TOSFOS DH Bishlama Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon... (cont.)
úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï ãëúéá åùîå àöì äîæáç (äîùê)
àìà ÷áòé îðìï ãäéä ÷áéòåú î÷åí ìãùðå [ùì] îðåøä àöì îæáç ÷ãîä
Conclusion: Rather, it asks what is the source that there is a fixed place for the ashes of the Menorah by the Mizbe'ach, in the east.
ìëê ðøàä ìôøù ãäëà ðîé áòé (á÷áéòåú î÷åí ãîùîò îúåê äîùðä ã÷áéòåú î÷åí ãîæáç äôðéîé äåà àöì) [ö"ì î÷áéòåú î÷åí ããéùåï ãîæáç äôðéîé àí äåà àöì äîæáç - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷ãîä áî÷åí ùùí ãéùåï îæáç äçéöåï
Explanation #4: Rather, it seems that also here we ask from the fixed place for the ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach, if it is by the [outer] Mizbe'ach to the east, in the place of the ashes of the outer Mizbe'ach;
îã÷àîø ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé àéï îåòìéï îùîò äà (ìîæáç äçéöåï áî÷åí) [ö"ì ùì îæáç äçéöåï áàåúå î÷åí òöîå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ù÷áåò ãéùåï ôðéîé îåòìéï
Since it says that ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah does not apply, this connotes that of the outer Mizbe'ach, in the same place fixed for ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah applies;
åàí ëï ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé äåà àöì äîæáç ÷ãîä ùàí äé' çåõ (ìæîðä) [ö"ì ìîçðä - öàï ÷ãùéí] àîàé îåòìéï ùí (àôéìå áîæáç) [ö"ì áãéùåï îæáç - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äçéöåï
If so, Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach is [placed] by the [outer] Mizbe'ach to the east, for if they were out of the Machaneh, why does Me'ilah apply there to ashes of the outer Mizbe'ach?
åäà àîøéðï ìòéì ãîåòìéï áä òã ùúöà ìáéú äãùï àìîà ãëé éöàú ìáéú äãùï ìéú áä îòéìä
We said above (9a) that Me'ilah applies to it until it goes out to Beis ha'Deshen. This shows that once it went out to Beis ha'Deshen, there is no Me'ilah!
àìà åãàé ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé äé' àöì îæáç ÷ãîä ñîåê ìúøåîú äãùï ùì îæáç äçéöåï (åáëàï âøñ) [ö"ì åëãàîø ìòéì ùìùä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áéú äãùðéí äéä ùí
Conclusion: Rather, surely Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach was by the [outer] Mizbe'ach to the east, close to Terumas ha'Deshen of the outer Mizbe'ach, like it says above (Tosfos 8a DH Huchsheru said so) that there were three Batei Deshen there (i.e. if there were a different place for Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach, there would be four Batei Deshen).
åäùúà ðéçà ã÷àîø ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé àéï îåòìéï äà ùì îæáç äçéöåï áàåúå î÷åí îåòìéï ãàëúé ìà éöà ìáéú äãùï ùîçåõ ìîçðä
Support: Now it is fine that it says that Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah does not apply. This implies that Dishun of the outer Mizbe'ach in that place, Me'ilah applies, for it still did not go out to the Beis ha'Deshen outside the Machaneh;
åòìä ÷àîø áâî' áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï ðô÷à ìï ÷áéòåú î÷åí ìúøåîú äãùï ãëúéá åùîå àöì äîæáç àìà îæáç äôðéîé îðìï ùéù ÷áéòú î÷åí ìãéùåï
It says about this in the Gemara, granted, the outer Mizbe'ach, we learn a fixed place for Terumas ha'Deshen, for it says v'Sam'o Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach. However, the inner Mizbe'ach, what is the source that there is a fixed place for Deshen?
ãàîø ÷øà åäñéø îåøàúå áðåöúä åäùìéê àåúä àöì äîæáç ÷ãîä àí àéï òðéï ìîæáç äçéöåï ãäà ëúéá åùîå úðäå ìîæáç äôðéîé
[R. Elazar answers] "v'Hesir [Es] Mur'aso b'Notzasah v'Hishlich Osah Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach Kedmah" - since it is not needed to teach about the (ashes of the) outer Mizbe'ach, for it already says v'Sam'o, use it to teach about the inner Mizbe'ach.
