(Yerushalmi Perek 5 Halachah 7 Daf 31b)
עד כדון בשני שטרות היה שטר אחד
Question: [Our Mishnah discusses one who bought it from the husband and from the wife] in two documents. If there was one document [what is the law]?
רבי זעירא ורבי אילא תריהון אמרין כ"ש מקחו בטל. והוא שלקח מן האיש וחזר ולקח מן האשה
Answer #1 (R. Ze'ira and R. Ila): All the more so it is Batel. This is when he bought it from the husband, and then from the wife.
. רבי חנניה ורבי ביבון תריהון אמרין כ"ש מקחו קיים והוא שלקח מן האשה וחזר ולקח מן האיש.
Answer #2 (R. Chananyah and R. Bivun): All the more so it is valid. This is when he bought it from the wife, and then from the husband. (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)
KORBAN HA'EDAH says that all the more so it is valid, for it is clear that he bought first from the wife. I do not understand this. Surely our Mishnah discusses two documents when it is known through the dates or witnesses which was first! Also, perhaps first the buyer bought from her husband alone, and now he wants a document from both of them! Also, if she was with her husband when they sold, there is more reason to say that she merely wanted to please him than when she sold alone!
ואין כל מה שיש לאשה משועבד לאיש. לאכילת פירות.
Question: (When he bought first from the husband, why is the sale Batel?) Is not everything the wife owns Meshubad to the husband to eat the Peros?! (All the more so, he owns Peros of land Meshubad for her Kesuvah. The sale should be valid for Peros!)
רבי חזקיה בשם רבי אחא וכיני
Answer (R. Chizkiyah citing R. Acha): Correct! (The sale should be valid for Peros. After her husband dies, she takes from the buyer.)
[דף לב עמוד א] מכר לראשון וחתמה לשני לשלישי וחתמה גובה מן האחרון. לא הספיק גובה משלפניו לא הספיק גובה משלפני פניו.
If he sold to the first buyer and she signed, and he sold [other land] to a second and third buyer and she signed [all the sales are Batel]. She collects her Kesuvah from the last. (The others can say, we left for her land to collect from.) If it is not enough, she collects from the one before him (the second). If it is not enough, she collects from the one before the one before him (the first).
עלה אמר רב בנכסים (שהכניסה לו) [צ"ל שבובה - ספר ניר] בכתובתה אבל נכסים שהכניסה לו פרה פרנון גובה מאי זה שתרצה.
About this, Rav said 'this refers to property that she collects for her Kesuvah (100 or 200; she is like a creditor), but property that she brought to him as Nichsei Tzon Barzel (the value was written in her Kesuvah), she collects from whichever she wants.' (If he sold Nichsei Melug, she takes back all of them. - ME'OR HA'SIMCHAH, SEFER NIR)
הן אומרים בידינו ליקח והלוקח אומר לאו. אמר ר' יוסי לעולם השדה בחזקת הבעלים שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה.
(Our Mishnah said that this is when the owner cannot buy back his land, but if he could buy, he comes before anyone else.) If the owner says 'I could have bought', and the one who bought [from the Sikrikon] says 'no', R. Yosi says, the field is in the Chazakah of the owner; ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah (the buyer must bring a proof in order to take it).
רב אמר אנא הוינא ממינייא ולאו שנייא היא הוא רביע קרקע הוא רביע מעות.
(Rav): I was in the vote [in Rebbi's Beis Din about this]. There is no difference if he pays a quarter [of the money he paid] in land, or in coins. (If he paid four, it was really worth five, so he returns the savings to the owner.)
א"ר יוסי בי רבי בון קרקע דינר אגרמא רביע מעות (סרימיסין) [צ"ל טריסיסין - פני משה]
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Land for a Dinar is sold for a quarter less; the coins are a third less than the value (so he returns a quarter of the land, or a third of the price. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)