KESUVOS 62 (10 Elul) - This Daf has been dedicated in memory of Sheina Basha (daughter of Yakov and Dora) Zuckerman, who passed away on 10 Elul, by her children and sons in law.

[62a - 52 lines; 62b - 52 lines]

1)[line 2]"לכל דבר המחלקות... חדש בחדש""L'CHOL DEVAR HA'MACHLEKOS... CHODESH B'CHODESH"- "[And the people of Yisrael according to their number, the heads of fathers' houses, and captains of thousands and hundreds, and their officers who served the king] in all matters concerning the divisions that came and went, month after month throughout the year, [each division numbering twenty-four thousand.]" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 27:1)

2)[line 5]"[וישלחם לבנונה עשרת אלפים בחדש חליפות] חדש יהיו בלבנון ושני חדשים בביתו [ואדנירם על המס]""... CHODESH YIHEYU BA'LEVANON U'SHNEI CHODASHIM B'VEISO, [VA'ADONIRAM AL HA'MAS]" - "[And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand each month;] one month they would spend in Lebanon and two month at home; [and Adoniram was in charge of the tax.]" (Melachim I 5:28) (CONSTRUCTION OF THE BEIS HA'MIKDAHS IN SHIFTS)

(a)When Chiram, King of Tyre, heard that Shlomo succeeded his father David to the throne, he sent a delegation to renew the pact that he had made with David. It was following that pact that he accepted Shlomo's request to cut cedars from the forests of Lebanon for use in the construction of the Beis ha'Mikdash, as the men of Sidon were superb lumberjacks (Sidon and Tyre were considered one nation). To assist them in their work, Shlomo ha'Melech sent 30,000 men to Lebanon, in the manner described by the verse.

(b)To get to Yerushalayim, Chirom's men tied a number of logs together to form rafts, and sent them southward via the sea until they reached a spot close to Yerushalayim, at which point they pulled them from the water, dismantled the rafts, and carried the logs individually to Yerushalayim.

3)[line 9]הרווחהHARVACHAH- income; profit

4)[line 9]אמר רב אנחה שוברתAMAR RAV, ANACHAH SHOVERES...- the connection between this and the previous discussion in the Gemara is that in both of them, Rav and Rebbi Yochanan argue, and Rebbi Yochanan doubles the amount that Rav states (RASHI). The two arguments might have a logical connection as well. Because Rebbi Yochanan considers a sigh to be twice as painful as Rav considers it to be, he insists that the husband should be at home with his wife twice as long as Rav says. The HAGAHOS YA'AVETZ adds that the Gemara is interested in proving that a sigh makes Tashmish more difficult (which explains the expression "Shivron Masnayim" with relation to a sigh).

5)[line 9]אנחה שוברת חצי גופו של אדםANACHAH SHOVERES CHATZI GUFO SHEL ADAM- moaning breaks half of one's body

6)[line 10]"ואתה בן אדם האנח בשברון מתנים ובמרירות תאנח לעיניהם.] והיה כי יאמרו אליך על מה אתה נאנח ואמרת אל שמועה כי באה ונמס כל לב ורפו כל ידים וכהתה כל רוח וכל ברכים תלכנה מים [הנה באה ונהיתה נאם ה' אלקים]""... V'HAYAH KI YOMRU ELECHA, 'AL MAH ATAH NE'ENACH?' V'AMARTA, 'EL SHEMU'AH KI VA'AH,' V'NAMES KOL LEV V'RAFU KOL YADAYIM V'CHIHASAH KOL RU'ACH V'CHOL BIRKAYIM TELACHNAH MAYIM; [HINEH BA'AH V'NIHEYASAH NE'UM HASH-M ELOKIM.]"- "[And you, son of man, sigh as if your loins were broken, and sigh before them bitterly.] And it shall be when they will say to you, 'Why are you sighing,' that you shall answer, 'Because of the tidings that come.' All hearts will melt, all hands will become weak, all spirits will become faint and all knees will become weak as water. [Behold, it is imminent, and it will happen, says HaSh-m.]" (Yechezkel 21:11-12) - This verse is a prophecy of the destruction of the Beis ha'Mikdash at the hand of Nevuchadnetzar, which took place not long afterwards.