TOSFOS DH v'Eima Idi v'Idi l'Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon v'Likvo'a Lo Makom
úåñôåú ã"ä åàéîà àéãé åàéãé ìîæáç äçéöåï åì÷áåò ìå î÷åí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is free to teach about ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach.)
ôé' ì÷áåò î÷åí ìîåøàä åðåöä (ùéù ìå ùúäà) [ö"ì ùéùìéçðä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áî÷åí úøåîú äãùï ùì îæáç [ö"ì äçéöåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
Explanation #1: It is to fix a place for the crop and feathers, that he casts it in place of Terumas ha'Deshen of the outer Mizbe'ach.
å÷ùä ãîùîò ã÷àé ì÷áåò î÷åí àúøåîú äãùï ùì îæáç äçéöåï (âåôééäå) [ö"ì âåôä - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
Question #1: It connotes that it refers to fixing a place for Terumas ha'Deshen of the outer Mizbe'ach itself!
åòåã ÷ùéà îàé îùðé à''ë ìéîà ÷øà àöì äîæáç ä''ì ìîéîø àí ëï ìà ìëúåá àì î÷åí äãùï àìà åäùìéê àåúä àöì äîæáç ÷ãîä åúå ìà
Question #2: What was the answer 'if so, the Torah should have said "Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach"?' It should have said 'if so, [the Torah] should not write "El Mekom ha'Deshen", rather, "v'Hishlich Osah Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach Kedmah", and no more!'
àìà ä''ô åàéîà àéãé åàéãé ìãéùåï äîæáç äçéöåï åì÷áåò ìå î÷åí ìãéùåï ùäéà ÷ãîä
Explanation #2: Rather, it means as follows. Both of these are for Dishun of the outer Mizbe'ach, and to fix a place for Dishun, that it be to the east;
ãáàéãê ÷øà ãåùîå ìà ëúéá ÷ãîä åìà äåä éãòðà áîæøç àå áîòøá
In the other verse v'Sam'o, it is not written "Kedmah", and we would not know if it is to the east or west.
åîùðé à''ë ìéîà ÷øà àöì (àöì) ëìåîø ìîä ìé ãëúéá àì î÷åí äãùï ìà ìëúåá àìà àöì äîæáç ÷ãîä åäééúé ìîã áâ''ù àöì àöì ããéùåï îæáç äçéöåï áî÷åí ùæåø÷éï áå äîåøàä åäðåöä
Explanation #2 (cont.): It answers "if so, the verse should say Etzel." I.e. Why does it say "El Mekom ha'Deshen"? It should write only Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach Kedmah, and I would learn through a Gezeirah Shavah Etzel-Etzel that Dishun of the outer Mizbe'ach is in the place that they cast the crop and feathers;
Note: We cannot make a Gezeirah Shavah without a tradition! Chidushei Basra - this is why Shitah Mekubetzes (1) corrects the text of the Gemara to bring this Gezeirah Shavah. Ikvei Aharon - "Gezeirah Shavah" is not precise.
îàé î÷åí äãùï ãàôéìå îæáç äôðéîé ëìåîø ùâí ÷áéòåú î÷åí ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé äéä ùí àöì îæáç äçéöåï
Why does it say "Mekom ha'Deshen"? Even the inner Mizbe'ach, i.e. also the fixed place for Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach was there by the outer Mizbe'ach.
TOSFOS DH Menorah Minalan
úåñôåú ã"ä îðåøä îðìï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question and the answer.)
ããéùåðä äéä ùí àöì äîæáç
Explanation: [What is the source that] its ashes were put by the Mizbe'ach?
ãùï äãùï
Citation: "Deshen-ha'Deshen."
ëìåîø áâ''ù ãùï ãùï ðô÷à ìï îîæáç
Explanation: We learn from a Gezeirah Shavah Deshen-Deshen from the Mizbe'ach. (Shitah Mekubetzes - Deshen is not written regarding the Menorah! Rather, we expound the Hei. The Torah wrote ha'Deshen, in place of Deshen, to include the Menorah.)
TOSFOS DH Bishlama l'R. Shimon
úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà ìø''ù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we mentioned a Lav.)
