ME'ILAH 12 - Dedicated l'Zechut Refu'ah Shleimah for Elisheva Chaya bat Leah. Dedicated by Michael Steinberg, David Steinberg, and Ethan Steinberg.


ORLAH AND KIL'AI HA'KEREM OUTSIDE OF ERETZ YISRAEL (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 3 Halachah 7 Daf 20a)

îúðé' ñô÷ äòøìä áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø åáçåöä ìàøõ éåøã åìå÷ç åáìáã ùìà éøàðå ìå÷è.


(Mishnah): Safek Orlah in Eretz Yisrael is forbidden. In Surya (lands that David conquered and annexed to Yisrael) it is permitted. In Chutz la'Aretz, one may descend and buy [from a seller who picks from an orchard with Orlah and permitted trees], as long as he does not see him pick [Orlah. RAMBAM (Teshuvah 130) - there must be some Safek, even if it is miniscule.]

ëøí ùäåà ðèåò éø÷ åéø÷ ðîëø çåöä ìå áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø åáçåöä ìàøõ éåøã åìå÷è åáìáã ùìà éì÷åè áéã.


If Yerek is planted in a vineyard, and Yerek is sold outside - in Eretz Yisrael, it is forbidden [to buy them]. In Surya it is permitted. In Chutz la'Aretz, one may descend [and buy from a seller who] picks [Vadai Kilayim], as long as [the buyer] does not pick it himself.

äçãù àñåø îï äúåøä áëì î÷åí åäòøìä äìëä åäëìàéí îãáøé ñåôøéí:


Chadash is forbidden mid'Oraisa everywhere. [In Chutz la'Aretz,] a Halachah forbids Orlah, and Kilayim is forbidden mid'Rabanan.

âî' àéæå ñô÷ äòøìä


(Gemara) Question: What is Safek Orlah [that is permitted in Surya]?

ëøí ùì òøìä åòðáéí ðîëøåú çåöä ìå áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø.


Answer #1: There is a vineyard of Orlah, and grapes are sold outside it. In Eretz Yisrael it is forbidden, and in Surya it is permitted.

àîø øáé éåãï àó æä ñôé÷å àñåø áñåøéà


Rebuttal (R. Yudan): Even this Safek is forbidden in Surya!

àéæå ñô÷ äîåúø áñåøéà ëøí ùì òøìä åëøí àçø áöéãå åòðáéí ðîëøåú çåöä ìå áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø.


Answer #2 (R. Yudan): Which Safek is permitted in Surya? There is a vineyard of Orlah, and another vineyard next to it, and grapes are sold outside it. In Eretz Yisrael it is forbidden, and in Surya it is permitted. (We are lenient to assume that he took from the Heter vineyard.)

[ö"ì àéæå ñô÷ ëìàé äëøí äîåúø áñåøéà - äâø"à]


Question: Which Safek Kil'ai ha'Kerem is permitted in Surya?

[ö"ì ëøí ùì ëìàé äëøí åéø÷ ðîëø çåöä ìå áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø - äâø"à]


Answer #1: There is a vineyard of Kil'ai ha'Kerem, and Yerek is sold outside it. In Eretz Yisrael it is forbidden, and in Surya it is permitted.

àîø øáé éåãä àó æä àñåø áñåøéà


Rebuttal (R. Yudan): Even this is forbidden in Surya!

àéæå ñô÷ äîåúø áñåøéà ëøí ðèåò éø÷ åùãä éø÷ àçø áöéãå åéø÷ ðîëø çåöä ìå áàøõ éùøàì àñåø åáñåøéà îåúø


Answer #2 (R. Yudan): Which Safek is permitted in Surya? Yerek was planted in a vineyard, and a field of Yerek is next to it, and Yerek is sold outside it. In Eretz Yisrael it is forbidden, and in Surya it is permitted. (We explained this like GRA.)

åáçåõ ìàøõ éåøã åìå÷è åáìáã ùìà éì÷åè áéã.


(Mishnah): In Chutz la'Aretz, one may descend [and buy from a seller who] picks [Vadai Kilayim], as long as [the buyer] does not pick it himself.

