
WHICH PEROS WE BRING (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 2b)

îúðé' àéï îáéàéï áéëåøéí çåõ îùáòú äîéðéí åìà îï äúîøéí ùáäøéí åìà îï äôéøåú ùáòî÷éí åìà îæéúé ùîï ùàéðï îï äîåáçø.


(Mishnah): We do not bring Bikurim outside of the seven species [for which Eretz Yisrael was praised], and not from date in the mountains, and not from Peros in the valley, and not from oil olives (this will be explained) that are not choice.

àéï îáéàéï áéëåøéí ÷åãí ìòöøú. àðùé äø öáéòéí äáéàå áéëåøéäï ÷åãí ìòöøú åìà ÷éáìå îäï îôðé äëúåá ùáúåøä [ùîåú ëâ èæ] åçâ ä÷öéø áëåøé îòùéê àùø úæøò áùãä:


We do not bring Bikurim before Shavu'os. People of Har Tzevu'im brought their Bikurim before Shavu'os, and they did not accept from them, because it says in the Torah "v'Chag ha'Katzir Bikurei Ma'asecha Asher Tizra ba'Sadeh."

âî' àéï îáéàéí áéëåøéí ëå'.


(Gemara - Mishnah): We do not bring Bikurim...

àéìå ëúéá [ãáøéí ëå á] åì÷çú øàùéú ëì ôøé äàãîä äééúé àåîø ëì äãáøéí éäå çééáéí ááëåøéí ú"ì îøàùéú åìà ëì øàùéú.


Had it written 'v'Lakachta Reishis Kol Pri ha'Adamah', I would have said that all [Peros] are obligated in Bikurim. The Torah says "me'Reishis", and not all Reishis.

àí îøàùéú åìà ëì øàùéú àéï ìê àìà çéèéí åùòåøéí áìáã úìîåã ìåîø (ôøé àãîúê) [ö"ì ëì ôøé äàãîä - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] øéáä.


If [we expound] "me'Reishis", and not all Reishis, I would know only wheat and barley! It says "Kol Pri ha'Adamah" (to include the other five species).

åøéáä àú äëì.


Suggestion: We should say that it included everything!

ðàîø ëàï àøöê åðàîø (ëàï) [ö"ì ìäìï - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] [ùí ç ç] àøõ çéèä åùòåøä îä àøõ ùðàîø ìäìï áùáòú äîéðéí äëúåá îãáø àó àøõ ùðàîø ëàï áùáòú äîéðéí äëúåá îãáø.


Rejection: It says here Artzecha, and it says there "Eretz Chitah u'Se'orah..." Just like Eretz there discusses the seven species, also Eretz here discusses the seven species.

æéú ùîï æä àâåøé


Zeisei Shemen - this is Aguri [olives. SEDEI YEHOSHUA - it has oil in it; other olives, we make oil from them.]

øáé àîé áùí øáé éåçðï æä àååøéñé åìîä ð÷øà ùîå àéâåøé ùäåà àåâø ùîðå ìúåëå.


(R. Ami citing R. Yochanan): This is Avarisi. Why is it called Aguri? It is Oger (stores) the oil inside it.

åëì äæúéí îàáãéï ùîðï.


Question: Do all [other] olives lose their oil?!

à"ø çðéðà ëì äæúéí äâùîéí éåøãéï òìéäï åäï ôåìèéï àú ùîðï åæä äâùîéí éåøãéï òìéå åäåà àåâø àú ùîðå ìúåëå.


Answer (R. Chanina): All [other] olives, rain falls on them and they emit their oil. This one, rain falls on it and it stores its oil inside.

[ãó ã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åãáù àìå äúîøéí


"Devash" refers to dates.

éëåì ãáù îîù


Suggestion: Perhaps it is literally [bee's - MAHARA FULDA] honey!

øáé úðçåîà áùí øáé éöç÷ á"ø ìòæø ëúéá [ãáøé äéîéí á ìà ä] åëôøåõ äãáø äøáå áðé éùøàì øàùéú ãâï úéøåù åéöäø åãáù. åãáù çééá áîòùøåú. àìà àìå äúîøéí ùäï çééáéï áîòùøåú.


Rejection (R. Tanchuma citing R. Yitzchak bar R. Lazar): "Uch'Parutz ha'Davar Hirbu Vnei Reishis Dagan Tirosh v'Yitzhar u'Devash" - is [bee's] honey obligated in Ma'aseros?! Rather, it is dates, which are obligated in Ma'aseros.

ø' áøëéä áùí øáé ùîåàì áø ðçîï åìîä ëúéá àøõ àøõ ùðé ôòîéí ìäåãéòê ùàéï äáéú òåîã àìà òì ùðé ãáøéí äììå.


