[73a - lines; 73b - 49 lines]

1)[line 3]קהל גרים לא איקרי קהלKEHAL GERIM LO IKRI KAHAL- converts are not called [and are not included within] the congregation [of HaSh-m; the congregation of HaSh-m refers to the main body of the Jewish people]

2)[line 17]רגמוהו כולי עלמא באתרוגייהוRAGMUHU KULEI ALMA B'ESROGAIHU- the entire group of people [who were gathered there] stoned him with their Esrogs

3)[line 20]במחוזאMECHOZA- Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

4)[line 28]כל דפריש מרובא פריש / וכל קבוע כמחצה על מחצה דמיKOL D'PARISH, ME'RUBA PARISH / V'KOL KAVU'A, K'MECHETZAH AL MECHETZAH DAMI (ROV V'KAVU'A)

(a)KOL D'PARISH, ME'RUBA PARISH - When there is a doubt as to the source of a certain item, i.e. from where it comes or to which group it belongs, the Torah informs us that we may resolve the doubt according to certain set rules. One of these rules is "Haloch Achar ha'Rov" (assume that an item comes from the largest group). For instance, if a piece of meat is found lying on the street (or in the hands of a Nochri in the street), and most of the meat in the town is Kosher, it can be safely assumed that the meat is Kosher. The source for Haloch Achar ha'Rov is the verse, "Acharei Rabim l'Hatos" (Shemos 23:2, Chulin 11a).

(b)KOL KAVU'A, K'MECHETZAH AL MECHETZAH DAMI - If, however, the nature of the item is in doubt while it is still "in its place," or Kavu'a (i.e. it was not separated from the other items of its kind), we do not follow the Rov. Instead, we remain in doubt as to the status of the item. For instance, if a person buys meat and then forgets whether he bought it at a Kosher or non-Kosher store, we cannot assume that the meat is Kosher just because most of the stores in the town are Kosher, since we are questioning its status while it is still in its proper place (i.e. the store) before it was separated from the other pieces of meat in the store.

5)[line 35]מעלה עשו ביוחסיןMA'ALAH ASU B'YUCHASIN- Chazal were particularly stringent with regard to the marriage of Kohanim

6)[line 37]דמחמת רעבוןMACHMAS RE'AVON- because of hunger [a woman discarded her Kosher child]


7)[line 1]משלטי הדמיהMESHALTEI HADAMEI- his limbs have been guided and straightened

8)[line 2]שייף משחא ומלא כוחלאSHAYIF MISHCHA U'MALEI KOCHALA- he has been smeared with oil and [his eyes] filled with Kechol, a blue or tinted powder used for painting the eyelids

9)[line 2]רמי חומריRAMI CHUMREI- an amulet of beads is found upon the child

10)[line 3]תלי פיתקא ותלי קמיעאTALI PISKA V'SALI KEMI'A- an amulet (with an inscription on parchment) is hanging from him, or an amulet (containing herbs) is hanging from him

11)[line 4]תלי בדיקליTALI B'DIKLEI- if he was suspended from a palm-tree

12)[line 6]זרדתא סמיכא למתאZARDESA SEMICHA L'MASA- [if the infant was found suspended from a] Zardesa tree (O.F. sorbier, or sorb tree) close to the town (in which many Shedim live; -RASHI)

13)[line 10]פירא דסופליPEIRA D'SUFLEI- [if the infant was found in a] ditch were date-pits are stored (as food for animals)

14)[line 11]חריפתא דנהראCHARIFTA D'NAHARA- [if the infant was found in a floating trough placed in the] water-way of the river (i.e. the middle of the river, where boats travel)

15)[line 12]פשריPESHAREI- the banks of a river (where melting snow flows into the river)

16)[line 12]צידי רשות הרביםTZIDEI RESHUS HA'RABIM- an area at the side of Reshus ha'Rabim that is used by the public only when Reshus ha'Rabim is congested

17)[line 26]חיהCHAYAH- a midwife

18)[line 26]פוטרת חברותיהPOTERES CHAVROSEHA - lit. a woman who exempts her friends (NIDAH)

(a)By Torah law, a woman who sees blood becomes a Nidah for seven days and is Tamei with Tum'as Nidah.

(b)Chazal declared a woman Teme'ah if she found certain colored stains on her undergarments or bedsheets.

(c)If three women slept in the same bed at the same time, and a single stain was found beneath them, they are all Tamei mi'Safek. If, however, one woman says that she checked herself and found herself to be Tamei (see next entry), she is believed to say that she is the one from whom the stain came, and her friends are Tahor.

19)[line 37]כשיעור ווסתK'SHI'UR VESES- immediately (after the Kesem was found on the bed; this amount of time is defined by the Gemara in Nidah 14b)

20)[line 39]שלא קרא עליה שם ערערSHE'LO KARA ALEHA SHEM IR'ER- when no rumor has been circulated about the legitimacy of the lineage of one the babies