ìëï îåòìéï áúåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï ëã÷úðé èòîà áô' äùåçè (æáçéí ãó ÷éá:) âáé àåúå åàú áðå åîçåñø æîï äøé äåà áìà úòùä àí ùçè áçåõ
Explanation: Therefore Me'ilah applies to turtledoves before their time, like he teaches the reason in Zevachim (112b) regarding Oso v'Es Beno and Mechusar Zman. There is a Lav if he slaughters it outside;
åëéåï ãàí ùçèä áçåõ òåáø áìà úòùä à''ë çùéáé ìòðéï ùîåòì áäí
And since there is a Lav if he slaughters it outside, if so it is important, that Me'ilah applies to them.
àìà ìøáðï [ö"ì ðäé] ãàîøé ãìéëà ìàå àí ùçè áçåõ î''ù îîçåñø æîï ãîåòìéï áå ÷åãí ùéâéò æîðå
However, Rabanan, granted, they say that there is no Lav if he slaughters it outside - why is this (Turim before their time) different than Mechusar Zman [of animals? There,] Me'ilah applies before the time comes!
îòé÷øà äåä îöé ìîéîø áùìîà ìø''ù îéãé ãäåé àîçåñø æîï áìàå äàé èòîà ãàéú áäå ìà úòùä
Implied question: Initially it could have said granted, according to R. Shimon, this is like we find regarding Mechusar Zman, without the reason that there is a Lav!
àìà áòé ìîéîø èòîà ãàúé ùôéø àôéìå áîñ÷ðà ãîñé÷ îéãé ãäåä àáòì îåí åîçì÷ áéï îçåñø æîï ìòåôåú
Answer: [The Gemara] wanted to give a reason that is proper even in the conclusion, that we conclude "like we find regarding a Ba'al Mum" (since it can be redeemed, it has Kedushah, and Me'ilah applies to it) and distinguish between Mechusar Zman (of animals, which can be redeemed) and birds (which have no Pidyon. To explain why Me'ilah applies to young Turim, we must say that there is a Lav for Shechutei Chutz.)
åëä''â ôéøùúé áô''÷ ãùáú (ãó ä:) âáé áùìîà áï òæàé îäìê ëòåîã ãîé
Support: I explained like this in Shabbos (5b) regarding "granted, Ben Azai holds that one who walks is like one who stops."
TOSFOS DH Aval Gabei Ofos Kivan d'Ein ha'Mum Posel b'Ofos Ein l'Of Pidyon
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì âáé òåôåú ëéåï ãàéï äîåí ôåñì áòåôåú àéï ìòåó ôãéåï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is not precise.)
ìàå ãå÷à îùåí ãàéï ôåñì ãäà àôéìå îçåñø àáø ùôåñì áòåôåú ìéú áéä ôãéåï ëãîùîò áîñ' îðçåú (ãó ÷:) ùàéï ôãéåï àìà ìáäîä
Observation: "Because [a Mum] does not disqualify" is not precise, for even missing a limb, which disqualifies birds, does not have Pidyon, like it connotes in Menachos (100b), that Pidyon is not for animals.
TOSFOS DH v'Chi Kedushah she'Bahen l'Heichan Halchah
úåñôåú ã"ä åëé ÷ãåùä ùáäï ìäéëï äìëä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what was Rav Chisda's question.)
ëìåîø ÷ãåùä ùäéä ìäí ÷åãí ùîúå ùäéä áäí îòéìä îï äúåøä
Explanation: The Kedushah that they had before they died, that Me'ilah applied mid'Oraisa [where did it go]?
àîø òåìà åúé÷ùé ìê îúðé' úåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï åáðé éåðä ùòáø æîðï ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï åîééøé àó áùä÷ãéùï ÷åãí ùòáø æîðï
Ula said, [if you ask this,] our Mishnah is difficult for you! One may not benefit from Torim that are too young or doves that are too old. Me'ilah does not apply to them. It discusses even when he was Makdish [the doves] before their time passed!
åàîàé ìéîà ÷ãåùä ùáä ìäéëï äìëä ùäéä áäï ÷ãåùä áéåðéí ÷åãí ùòáø æîðå (ìîòéìä) [ö"ì ìîòåì] áäå
Why [is there no Me'ilah after their time]? Say "where did the Kedushah go that was in the doves before their time passed, for Me'ilah to apply to them?!"
åä''ä ãäåä îöé ôøéê îçîù çèàåú äîúåú
Observation: Likewise, he could have asked from five Chata'os ha'Mesos.
àîø ìéä îåãéðà ìê ãàéëà îòéìä ãøáðï
Citation (Rav Chisda): I agree that [Kodshim that died] have Me'ilah mid'Rabanan.