7)[line 16]דכי מתחלא ממתנים מתחלאD'CHI MASCHELA, MI'MASNAYIM MASCHELA- when it starts, it starts from the loins

8)[line 19]דתקיפא טובאD'TAKIFA TUVA- it is more severe

9)[line 21]לא אימצי עובד כוכבים לסגויי בהדי ישראלLO IMTZI OVED KOCHAVIM LI'SEGUYEI BAHADI YISRAEL- the Nochri was not able to keep up with the Jew

10)[line 23]נגידNAGID- he became weak (ARUCH)

11)[line 23]ואיתנחV'ISNACH- and he sighed

12)[line 26]הא דשנן בה לאH A DASHNAN BAH, LO- it is not said with regard to those [bad tidings] about which we are accustomed

13)[line 27]דמלפי תכלי לא בהתהD'MALFEI TACHLEI LO BAHASAH- a woman who is accustomed to bury her children is not as shaken by the loss

14)[line 28]בני פירקיBNEI PIRKEI- students who live locally

15)[line 29]"שוא לכם...""SHAV LACHEM..."- "It is vain for you who rise early, who sit up late [engaged in unnecessary work...]" (Tehilim 127:2)

16)[line 32]שמנדדות שינה מעיניהםSHE'MENADEDOS SHEINAH ME'EINEIHEM- who drive sleep away from their eyes

17)[line 35]דאכיל מדידיה ושתי מדידיהD'ACHIL MI'DIDEI V'SHASI MI'DIDEI- those whose wages exactly provide for all of their needs

18)[line 35]וגני בטולא דאפדניהV'GANI V'TULA D'APADNEI- they sleep in the shade of their homes (lit. mansions)

19)[line 36]ולא חליף פריסתקא דמלכא אבביהV'LO CHALIF PERISTEKA D'MALKA A'BAVEI- the tax collectors do not bother them (they do not come to their door)

20)[line 37]מפנקי דמערבאMEFANKEI D'MA'ARAVA- the indulgent of Eretz Yisrael

21)[line 38]בי באניBEI BANEI- in a bathhouse

22)[line 39]איפחית בי באניIFCHIS BEI BANEI MI'TUSEI- the [floor of the] bathhouse broke open underneath him

23)[line 40]איתרמי לי' עמודאISRAMI LEI AMUDA- he chanced upon [and caught hold of] a pillar

24)[line 40]סליק ואסקינהוSALIK V'SAKINHU- he climbed up and carried them (the servants) up with him

25)[line 41]קסליק בדרגאKASALIK B'DARGA- he was climbing up a ladder

26)[line 43]למה ליה למיסמכיהLAMAH LEI L'MISMECHEI?- Why do you need to be supported physically?

27)[last line]איכפל תנא לאשמועינן טייל ופועלICHPAL TANA L'ASHMU'INAN TAYAL U'FO'EL- Why did the Tana bother to teach a Halachah that applies only to a Tayal and a Po'el?


28)[line 2]מי שיש לו פת בסלוMI SHE'YESH LO PAS B'SALO- one who has bread in his basket (a euphemism)

29)[line 4]רוצה אשה בקב ותיפלות מעשרה קבין ופרישותROTZAH ISHAH B'KAV V'TIFLUS ME'ASARAH KABIN U'FERISHUS- a woman would rather have one Kav (minimal income) and frivolity than ten (abundant income) and chastity

30)[line 13]במחוזאB'MECHOZA- in Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

31)[line 14]מעלי יומא דכיפוריMA'ALEI YOMA D'CHIPUREI- Erev Yom ha'Kipurim

32)[line 14]משכתיה שמעתאMESHACHTEI SHEMA'ATA- he was drawn on by his studies, not paying attention to the time

33)[line 15]הוה מסכיא דביתהוHAVAH MESACHYA D'VIS'HU- his wife was watching anxiously

34)[line 15]השתא אתי השתא אתיHASHTA ASI! HASHTA ASI!- Now he is coming! Now he is coming!

35)[line 16]אחית דמעתא מעינהACHIS DIM'ASA ME'EINAH- a tear fell from her eye

36)[line 17]באיגראB'IGRA- on the roof

37)[line 24]בי שמשיBEI SHIMSHEI- Shabbos eve

38)[line 25]הוה קא חזי קמיה עמודא דנוראHAVAH KA CHAZI KAMEI AMUDA D'NURA- he (Rebbi Yanai) would see a pillar of fire preceding him (Yehudah brei d'Rebbi Chiya)

39)[line 26]כפו מטתוKEFU MITASO- turn over his bed (as a sign of mourning)

40)[line 27]הואי כשגגה שיוצא מלפני השליטHAVAI KI'SHEGAGAH SHE'YOTZEI MI'LIFNEI HA'SHALIT- [His words] were like "an error that proceeds from the ruler"; (Koheles 10:5). This verse is applied to unfortunate occurrences that follow their inadvertent mention.