(R. Berachiyah citing R. Shmuel bar Nachman): Why is it written "Eretz [Chitah...] Eretz [Zeisei Shemen]" twice? This teaches that the house stands (is primarily sustained) on these two matters (wheat and olive oil - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO).

åìîä ðëììå


Question: Why were [the other five species] included with these? (Eretz Yisrael has all Peros!)

øáé éäåãä á"ø åøáé ùîåàì áø ðçîï çã àîø ìáøëä åçøðà àîø ìùéòåøéï.


Answers: R. Yehudah bar Rebbi and R. Shmuel bar Nachman [argue about this]. One of them said for Brachah (we say after them Berachah me'Ein Shalosh), and one said for Shi'urim (each of the Peros is the Shi'ur for a Mitzvah).

îàï ãîø ìáøëä ðéçà îàï ãîø ìùéòåøéï åäà úðéðï áäøú ëâøéñ ìéú äåà îéîï. ëòãùä îï äùøõ ìéú äåà îéîï.


Question: This is fine for the one who said for Brachah. However, the one who said for Shi'urim - a Mishnah teaches that a Baheres k'Gris (the size of a bean, makes one a Metzora. A bean) is not among [the seven species in the verse]! K'Adashah (the volume of a lentil) of a Sheretz [is Metamei. A lentil] is not among them!

[ãó â òîåã à] ôùéèà äãà îéìúà äôøéù áéëåøéí çåõ îùáòú äîéðéí ìà ÷ãùå. îä ôìéâéï áúîøéí ùáäøéí åáôéøåú ùáòî÷éí


Clearly, if one separated Bikurim other than the seven species, they did not become Kadosh. What do [the coming Amora'im] argue about? Dates in the mountains, and Peros in the valley;

øáé æòéøà øáé éñà áùí øáé ìòæø ìà ÷ãùå. øáé àéìà áùí ø' àîé àéúôìâåï øáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù øáé éåçðï àîø ìà ÷ãùå øùá"ì àîø ÷ãùå.


R. Zeira citing R. Yosah citing R. Lazar says, they did not become Kadosh. R. Ila citing R. Ami says that R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this. R. Yochanan says, they did not become Kadosh, and Reish Lakish says that they became Kadosh.

à"ø éåðä èòîà ãøùá"ì ùëï àí òáø åúøí îï äøò òì äéôä úøåîúå úøåîä.


(R. Yonah): Reish Lakish's reason is, if one transgressed and was Torem from bad on good, it is Terumah.

àîø øáé éåñé ùîòðï ôéøåú äøòéí çééáéï áîòùøåú ùîòðï ôéøåú äøòéí çééáéï ááéëåøéï.


Objection (R. Yosi): We heard that bad Peros are obligated in Ma'aseros. Did we hear that bad Peros are obligated in Bikurim?!

[ãó ã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îúðé' îñééò ìøáé éåñé àéï îáéàéï îï äöéôåøðéï åìà îï äáéùðéï åàí äáéà ìà ÷éãùå.


Support (for R. Yosi - Beraisa): We do not bring from Tzipornin, and not from Baishanin. If he brought, they did not become Kadosh.

àîø øáé æòéøà åúðéé úîï úàðéí ñåëåú îðå÷áåú òðáéï îàåá÷åú åîòåùðåú àéï îáéàéï àáì îáéàéï îï äúàðéí áðåú ùáò åîï äòðáéí äìáìåðéåú.


(R. Ze'ira): And it was taught there (in that Beraisa) Sukos figs (a species that tastes bad - ARUCH) and grapes Me'uvakos (they put dust where the vine emerges from the ground) and Me'ushanos (they make smoke underneath them to kill or expel worms), we do not bring them, but we bring Bnos Sheva figs and grapes of Livlon (a particular place).

îï äîåáçø äï åúéîø àáì


Question: [Bnos Sheva figs and grapes of Livlon] are first-rate, and you say 'but [we bring]'?!

àîø øáé àáà îøé ùìà úàîø äåàéì åäï áñåó ìà éáéà.


Answer (R. Aba Mari): Do not say that since they are the last [to ripen], one may not bring them.

úðé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø àéï îáéàéï úîøéí àìà îéøéçå åàéï ÷åøéï àìà òì äëåúáåú.


(Beraisa - R. Shimon ben Gamliel): We bring dates only from Yericho (they are the choicest; it is called "Ir ha'Temarim" - Devarim 34:3), and we recite only on big dates;

øáé ùîòåï áï àìòæø àåîø øéîåðé òî÷éí îáéàéï å÷åøéï:


R. Shimon ben Elazar says, valley pomegranates, we bring and recite.