øá çñãà äãø áéä î÷åùééúå åäëé ÷àîø îåãéðà ìê ãååãàé ìéëà îòéìä àìà îãøáðï (ëîå - äøù"ù îåç÷å) á÷ãùéí ùîúå
Explanation #1: Rav Chisda retracted from his question. He said as follows. I agree that the Me'ilah is only mid'Rabanan in Kodshim that died;
åäà ãäåä (÷äãø) ÷ùä ìé åëé ÷ãåùä ùáäï ìäéëï äìëä ìàå ÷åùéà äéà ãäà âáé éåðéí àôéìå îòéìä îãøáðï ìéëà
What was difficult to me "where did the Kedushah go?" is not difficult, for regarding doves [past their time], there is not even Me'ilah mid'Rabanan;
å÷ùéà ìé îé àéëà îéãé (îëàï îòîåã á) ëìåîø åî''î ÷ùéà ìé âáé îúðéúéï ãúåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï ãîùîò ìéä ìëé ùéâéò æîðï îåòìéï áäí
It is difficult to me, do we ever find... I.e. in any case our Mishnah is difficult to me - Torim whose time did not come. It connotes that when their time comes, Me'ilah applies to them;
åîé àéëà îéãé ãîòé÷øà ìéú áäå îòéìä ÷åãí ùéâéò æîðå åìëùéâéò æîðå àéú áäå îòéìä
Do we ever find something that initially has no Me'ilah before their time comes, and when their time comes, there is Me'ilah?!
å÷ùéà ìôéøåù æä çãà ãîàé îééúé øàéä áñîåê îãí ãëé éöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï îåòìéï áå åäìà ìà äåé îòéìä áãí àìà îãøáðï åâáé úåøéí ìëùéâéò æîðå îåòì áäí îä''ú
Question #1: This Perush is difficult. Firstly, what is the proof below from blood, that from when it went out to Nachal Kidron, Me'ilah applies to it? The Me'ilah is only mid'Rabanan, and Torim when their time comes, Me'ilah is mid'Oraisa!
åòåã ÷ùéà ãîùîò ùáà ìéùá ÷åùéúå ãìòéì åìà îùîò ã÷àé àääéà ãúåøéï ãàééúé ìéä òìä
Question #2: It connotes that [Rav Chisda] comes to resolve his question above. It does not connote that he refers to the case of Turim that we bring about it!
ìëê ðøàä ãäëé ôéøåùå îåãéðà ìê ãàéëà îòéìä îãøáðï ëìåîø ìà ëîå ùàúä ñåáø îúåê (÷åùéúå) [ö"ì ÷åùééúé - äøù"ù] ãàéëà îòéìä îä''ú îåãéðà ìê ãàéëà îòéìä îãøáðï ãå÷à åìà îä''ú
Explanation #2: [Rav Chisda] means as follows. I agree that there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan. I.e. it is not like you think, based on my question, that there is Me'ilah mid'Oraisa in them. I agree to you that there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan, and not mid'Oraisa;
å÷ùéà ìé îé àéëà îéãé ëå' ëìåîø îéäå äééúé (î÷ùéðï) [ö"ì î÷ùä - äøù"ù] ëê åäéä ÷ùéà ìé òì ãáøéê îé àéëà îéãé ëå'
It is difficult to me, do we ever find... I.e. however, I asked as follows. Your words were difficult to me. Do we ever find...
îùåí (ã÷àîø ôñé÷úà) [ö"ì ã÷à ôñ÷ú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åàîøú ãëì ÷ãùéí ùîúå éöàå îéãé îòéìä ãáø úåøä àáì îãøáðï àéú áäå îòéìä [ö"ì îùîò - öàï ÷ãùéí] àôéìå á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí
It is because you said uniformly that all Kodshim that died, mid'Oraisa Me'ilah was uprooted, but mid'Rabanan there is Me'ilah. This implies even for Kodshim Kalim;
åàîàé äà ìéú áäå îòéìä á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ÷åãí ùîúå åìáñåó ìàçø ùîúå àéëà îòéìä îãøáðï
What is the reason? Kodshim Kalim do not have Me'ilah before they died, and after they died, there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan?!
åäééðå äà ã÷àîø ìòéì åëé ÷ãåùä ùáäï ìäéëï äìëä ëìåîø (÷ãåùä ùáäí ùìà äéä áä) [ö"ì úåøú ÷ãåùä ÷ìä ùáäï ùìà äéä áäï - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] îòéìä ëìì ìäéëï äìëä ùúçåì òìéä ÷ãåùä çîåøä
This is what he said above, where did their Kedushah go? I.e. the law of light Kedushah in them, that there was not Me'ilah in them at all, where did it go, that severe Kedushah takes effect on them?!