41)[line 28]איעסק ליה לבריהI'ASAK LEI LI'VREI- he looked for a prospective bride for his son

42)[line 29]דרביתאD'REVISA- that young girl (the bride)

43)[line 30]משפטיה בן אביטלMI'SHEFATYA BEN AVITAL- Shefatya ben Avital, a son of David ha'Melech

44)[line 31]פסקו ליה תרתי סרי שניןPASKU LEI TARTEI SEREI SHENIN- the families decided that he would go to learn for twelve years before his marriage

45)[line 31]אחלפוה קמיהACHLEFUHA KAMEI- they passed her in front of him

46)[line 32]איכניס והדר איזילICHNIS V'HADAR EIZIL- first I will marry her and then I will go

47)[line 32]הוה קא מכסיף מאבוהHAVAH KA MACHSIF ME'AVUHA- he felt ashamed before his father

48)[line 33]דעת קונך יש בךDA'AS KONECHA YESH BECHA- you have the wisdom of your Creator

49)[line 35]איעקרא דביתהוI'AKRA DEVIS'HU- she became infertile

50)[line 35]ענייה זו לשוא שימרהANIYAH ZU LA'SHAV SHIMRA?- Did this poor woman wait for nothing?

51)[line 36]נינסיב איתתא אחריתיNINSIV ITESA ACHARISI- if we take for him another wife

52)[line 36]בעי עלה רחמי ואיתסיאתBA'I ALAH RACHAMEI V'ITSI'AS- he prayed for her and she was cured

53)[line 38]איעכב לי עד דאתי בהדךI'AKAV LI AD D'ASI BAHADACH- wait for me (until after my Sheva Berachos) and I will come with you

54)[line 38]לא איעכבא ליהL O I'AKVA LEI- Rebbi Chanina ben Chachinai did not wait until the end of the Sheva Berachos so that he could go together with Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai. (The Gemara relates this in order to show that Rebbi Chanina was so eager to get to Yeshiva that he could not even wait the short while he was bidden in order to have such an outstanding Chavrusa as Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai - SICHOS MUSAR of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, 5731:16, based on MAHARAM SHIF.)

55)[line 39]אישתנו שבילי דמתאISHTANU SHEVILEI D'MASA- the city streets had changed

56)[line 40]אגודא דנהראA'GUDA D'NAHARA- on the bank of the river

57)[line 42]מלי קולתךMALEI KULSICH- fill up you basket

58)[line 42]ותא ניזילV'SA NEIZIL- and let us go

59)[line 42]האי רביתא דידןHAI REVISA DIDAN- this girl is his (i.e. my) daughter

60)[line 43]קא נהלה קמחאKA NAHALA KIMCHA- she was sifting flour

61)[line 43]דל עינהDAL EINAH- she looked up

62)[line 43]סוי לבה פרח רוחהSAVI LIBAH, PARACH RUCHAH- she suddenly realized [that it was her husband] and her spirit left her (she died)

63)[line 44]בעא רחמי עלה וחייהBA'A RACHAMEI ALAH V'CHAYAH- he prayed for her and she came to life

64)[line 47]הוה קא משאיל ליה שמעתאHAVAH KA MASH'IL LEI SHEMA'ATA- he asked him about his studies

65)[line 47]חזא דקא מתחדדי שמעתיהCHAZA D'KA MISCHADEDEI SHEMA'ATEI- he (Rebbi Chama) saw that his Torah learning was very sharp

66)[line 48]על לביתיהAL L'VEISEI- he went to his home

67)[line 48]על בריהAL BEREI- his son came home

68)[line 48]קם קמיהKAM KAMEI- he stood up for him (the father for the son)

69)[line 50]רעיאRA'AYA- shepherd

70)[line 51]חזיתיה ברתיהCHAZITEI BERATEI- his daughter saw in him

71)[line 51]דהוה צניע ומעליD'HAVAH TZENI'A U'MA'ALEI- that he was modest and of exceptional character

72)[line 51]אזלת לבי רבAZLAS L'VEI RAV?- will you go to learn in a Yeshiva?

73)[line 52]ושדרתיהV'SHADARTEI- and she sent him

74)[line 52]אפקה מביתיהAFKAH MI'BEISEI- he threw her out of his house

75)[line 51]אדרה הנאה מנכסיהADRAH HANA'AH MI'NICHSEI- he vowed that she may not benefit from his possessions

76)[last line]שמעיה לההוא סבאSHAM'EI L'HAHU SABA- he heard an old man

77)[last line]דקאמר להD'KA'AMAR LAH- who said to her