[21a - 41 lines; 21b - 35 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 21b [line 11]:

The words "Shaveh Shnei Dinarin" ùåä ùðé ãéðøéï

should be "Shaveh Shnei Shnei Dinarin" ùåä ùðé ùðé ãéðøéï (Tosfos DH Kegon)

[2] Gemara [line 14]:

Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #4; this is the Girsa of Rashi in his Lishna Kama ìéùðà ÷îà. The Lishna Acharina ìéùðà àçøéðà of Rashi is the Girsa printed in our Gemara. There is no Halachic difference between the two.

[3] Rashi 21b DH v'Hevi b'Sheloshah ã"ä åäáéà áùìùä:

The words "b'Sheloshah Dinrei Chesef" áùìùä ãéðøé ëñó

should be "b'Sheloshah Sil'ei Chesef" áùìùä ñìòé ëñó (RASHASH; this is also the way it appears in Tosfos DH Kegon ëâåï; see below, entry #8)

[4] Rashi DH Amri Hacha Kegon ã"ä àîøé äëà ëâåï:

The words "b'Sheloshah Dinerei Chesef" áùìùä ãéðøé ëñó

should be "b'Sheloshah Sil'ei Chesef" áùìùä ñìòé ëñó (as in the previous Girsa entry)

[5] Rashi DH deka'Tani u'Modeh ã"ä ã÷úðé åîåãä:

The words "Havis Maisis ... d'Havu Mozlei" äåéú îééúéú ... ãäåå îåæìé

should be "v'Havis Maisis ... Havu Mozlei" åäåéú îééúéú ... äåå îåæìé


1)[line 3]äãìåñ÷îàHA'DELUSKEMA- (a) (O.F. tasche) a sack (RASHI); (b) a chest (RAMBAM Peirush ha'Mishnayos); (c) a basket (PEIRUSH KADMON)

2)[line 4]ùàîø áòä''á "ìà äéä áìáé àìà îæä, åäáéà îæä"SHE'AMAR BA'AL HA'BAYIS, "LO HAYAH B'LIBI ELA MI'ZEH, V'HEVI MI'ZEH"- if the Ba'al ha'Bayis asks a Shali'ach to bring him an object "from the windowsill" and the Shali'ach brought him an object from the windowsill, but the Ba'al ha'Bayis protested, saying, (a) "I meant the other object on the windowsill" (PERUSH KADMON #1 of Rav Sofer); (b) "I meant the object on the other windowsill" (TOSFOS DH Amar Lo; RASHI to Kidushin 50a); (c) "I meant the object in the box, and not the object on the windowsill" (RAMBAM Hilchos Me'ilah 7:1)

3)[line 17]îòèï ùì æéúéíMA'ATAN SHEL ZEISIM- a large basket or vat in which olives are collected before being pressed

4a)[line 18]îùéæéòå æéòú äîòèïMISHE'YAZI'U ZEI'AS HA'MA'ATAN- from when they exude the [intended] secretion produced by lying in the vat

b)[line 19]æéòú ä÷åôäZEI'AS HA'KUPAH- the [unwanted] secretion originating in the basket where the olives are placed when they are picked

5)[line 20]ðúðå ò''â ä÷åóNESANO AL GABEI HA'KOF - when one put it (his Eruv) on top of a monkey (ERUVEI TECHUMIN)

See Background to Me'ilah 17:16.

6)[line 20]ä÷åóHA'KOF- a monkey

7)[line 20]äåìéëåHOLICHO- he brought it [to the desired location of the Eruv]

8)[line 21]äôéìHA'PIL- an elephant

9)[line 28]ðøåúNEROS- the clay (or metal) utensils that hold the wick and oil

10)[last line]ãéðø æäáDINAR ZAHAV- a golden Dinar; the equivalent of 24 Dinerin (or 6 Sela'im) of silver (sometimes the Dinar Zahav is described as being worth 25 Dinerin of silver; see SHITAH MEKUBETZES #27, TOSFOS Kesuvos 99a DH Nasan Lo)

11)[last line]çìå÷CHALUK- undershirt or shirt


12a)[line 5]ëåøà ãàøòàKORA D'AR'A- a parcel of land in which a Kor (30 Se'ah) of grain is normally planted

b)[line 6]ìéúëàLISCHA- a parcel of land in which a Lesech (1/2 Kor, or 15 Se'ah) of grain is normally planted

13)[line 12]÷èðéúKITNIS- legumes

14)[line 14]àúøà ãæáðé áùåîàASRA D'ZABNEI B'SHUMA- with a place where items are sold by rough estimate

15)[line 15]éäá ñìò îåæìé ìéä èôéYAHAV SELA, MOZIL LEI TEFEI- if he gives an entire Sela, they give him a better deal

16a)[line 16]ãåëúà ãîæáðé áëðé ëðéDUCHTA D'MEZAVNEI B'CHANEI KANEI- [we are dealing] with a place where they sell by volume (with an exact measure)

b)[line 16]ëðà ëðà áôøåèäKANA KANA B'FERUTAH- each Kana (a small measure) costs a Perutah

17)[line 17]ôñé÷ îéìúééäåPASIK MILSAIHU- their price is fixed

18)[line 18]ùåìçðéSHULCHANI- a moneychanger

19a)[line 18]öøåøéïTZERURIN- bound together in a bundle

b)[line 19]îåúøéïMUTARIN- loose

20)[line 25]ùäåöéà àú äøàùåðä îòì ãáøé ø''òHOTZI ES HA'RISHONAH MA'AL, DIVREI REBBI AKIVA- that is, the person is Chayav a Korban Asham Taluy for his Safek Me'ilah. Rebbi Akiva is following the opinion he expresses in Kerisus 22a, that an Asham Taluy is brought for Safek Me'ilah. The Rabanan disagree, in accordance with their opinion that no Korban is brought for a Safek Me'ilah (TOSFOS DH Perutah).

21)[line 31]ìà éôèåø ëéñ æä îï ää÷ãùLO YIFTOR KIS ZEH MIN HA'HEKDESH- this money-bag will not be emptied before one of the coins it contains will become Hekdesh"

22)[line 32]ëéñéï àùååøéí øîà ìéäKISIN A'SHEVARIN RAMA LEI- [Reish Lakish did not ask Rebbi Yochanan that the beginning of our Mishnah contradicts its ending. Rather, he asked Rebbi Yochanan that] our Mishnah, which discusses money-bags, seems to contradict another Mishnah which discusses bulls that were sanctified.