åäùúà ðéçà ãîééúé ùôéø îãí ãàéëà îòéìä ìáñåó îãøáðï ãäåà äãéï âáé ÷ãùéí ùîúå (ùäéä) [ö"ì ùúäéä - äøù"ù] áäí îòéìä îãøáðï åàò''â ãîòé÷øà ìéëà áäï îòéìä ëìì
Support: Now it is fine that he properly brings from blood, that there is Me'ilah at the end mid'Rabanan, that the same applies to Kodshim that died. There will be Me'ilah mid'Rabanan, even though initially they did not have Me'ilah at all;
åäãø ãçé äúí àéëà îòéìä áî÷éæ ãí àôéìå îä''ú åàí ëï äåéà ãëé ðîé ðùçèä éù áäï îòéìä îãøáðï
He returns to reject - there, there is Me'ilah when he lets blood even mid'Oraisa. If so, also when it was slaughtered, there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan.
TOSFOS DH ha'Makiz Dam bi'Behemas Kodshim Asur u'Mo'alin Bo
úåñôåú ã"ä äî÷éæ ãí ááäîú ÷ãùéí àñåø åîåòìéï áå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Drashah that exempts blood from Me'ilah.)
åà''ú äëúéá ìëôø åãøùéðï ìëôøä (ðúøáå) [ö"ì ðúúéå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åìà ìîòéìä
Question: It is written "Lechaper", and we expound (11a) 'I gave [blood] for Kaparah, and not for Me'ilah'!
é''ì ãä''î áãí ùçåèä (ääéà) [ö"ì ãäåéà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ìëôøä àáì ãí áäîä çéä ãìà çæé ìëôøä ìà
Answer: That refers to blood of a slaughtered animal, but blood of a live animal, which is not for Kaparah, no.
TOSFOS DH Mesiv Rav Hamnuna u'Veitzei Turim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä îúéá øá äîðåðà åáéöé úåøéí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why milk is unlike blood.)
å÷ñ''ã ããí ëîå çìá åîùðé ëé ÷àîø âáé ãí ãìà î÷ééîà áìà ãí åçùåá ëâåôä àáì çìá ãî÷ééîà ùôéø áìà çìá ìà äåé ëâåó äáäîä
Explanation: We are thinking that blood is like milk (for when a mother nurses, the menstrual blood turns into milk). [Rav Huna] answers that [Rav] said regarding blood, for [an animal] cannot live without blood, and it is considered like its body. However, milk, it can live properly without milk, it is not like the animal's body.
TOSFOS DH ha'Peresh veha'Zevel sheb'Chatzer
úåñôåú ã"ä äôøù åäæáì ùáçöø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they are of Kodshim.)
ôéøåù ùéöàå îï ä÷ãùéí
Explanation: [The excrement or dung (i.e. trampled excrement)] came from Kodshim.
TOSFOS DH v'Damav Yagi'u l'Lishkah Mesaye'a... Kadosh v'Eino Kadosh
úåñôåú ã"ä åãîéå éâéòå ììùëä îñééò ìéä ìø''à ãàîø ø''à ëì î÷åí ùàîøå çëîéí ÷ãåù åàéðå ÷ãåù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that the first law is an obligation on the Gizbarim.)
ëìåîø ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï ãîéå éôìå ìðãáä
Explanation #1: One may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply. Its money falls to Nedavah.
îùîò ùø''ì ùéùìí àåúå ùðäðä îîðå (àú) [ö"ì îä ùðäðä ãäééðå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ä÷øï
Inference: The one who benefited from it pays what he benefited, i.e. the principal.
åì''ð ãàí ëï îàé àéëà áéï ìà îåòìéï îãøáðï ìîåòìéï îãøáðï ãàôéìå ëé àéëà îòéìä îãøáðï ìà îùìí àìà ÷øï ëãôé' áîúðé'
Objection: If so, what is the difference between there is no Me'ilah mid'Rabanan, and Me'ilah mid'Rabanan? Even when there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan, he pays only principal, like I explained in our Mishnah! (Rashi said so, Sof 10b.)