àîø øáé éåãï òåã äéà (á÷ãîééúà) [ö"ì ë÷ãîéúà - ø"ù ñéøéìéå, äâø"à] éåøã åìå÷ç åáìáã ùìà éøàðå ìå÷è:


(R. Yudan): Also this (Kil'ayim) is like the Reisha (Orlah). One may descend and buy [from a seller who picks from an orchard with Isur and Heter], as long as he does not see him pick [Isur].

[ãó îà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äçãù àñåø îï äúåøä áëì î÷åí:


(Mishnah): Chadash is forbidden mid'Oraisa everywhere.

îúðéúà ãøáé ìéòæø


Our Mishnah is like R. Li'ezer;

ãúðéðï úîï ëì îöåä ùàéðä úìåéä áàøõ ðåäâú áàøõ åáçåöä ìàøõ åëì [îöåä] ùäéà úìåéä áàøõ àéðä ðåäâú àìà áàøõ çåõ îï äòøìä åîï äëìàéí.


Any Mitzvah that is not dependent on land applies in Eretz Yisrael and in Chutz la'Aretz, and any Mitzvah that is dependent on the land applies only in Eretz Yisrael, except for Orlah and Kilayim;

øáé ìéòæø àåîø àó äçãù.


R. Li'ezer says, even Chadash [applies even in Chutz la'Aretz, even though it is dependent on the land].

îä èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø


Question: What is the reason of R. Li'ezer?

[åé÷øà ëâ éã] áëì îåùáåúéëí áëì î÷åí áéï áàøõ áéï áçåöä ìàøõ.


Answer: "B'Chol Moshvoseichem" - everywhere, both in Eretz Yisrael and in Chutz la'Aretz.

îä î÷ééîéï øáðéï èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø


Question: What to Rabanan learn from R. Eliezer's [verse]?

áëì îåùáåúéëí áçãù ùëï éöà áçåõ.


Answer: "B'Chol Moshvoseichem" - Chadash here (in Eretz Yisrael) that went outside [to Chutz la'Aretz, it is forbidden there].

øáé éåðä áòé ÷åîé øáé éåñé åìîä ìà úðéðï àó äçìä òîäï.


Question (R. Yonah, to R. Yosi): Why was Chalah not taught with [the exceptions]?

àîø ìéä ìà àúéðï îúðé' àìà ãáø ùäåà ðåäâ áéùøàì åáâåéí. åçìä àéðä ðåäâú àìà áéùøàì ãëúéá [áîãáø èå ë] øàùéú òøéñåúéëí åìà ùì âåéí:


Answer (R. Yosi): Our Mishnah teaches only something that applies with Yisrael and Nochrim (Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem apply to what Nochrim grow). Chalah applies only to Yisrael - "Reishis Arisoseichem", and not of Nochrim.

åäòøìä äìëä.


(Mishnah): A Halachah forbids Orlah [in Chutz la'Aretz].

ùîåàì àîø ëäìëåú äîãéðä.


Answer #1 (Shmuel): It is Hilchos (ways) of the land. (Yisre'elim adopted the practice, and it became obligatory.)

øáé éåçðï àîø äìëä ìîùä îñéðé.


Answer #2 (R. Yochanan): It is a Halachah that Moshe received on Sinai.

øáé éñà áòé ÷åîé øáé éåçðï äìëä ìîùä îñéðé åàú àîø äëéï.


Question (R. Yosa, to R. Yochanan): It is a Halachah from Moshe from Sinai, and you say so (our Mishnah permits a Safek? We must be stringent about a Safek tradition from Sinai, for it is mid'Oraisa!)

àîø áùòä ùðéúðä äìëä ëê ðéúðä.


Answer (R. Yochanan): When the Halachah was said, so it was given (to be lenient about a Safek).

àîø àéìå ìà ñì÷éú ìàøõ éùøàì àìà ìùîåò ãáø æä ãé:


R. Yosa: Had I ascended to Eretz Yisrael only to hear this, it would suffice!