REQUIREMENTS FOR DIYUMDIN (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 14a)
א''ר מנא אף על גב דלא א''ר (יוסה - פני מאיר מוחקו) דכי הדא מילתא אמרה דכוותה
(R. Mana): Even though [my father's] Rebbi (i.e. R. Zeira) did not say this matter (that neither agrees to the other), he said similar to it;
ר' (בון) [צ''ל בא - פני משה] ור' בון בעון קומי ר' זעירא כמה יהא דיומד ארוך ולא יהא צריך פשוט
Question (R. Ba and R. Bun, to R. Ze'ira): How much [distance must separate the Pas from the Deyumad], and it is better [to lengthen the Deyumad according to R. Meir, rather than add a plank? (Planks are a better Heker, unless the air on both sides is Mevatel them.)
א''ל פחות משלשה כסתום יותר מששה הופלג [דף טו עמוד א (עוז והדר)] אלא כן אנן קיימין מג' ועד ארבעה
Answer (R. Ze'ira): Less than three [Tefachim] it is as if it is sealed. (There is no concern for the air on both sides. All agree that planks are better.) More than six, [even the air on the small side] exceeds [the width of the plank. All agree that it is better to lengthen the Deyumad. R. Meir and R. Yehudah argue about only] between three and four.
אין תימר ר''מ יודה לר' יודה ויעשה כדיומד ארוך ולא יהא צריך פשוט
If you will say that R. Meir agrees with R. Yehudah, he should make a long Deyumad, and he will not need a Pashut! (We explained this like GILYON HA'SHAS.)
א''ר בא בר ממל לא נצרך ר''מ לפשוטים אלא בשיטת ר' יודה
(R. Aba bar Mamal): R. Meir requires [a Tikun, i.e. to lengthen the Diyumdin or add] Peshutim only according to R. Yehudah's opinion [that allows more than 10 Amos between the Pasim, up to 13 and a third Amos. (After the Tikun, the gap cannot exceed 10.)
א''ר יוסה [דף יד עמוד ב] ואפילו משיטתיה מ''מ אין העומד רבה על הפרוץ מכיון (שהעומד) [צ''ל שאיו העומד - קרבן העדה] רבה על הפרוץ צריך פשוט:
(R. Yosah): [He requires specifically Peshutim] even according to his own opinion [that allows a gap only up to 10 between the Diyumdin]. In any case, there is not Omed Merubah Al ha'Parutz. Since Omed is not Merubah Al ha'Parutz, he requires a Pashut. (If one lengthens the Diyumdin, people will think that they are proper Mechitzos, and permit through them even without a well. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)
היתה אבן אחת גדולה רואין שאם תיחלק ויש בה ששה לכאן וששה לכאן נידון משום דיומד
If there was a big rock, we view it if it would be divided, and there are six [Tefachim] in this direction and six in this direction, it is considered a Deyumad.
אית תניי תני שאם תיחקק
Some teach, if it would be carved out [one could make a Deyumad of the proper size, it is considered a Deyumad].
הוון בעיי מימר מאן דמר שאם תיחקק מודד מבפנים מאן דמר שאם תיחלק מודד מבחוץ
Assertion: The one who says "if it would be carved out'', he measures from the inside (e.g. for the northwest corner, there must be enough for six Tefachim on the north side after leaving some thickness for the west side, and six Tefachim on the west side after leaving some thickness for the north side), and the one who says "if it would be divided'', he measures from the outside. (He requires only six on each side.)
א''ר יוסה ולא עוד בקליפת השום החיצונה את עתיד להעמידה
Objection (R. Yosah): [Do we] not [consider as if it he carved out almost everything, and] he left only the thickness of a garlic peel?! (There is no minimal thickness of the Deyumad walls. It is absurd to say that they argue about such a miniscule amount, especially because a normal rock is not perfectly smooth, and cannot be measured with such precision!)
הווי לא שנייא בין כמאן דאמר שאם תיחלק בין כמאן דמר שאם תיחקק מודד מבפנים
[Rather,] there is no argument. Both the one who says "if it would be divided'', and the one who says "if it would be carved out'', one measures from the inside;
מאן דמר שאם תיחקק בעגולה ומאן דמר שאם תיחלק במרובעת.