åëì ìà îåòìéï ãîúðé' ø''ì ãìà îåòìéï àó îãøáðï
And every "Me'ilah does not apply" in our Mishnah means that there is no Me'ilah even mid'Rabanan!
àìà ä''ô åãîéå éôìå ìðãáä äâæáøéí çééáéí ìéèôì áôøù åáæáì ìîåëøï åìäâéò ãîéå ììùëä
Explanation #2: Rather, it means as follows. Its money falls to Nedavah - the Gizbarim are obligated to deal with the excrement or dung to sell them, and to get the money to the Lishkah;
åä''÷ ø''à ë''î ùàîøå çëîéí ÷ãåù åàéðå ÷ãåù ëîå çìá äîå÷ãùéï åëéåöà áå ùàéï éëåìéï ìéäðåú îäí îä éòùå îäí éôìå ãîéå ìðãáä
R. Elazar says as follows. Wherever Chachamim said that something is Kadosh and not Kadosh, like milk of Kodshim and similar matters that one may not benefit from them, what do we with them? Their money goes to Nedavah.
TOSFOS DH Chalav ha'Mukdashin u'Veitzei Turim Lo Nehenin v'Lo Mo'alin
úåñôåú ã"ä çìá äîå÷ãùéï åáéöé úåøéï ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why milk is forbidden, but Me'ilah does not apply.)
ôéøåù çìá ùì áäîä ð÷áä ùì ÷ãùéí åëï áéöéí ùì úåøéï ùì ä÷ãù ù÷ãåùúí ÷ãåùú îæáç ëãîôøù åàæéì
Explanation: [We discuss] milk of a female animal of Kodshim, and eggs of turtledoves of Hekdesh, that [the mother's] Kedushah is Kedushas Mizbe'ach, like it explains.
åà''ú äà úéðç ááéöé úåøéí ãìà îöéðå ùéäà ùåí àéñåø áäí àìà çìá äîå÷ãùéï äà àùëçï ãàñåø àó áôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï ãàîø (áëåøåú ãó èå.) úæáç [åìà âéæä] áùø åìà çìá åà''ë àîàé àéï îåòìéï
Question: This is fine for eggs of Turim, for we do not find any Isur in them. However, milk of Kodshim, we find that it is forbidden even in Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, for it says (Bechoros 15a) "Tizbach" (slaughter it), but not Gizah (shearing); "Basar", and not milk. If so, why is there no Me'ilah?
åé''î ãëé àñø øçîðà çìá ä''î ìòðéï ùàñåø ìçìåá ëé äéëé ããøùéðï (ùí) îúæáç åìà âéæä ãàñåø ìâæåæ àáì (äçìá òöîå ùøé) [ö"ì âéæä òöîå ùøé äåà äãéï çìá - öàï ÷ãùéí] îéãé ãäåä àâéæä ãùøéà
Answer #1: Some say that the Torah forbade milk, i.e. it is forbidden to milk, just like we expound "Tizbach", but not Gizah. It is forbidden to shear, but the Gizah itself is permitted. The same applies to milk, just like Gizah is permitted.
åì''ð ãååãàé à''à ìåîø ëï ãäà àîøé' áô' äùåçè (çåìéï ãó ìå.) äåàéì åàñéøé áâéæä åòáåãä ãîï ìéáòé ÷áåøä
Rebuttal: Surely one cannot say so, for we say in Chulin (36a) that since Gizah and working are forbidden with them, their blood must be buried;
åîàé ÷àîø åäà âéæä òöîä ùøéà àìîà îééúé øàéä îçìá ãàñåø àó ëé ðçìá ëáø
What does this mean (according to Answer #1)? Gizah itself is permitted! This shows that we bring a proof [to blood] from milk (about which we expounded from the same verse that taught about Gizah) that it is forbidden even if it was already milked!
åäà ãîééúé âéæä
Question: Why does it bring Gizah (in Chulin 36a, if the proof is from milk)?
ëîå åëå' äåà åùéèôú äù''ñ äåà ìàéúåéé áäå ìâéæä åòáåãä
Answer: It is as if it said "etc." (i.e. what we expounded at the end of the Drashah that taught about Gizah). The Gemara regularly brings Gizah and working [so it mentioned them in Chulin, even though the proof is only from milk].
åàéï ìúîåä î''ù çìá îâéæä ãâáé âéæä ãøùé' (áëåøåú ùí) ãàñåø ìâæåæ åâéæä ùøé åâáé çìá àó ëé ðçìá àñåø
Implied question: Why is milk unlike Gizah? Regarding Gizah we expound that one may not shear, but the Gizah is permitted. Regarding milk, even what was milked is forbidden!
