KILAYIM IN ANIMALS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 6 Daf 2b)
îùðä äæàá åäëìá ëìá äëåôøé åäùåòì äòæéí åäöáàéí äéòéìéí åäøçìéí äñåñ åäôøã äôøã åäçîåø äçîåø åäòøåã àó òì ôé ùãåîéï æä ìæä ëìàéí æä áæä:
(Mishnah): A wolf and a dog; a Cofri dog and a fox; a goat and a deer; a gazelle and a ewe; a horse and a mule; a mule and a donkey; a donkey and a wild donkey - even though they look similar, they are Kilayim (and may not be bred together).
âîøà äà ëìá òí ëìá ëåôøéï àéðï ëìàéí. åãìà ëø' îàéø ãøáé îàéø àåî' ëìàéí àò"â ãø' îàéø àî' ëìá îéï áäîä îåãä áëìá ëåôøé ùäåà îéï çéä äà ëìá òí ëìá ëåôøé òì ãòúéä ãøáé îàéø ëìàéí.
(Gemara): The Mishnah implies that a dog with a Cofri dog is not Kilayim. This is unlike R. Meir, who says that they are Kilayim - even though R. Meir said that a dog is a Behemah (domesticated animal), he agrees that a Cofri dog is a Chayah (beast); but according to R. Meir, a dog with a Cofri dog is Kilayim.
òåó ìà úðéúä. [ãó ã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåçðï àééúéúä îï ãáø ãìéä úøðâåì òí äôéñéåðé. úøðâåì òí äèååñ àó òì ôé ùãåîéï æä [ãó â òîåã à] ìæä ëìàéí æä áæä.
(R. Yochanan): (Birds that appear similar but are Kilayim were not taught in the Mishnah.) I cited a Baraisa from a Sage called Bar Dalaya that there are birds that appear similar but are Kilayim - a rooster with a Pisyoni (a type of quail) and a rooster with a Tavas (peacock).
øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø îùðä ùìéîä ùðä ìðå øáé åëï çéä åòåó ëéåöà áäï.
(R. Shimon ben Lakish): Rebbi explicitly taught us this in a Mishnah (in Maseches Bava Kama) - 'And similarly (Kilayim applies to) beasts and birds (so the Baraisa of Bar Dalaya was not needed).
àîø øáé (éåçðï)[éåðä] öøëä ìäãà ãø' éåçðï úðéðï äëà çéä åôøùðúä úîï. úðéðï áäîä äëà åôøùðúä úîï. òåó úðéúä úîï àúà åôøùðúä äëà.
(R. Yona): R. Yochanan's Baraisa is needed. The Mishnah in Bava Kama mentioned Chiya (beasts) and our Mishnah gave examples. The Mishnah there mentioned animals and our Mishnah gave examples. The Mishnah there mentioned birds and Bar Dalaya gave examples.
àî' øáé éåñé åéàåú. áà ìäåãéòê ùäòåó àñå' áëìàéí.
Another explanation (R. Yosi): Bar Dalaya's Baraisa teaches that it is forbidden to mix breed such birds (whereas the Mishnah in Bava Kama was discussing pulling with two different animals).
øáé éøîéä àîø ëäðà ùàì ìøéù ì÷éù äîøáéò áçéåú äéí îäå.
Question (R. Yirmiyah): Kahana asked Reish Lakish - May one mix breed two sea creatures?
à"ì òåã äï ëúéá áäï ìîéðéäï.
Answer (Reish Lakish to Kahana): The pasuk (Bereishis 1:21) says 'Leminaihem' - 'according to their kind' (as it does about other creations, meaning that it should be prohibited).
[ãó ä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' àçà ìà àîø ëï àìà äåä à"ø àçà áùí øéù ì÷éù ëì ùëúåá áå ìîéðéäå ëìàéí ðåäâ áå.
(R. Acha): That's wasn't the discussion between Kahana and Reish Lakish - rather, Reish Lakish said that any creation about which the pasuk uses the word 'Leminahu', there is a prohibition of Kilayim.
äúéá ëäðà äøé çééú äéí äøé ëúéá áäï ìîéðéäï îòúä ëìàéí [ðåäâ] áäï.
Question (Kahana): Sea creatures have the word 'Leminaihem' written about them, but do they have a prohibition of Kilayim?
à"ø éåñé áé øáé áåï äëà ôøñ ëäðà îöåãúéä òì øéù ì÷éù åöãééä.
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Kahana spread his net over Reish Lakish and caught him.
àîø øáé éåðä éëåì àðà ôúø ìä îùåí îðäéâ îééúé çåè å÷èø áàåãðéä ãìëéñà åáàåãðéä ãéøé÷à åàéðåï ùééôéï ãéï òí ãéï åîæøòéï:
(R. Yona): I can answer that the prohibition is to pull with them (not breed them). How is this possible? If he ties a string to the ear of the Kisa fish and the ear of the Yerika fish, when they swim along the river, the plow is pulled along and the land is sown.