The one who says "if it would be carved out'', he discusses a round rock (one must consider how big it would be after carving out the excess to make the proper shape). The one who says "if it would be divided'', he discusses a square rock (one measures it as it is).
תדע לך שהוא כן דכן תנייה מתיב לחבריה אין בין דברי לדבריך אלא שאתה אומר בעגולה ואני אומר במרובעת
Proof: You must say that it is so, for it was taught that one of them said to the other "there is no difference [in Halachah] between my words and your words, just you discuss a round rock, and I discuss a square.''
היה שם [דף טו עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] חריץ עמוק עשרה ורחב ארבעה ויש בו ששה לכאן וששה לכאן נידון משום דיומד
If there was a ditch 10 deep and four [Tefachim] wide, and there are six [Tefachim] in this direction and in this direction, it is considered a Deyumad.
Note: Since it is six in each direction, why do we say that it is four wide? "Ten deep and four wide'' implies that it contains a square four by four. To fulfill six in each direction, it suffices to add thin extensions of two Tefachim, e.g. one to the south and one to the east for the northwest corner. We do not require a square six by six. Had the Gemara said only that there are six in each direction, this would include two thin ditches that meet. OHR YAKOV explains that this does not help, for they are not significant, for one can easily walk over them. A Deyumad can be thin, for one cannot easily walk over it.
לא סוף דבר חריץ אלא אפי' גבשושית מקצתו חריץ ומקצתו גבשושית
Not only a ditch permits, rather, even a mound, or part was a ditch and part was a mound (e.g. they are next to each other; if the height of the mound plus the depth of the ditch is 10, it helps. PNEI MOSHE connotes that the mound and ditch are each 10, but neither is six in each direction, and they join to six. Perhaps the Gemara is Machshir both of these - PF.)
היו [דף טו עמוד א] חמשה קנים ואין בין זה לזה שלשה ויש בהן ששה לכאן וששה לכאן נידונין משום דיומד
If there were five sticks, there are less than three Tefachim between one and the next, and there are six [Tefachim] in this direction and six in this direction (e.g. the distance between them is three minus the thickness of the sticks), they are considered a Deyumad. (E.g. there is one in the northwest corner, two others in the north towards the east, and two others in the west towards the south.)
שלשה וקשר גמי מלמעלן מהו שיציל משום פיאה
Question: If there were three sticks, (e.g. one in the northwest corner, another six Tefachim to the east of it, and another six Tefachim to the south of the one in the corner), and he tied a reed above [from the corner stick to each of the two others], does it permit due to Pe'ah (Tzuras ha'Pesach)?
כלום פיאה מצלת עד שתהא מוכחת מכל צדדיה
Objection: (Surely it does not!) Pe'ah permits [when Parutz Merubah Al ha'Omed] only when it surrounds on all sides!
אלא בהין (דעגלין) [צ''ל דיוגלין - ספר ניר]
Answer: Rather, [he tied a reed above] also on the diagonal [between the two sticks not in the corner].
כסתום הוא
Answer #1: (Surely this permits!) It is as if it is sealed!
היך מה דאת אמר תמן רואין שאם תיחלק ויש בה ששה לכאן וששה לכאן נידונת משום דיומד ומר אוף הכא כן
Objection (and Answer #2): How can you say so? There, we view if it would be divided, and there are six here and six here. Will you say so even here?
תמן עד קליפת השום החיצונה את עתיד להעמידה והכא מה אית לך אם אומר את כן בטלתה הלכות פיאה
There, [we view as if it he carved out almost everything, and] he left only the thickness of a garlic peel on the outside. Here, what can you say? If you say so [it is as if the diagonal was removed], the law of Pe'ah is nullified (for it is not surrounded on all sides! We explained this like PNEI MEIR.)
הכותל והאילן ואישות קנים נידונין משום דיומד
A wall, tree or a Mechitzah of sticks (PNEI MOSHE), can be considered a Deyumad.
עלו מאיליהן מטלטלין בהן עד בית סאתים עשאן ביד מטלטלין בהן אפי' כור אפי' כוריים
If they came about by themselves [without intent for Diyumdin], one may carry within them up to Beis Sa'atayim (like a Karfef not surrounded for Dirah). If he explicitly made [or planted] them [for Diyumdin], one may carry within them even up to a Beis Kor or even two Kurim.