åé''ì ãäëà åäëà áîùîòåúéä ã÷øà ãìîòåèé âéæä ëúéá úæáç ëìåîø àáì ìà úâåæ
Answer: Here and here the verse connotes like this. It is written "Tizbach" to exclude Gizah, i.e. but do not shear;
ìîòåèé çìá ëúéá åàëìú áùø ãîùîò àáì çìá ìà úàëì åùí áçåìéï (ãó ìå.) ôéøù ëï àìîà îùîò ãçìá òöîå àñåø
To exclude milk it is written "you will eat", which connotes but milk, do not eat. There in Chulin (36a) it explained so. This connotes that milk itself is forbidden.
åëï îùîò áäãéà ááëåøåú (ãó å:) ã÷àîø îãàñø øçîðà çìá ùì ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï äà çìá ãçåìéï ùøé
Support: It says so explicitly in Bechoros (6b). It says that since the Torah forbade milk of Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, this connotes that milk of Chulin is permitted.
à''ë [ö"ì äãøà ÷åùéà ìãåëúà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãçìá òöîå àñåø (å÷ùä ìï àîàé) [ö"ì åàîàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àéï îåòìéï
Summation of question: If so, the question returns. Milk itself is forbidden. Why does Me'ilah not apply?
åðøà' ìôøù ìîåøé ùé' ãðäé ãàñåø î''î ëéåï ãàéðå øàåé ìáà ìîæáç àéï îåòìéï ãìà äåå ÷ãùé ä'
Answer #2 (Tosfos' Rebbi): Granted, [milk] is forbidden. In any case, since it is not proper to come on the Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah does not apply, for it is not Kodshei Hash-m;
åâí àéï çéåú äáäîä úìåé áå ãìäåé çùåá ëâåó äáäîä
Also, the life of the animal does not depend on it, to say that it is considered like the body of the animal itself.
åøàéä îãàîø áø''ä (ãó ëç.) ùåôø ùì òåìä ìà éú÷ò åàí ú÷ò éöà ùåôø ùì ùìîéí ìà éú÷ò åàí ú÷ò ìà éöà
Proof: It says in Rosh Hashanah (28a) that a Shofar of an Olah, one may not blow in it. If he blew in it, he was Yotzei. A Shofar of a Shelamim, one may not blow in it. If he blew in it, he was not Yotzei;
å÷àîø äúí î''ù åîùðé âáé ùåôø ùì òåìä ëéåï ãîòì ðô÷é ìçåìéï àáì ùì ùìîéí ãìéëà îòéìä àéñåø äåà ãøëéá òìéä
It says there "what is the difference?", and answers regarding a Shofar of an Olah, since he was Mo'el, it becomes Chulin, but of a Shelamim, that there is no Me'ilah, there is an Isur on it;
àìîà ãáùåôø ùì ùìîéí àéëà àéñåøà åî''î ìéëà îòéìä áùìîéí îùåí ãìà äåå ÷ãùé ä'
Inference: A Shofar of a Shelamim, there is an Isur, and in any case there is no Me'ilah in a Shelamim, because it is not Kodshei Hash-m.
TOSFOS DH Hikdish Tarnegoles Mo'alin Bah uv'Beitzasah
úåñôåú ã"ä ä÷ãéù úøðâåìú îåòìéï áä åááéöúä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why there is Me'ilah.)
(ãäëà) [ö"ì ãäëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] øàåé ìéîëø åìäáéà äãîéí ìáã÷ äáéú
Explanation: Everything [the hen and its egg] is proper to be sold and bring the money to Bedek ha'Bayis.
TOSFOS DH Ela Gabei Mizbe'ach Ki Akdish Kedushas Damim Leis Behu Me'ilah
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà âáé îæáç ëé à÷ãéù ÷ãåùú ãîéí ìéú áäå îòéìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina.)
÷ñ''ã ãä''÷ áîúðé' áã''à á÷ãùé îæáç ùä÷ãéùå ìöåøê îæáç ìîåëøå åìé÷ç îäï öåøëé îæáç å÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ãäééðå ÷ãåùú ãîéí
Explanation: We are thinking that it means as follows. What does this discuss? It is Kodshei Mizbe'ach that he was Makdish for the need of the Mizbe'ach, to sell it and buy with [the money] needs of the Mizbe'ach, and Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis is Kedushas Damim.
