåú ëï ðåèì äéîéðå æøò åäåìê åæåøò áî÷åí àçø.
If one grafted Tarid (beets) with Darkon, even though a Jew may not do so, he may take seeds from it and plant it elsewhere.
îä ðô÷ îéðäåï )ëåøáé ìáðåï([ëøåñáìðéï]
What type of fruit comes from such a grafting? Krusbalanin (wild beets).
æøâåï åìôú îä ðô÷ îéðäåï ôèø ôéèøà. ñéìéðåï ìåæåï åáåèîéï îä ðô÷ îáéðéäåï ôéñè÷éï. æéúéï (åøéîåï)[åøéîéï] îä ðô÷ îáéðéäåï ùéæôéï:
If one grafted Zargon with Lefes (turnip), they produce Petar Pitra. If one grafted Silinon Luzon and Botmin, they produce Pistakin. If one grafted olives and Rimin, they produce Shizafin.
APPEARANCE AND TASTE (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 2b)
îùðä äöðåï åäðôåñ åäçøãì åäìôñï åãìòú éåðéú òí äîöøéú åäøîåöà àó òì ôé ùãåîéï æä ìæä ëìàéí æä áæä:
(Mishnah): Tzenon (radish) with Nafus; Chardal (mustard) with Lafsan; Greek Dala'as with Mitzris and Remutza - even though they are similar, they are Kilayim.
âîøà à"ø éåðúï éù îäï ùäéìëå àçø äôøé åéù îäï ùäéìëå àçø äòìéï. äìôú åäöðåï äéìëå áäï àçø äôøé. äìôú åäðôåñ äéìëå áäï àçø äòìéï.
(Gemara) (R. Yonasan): For some of the cases (listed in our Perek), we follow the appearance of the fruit (to decide if there is an issue of Kilayim) and for others we follow the leaves. For Lefes with Tzenon, we follow the fruit; for Lefes with Nafus, we follow the leaves.
äúéáåï äøé öðåï åðôåñ äøé ôøé ãåîä åäòìéï ãåîéï åúéîø ëìàéí.
Question: Tzenon and Nafus - their fruits and their leaves are similar and the Mishnah nevertheless taught that they are Kilayim?
à"ø éåðä áæä äéìëå áäï àçø èòí äôøé:
Answer (R. Yona): We only follow the appearance of the fruit and leaves when their taste is similar; but since Tzenon and Nafus are very different in taste, they are not the same species and are Kilayim with each other.