[20a - 31 lines; 20b - 27 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashi 20a DH Keivan d'Shinah ã"ä ëéåï ãùéðä:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #4


1)[line 11]âæáø äîñåøåú ìåGIZBAR HA'MESUROS LO- the treasurer to whom they are entrusted

2)[line 13]ëéåï ãùðéäKEIVAN D'SHANYAH- once he changed it

3)[line 13]ùäðéçä òì ôé àøåáäSHE'HENICHAH AL PI ARUBAH- he placed it on top of an aperture/skylight in the roof

4)[line 16]äðàä äðøàú ìòéðéí àñøä úåøäHANA'AH HA'NIR'EIS LA'EINAYIM ASRAH TORAH- the Torah forbade a benefit which is apparent (see Insights to Me'ilah 20:3)

5)[line 21]îàé àéøéà [ã]øäéè åúðé ...?MAI IRYA [D']RAHIT V'TANI ...?- Why is he hastening to specifically teach ...?

6)[line 22]áéú ùì îòøäBAYIS SHEL ME'ARAH- a cave dwelling

7)[line 24]äà ôñé÷à ìéä, äà ìà ôñé÷à ìéäHA PESIKA LEI, HA LO PESIKA LEI- this statement does not have to be qualified, whereas this [other] statement has to be qualified


8)[line 29]ëáãKAVED- liver


9)[line 1]ëì îéìúà ãîéîìê òìä ùìéç úøúé îéìé äåééïKOL MILSA D'MIMLACH ALAH SHALI'ACH TARTEI MILEI HAVYAN

When a person sends a Shali'ach to accomplish a task for him, e.g. to purchase a specific item, it is possible that the Shali'ach might not be able to find the required item. In such a case, he returns to the Meshale'ach and reports that a similar item is available, and he asks the Meshale'ach if he should purchase the second item. The Tana'im argue as to whether or not the two items are considered the same type of item — by virtue of the fact that the Shali'ach needed to ask — with regard to the laws of Shali'ach she'Asah Shelichuso (see Background to Me'ilah 18:13).

10)[line 6]ðçîðéNACHMANI- Abaye; (a) Rabah bar Nachmani, who raised Abaye as an orphan, gave him the name Nachmani in memory of his own father (RASHI to Gitin 34b); (b) According to the Ga'onim, Abaye's real name was Nachmani, but Rabah bar Nachmani, who was his uncle, called him Abaye so as not to utter his father's name, out of respect for his father (Abaye is an altered form of "Avyi," the Aramaic word for "my father") (ARUCH, Erech Abaye, also cited by Gilyon ha'Shas to Gitin 34b)

11)[line 13]÷øáééíKIRBAYIM- intestines

12)[line 13]åàåëìéäï ìàå áø àéðéùV'OCHLEIHEN LAV BAR INISH- those people who eat them are not respectable people

13a)[line 15]áùøà ãçéåúàBISRA D'CHEIVSA- animal meat

b)[line 16]áùøà ãöéôøàBISRA D'TZIPORA- meat of fowl

14)[line 18]éåí ä÷æäYOM HAKAZAH- the day upon which one's blood is letting

15)[line 20]ãîñåëø åàëì öéôøà, ôøç ìéáéä ëöéôøàD'MESOCHAR V'ACHAL TZIPORA, PARACH LIBEI K'TZIPORA- one who blood-lets and then eats fowl becomes faint as if his soul is flying away from him like a bird

16)[line 21]àéï î÷éæéï ãí ìà òì äãâéíEIN MEKIZIN DAM LO AL HA'DAGIM- one may not let blood if he has only fish to eat afterwards

17)[line 23]áùø îìéçBESAR MELI'ACH- meat that has sat in salt for two days