TOSFOS DH ba'Meh Devarim... Kedushas ha'Guf l'Gabei Mizbe'ach
úåñôåú ã"ä áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí ùä÷ãéùå ÷ãåùú äâåó ìâáé îæáç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he intended only for what is proper for the Mizbe'ach.)
ôéøåù ìé÷øá ìâáé äîæáç åà''ë ìà äéä ãòúå ìä÷ãéù ãáø ùàéï øàåé ìîæáç ëîå çìá äîå÷ãùéï åáéöé úåøéï åìëê àéï îåòìéï
Explanation: [He gave it Kedushas ha'Guf for the Mizbe'ach,] i.e. to be offered on the Mizbe'ach. If so, he did not intend to be Makdish something not proper for the Mizbe'ach, like milk of Kodshim or eggs of Turim, therefore Me'ilah does not apply. (Me'il Aharon - Tosfos discusses milk and eggs that were already at the time of Hekdesh. Tana'im (13a) argue about Kedushah of what comes later (Giduleihem).)
TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Ra'uy l'Mizbe'ach v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äøàåé ìîæáç ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is proper for the Mizbe'ach and for Bedek ha'Bayis.)
ëãîôøù åàæéì ä÷ãéù áåø îìà îéí ãäîéí øàåéí ìáã÷ äáéú ìâáì áäï àú äèéè àáì àéï øàåéí ìîæáç ùäøé ä÷øá åäëøòéí ìà äéå øåçöéí àìà áàîú äîéí
Explanation: This is like [the Gemara] explains. He was Makdish a pit full of water, that the water is proper for Bedek ha'Bayis to knead mud, but it is not proper for the Mizbe'ach, for they washed the innards and legs only in the spring [that flowed through the Mikdash];
åâí ìà çæå ìðéñåê äîéí ãáòéðï áðéñåê äîéí ùéäéå îéí çééí ëîå ùùðéðå áôø÷ ìåìá åòøáä (ñåëä ãó îç.) ùäéä îîìà îîòééï áéú äùéìåç ëãðô÷à ìï äúí îãëúéá åùàáúí îéí áùùåï åâå'
Also, [the water] is not proper for Nisuch ha'Mayim, for Nisuch ha'Mayim requires flowing water, like we learned in Sukah (48a), that he filled [the Kli] from the spring of Beis ha'Shilu'ach, like we derive there from "u'Sh'avtem Mayim b'Sason..."
àùôä îìàä æáì
Citation: A waste heap full of manure.
àéï øàåé ìà ìîæáç åìà ìáã÷ äáéú
Comment: It is not proper for the Mizbe'ach, and not for Bedek ha'Bayis.
ùåáê îìà éåðéí
Citation: A dovecote full of doves.
äéåðéí øàåéí ìîæáç ìä÷øáä àáì äùåáê àéï øàåé ìáã÷ äáéú ãùåáê ùåä äøáä åàéï òå÷øéí àáðéå ìùåí ááã÷ äáéú ãàí ëï ôåçúéï ãîéå
Comment: The doves are proper for the Mizbe'ach, to offer them, but the dovecote is not proper for Bedek ha'Bayis, for a dovecote is worth much, and we do not uproot its stones to put in the structure of the Mikdash, for if so, this lowers its value;
åëï áàéìï åáôéøåú àéï äàéìï øàåé ìáã÷ äáéú ì÷åøåú ãàí ëï äéä ôåçú ãîéå åäôéøåú àéï øàåéï ìîæáç ëãëúéá (åé÷øà á) ëì ùàåø åëì ãáù ìà ú÷èéøå åãáù äééðå ëì îéðé îúé÷ä
Similarly, a tree and Peros, the tree is not proper for Bedek ha'Bayis for beams, for this would lower its value, and the Peros are not proper for the Mizbe'ach, like it says "Chol Se'or v'Chol Devash Lo Saktiru", and Devash is all kinds of sweet [Peros];
àê àí äåà æéú àå âôï øàåéí ìîæáç æéú ìùîï ìîðçåú åâôï ìééï ìðñëéí åàéï øàåéí ìáã÷ äáéú ëãôøéùéú:
However, if it was an olive [tree] or vine, it is proper for the Mizbe'ach - an olive tree for oil, and a vine for wine for Nesachim. They are not proper for Bedek ha'Bayis, like I explained.